Meditation Is a Psychological Stressor and Should Not Be Recommended



Feb 13, 2020
It's not painfully obvious. There's countless studies, showing actual mechanisms and brain regions that change and how it leads to improved physiology.

Meanwhile you still can't tell me one mechanism/way as to how it induces psychosis
We can’t explain why we sleep, but I’m guessing you still do it lmao. Why do I need a mechanism to point out that it happens?


Jul 29, 2019
We can’t explain why we sleep, but I’m guessing you still do it lmao. Why do I need a mechanism to point out that it happens?
That's not the same

We have knowledge about how sleep works and why it's beneficial just like meditation. We can pinpoint changes in brain function from it and get an average how much humans need to prevent/reduce risk for diseases.

You can't tell me one way meditation induces psychosis. No physiological change to suggest how it causes psychosis yet you're so certain that you start a thread and recommend no meditation for everybody lol what a joke


Feb 13, 2020
That's not the same

We have knowledge about how sleep works and why it's beneficial just like meditation. We can pinpoint changes in brain function from it and get an average how much humans need to prevent/reduce risk for diseases.

You can't tell me one way meditation induces psychosis. No physiological change to suggest how it causes psychosis yet you're so certain that you start a thread and recommend no meditation for everybody lol what a joke
No. We don’t know why we need to sleep. There isn’t a clear case for why meditation is even helpful beyond the relaxation it induces in some people. Meditation is just your religion which is why you so fervently defend it. There is nothing special about the religion of meditation or the religions around it. There’s a reason why the cultures around meditation have stagnated for thousands of years or have just died out completely, but only now people like you are attempting to resurrect them. I even doubt that they would suggest meditation in the way people like you do now as they recognized the dangers and I’m assuming they kept the practice within the spiritual class and not with everyday people who could be harmed by it.


Jul 29, 2019
No. We don’t know why we need to sleep. There isn’t a clear case for why meditation is even helpful beyond the relaxation it induces in some people. Meditation is just your religion which is why you so fervently defend it. There is nothing special about the religion of meditation or the religions around it. There’s a reason why the cultures around meditation have stagnated for thousands of years or have just died out completely, but only now people like you are attempting to resurrect them. I even doubt that they would suggest meditation in the way people like you do now as they recognized the dangers and I’m assuming they kept the practice within the spiritual class and not with everyday people who could be harmed by it.
So many false claims

1) I don't have a religion.
2) I don't meditate consistently and never said it was "special"
3) What resurrection? It originated in the east and has stayed there consistently until the past 50 years or so.
4) I gave you real ways meditation changes the brain and body from neurotransmitters to the parasympathetic nervous system (vagus nerve) and I left some out of course. There's changes in brain regions like shrinking of the amygdala, increased blood flow to the anterior cingulate cortex. this leads to endocrinological changes like lowered cortisol levels, better thyroid function etc.

Studies show it useful for depression, anxiety, addiction, stress, increasing emotional intelligence (EQ), concentration, memory.

This in comparison to not telling me one way in how it induces psychosis. If this is not a clear case, then we still don't know if the earth's round

5) Did I say we figured out why we sleep? I said we are able to figure out why it's good for us with real proof. Try hard now and see the difference between those two statements
Apr 22, 2019
Matthew 6:6-8
[6] But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
[7] But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
[8] Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.


Jan 6, 2019
Meditation dogma will tell you that adverse reactions are a natural part of the process, but it is clear that this may actually be a stressor that can cause serious harm in some individuals.
A stressor that can cause harm -- that is what an adverse reaction generally is, yes? Aren't you trying to point to a dichotomy where none exists?
The only times I have heard of or know someone that developed psychosis, it was either from drugs or meditation. Just truly ask yourself if you can name anything else that can cause mental illness in people you know besides drug and meditation lolol. I'd bet good money that you can't.
Hypoglycemia? Sleep deprivation? Anxiety? Alcohol & caffeine? Heavy metal poisoning? Sexual abuse? Loss of a loved one? ICU? Psychos is a quite common aspect of the human experience. You may be deifying psychosis a little here.

Nearly everyone who does it faithfully enough reports that they have some negative effects
Is it possible to pursue anything faithfully and not experience some negative effects due to it?
Feb 15, 2018
I suspect there is a bell-shaped curve if one analyzes the positive effects of meditation. I am one of those people that becomes very agitated with sitting or laying meditation, and I have tried for decades. I find that sitting still listening to music does the same, but if I am floating or walking in a meditative trance, I'm much better off.
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