Masturbation Is Killing Me: Balding And Low Energy Throughout The Day


Nov 7, 2018
So, I guess you could say Ive been "experimenting" with sever ejaculation frequency (5-8 times a week) Since Nov 3rd. Yes, Im not kidding, Ive been doing it that much, IF NOT MORE, every week without fail since NOV 3rd 2019.

The health outcomes have been nothing short of disastrous: Ive had significant recession in my left temple, my body composition has changed, and my hair density has also reduced tremendously.

I would like to ask if there is any way to heal at this point. I have not relapsed in a while, and would appreciate any help. I think that my balding may have started from a prolactin cascade, but I cannot be sure.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Ouch ! The consensus on this topic will be mixed, for me personally.... I avoid ejaculation from masturbation at all costs


Mar 29, 2013
How old are you?

Ejaculating once a day in certain seasons (like winter for instance) isn’t unhealthy if you’re young and healthy and your diet is sensible. I don’t care what you’ve read. You’ve been lied to.

People want to get on the Brahmacharya / Semen Retention train because they saw some benefit and then read a bunch of people who didn’t know what they were talking about, those same people who read religious zealots who were all eating crappy vegetarian diets and had very different goals than a householder, tbh.

Obviously, try and not ejaculate more than than once a day. And in some parts of the year, when diet is naturally lighter and less fatty, such as summer, one should ejaculate less. Once or twice a week is fine, again, if you’re young and healthy.

But it’s equally important not to repress STRONG urges. That’s a recipe for disaster, energetically and especially mentally. It sounds like you might be going through some of that imbalance as I type this.

As far as rebalancing, daily red meat is vital if you’ve genuinely gone overboard. But it honestly does not sound like that’s your case.


Dec 17, 2018
So, I guess you could say Ive been "experimenting" with sever ejaculation frequency (5-8 times a week) Since Nov 3rd. Yes, Im not kidding, Ive been doing it that much, IF NOT MORE, every week without fail since NOV 3rd 2019.

The health outcomes have been nothing short of disastrous: Ive had significant recession in my left temple, my body composition has changed, and my hair density has also reduced tremendously.

I would like to ask if there is any way to heal at this point. I have not relapsed in a while, and would appreciate any help. I think that my balding may have started from a prolactin cascade, but I cannot be sure.

Vegetarian/Vegan diet leads to low zinc, protein deficiency without correct food to replete and eventually you get problems. Loss of hair density is protein deficiency and problems with protein synthesis (zinc deficiency) and worsened body composition is likely due to lowered testosterone (low zinc and general malnutrition).

This is why its the vegetarians and vegans who are the most obsessed with semen retention nonsense because they can barely maintain a normal state of health to begin with because their diet is inadequate.

It wasn't ejaculation that made you lose hair, its your vegetarian diet. If you want your hair density to come back, eat a lot of red meat, some dairy (few servings of dairy help add more zinc), oysters + liver to add extra minerals and it will grow back.


Mar 29, 2013
Vegetarian diet leads to low zinc, protein deficiency without correct food to replete and eventually you get problems. Loss of hair density is protein deficiency and problems with protein synthesis (zinc deficiency) and worsened body composition is likely due to lowered testosterone (low zinc and general malnutrition).

This is why its the vegetarians and vegans who are the most obsessed with semen retention nonsense because they can barely maintain a normal state of health to begin with because their diet is inadequate.

It wasn't ejaculation that made you lose hair, its your vegetarian diet. If you want your hair density to come back, eat a lot of red meat, some dairy (few servings of dairy help add more zinc), oysters + liver to add extra minerals and it will grow back.
I second this. I did not realize OP was vegetarian. As I mentioned, meat (especially red meat) is pretty vital to reversing the loss of nutrients lost from over-ejaculation. If you've been ejaculating every day and eating a vegetarian diet, especially a crappy one, that is 100% what is going on.


May 18, 2020
I think guilt is disastrous, as sexual desire and fantasy is natural and human, but if you've been manipulated by porn giants it is not your fault. There is always a way to heal, you need to experiment with raw meat, including raw oysters and shellfish, as well as fruit and honey. And to practice positive thinking in the meantime. Even fantasy can help.


Jul 9, 2020
The major problem with masturbation, or I should say the problem with "frequent reoccurring masturbation," is the lack of other far more constructive things you could be doing. Masturbation, as we all know, in the most positive of scenarios, really doesn't do anything to contribute to good health. And in the worst case scenarios, we know masturbation can actually effect our health negatively.

So in the end, you choose a leisure activity with no real upside (and quite possibly a downside) rather then doing something that does benefit our health, whether that's a physical benefit of psychological benefit. Attend social gatherings instead, go workout instead, go volunteer instead, etc. Do something constructive.

The nutritional side of things has been pointed out repeatedly I think, so no need to dive deep into that. You need more zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc if you've been habitually masturbating.


Nov 7, 2018
Thanks for all the input. I dont think Ill veer form the vegetarian diet as I had tremendous health benefits, and honestly cant stand the taste of red meat. I can have eggs and dairy though. Im sprouting, fermenting, etc., so I do get my B vitamins from there as well, and Im taking supplements (zinc, general multi, mucuna, ashwaghanda). I do consume honey as well.

On the topic of red meat, I know it may provide an initial surplu sof nutrients, but over time the iron ingestion has a negative effect on the body. Look up Danny Roddy's podcasts with Georgi Dinkov.


Mar 29, 2013
Thanks for all the input. I dont think Ill veer form the vegetarian diet as I had tremendous health benefits, and honestly cant stand the taste of red meat. I can have eggs and dairy though. Im sprouting, fermenting, etc., so I do get my B vitamins from there as well, and Im taking supplements (zinc, general multi, mucuna, ashwaghanda). I do consume honey as well.

On the topic of red meat, I know it may provide an initial surplu sof nutrients, but over time the iron ingestion has a negative effect on the body. Look up Danny Roddy's podcasts with Georgi Dinkov.

You can't be helped then. Vegetarian diets are not going to supply you with the nutrients you need to continue ejaculating at any reasonable frequency without consequence. Plain and simple. Supplemental zinc is not a substitute for red meat with consideration of the etheric loss, not to mention the other essential nutrients. Multivitamins are deeply imbalancing and oftentimes toxic. And if you're trying to dampen your urge to ejaculate and you're taking Mucuna...good luck with that! (Ashwaghanda is also potentially troublesome in this regard.)

You're like, "Hey guys, I'm doing everything wrong and it's killing me. Help!"

And we're like, "Stop doing everything wrong."

And you're like, "No, I'm definitely going to keep doing what I've been doing. I heard a podcast."


Aug 9, 2019
Used to fap 4-6 times a day on some of my binges, though it wasn't that much.
I definitely get an energy boost when I do Nofap, at some point I'll feel like I'm on TRT or something, just from doing nofap


Aug 9, 2019
They say monks have to be vegetarians / peasants because if they ate meat, they wouldn't be able to control their sexual impulses.


Dec 17, 2018
You can't be helped then. Vegetarian diets are not going to supply you with the nutrients you need to continue ejaculating at any reasonable frequency without consequence. Plain and simple. Supplemental zinc is not a substitute for red meat with consideration of the etheric loss, not to mention the other essential nutrients. Multivitamins are deeply imbalancing and oftentimes toxic. And if you're trying to dampen your urge to ejaculate and you're taking Mucuna...good luck with that! (Ashwaghanda is also potentially troublesome in this regard.)

You're like, "Hey guys, I'm doing everything wrong and it's killing me. Help!"

And we're like, "Stop doing everything wrong."

And you're like, "No, I'm definitely going to keep doing what I've been doing. I heard a podcast."

He does this every month or couple months. Always some thread related to vegetarianism, losing hair, ejaculation being bad, and not wanting to eat red meat no matter what yadda yadda. He'll be back in a couple months when he's lost more of his hair or maybe all of it and make the same type of thread asking for help. Its comical at this point how someone could be so stubborn. Guess he really doesn't want to grow his hair back badly enough yet. Eat normally people, don't follow diets blindly to your own detriment.


Mar 29, 2013
Also, @CDT you say you've experienced "tremendous health benefits" from going vegetarian. That is an exceptionally rare claim. What health benefits have you had? I'm genuinely curious.

The only reasonably "healthy" people I've EVER heard feel better eschewing meat completely from their diet had some kind of digestive issue or a copper toxicity issue. Digestion: because they couldn't digest the meat, and thus felt worse, and Copper: because eating meat pushed copper out of storage and caused detox symptoms, so they thought red meat = bad, and continued eating a low-animal protein / copper toxic diet until much more severe problems occurred later, usually beginning as mental health issues.

He does this every month or couple months. Always some thread related to vegetarianism, losing hair, ejaculation being bad, and not wanting to eat red meat no matter what yadda yadda. He'll be back in a couple months when he's lost more of his hair or maybe all of it and make the same type of thread asking for help. Its comical at this point how someone could be so stubborn. Guess he really doesn't want to grow his hair back badly enough yet. Eat normally people, don't follow diets blindly to your own detriment.
Oh gotcha. Shame. Such an easy fix.


Jun 16, 2020
The major problem with masturbation, or I should say the problem with "frequent reoccurring masturbation," is the lack of other far more constructive things you could be doing. Masturbation, as we all know, in the most positive of scenarios, really doesn't do anything to contribute to good health. And in the worst case scenarios, we know masturbation can actually effect our health negatively.

So in the end, you choose a leisure activity with no real upside (and quite possibly a downside) rather then doing something that does benefit our health, whether that's a physical benefit of psychological benefit. Attend social gatherings instead, go workout instead, go volunteer instead, etc. Do something constructive.

The nutritional side of things has been pointed out repeatedly I think, so no need to dive deep into that. You need more zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc if you've been habitually masturbating.
What’s your opinion about quick masturbation to relieve tension?


Dec 29, 2015
What’s your opinion about quick masturbation to relieve tension?
All that will do is train you to ejaculate quickly even when you're with a partner. This is according to Chinese medicine Taoism. Just like martial arts training your reflexes, doing what you're saying we'll just train you to ejaculate quickly in all situations.


Jul 9, 2020
What’s your opinion about quick masturbation to relieve tension?
Hard to say, if it's not habitual it's probably not an issue.

The real issue is when it becomes frequent, like the OP is eluding to. Because of the frequency, prolactin and testosterone can never really normalize. This is actually going to end up stressing you out, physiologically speaking.


Mar 29, 2013
All that will do is train you to ejaculate quickly even when you're with a partner. This is according to Chinese medicine Taoism. Just like martial arts training your reflexes, doing what you're saying we'll just train you to ejaculate quickly in all situations.
You really need to just stop cold jerky

Oh snap bro. For real? Which "Chinese Medicine Taoism" book says that? Was it the Nan Jing? The Materia Medica (you using Bensky's translation?) Yellow Emperor? Golden Cabinet?

Oh wait, you inferring the above from the Daodejing? Damn bro, the heavens really DO be impartial to us straw dogs! Yeah, that's right, I remember now. Lao Tzu, said, "They don't think the Dao be like it is, but it do. Don't jerk off, yahurr?"

Oh wait you must be talking about more esoteric texts, right? Like the Baopuzi? Getting your "inner alchemy" Neidan on, huh? Transforming dat greasy Jing into spicy magical elixirs in your LDT in your spare time?

Damn, hol up, I know, I got it, you been reading Master Homie Mantak Chia? Getting your Microcosmic Orbit on? Getting that juicy Inner Smile work in? Doing some sweet healing sounds on dem organs? Or maybe is it Master Homie Chunyi Li? Getting that Forest Qi Gong glow, huh? Who needs a tan with all that Qi?!

Please illuminate us on what Chinese Medicine has to say about completely refraining from ejaculation / masturbation? I'm DYING to know, homie. Please link us whatever absolute garbage you've read on the internet so we can glean ancient, esoteric wisdom from it's tome.

Don't be a charlatan. Don't advise sick people (especially mentally sick people) when you don't know what you're talking about. Doz are da rulez of dis here town, cowboy. OP had plenty of solid, sensible advice from multiple people who knew what they were talking about, and then you come riding into town, atop your charlatan pony, a piece of dumb straw coming out your mouth, like, "Now, just stop there cold turkey, little bandito."

OP (very) likely needs to eat red meat and resume sexual / physiological normalcy, or go be a monk. Complete abstention is rarely healthy, mentally or physically, for young householders, especially in this day and age.

Let me absolutely clear: Advising OP to completely stop masturbating cold turkey, when he is clearly not "over" masturbating, and when he hasn't reported having a normal sex life, but yet HAS reported being unable to stop due to natural urges, is really just awful, dangerous advise. Citing "Chinese Medicine Taoism" as though you have even the faintest idea what you're talking about is even worse. If you think Chinese Medicine is about fighting natural hormonal urges tooth and nail, you have like zero understanding of Chinese Medicine. Please: be ashamed of yourself.

Guilt, shame, and, most importantly, energy imbalances stemming from people resisting strong natural urges over a period of time are very hard to undo, even in "Chinese Medicine Taoism" clinics. (I'm making fun of you, btw.) If OP wants to go be a vegetarian monk, he should go be a vegetarian monk and seek guidance for sexual control there. If he wants to ejaculate a normal amount and lead a healthy householder life, then realistically he needs to replenish his nutrients with red meat to keep physically and mentally healthy, or at the very least start consuming a lot of Jing tonics (in a balanced way), which is WAY beyond the scope of a thread this stupid.
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