Man Nearly Dies After Eating Cherry Pits


Jan 6, 2018

I call bs on this. Why? About 12 weeks ago I came from a gym, looking for something in the fridge to throw into my milk shake. I saw a jar of pickled cherries so I threw it in and blended it with milk, quark and some honey. While in the blender i could hear a crashing sound, which I assumed to be a forgotten pit from the otherwise pitted cherries.

After i drank the shake, getting to the bottom of the blender container, I was shocked to see not one, but a several dozens (30+) crushed cherry pits. All broken into tiny pieces, only the hard shells left. Clearly the cherries were not pitted. Obviously the shake was already in my stomach.

So yeah, cyanide came to mind instantly. I called the toxic hotline. They were clueless, never heard of such scenario. I started googling, and came upon the article above. As you can imagine my hreart stopped beating right there and then. At first I tried to induce vomiting but I just couldn't no matter how deep I shoved my finger down my throat. So I drove to the nearest emergency room. I spent two hours there in the waiting room, trying to figure out on google what dying of cyanide poisoning feels like, and wthether I was feeling any of it. After two hours, supposedly past the cyanide half-life, i got up and drove back home, before any of the quacks got to see me.

Why I am writing this? Well first of all I think the internet may appreciate a formal first-hand account/record of the maximum cherry pits consumed with no apparent harm.

Secondly, just a few weeks ago I noticed that may finger nails have developed the so called Beau lines ('s_lines). Never had anything similar happen, my finger nails are my pride and joy. I have no proof this is related, but it very well might be, as there is no other cause I can think of. Arzenic can mess up nails, maybe cyanide poisoning could be added to the list of potential causes. Other than that I am stick kicking.
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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Wondering if the bitter apricot kernel eating crew have any issues with the finger nails. If the nail issue came from cyanide, then those people should have a ton of issues, since most of them eat from a three to thirty kernels/day. If not, maybe it wasn't related.
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