Mammals can generate ATP from sunlight like plants , if they eat chlorophyll (interesting)


Jul 27, 2022

Light-harvesting chlorophyll pigments enable mammalian mitochondria to capture photonic energy and produce ATP

Effect is enhanced by (dependant on?) chlorophyll substances accumulated in tissues from diet

Here we show that mammalian mitochondria can also capture light and synthesize ATP when mixed with a light-capturing metabolite of chlorophyll. The same metabolite fed to the worm Caenorhabditis elegans leads to increase in ATP synthesis upon light exposure, along with an increase in life span.

We further demonstrate the same potential to convert light into energy exists in mammals, as chlorophyll metabolites accumulate in mice, rats and swine when fed a chlorophyll-rich diet. Results suggest chlorophyll type molecules modulate mitochondrial ATP by catalyzing the reduction of coenzyme Q, a slow step in mitochondrial ATP synthesis. We propose that through consumption of plant chlorophyll pigments, animals, too, are able to derive energy directly from sunlight.
<chlorophyll metabolites showing up in mice from diet vs controls without

Our data demonstrate that dietary metabolites of chlorophyll can be distributed throughout the body where photon absorption may lead to an increase in ATP as demonstrated for the chlorin P-a. Indeed, P-a could have been transformed into other metabolites, as most known metabolites of chlorophyll can be formed from P-a by reactions that normally take place in animal cells.

To examine whether dietary chlorophyll and/or its metabolites were present in animal tissue after oral consumption, we fed mice a chlorophyll-rich diet. Brain (Fig. 4A) and fat (Fig. 4C) extracts from these mice exhibited red fluorescence at 675 nm when excited with a 410-nm light [brain: treated, 15.4±6.7 (n = 6); control: 4.2±2.6 (n = 6; means ± s.d.); P<0.01]. This red fluorescence diminished, as measured by the area under the 675 nm peak, when animals were given a chlorophyll-free diet for 2 weeks.

The chlorophyll-rich diet (Harlan Teklad, Indianapolis, IN) contained 15% by weight spirulina ,,, which is equivalent to ∼0.15% by weight chlorophyll-a

[effect is not linear with dose (certain amount needed for function to be enabled, but too much starts to have lower impact)]
There relationship between the increase in ATP and the amount of added P-a was not linear (supplementary material Fig. S2A,B). ATP stimulation by light in the presence of P-a better fitted a binary on/off, rather than a graded response to P-a. Increasing concentrations of P-a elicited the same increase in ATP, after light exposure. However, with too much added P-a, ATP levels began to fall. This on/off response was also consistent with the observed cooperative binding mode of P-a with mitochondria fragments, suggesting that the threshold response may be regulated by mitochondrial binding of P-a. If chlorophyll metabolites are found to be involved in energy homeostasis, a better understanding of their pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics will be needed.

Organization of chlorophyll metabolites into supramolecular structures, similar to chlorophyll antenna systems in photosynthetic organisms, would increase the effective cross-sectional area of photon absorption and, thus, photon catch. Indeed, our observed positively cooperative binding with mitochondrial fragments is evidence for such organization. Even so, to approach the rate of ATP synthesis powered by NADH or FADH2, sufficient P-a pigment would have to be added to turn animals green. Nevertheless, in model systems, we measure an increase in ATP upon light absorption and changes in fundamental biology (extention in life span). Regardless of the mechanism by which ATP is increased or the measured amount of the increase, perhaps the larger question is: how much of an increase in ATP is enough to make a biological difference?
In animals, treatment with P-a and light both increased ATP and median life span,
suggesting that light in the presence of these light absorbing dietary metabolites can significantly affect fundamental biological processes. We previously observed that chlorophyll metabolites enabled photonic energy capture to enhance vision using a mouse model

here, we were able to increase ATP during adulthood at a time when ATP stores reportedly begin to decline. For example, by day 4 of adulthood, the level of ATP and oxygen consumption can drop by as much as 50% compared to day zero (Braeckman et al., 1999; Braeckman et al., 2002). This difference in timing might account for why we observed an increase in life span in response to an increase in ATP.
Indeed, by producing ubiquinol, P-a might have increased life span by an alternative method by protecting against long-term oxidative damage, which is also a mechanism that has been shown to increase C.elegans life span

The demonstration that: (1) light-sensitive chlorophyll-type molecules are sequestered into animal tissues; (2) in the presence of the chlorophyll metabolite P-a, there is an increase in ATP in isolated animal mitochondria, tissue homogenates and in C. elegans, upon exposure to light of wavelengths absorbed by P-a; and (3) in the presence of P-a, light alters fundamental biology resulting in up to a 17% extension of life span in C. elegans suggests that, similarly to plants and photosynthetic organisms, animals also possess metabolic pathways to derive energy directly from sunlight. Additional studies should confirm these conclusions.

I think Chlorophyll A is the best type for health, cell protection etc generally.
best source maybe 1/2 a cup - 1 cup green peas ~ 20mg chlorophyll per 100g

(its a vegetable very low in phytoestrogens with decent chlorophyll a content. (most things are in the low microgram amount for phytoestrogens. but some start approaching milligram level which is physiological dose for estrogen and a few like soya & flax are extremely high. soya flour very high too which is common in "wheat" bread products
wheat has basically none without the added soya


and antinutrients of green peas are lower end too i think? low phytates at least Phytate, iron, zinc, and calcium content of common Bolivian foods and their estimated mineral bioavailability)

(frying in butter maybe best instead of boiling which drains some of the substances)
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Jul 27, 2022

(in the absence of cholorophyll metabolite, red light had no effect on mitochondrial ATP. in isolated mitochondria

Light-harvesting chlorophyll pigments enable mammalian mitochondria to capture photonic energy and produce ATP supplementary data
[So shown in vitro with the mouse mitochondria, didnt measure after feeding by looks of it. and implied in vivo showing the accumulation i guess. ray peat mentioned pigment playing a role in red light atp production stimulating effect]

< effect peaks and sustains at 2 minutes of light exposure

<--- and it worked when the chlorophyl substance was added to whole cell not just mitochondria so the accumulation in vivo would likely have effect either way
To determine whether chlorophyll metabolites and light could influence ATP production in whole tissues, we treated mouse brain homogenates with P-a and exposed them to 670-nm light. The treated brain homogenates synthesized ATP at a 35% faster rate than a control homogenate that was not incubated with P-a
Wavelengths of light that were more strongly absorbed by P-a produced the largest increase in ATP. For example, the ATP concentration increased by ∼16-fold during exposure to 670 nm light; relative to the same sample kept in the dark, it increased by two-to-fivefold during exposure to 500, 630 and 690-nm light of equal energy

We hypothesized that the worm would live longer if it could offset this decline in ATP by harvesting light energy for ATP synthesis.
Worms that were given P-a had a statistically significant increase in ATP when exposed to light, whereas control worms showed no increase. The metabolite alone had no effect on ATP levels when the worms were kept in the dark (i.e. luminescence intensity remained constant throughout the experiment)

<--- real time tracking in vivo for worms fed the chlorophyll metabolite & red light switched on

Despite the increase in ATP, the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were equivalent in treated and untreated worms during 5 hours of light exposure, as measured using 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescin diacetate (supplementary material Fig. S3E). In fact, although the difference was not statistically significant, treated worms exhibited, on average, lower levels of ROS.

Imagine in a future this is dialled in to where humans photosynthesise a big % of our energy (red & orange light set up everywhere in mega multi level cities crowding out the natural light)
Red and orange wavelengths penetrate tissue very effectively, because of their weaker absorption by water, allowing them to react with pigments in the cell, such as cytochrome oxidase, which is activated (or re-activated) by red light, increasing the production of ATP. This effect counteracts the toxic effects of ultraviolet light, but there are probably other mechanisms involved in the many beneficial effects of red light.

It’s estimated that unobscured sunlight delivers around 20–40 mW/cm2 of red and near-infrared light (although the amount varies depending on factors like time of day, time of year, and latitude).[1] This puts sunlight in the range of the power densities used in many red light therapy studies.
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Oct 22, 2018
Interesting. What is melanin's role in all this? "Melanin is to the animal kingdom what chlorophyll is to the plant kingdom."


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
Interesting. What is melanin's role in all this? "Melanin is to the animal kingdom what chlorophyll is to the plant kingdom."
Yes, I've seen writings before that suggest that melanin functions in a similar manner - facilitating conversion of light into biochemical energy.


Jul 27, 2022
This one's wild. injecting a cell membrane coated plant based photosynthesis structure (Nano Thylakoid Units) into mice + shining red light restored cellular energy,,
and helped cartilage homeostasis / knee health in ACL injury model preventing bone damage

From H&E staining, we observed that the overall structure, integrity, and immune infiltrate levels in heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney tissues in the CM-NTU-administered mice were nearly identical to the those from the sham controls. We used cartilage explants from patients with osteoarthritis to evaluate the penetration of CM-NTUs and LNP-NTUs. After 24 h of exposure, the CM-NTUs were evenly distributed throughout the cartilage explant, whereas the LNP-NTUs were restricted to its surface
we added CM-NTUs to cultures of five different cell types (nucleus pulposus cells (NPCs), chondrocytes, fibroblasts, muscle satellite cells (SCs) and macrophages) (Extended Data Fig. Fig.2a).2a). The results indicated that chondrocytes specifically take up CM-NTUs compared with the other cells (Fig. 2f,g). We then coated NTUs with membranes from various cell types and incubated them with chondrocytes (Extended Data Fig. Fig.2b).2b). The results showed that the chondrocytes took up CM-NTUs to the highest percentage compared with NTUs coated with other membranes
The study constructed a completely natural photosynthesis system that can independently facilitate the supply of key energy and metabolic carriers in cells based on exposure to light. Most importantly, using a membrane-coating strategy, they demonstrated the feasibility and applicability of cross-species transplantation of a plant-derived natural photosynthetic system, which lays a solid foundation for the treatment of degenerative diseases.

This treatment strategy is generalizable as coatings derived from different mature mammalian cell sources can be used to provide application-specific benefits for various degenerative diseases. Moreover, this strategy can overcome the limitation of elimination and rejection by the body.

So wrapping plant photosynthesis structure in mammal cell membrane allows it to be used in the body without recognising it as a foreign object? Producing extra ATP for the cell outside of mitochondria as an additional structure
and a targeted effect for each desired cell type can be adjusted based on cell type used for the membrane

Basically theyre enhancing or adding photosynthesis trait to mammals to increase energy production. amazing
wonder how far they can take this
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Jul 2, 2022
If one does not want to eat 1 cup of green peas, isn't there a supplemental isolated form that would work ?

Pete Rey

Sep 13, 2020
If one does not want to eat 1 cup of green peas, isn't there a supplemental isolated form that would work ?
Chlorophyll is unstable on its own, but chlorophyllin aka Chlorofresh is a synthetic form.

Or juice your greens.


Jul 27, 2022
If one does not want to eat 1 cup of green peas, isn't there a supplemental isolated form that would work ?
^ supps ive seen sold as chlorophyll are chlorophyllin. theyre similar but the chlorophylls changed to be water soluble and bound with a metal. chlorophyll a is used in photosynthesis
not confirmed but could work too. replicating study would be using chlorophyll a but chlorophyllin in a human trial gave a green color to peoples blood: because of chlorins (the p-a used in 1st study is a chlorin). but idk if it gets into cells the same (could just be in the water part of blood)
(chlorophyllin supplements usually come with high amount of copper)
(maybe best to avoid during pregnancy, mixed results)

edit: Chlorophyll derivatives as visual pigments for super vision in the red - CORE Reader e9 was in the chlorophyllin study. but in this water soluble chlorin e6 injected into mice did go into eye cells near visual pigments [and absorbed >640nm red light, enhanced vision in red light]

675nm worked best. and range matches close to the main study also using a different chlorin, 670nm worked best for 16x atp increase vs 2x - 5x at 630/690.
so 660nm - 680nm works to get extra ATP boost increase from red light + chlorophyll pigments combo. 670 or 675 optimal

Chlorophylls and its metabolites, both chlorins, have signature absorption and admission spectra (Aronoff, 1950). Namely they absorb strongly (ε≈50,000 M−1 cm−1) at ∼665–670 nm and demonstrate intense fluorescence emissions at ∼675 nm
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