Lowering libido.


Mar 17, 2021
Just to give some context: I recently moved into a new apartment. I live alone, in a city I personally dislike. I struggle with forming healthy connections and friendships, have very little incentive to even go outside besides buying groceries. I have no real hobbies or creative activities besides scrolling trough online articles, cooking and jotting down interesting ideas/plans for the future.

Pornography has been a way of sedating myself and escaping reality. It was a much bigger problem in the past than it is now, but still... I watch around 1 hour of it everyday.

Using it as a way of escapism is obviously part of a much larger 'malaise'/problem. Sexuality is a mysterious thing. I don't consider myself a puritan yet I must admit that I have a narcissitic, unhealthy, one-sided sexuality, mediated by the internet, not an actual human connection, which I DEEPLY long for.(male or female). For some reason I cannot, for the love of me, engage in promiscous grindr type sex.(I'm mostly a homosexual bottom but I do try to cultivate a very honest and healthy view of women and female beauty in general, even tho I'm quite perverted)

I'd like to lower my libido for the purpose of building, what many would call, a ''high-time preference'' for ...life.

I've been using Ona's progesterone in vit E(soybean oil) and it has helped with lowering stress and other such things. I do have my doubts about the quality of the product as I've been experiencing much harsher symptoms of hypothyroidism than before trying the product but it could very well be a consequence of my lifestyle in general.

I know that simply lowering my libido seems like a narrow-minded thing to do in my situation but I need a pillar on which to stand on and contemplate, maybe even slowly resolve many of my internal issues. I want to build meaningful goals and connections so I don't have to constantly worry about what others may think of me.

I'm asking for recommendations when it comes to any subtances that promotes a lowered libido and possibly a heightened desire for social connections.


The best succes I've had was with cyproterone acetate but I'd rather not destroy whatever amount of healthy sperm production I have left.


Feb 3, 2020
I struggled with some perverse fetishes for a while, but they dissolved completely after I lowered serotonin and estrogen by reducing endotoxins with very well cooked mushrooms and making sure that I don‘t ingest something that irritates my stomach.
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