Loosing hair and feeling confused! Newbie of Peat diet.


Dec 21, 2013

Im currently in a state of confusion.
Ive been having issues, hypothyroid, i suppose, which lead me to read up and thru Danny Roddy i found out everything about Peat.

I am pretty down now caus im experiencing loss of hair, even seems like my eyebrows have thinned out.
I am a beginner of the Peat diet, 1-2 weeks in, but i feel a bit better after i started it!
However, reading about 600days of halflife of PUFA in the tissues, and time it takes to get the body going im worried it will keep making my situation worse for some time. (?)

How can i make my body get in a better state as soon as possible?
Do i just eat liver, seafood, milk, oj, etc, or do i need/should i use supplements? Can it be useful? If so, how do i know?
Im fairly new but ive spent hours every day reading most of Peats articles etc so i got a grip but still not totally.

I did a test (before i knew about Peat recommendations) and these are my results:

TSH: 2.0
T3 (Free) 4.5
T4 (Free) 11

I easily feel cold, esp in mornings. I feel less cold after eating a lot of sugars (and salt).
My pulse is very low, about 59 bpm, and im into training and do low volume heavy lifting every 3rd day usually.
My pulse has not increased during the 2 weeks of Peat diet.

Please some kind soul out there with more knowledge.
What are the most crucial important aspects i should do?
Any experience with hairproblems for some of you?




The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
prototypejohn said:

Im currently in a state of confusion.
Ive been having issues, hypothyroid, i suppose, which lead me to read up and thru Danny Roddy i found out everything about Peat.

I am pretty down now caus im experiencing loss of hair, even seems like my eyebrows have thinned out.
I am a beginner of the Peat diet, 1-2 weeks in, but i feel a bit better after i started it!
However, reading about 600days of halflife of PUFA in the tissues, and time it takes to get the body going im worried it will keep making my situation worse for some time. (?)
Ray Peat was asked(paraphrasing here) how long would it take to show an improvement in turning the deleterious process around. He said, "Oh, within a couple hours.

How can i make my body get in a better state as soon as possible?
Reduce PUFA as low as possible, make sure you are getting enough light, get easily digested metabolically enhancing foods, work on lowering stress, etc etc.
Do i just eat liver, seafood, milk, oj, etc, or do i need/should i use supplements? Can it be useful? If so, how do i know?
You know by making changes slowly and looking out for signals if this certain thing you did was a good change or not. Supplements can cause problems due to allergies, foods can cause problems because we have a food problem at this time, lack of quality.

What are the most crucial important aspects i should do?
To do it right its the whole package. Mittir said lately each new thing he introduces brings on more improvements.

Any experience with hairproblems for some of you?
My hair falls out when there is a sudden change in metabolism either up, or down. Some say this is due to burst of high prolactin.

Welcome to the forum. :hattip


Feb 20, 2013
Welcome to the forum

Age is a big factor in speed of recovery. RP has mentioned that by age 30-40
most people are saturated with PUFA . Excess iron storage and other toxic substances
are also high in older people. Young people can turn around things very quickly.
He also mentioned it takes longer time to increase pulse than temperature.

RP things TSH should be ideally below 0.4 and he has never seen a comfortably healthy
person with TSH above 2. He recommends total T3 over free T3 test.

Frequent feeding (small meal of sugar, protein and some fat), Niacinamide or Aspirin can inhibit PUFA release from tissue. This will lower toxic effect of PUFA to a large extent.
You do not have to wait 3 years to see benefits. You can see a big improvements
in weeks. Things should continually get better as storage PUFA is decreased with time.
I noticed increased thickness of hair when i started eating beef liver regularly.
RP has a KMUD interview on hair loss.
Gut is a source of most health problems.It is very important to avoid food that
irritate intestine. For many people pectin in OJ and other fruits is a major problem.
If milk is not digested properly it can cause lot of problem instead of making things better.
But, digestion of milk usually improves with time.
RP usually avoid commercial supplements unless it is essential.
He often recommends Aspirin, Niacinamide, Vitamin E and some vitamin D on skin.
Some people are sensitive to Aspirin, they can use niacinamide for free fatty acid inhibition.


Dec 21, 2013
Wow, i am very happy to see how you guys take your time to answer! Very appreciated! Thank you!
One thing i am wondering, when we want to minimize damage from pufa the suggestion seems be be "dont let them out in your blood"? Or am i wrong here? By niacinamid, sugar, and sat-fat. This is then basically to halt fat loss?

I found a good vitamin E supplement, made of natural form tocopherol, which i think might be beneficial during a while, since before this i ate a lot of PUFA, thinking it was good for me. Thats what scares me at the moment, loosing fat now im pretty sure PUFAs will be released, right?
Also, aspirin dissolved in water. (Im thinking once or twice a day?)

I must admit i dont know much about Niacinamide. I just read some posts and comments here and there, but i lack a complete picture of it. I read that someone had some problems with it, and had to switch brands many times etc.
Should i also look into thyroid supplementation? I have also heard about this might make the thyroid dependent on supplementation in the future as well? (I know mainstream says taking that would requird taking it forever but i dont know if that is correct?)

Thank you again!
I am very glad i joined this friendly board! :)


Dec 21, 2013
Oh, one more thing. Should i go take new blood tests now?
I am just about 1,5 - 2 weeks into Peats recommendations.
Or should i wait for a while?
Money is no problem, its free, just wondering if its warranted. :)

Thanks again!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
prototypejohn said:
Wow, i am very happy to see how you guys take your time to answer! Very appreciated! Thank you!
One thing i am wondering, when we want to minimize damage from pufa the suggestion seems be be "dont let them out in your blood"? Or am i wrong here? By niacinamid, sugar, and sat-fat. This is then basically to halt fat loss?
You want to minimize the circulation of free fatty acids in the blood. It's going to happen to some extent. If it's allowed to happen freely it can be a huge drag on the liver and energy of the body.
I found a good vitamin E supplement, made of natural form tocopherol, which i think might be beneficial during a while, since before this i ate a lot of PUFA, thinking it was good for me. Thats what scares me at the moment, loosing fat now im pretty sure PUFAs will be released, right?
PUFA's will be released at a higher rate if you are losing weight quickly. This is one of the reasons I got myself into a metabolic mess, losing weight too fast and my body having to deal with all the free fatty acid release, nearly shut me down.
Also, aspirin dissolved in water. (Im thinking once or twice a day?)
Aspirin can cause stomach issues for some people. Making a ton of changes at once can also be hard on the body. Something to think about as you move forward.
I have also heard about this might make the thyroid dependent on supplementation in the future as well? (I know mainstream says taking that would requird taking it forever but i dont know if that is correct?)
Ray Peat does not seem to think this is an issue. Broda Barnes said it isnt an issue either unless you run yourself hyperthyroid for too long.

prototypejohn said:
Oh, one more thing. Should i go take new blood tests now?
I am just about 1,5 - 2 weeks into Peats recommendations.
Or should i wait for a while?
I think it's good to have reference points as you go along the way. But with that being said I do not rely on blood tests at this point, and rely on how I feel instead.


Feb 20, 2013
I use niacinamide for lowering free fatty acids and it has other heath benefits.
Aspirin has lot of health benefits besides lowering FFA. Some people do have
stomach pain, stomach ulcer and genera bleeding. RP recommends vitamin K
with aspirin if one is taking more than 80 mg daily. The need for vitamin K
depends on individual state. You have to figure out at what dose of vitamin K
you do not have side effects of Aspirin.Liver and kale are a rich source of vitamin K.
But high dose vitamin K has many health benefits: increasing cellular energy and
decalcification of soft tissues and arteries.RP also recommends slowly increasing
Aspirin dose so body get adjusted to it.
Niacinamide use is very simple. 100 mg twice a day shows lots of health benefits.
But you need to keep your sugar intake regular as body relies more on sugar when
FFA is reduced.
Before starting i did have bunch of tests to see how things changes.
There are some test RP lists as good indicator of thyroid status.
http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/hy ... dism.shtml
I also added some liver enzyme tests and PTH.


Dec 21, 2013
Thanks again :)
I am not an expert on niacinamide, havent gotten into much reading about it yet. Are there any main points i should be aware of when i start looking into it?

Also, I've noticed this a little before but it never quite struck me until today.
But i seem to have very low blood pressure (at least thats what i think it is, when i stand up fast i get dizzy).
I noticed today since i went back to gym after a 2-3 weeks of taking it easy while adjusting to Peat diet (and a small injury), after a set of deadlifts i felt like my head just got empty and kinda had to sit down afterwards for 20 seconds or so, once i stood up again after those 20s i was fine again. Also, apparently its been in my family too (low blood pressure).

I also have another thought, or question,
If i lose weight i will probably loose some PUFA right, if i take Vit E, would that also make the PUFA to do less harm?
I ordered the AC Grace Unique E last night (since i read here on the forum those are the purest and they did seem very good when i read the label).
So, i guess what im wondering, can i loose about 0.8 lbs fat / week while on Aspirin, Vit E, and possibly niacinamide if i can find that too. Also keeping coconut oil intake pretty high and of course all other Peat guidelines.
How "safe" would that be?

Thank you :)


Aug 9, 2013
1. 10 days is too short a time frame to evaluate. Try 6 months.

2. Eat first thing in the morning, eat small and regular meals (every 2-3 hours) with a balance of fat, protein and carbs (higher on fruit than starch), avoid excess liquids (whole fruits help), eat white fish and shellfish, good quality milk, cottage cheese etc. I'm 32, male .. and aim for around 2500 on non-training days and up to 3000 cals on training days, more fruit carbs on training days. Have milk, honey and salt late at night before bed, or ice cream, especially on training days..helps for sleep and recovery.

3. go easy on exercise, 3 weights sessions a week limiting to 30 mins would be a good start, evaluate how this affects your body temps and heart rate later in the day, and how it affects your sleep

4. why would this "make things worse" for a while??

5. Cook more of your own food, restaurants = starch + vegetable oils = you get fat. Use coconut oil at home.


Jan 22, 2013
Check your digestion-namely stomach acid is it too low ? I could kick myself for not looking into this 5 years ago when I started having health problems. So far, my shedding has stopped and the little bumps on my upper arms have vanished . :0/

Lisbon boy

Nov 29, 2012
From Ray Peat q&a forum :

"I have seen my own hairline move with changes in hormones, and I gave a progesterone solution to a couple of balding men who started growing hair in the front where it had receded . Since progesterone is a testosterone antagonist, it can cause the penis to shrink, and if DHEA is used with it to counteract that effect, there's the potential in hypothyroid people for the DHEA to be converted to estrogen. Progesterone's effect is very individual, and I think it's better to concentrate on correcting the basic metabolic processes that cause hair loss." - Ray Peat

"Rubbed into the scalp, with a little oil (or alcohol, if your skin is oily) it can help the hair without so much effect systemically. A large amount of it antagonizes testosterone, shrinks the penis like a cold shower (but doesn't prevent erections), and it can cause tightness of the ducts in ejaculation." - Ray Peat

Yes, RP thinks that we should focus on correcting metabolism, but I wonder if a small amount rubbed in scalp, don´t have good results without the problems ? :roll:
What do you think ? And in spite of the very individual response, what could be considered a small amount to start ???

PS. Bolds are mine


Dec 21, 2013
Thanks for the tip,I dont know how my digestion is, how can i check that?

Also, i have been thinking about if i should try and supplement a bit of T3/T4 until i feel better. I have an appointment to the doctor in a week, where i will request new and more blood tests. I will ask about thyroid supps, but im not sure we even have cynomel in Sweden, so i guess i will try and get something in the correct T3/T4 ratio.

But i have a question relating to that. I randomly browsed some swedish sites and someone said he/she started using this supplement and got rid of hypothyroid, i checked it out and it seems to be supplements of organ-meats kinda. I thought it might go well with a Peat diet, and maybe something i could use for the time being in case i dont get any prescription from the doctor. Since my TSH (2.0) is "normal" according to them i suspect they might be reluctant to get me on pills.

This is the supp: http://www.the-natural-choice.co.uk/Met ... sules.html

I just checked a picture of me and i am pretty sure my thinning hair is caus of hypothyroid since it has that kind of progression, and my family generally doesnt have this kind of hairloss, but i am the "healthfreak" so of course ive been on a lof of PUFA and doing excessive training etc so i know I am worse of than others in my family.

What do you guys think about dermaroller btw?
I thought that might help get bloodflow in the scalp.


Dec 21, 2013
@lisbon boy

Hmm, i havent seen that information from Peat before. Thanks!
Maybe its worth a shot since it doesnt seem too "dangerous" using it topically.
How does one obtain progesterone tho? Prescription?
Or well, i can ask the doc in about a week :)


Feb 7, 2013
prototypejohn said:
How does one obtain progesterone tho? Prescription?
Or well, i can ask the doc in about a week :)
I'd use Peat's patented formula - Progest-E. God only knows what you'd get from a doctor.

Best price I can find for Progest-E is $23.95 from Electrical Body. Progest E


Jan 2, 2014
I'm a newbie here too in similar spot to you john, curious to see how you fare.... please keep us updated. I'm about a week in and putting on some belly fat but haven't had the thermogenic benefits hit yet of switching diet. Coming off a high fat, lower carb paleo style diet. I'm lean, athletic and generally healthy, but started to feel I was aging very quickly and trying to turn things around. TSH around 1.4.


Dec 21, 2013
Hey "staytuned"!

Thanks for the comment, I will keep in mind to keep posting! :)
Please feel free to post some of your progress or thoughts as well, maybe we both can benefit from this thread. I haven't really got that much effect yet, my pulse has gone up about 3-4 bpm so far and in general I tend to freeze less but I'm guessing it has to do with a high sugar and coffee intake which suppresses the feeling of low body temp.

I actually also felt that "wait haven't I've been aging faster lately".
People used to guess my age around 23 and just one year later people generally guess 26-27. (I'm 29 but at least used too look young).

My strength has so far maintained and my bodyfat is also maintaining at the same level, but I count calories so maybe that's the reason it's keeping steady.

Thank you I will look into protest-E and do my reading up on it :)

Happy New Years everybody!


Jan 2, 2014
honeybee said:
Check your digestion-namely stomach acid is it too low ? I could kick myself for not looking into this 5 years ago when I started having health problems. So far, my shedding has stopped and the little bumps on my upper arms have vanished . :0/

How did you determine this??? I have those little bumps too, have all my life.


Dec 21, 2013
I just experienced, what do you call it, like a moment I was convinced for sure that I am in fact hypothyroid (even tho I was pretty convinced already).

I just read that one additional symptom is "thinning of the outer part of the eyebrows".
Why this struck me is because about 4-5 days ago I was looking in the mirror and thought - wait a minute aren't my eyebrows thinner on the outer parts of it, it didn't use tho be that 2-3 years ago.

Man I have every single symptom of hypo! It's starting to scare me and I really want to correct this before I'm loosing my health completely!

I have an appointment jam 8th and I will ask for blood test and getting thyroid supplements.
Which are the things I should get tested in the bloodtest?

I read at Danny roddys site that these would be useful:
Blood chemistry & CBC (what is that?)
Co2 & bicarbonate
Prolactin PRL
Whole blood serotonin (5-ht)
Lactic acid
Vitamin d 25-hydroxy
Parathyroid pth

Anything else I could benefit from knowing?

Thanks everybody for posting! :)


Jan 22, 2013
This is what got me thinking about hypochlorhydia low stomach acid and hair loss. http://jeffreydach.com/2013/03/10/hair- ... -grey.aspx
I used the hcl tolerance test and went up to 4 pills before I got a warm sensation. I'm hoping the ridges on my nails will smooth out (classic sign) they are certainly growing in much stronger because the Hcl is helping me absorb the vits&mins in my food & supps. Also I now have NO hair on my brush -before I would have noticeable shedding and hair on the shower floor has lessened a lot. I've only been taking the hcl pepsin for 1.5 weeks!


Feb 20, 2013
I think serum Ferritin and Transferrin saturation index gives a good idea
about iron status. Excess iron is a cause many health issues. High total cholesterol is
a major indicator of hypothyroidism. Reverse T3 is very useful to interpret total T3.
Here are some test RP recommends for evaluation of total thyroid condition.
Blood tests for cholesterol, albumin, glucose, sodium, lactate, total thyroxine and total T3 are useful to know, because they help to evaluate the present thyroid status, and sometimes they can suggest ways to correct the problem.
Less common blood or urine tests (adrenaline, cortisol, ammonium, free fatty acids), if they are available, can help to understand compensatory reactions to hypothyroidism.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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