Let's Talk Libido: What's Your Experience?


Sep 1, 2017
Thanks for sharing that vulture.

I've been thinking a lot about DHT, I will get my labs done tomorrow or Thursday and after that I will order some Mesterolone or Proviron if the DHT comes back low. It's kinda the last resort deal as I do not like the idea of ordering random powders from China (Standard Raws) and dose myself with it hoping I got the good stuff, it's kinda like recreational drug use haha.

I'm a huge fan of cacao, I probably consume upwards 0,5kg a week at least but taken breaks from it for periods as well. Sugared milk with cacao powder is epic and a large chunk of my calorie intake comes from that. As far as I have researched it's probably one of the best specific foods you can implement for preventing cardiovascular disease. Theobromine is a fascinating chemical not so different from caffeine but more of a heart stimulant. I also like that epicatechin inhibits follistatin so beneficial for building muscle and preventing sarcopenia in old age. Not to mention all the awesome stuff about stearic acid posted here on the forum. For me, it's the number one, more beneficial than aspirin or vitamin E I think since those are not really needed if your diet is good consistently.

Actually, there is a research review that I read before that showed that Theobromine promotes sleep while caffeine made sleep quality worse. If you google it you can probably find it. I eat chocolate before bed and never have a problem, but I usually make sure it's not more than 20-30g.

I also eat mushrooms multiple times a week, so far I have not noticed any libido increase from that. But I think I must also have some unusual issue since my morning wood is great every day, but my libido is not, it's a weird combination.
There's another way to boost DHT if you don't trust your DHT source: buy testosterone and apply small amounts in scrotum skin. Problem is not applying too much and causing suppression. Blood tests seems only way to asses that.
Hope to know your experience with it. I also have had good nocturnal tumescense without good libido


Jan 14, 2018
What happens off the supplements? Did you introduce them one by one to identify their effects more accurately?

I introduced them one by one, probably 1-2 weeks in-between adding each. In the last 7 years, I have tried A LOT of different supplements. But the ones that actually work for libido is extremely rare. A couple of years ago when my hormones where more imbalanced I also had a few months of really great results using Tongkat Ali, but the effect eventually plateaued and now I don't feel like it does much other than make me more dominant, overheated and slightly too stimulating.

Right now I've only been taking NDT, K2, D and maybe 2 drops Pansterone tops the last week because I am about to do labs, have to get off all potential blood thinners. I once had a problem giving labs using Palm Fruit Vitamin E (took no K), I bled a lot.


Jan 14, 2018
To me it sounds like you can benefit from increasing oxytocin. Vitamin C is an easy way to do this: High-dose ascorbic acid increases intercourse frequency and improves mood: a randomized controlled clinical trial. - PubMed - NCBI . "Ascorbic acid (AA) modulates catecholaminergic activity, decreases stress reactivity, approach anxiety and prolactin release, improves vascular function, and increases oxytocin release"

Interesting never considered this angle either, what dosage would you suggest? My diet is pretty high in Vitamin C though because I live in Thailand so I consume large amounts of tropical fruits on a daily basis.

I have this SNP rs53576 G/G that interacts with oxytocin: Dropbox - Screenshot 2018-04-25 13.37.31.png

It suggests I should have higher than most and being emphatic, which I am, I am also somewhat of a wizard at reading body language although I suck at controlling my own haha.


GG promotes the efficient functioning of the oxytocin system and enhances the effects of oxytocinsupplementation. (R) The gene frequency varies by race: ~61% of Africans have it (in Africa), ~41% of Europeans (~30% of Finns)and ~10% of Asians. (R)

The Minor "A" allele is associated with:

  • AA and AG individuals were judged to be less pro-social and displayed fewer nonverbal cues compared to GG people. The study suggested that the association between and prosociality was stronger for men, but also true for women. (R)
  • GG are better at accurately reading the emotions of others by observing their faces. (R) compared to AA or AG. GG was more mellow and more attuned to other people than were the AA or AG.(R)
  • In response to an interview, GG or AG had significantly lower cortisol responses to stress when they had social support. There were no differences in cortisol levels in subjects with the AA genotype receiving or not receiving social support. The AA genotype tended to have higher levels of cortisol throughout the session than G carriers (no differences between the genotypes were observed at baseline). (R)
  • GG was less empathetic to pain experienced by racial 'out group' vs racial 'in group' members (Asians vs Whites). However, AA experienced more pleasure from pain to racial out-groups. (R)
  • So GG cares less about other races or who they view as 'other' (including competitions), but AA experiences more schadenfreude, which is pleasure at out-group pain or downfall.(R)
The Major "G" allele is associated with:

  • GG have a more positive 'affect' or disposition.(R) AA and AG individuals were judged to be less pro-social and displayed fewer nonverbal cues î head nods and smiles î compared to GG people. The study suggested that the association between and prosociality was stronger for men, but also true for women. (R)
  • GG are more optimistic.(R)
  • GG are more empathetic. (R)
  • GG handle stress better.(R)
  • GG are better at accurately reading the emotions of others by observing their faces. (R) compared to AA or AG.
  • GG are less likely to startle when blasted by a loud noise, or to become stressed at the prospect of such a noise.(R)
  • GG was more mellow and more attuned to other people than were the AA or AG.(R)
  • GG have a higher Verbal IQ.(R)
  • GG feel less lonely(R)
  • GG was less likely to seek support from their peers.(R)
  • GG employ more sensitive parenting techniques.(R)
  • GG have lower rates of autism.(R)
  • GG have less difficulty hearing and understanding in noisy environments.(R)
  • In response to an interview, GG or AG had significantly lower cortisol responses to stress when they had social support. There were no differences in cortisol levels in subjects with the AA genotype receiving or not receiving social support. The AA genotype tended to have higher levels of cortisol throughout the session than G carriers (no differences between the genotypes were observed at baseline). (R)
  • GG have more gray matter volume in the hypothalamus and greater hypothalamus volume and more activation in the amygdala. (R)
  • GG are less predisposed to major depression. (R)
  • GG take social rejection worse than others. GG had higher blood pressure and cortisol levels the following rejection, effects not apparent among A carriers. (R)
  • GG was less empathetic to pain experienced by racial 'out group' vs racial 'in group' members (Asians vs Whites). However, AA experienced more pleasure from pain to racial out-groups. (R)
  • So GG cares less about other races or who they view as 'other' (including competitions), but AA experiences more schadenfreude, which is pleasure at out-group pain or downfall.(R)


Jan 14, 2018
There's another way to boost DHT if you don't trust your DHT source: buy testosterone and apply small amounts in scrotum skin. Problem is not applying too much and causing suppression. Blood tests seems only way to asses that.
Hope to know your experience with it. I also have had good nocturnal tumescense without good libido

Yeah I thought about this as well, I used Pansterone on scrotum and had initial positive effects on libido, but not anymore, only worked the first week.

I am worried about estrogen if using testosterone cream. But maybe it would be safe to try just for a couple of days so I could confirm that DHT might potentially work or not?

It's easy for me to buy testosterone cream at any local pharmacy here, no prescription needed.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I used to think that it was something like that, but what is the recovery period on something like that? I've been off porn 90% of the time for the last 2 years. If it wasn't for my ex-girlfriend insisted on watching it together haha.

I did like NoFap 60 days multiple times, would have expect better results if that was the case.
Stress can either lower the libido or cause hypersexuality.

Society facilitates a very strong patriarchal hierarchy, particularly for young men. The "hookup culture" minimizes the viability of pair-bonds, and so women flock toward the wealthiest men, albeit they also enjoy particularly handsome young men. "Average men," whether in terms of charm and wit, physical attractiveness or wealth have little to offer women in the West.

The pick-up culture has instilled this idea of "fake it until you make it," but you never really "make it." You just adopt a mindset of "faking" it. Spiritually, masculinity's all about giving (very phallic in this sense,) and femininity about receiving (as with the vagina.) When you "fake it," you're lying: masking your lack with a guise of abundance.

If you have nothing to give, then none will receive you.

Sexuality's much more than sex; it's your way of being, and it influences every facet of your life. The degradation of sexuality accordingly destroys both your self and society.
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Jan 14, 2018
Stress can either lower your libido or cause hypersexuality.

Society facilitates a very strong patriarchal hierarchy, particularly for young men. The "hookup culture" minimizes the viability of pair-bonds, and so women flock toward the wealthiest men, albeit they also enjoy particularly handsome young men. "Average men," whether in terms of intelligence and charm, physical attractiveness or wealth have nothing to offer women.

The pick-up culture has instilled this idea of "fake it until you make it," but you never really "make it." You just adopt a mindset of "faking" it. Spiritually, masculinity's all about giving (very phallic in this sense,) and femininity about receiving (as with the vagina.) When you "fake it," you're lying: masking your lack with a guise of abundance.

If you have nothing to give, then none will receive you.

Sexuality's much more than sex; it's your way of being, and it influences every facet of your life. The degradation of sexuality accordingly destroys both your self and society.

Yeah, I am sure it has also been stress related for me in the past, but in this case, right now I am not so sure.

I am basically semi-retired, this year I will only be working a regular job for 1 month in June. Since November I have had no job other than developing a website I work on that supports me. I just work when I feel like it, If I don't then I won't. At this point I am starting to think that it has nothing to do with stress, if I was very stressed as well then I doubt I would be able to build all that muscle in the last few months.

From a society standpoint, I would probably belong to the wealthy, successful, still young and relatively handsome, without sounding like a self-absorbed douche haha. I have no problem meeting women, but I have a lack of interest even when I am presented with the opportunity and being pursued. That's why I feel like something is not functioning as it should and it's driving me crazy.

Hypersexuality would be nice for a change, maybe I'll get myself some T3 and see if I can make myself hyperthyroid :P

Thanks Dave for your input.


Oct 11, 2016
My experience is that: 1) Proper health can increase libido more than most have experienced, and 2) reducing indugence and doing the correct practices can utilize the sexual energy to transform consciousness.


Sep 1, 2017
Yeah I thought about this as well, I used Pansterone on scrotum and had initial positive effects on libido, but not anymore, only worked the first week.

I am worried about estrogen if using testosterone cream. But maybe it would be safe to try just for a couple of days so I could confirm that DHT might potentially work or not?

It's easy for me to buy testosterone cream at any local pharmacy here, no prescription needed.
Testosterone On the Scrotum?

You will have to read, and start pretty low dose...DHT might need some days to make effects evident, I wouldn't increase dosage without trying the same for a few days. For me it feels like being more concentrated, calmed, feeling like a well-being, also seems to boost appetite.
Blood tests might be advisable to check T/DHT levels, you definitely don't want to accidentally boost T artificially and cause suppression. There must be a ratio of absorption on T and DHT. It might be really tricky to get things working that way... a lot easier would be to apply real DHT at low dose


Oct 15, 2016
A couple of years ago when my hormones where more imbalanced I also had a few months of really great results using Tongkat Ali, but the effect eventually plateaued and now I don't feel like it does much other than make me more dominant, overheated and slightly too stimulating.

So basically now it's a bit too much but when you were feeling crap it was good?


Jan 14, 2018
So basically now it's a bit too much but when you were feeling crap it was good?

I have always been quite sensitive to Tongkat, I've given it to many friends who do not experience this effect. I have to start dosage low and increase incrementally or I get overstimulated and rapid heartbeat. Not sure why.

It takes me at least a week to reach full dosage comfortably. It seems like the libido effects are most evident when cycled and when I cycle it my tolerance never really reaches a comfortable level so I am always going back and forth between almost too stimulated and no libido effect. I just decided that this herb was probably not optimal for me.

I think that the reason I had such great effects from it back then was because I was estrogen dominant, had issues with both ED and PME. Now when I am in a better place estrogen wise it seems less effective.

I've been doing Butea Superba now for a few weeks and it definitely increases that alpha male feeling, I am curious to see how my DHT looks on labs. But libido not much effect.

Next up is Cistanche, got about 3 months worth of the best extract currently on the market. Is supposed to increase DHT too so we will see, will do labs for that one as well.


Jan 14, 2018
Long-Term Pharmacokinetics of Transdermal Testosterone Gel in Hypogonadal Men 1 | The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism | Oxford Academic
Testosterone On the Scrotum?

You will have to read, and start pretty low dose...DHT might need some days to make effects evident, I wouldn't increase dosage without trying the same for a few days. For me it feels like being more concentrated, calmed, feeling like a well-being, also seems to boost appetite.
Blood tests might be advisable to check T/DHT levels, you definitely don't want to accidentally boost T artificially and cause suppression. There must be a ratio of absorption on T and DHT. It might be really tricky to get things working that way... a lot easier would be to apply real DHT at low dose

Yeah I might just go with the DHT, I am too worried about estrogen, it's been a major problem in the past because of my slower COMT enzymes. I had a PSA scare at age 25 so have to be careful. Prostate cancer runs in the family too.


Oct 15, 2016
I have always been quite sensitive to Tongkat, I've given it to many friends who do not experience this effect. I have to start dosage low and increase incrementally or I get overstimulated and rapid heartbeat. Not sure why.

It takes me at least a week to reach full dosage comfortably. It seems like the libido effects are most evident when cycled and when I cycle it my tolerance never really reaches a comfortable level so I am always going back and forth between almost too stimulated and no libido effect. I just decided that this herb was probably not optimal for me.

I think that the reason I had such great effects from it back then was because I was estrogen dominant, had issues with both ED and PME. Now when I am in a better place estrogen wise it seems less effective.

I've been doing Butea Superba now for a few weeks and it definitely increases that alpha male feeling, I am curious to see how my DHT looks on labs. But libido not much effect.

Next up is Cistanche, got about 3 months worth of the best extract currently on the market. Is supposed to increase DHT too so we will see, will do labs for that one as well.
Ok, what is your source for cistanche? I was interested in trying it but thelostempireofherbs is so expensive and I don't know any other ones besides barlowes. Afaik all the hype around butea is from someone who took a spiked product.


Jan 14, 2018
Ok, what is your source for cistanche? I was interested in trying it but thelostempireofherbs is so expensive and I don't know any other ones besides barlowes. Afaik all the hype around butea is from someone who took a spiked product.

I have sourced the same that lostempireherbs have, it's the best on the market, they add a high margin but it is still a very expensive extract: Puredia

I spent 9 months researching and getting samples because I am opening an ecommerce store for herbs with hormonal effects, so they sent me a bunch. I used lostempireherbs one for 1 month before when I was under a lot of stress and saw some results, so will do a 3 month period next with labs.

It's not true about Butea, that's just one study that was manipulated, there are other studies. If you came to Thailand you would understand that it is not all hype, doctors prescribe it here, it's sold in every pharmacy and very popular.

The government is running a conservation program on it to conserve it's traditional use and production since many herbal medicines are now being lost because more and more people only value pharmaceuticals. One of the Thai manufacturers here was kind enough to send me some of their customer labs before with clear increases in free T from 3 months use. Of course, you can never know for sure without a proper study, but I think it's worthy of investigation.

When it comes to herbs increasing DHT, there are not that many options. Many increase T by inhibiting conversion to DHT, such as fenugreek etc.


Jan 14, 2018
Ok guys I got my labs back, I also tested Estrone and DHT but these will take 2 weeks more at least to get results on as my local lab have to outsource that and send to another country.

I am extremely grateful for any feedback you guys have!

These are also my first labs since starting Peating (3 months), I am very excited at some of the stuff I see in these labs but I need to figure out the Libido aspect.

Some quick background again to make it easier for you, while on these labs I have been taking the following:

  • 0.5 grain NDT
  • Pansterone Preg/DHEA (2-3 drops scrotum once a day, some days skipped)
  • Low dose Aspirin (stopped a few days leading up to labs)
  • Vitamin E 400 IU (stopped a few days leading up to labs)
  • Butea Superba
  • 0-1mg Nicotine as Snus, Occasional
  • Occasional Korean Ginseng (for martial arts) (stopped a few days leading up to labs)
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Iodine (natural food form, part of my LE Vit K formula, will not rebuy)
  • Coffee (1-3 cups)
  • Carrot Salad 3-5 times per week
  • Mushrooms every other day

  • Strict Peat diet most of the time, emphasis on Milk/Cheese, very little starch
  • Strength training twice a week, put on lots of mass during this time and also some fat, +10kg
  • 1 hour walking daily, only past week leading up to labs

Labs (I have marked values that seem important):

WBC - 6220 (ref 4500-11000)
Hemoglobin - 14.8 g/dL (ref 14-18) BORDERLINE LOW?
Hematocrit - 44% (ref 42-52)
RBC Count - 5.20 (ref 4.3-5.9)
MCV - 84.8 fL (ref 80-100)
MCH - 28.5 pg (ref 26-34)
MCHC - 33.6 g/dL (ref 31-37)
RDW - 12.9% (ref 11.7-14.2)
Platelet Count - 297000 (ref 150000-450000)
Neutrophil - 57% (ref 40-70)
Lymphocyte - 27% (ref 20-40)
Monocyte - 11% (ref 2-10) HIGH (first time this is out of range in the last 2 years)
Eosinophil - 4% (ref 0-5)
RBC Morphology - Normal

Fasting Sugar/Glucose - 84 mg/dL (ref 70-110) Lower than on low carb diet, interesting
Uric Acid - 5.9 mg/dL (ref 3.5-7.2)
Serum Calcium - 9.6 mg/dL (ref 8.4-10.2)
Serum Phosphorus - 3.1 mg/dL (ref 2.3-4.7)

Cholesterol - 211 mg/dL (ref <200)
Triglyceride - 79 mg/dL (ref <150) First time ever I am above 55 on this
HDL - 45 mg/dL (ref >60) LOW, my HDL is always in this range except on Keto I got it up to 62 which is normal range

LDL - 142 mg/dL (ref <100) I never had below 100 on this, I am not concerned though

Albumin - 4.5 g/dL (ref 3.5-5)
Estradiol E2 - 26 pg/mL (ref 11-44) Probably not sensitive test
FSH - 5.27 mIU/mL (ref 0.95-11.95)
LH - 6.79 mIU/mL (ref 0.57-12.07)
Progesterone - 0.23 ng/mL (ref 0.27-0.92 from this forum) LOW, but this is the highest I have had, my previous tests last 3 years 0.14-0.21)
Prolactin - 9.6 ng/mL (ref 3.46-19.40) HIGH? Looks like I have an estrogen problem no?

Testosterone - 10.219 ng/mL (ref 0.470-9.806) HIGH, clearly I am far from low testosterone, overproducer more like it, explains the quick muscle gains

Free Testosterone - 0.204 ng/mL (calculated from Albumin/T/SHBG, ref 0.90-0.300) First time free T above 0.125 in 4 years, I am extremely happy about this, almost DOUBLE!
Bioavailable Testosterone - 5 ng/mL = 48.9 % (ref 35-60) last 4 years have always been 30-40% on this, nice!
SHBG - 44.2 nmol/L (ref 32.4-128) Down 10 points, Never tested below 55 in last 4 years, been 55-75. Guess this is the fructose!
DHEA-S - 405.5 ug/dL (ref 80-560)

TSH - 1.12 uIU/mL (ref 0.35-4.94) I take this as I should double my NDT dosage to 1 grain to get below 1?
Total T3 - 97 ng% (ref 64-152)
Total T4 - 6.05 ug/dL (ref 4.87-11.72)

My takeaways:

  1. DHT and Estrone results coming up in a few weeks, I am expecting high DHT but probably high Estrone as well.

  2. Libido seems to likely be an estrogen problem since the Prolactin? Hair loss is another problem and it makes sense in context.

  3. I should probably stop Pansterone since it might be causing estrogenic problems?
  4. Use low dose Progesterone instead since it seems low? I have Progestene on hand. Might balance Total T.
  5. Increase Vitamin E & Nicotine to drive down Prolactin? Or any other pro-dopamine stuff? Lisuride good idea? @haidut

  6. Double up on NDT to get TSH below 1?

What do you guys think?

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Jan 15, 2017
For reference how long have you been(generally speaking) on the protocol above?

For arguments sake it maybbe worth considering staying close to where you as you may be and likely are still improving


Sep 1, 2017
Ok guys I got my labs back, I also tested Estrone and DHT but these will take 2 weeks more at least to get results on as my local lab have to outsource that and send to another country.

I am extremely grateful for any feedback you guys have!

These are also my first labs since starting Peating (3 months), I am very excited at some of the stuff I see in these labs but I need to figure out the Libido aspect.

Some quick background again to make it easier for you, while on these labs I have been taking the following:

  • 0.5 grain NDT
  • Pansterone Preg/DHEA (2-3 drops scrotum once a day, some days skipped)
  • Low dose Aspirin (stopped a few days leading up to labs)
  • Vitamin E 400 IU (stopped a few days leading up to labs)
  • Butea Superba
  • 0-1mg Nicotine as Snus, Occasional
  • Occasional Korean Ginseng (for martial arts) (stopped a few days leading up to labs)
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Iodine (natural food form, part of my LE Vit K formula, will not rebuy)
  • Coffee (1-3 cups)
  • Carrot Salad 3-5 times per week
  • Mushrooms every other day

  • Strict Peat diet most of the time, emphasis on Milk/Cheese, very little starch
  • Strength training twice a week, put on lots of mass during this time and also some fat, +10kg
  • 1 hour walking daily, only past week leading up to labs

Labs (I have marked values that seem important):

WBC - 6220 (ref 4500-11000)
Hemoglobin - 14.8 g/dL (ref 14-18) BORDERLINE LOW?
Hematocrit - 44% (ref 42-52)
RBC Count - 5.20 (ref 4.3-5.9)
MCV - 84.8 fL (ref 80-100)
MCH - 28.5 pg (ref 26-34)
MCHC - 33.6 g/dL (ref 31-37)
RDW - 12.9% (ref 11.7-14.2)
Platelet Count - 297000 (ref 150000-450000)
Neutrophil - 57% (ref 40-70)
Lymphocyte - 27% (ref 20-40)
Monocyte - 11% (ref 2-10) HIGH (first time this is out of range in the last 2 years)
Eosinophil - 4% (ref 0-5)
RBC Morphology - Normal

Fasting Sugar/Glucose - 84 mg/dL (ref 70-110) Lower than on low carb diet, interesting
Uric Acid - 5.9 mg/dL (ref 3.5-7.2)
Serum Calcium - 9.6 mg/dL (ref 8.4-10.2)
Serum Phosphorus - 3.1 mg/dL (ref 2.3-4.7)

Cholesterol - 211 mg/dL (ref <200)
Triglyceride - 79 mg/dL (ref <150) First time ever I am above 55 on this
HDL - 45 mg/dL (ref >60) LOW, my HDL is always in this range except on Keto I got it up to 62 which is normal range

LDL - 142 mg/dL (ref <100) I never had below 100 on this, I am not concerned though

Albumin - 4.5 g/dL (ref 3.5-5)
Estradiol E2 - 26 pg/mL (ref 11-44) Probably not sensitive test
FSH - 5.27 mIU/mL (ref 0.95-11.95)
LH - 6.79 mIU/mL (ref 0.57-12.07)
Progesterone - 0.23 ng/mL (ref 0.27-0.92 from this forum) LOW, but this is the highest I have had, my previous tests last 3 years 0.14-0.21)
Prolactin - 9.6 ng/mL (ref 3.46-19.40) HIGH? Looks like I have an estrogen problem no?

Testosterone - 10.219 ng/mL (ref 0.470-9.806) HIGH, clearly I am far from low testosterone, overproducer more like it, explains the quick muscle gains

Free Testosterone - 0.204 ng/mL (calculated from Albumin/T/SHBG, ref 0.90-0.300) First time free T above 0.125 in 4 years, I am extremely happy about this, almost DOUBLE!
Bioavailable Testosterone - 5 ng/mL = 48.9 % (ref 35-60) last 4 years have always been 30-40% on this, nice!
SHBG - 44.2 nmol/L (ref 32.4-128) Down 10 points, Never tested below 55 in last 4 years, been 55-75. Guess this is the fructose!
DHEA-S - 405.5 ug/dL (ref 80-560)

TSH - 1.12 uIU/mL (ref 0.35-4.94) I take this as I should double my NDT dosage to 1 grain to get below 1?
Total T3 - 97 ng% (ref 64-152)
Total T4 - 6.05 ug/dL (ref 4.87-11.72)

My takeaways:

  1. DHT and Estrone results coming up in a few weeks, I am expecting high DHT but probably high Estrone as well.

  2. Libido seems to likely be an estrogen problem since the Prolactin? Hair loss is another problem and it makes sense in context.

  3. I should probably stop Pansterone since it might be causing estrogenic problems?
  4. Use low dose Progesterone instead since it seems low? I have Progestene on hand. Might balance Total T.
  5. Increase Vitamin E & Nicotine to drive down Prolactin? Or any other pro-dopamine stuff? Lisuride good idea? @haidut

  6. Double up on NDT to get TSH below 1?

What do you guys think?
Bro, what about trying some pure cacao? Seems pretty dopaminergic and rich in magnessium. You may try metergoline or dostinex or lisuride to see how you feel on lower prolactin


Jan 14, 2018
For reference how long have you been(generally speaking) on the protocol above?

For arguments sake it maybbe worth considering staying close to where you as you may be and likely are still improving

About 3 months.

Agreed, I think I'm still improving as my resting heart rate has been slowly climbing higher and higher over the last few months. Still, have quite a bit to go, want to get it up to 85 bpm on average.

I do however want to try something for the libido aspect, it really makes no sense to me that I am rocking above lab ranges testosterone levels but in terms of sex drive have nothing to show for it. I do notice higher stress/exercise resilience though.


Jan 14, 2018
Bro, what about trying some pure cacao? Seems pretty dopaminergic and rich in magnessium. You may try metergoline or dostinex or lisuride to see how you feel on lower prolactin

Yeah, I just bought 1kg locally grown/produced cacao powder, will be trying it but my cacao consumption has already been high in the past so I don't think it will do much other than boost mood.

I am very interested in trying metergoline or lisuride, which one is prefered in this case?

I can actually buy Bromocriptine locally here without prescription, going to head down to the pharmacy later today and get some. Should be able to get similar results with it as lisuride right?


Jan 15, 2017
Yeah, I just bought 1kg locally grown/produced cacao powder, will be trying it but my cacao consumption has already been high in the past so I don't think it will do much other than boost mood.

I am very interested in trying metergoline or lisuride, which one is prefered in this case?

I can actually buy Bromocriptine locally here without prescription, going to head down to the pharmacy later today and get some. Should be able to get similar results with it as lisuride right?

I believe @Blossom has had good success with both bromocriptine and then lisuride. I cant quite recall why she switched.

The mechanism of metergoline is a bit slower than lisuride as far as receptors, its definitely worth the read in their respective threads. If i recall correctly lisuride has a shorter halflife and effects a longer list of D receptors than metergoline but the latter has longer effects while effecting less of them. It depends on your method of use bearing in my prolactin is under tonic control but dopamine and other things.

Obviously i only used mine(and not even a full dose)post-sex and left it alone otherwise but when combined in the bigger picture was enough.

In my case, and i would bet yours lisuride or even bromo even once or twice a week will get you where you want to be.


Jan 14, 2018
I believe @Blossom has had good success with both bromocriptine and then lisuride. I cant quite recall why she switched.

The mechanism of metergoline is a bit slower than lisuride as far as receptors, its definitely worth the read in their respective threads. If i recall correctly lisuride has a shorter halflife and effects a longer list of D receptors than metergoline but the latter has longer effects while effecting less of them. It depends on your method of use bearing in my prolactin is under tonic control but dopamine and other things.

Obviously i only used mine(and not even a full dose)post-sex and left it alone otherwise but when combined in the bigger picture was enough.

In my case, and i would bet yours lisuride or even bromo even once or twice a week will get you where you want to be.

Thanks, I think most people switch because of potential heart valve issues with continuous use.

I can buy it right here and lisuride would take like 2 weeks to arrive so will go with bromo first at low dosage to judge if it's a path that improves libido.

Personally, I like shorter half-life since it's easier to control dosing. This is why I like nicotine as a stimulant as it is only like 2 hours so can be used on an as-needed basis. But nicotine does nothing for me in terms of libido even though it is dopaminergic.
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