Just Ordered Pansterone And Androsterone


Sep 22, 2020
Personaly androsterone has become my favorite supplement, i take it orally sometimes at 10mg and it works amazing with DHEA, theres a thread talking about androsterone + DHEA having a remarkably synergysic effect

With androsterone i have noticed people both female and males treat me differently its strange it does seem to affect social tier, it could also be because of its intense pro-gaba effects that it makes you more charismatic and chill, it really removes social anxiety for me,

Taking androsterone also makes my body odour smell amazing, i think its because it increases pheromone production, DHEA does this too i think but to a lesser degree, also andro + DHEA makes you ripped and grows muscles so fast, im a pretty active guy but i haven’t lifted weights since January and even on a basically pure liquid diet cause of gut issues andro + DHEA really buffed me up, theyre my two favorite hormones and the ones i find personally to be the most effective for me in terms of the benefits

Any negative behavioral effects you’ve noticed towards you from the androsterone?


Oct 3, 2016
Any negative behavioral effects you’ve noticed towards you from the androsterone?
Quite the opposite actually, it seems like people are nicer to me and want to be around me more and if i had to guess its likely because my cortisol is lower and GABA is higher which gives off better social vibes


Oct 3, 2016
Great report, thanks. Is that 20mg oral andro daily? Is that considered quite a large dose? How much oral DHEA do you take alongside? Thanks for your help!
No sorry its 10mg that i usually peak at, i might’ve gone higher a few times but i don’t think there’s any negative effects to even really high doses, i remember Georgi shared a study where i think they gave women 150mg doses of androsterone with no negative effects noted, can’t remember the exact thread where i saw that though you’d have to ask haidut, but DHEA i never go higher than 15mg’s honestly it depends on the day and how much i feel i need both for stress resistance but sometimes even just 2-3 mg of both dhea and androsterone is enough to give a powerful anti-cortisol sedative effect, and i noticed all the anabolic effects on doses not much higher than 5mg’s each for both, this was also mentioned in a thread from haidut called the remarkable synergistic effect of androsterone with DHEA, which was based off a study that showed andro and DHEA amplify/compliment each other and in ratios of 50/50 something like 5mg each for both and that’s been my experience with those doses of those two androgens


Aug 6, 2015
Best of luck to you. I think it's smart to try the combo before trt. Please report back on how you feel and your testosterone levels should you have them tested.

I've only tried 3mg of androsterone topically with subtle but good results. Oddly, I've had random women become confrontational when I use it. Mostly snide remarks and glares. Same deal from effeminate men (soy boys). I believe others have reported the same in the androsterone thread. It's just something to potentially be aware of.

i would love to hear more about those social interactions
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