Just can’t control Appetite - Help Please


Oct 14, 2016
Most days I’m reaching 5000 calories. Just yesterday I went through 400g of chocolate in one sitting (which is about 2200 calories on its own). I just can’t stop. My body starts to shake craving food like a drug addict, even after I’ve ate my meal.

Which foods are highly satiating and will help control my appetite?

I really need to do something fast because my weight is getting out of control.


Jun 14, 2020
According to @redsun protein is the macronutrient that will satiate you the most. You could try including protein in every meal. Something I found that helps to halt overeating is to chew your food well and eat it slowly. Doing so I am able to eat until satiety, without being "full." Before I'd just eat fast until being full


Jan 27, 2015
How long have you been like this? Also do you come from chronic nutritional deficit (nutritional and/or weight)? I had a period of a fortnight where I literally could not leave the kitchen when I was recovering from being severely underweight. As soon as one meal was finished I HAD to start cooking the next as hunger would resume almost immediately after, if you are similar it will taper off, be sure not to overload on too much sugar (I'm not anti sugar but if you have been gorging on it through states of poor insulin regulation I found pulling it back a bit helped settle the appetite swings) and of course stay away from PUFA.


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Aug 4, 2017
Even if you live alone, it might help if you prepared basic meals that include protein, carbohydrates and fats. Eat the meals at normal times for your work and sleep schedule. Plan any snack ahead of time and get back to work before consuming more than you planned. Chocolate can be part of a good snack. Also, some fiber in the meals will help. And like Sitaruim mentioned, protein will help.
Nov 21, 2015
For me, having something like polenta with butter and salt is very satiating. The saturated fat and carb combination with salt really is very satiating for hours.


Oct 14, 2016
According to @redsun protein is the macronutrient that will satiate you the most. You could try including protein in every meal. Something I found that helps to halt overeating is to chew your food well and eat it slowly. Doing so I am able to eat until satiety, without being "full." Before I'd just eat fast until being full

Even if you live alone, it might help if you prepared basic meals that include protein, carbohydrates and fats. Eat the meals at normal times for your work and sleep schedule. Plan any snack ahead of time and get back to work before consuming more than you planned. Chocolate can be part of a good snack. Also, some fiber in the meals will help. And like Sitaruim mentioned, protein will help.

How long have you been like this? Also do you come from chronic nutritional deficit (nutritional and/or weight)? I had a period of a fortnight where I literally could not leave the kitchen when I was recovering from being severely underweight. As soon as one meal was finished I HAD to start cooking the next as hunger would resume almost immediately after, if you are similar it will taper off, be sure not to overload on too much sugar (I'm not anti sugar but if you have been gorging on it through states of poor insulin regulation I found pulling it back a bit helped settle the appetite swings) and of course stay away from PUFA.

Thank you for the responses people.

I think it will help if I increase my protein more, but also I’m nowhere near getting enough calcium in my diet.

This article was really helpful.

Calcium is burnt through very fast when a person is under a lot of stress. It’s no wonder I’m not getting the positive effects from K2 which I used to get before.

I think I need to get my hands on some calcium supplement. I don’t really do well with just milk.


Oct 14, 2016
For me, having something like polenta with butter and salt is very satiating. The saturated fat and carb combination with salt really is very satiating for hours.
Thank you.

Do you measure the amount of calcium you get daily? Also do you get it all from milk/cheese or do you supplement aswell?


Oct 14, 2016
“ Prolactin, which is increased under the influence of estrogen or serotonin, causes the body to lose calcium (drawing it from the bones), and it stimulates the secretion of PTH, which compensates for the calcium loss by increasing its mobilization from bones. Prolactins action on bone is at least partly by increasing IL-6 formation; IL-6 stimulates the release of prolactin. Serotonin and IL-6 stimulate each others secretion, and PTH and serotonin each stimulate the others release..
PTH (like estrogen and serotonin) inhibits cellular respiration and activates glycolysis, lowering the ATP level and shifting the cells metabolism toward the production of lactic acid rather than carbon dioxide. PTH also causes bicarbonate to be lost in the urine.”

Cleared so much in my mind this quote from Dr Peat. I know this forum endorses a 2:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus (correct me if I’m wrong). So now that I want mutton as one of my main protein sources, I will have to drastically increase my calcium.


Oct 14, 2016
“Simply eating an adequate amount of calcium and magnesium can alleviate many problems related to stress and aging that are considered serious, such as heart arrhythmia, pancreatitis, and tissue calcification. The antiinflammatory, anti-allergy actions of calcium and magnesium are well established, and there is clear evidence that obesity and various emotional disturbances can result from their deficiency. Chronically high PTH can produce anemia, by a variety of mechanisms.”


Oct 14, 2016
“Most loss of calcium from bones occurs during the night. PTH tends to cycle with prolactin, which increases during the night, along with cortisol and the other stress hormones. These nocturnal hormones probably account for the morning stiffness seen in many rheumatic conditions, connective tissue diseases, and in aging.”

Amazing. This might explain why for so many years I wake up after sleep so stiff.
Nov 21, 2015
Thank you.

Do you measure the amount of calcium you get daily? Also do you get it all from milk/cheese or do you supplement aswell?

yes I do. And yes, plus from spring water. I do not supplement calcium.


May 13, 2015
Most days I’m reaching 5000 calories. Just yesterday I went through 400g of chocolate in one sitting (which is about 2200 calories on its own). I just can’t stop. My body starts to shake craving food like a drug addict, even after I’ve ate my meal.
What are you doing with 400g of chocolate (candy?) in the house? Get all the crap food out of your house. Purge the pantry. Don't buy more bad for you stuff.

The reason why you are shaking and craving food (sweets?) is because your ability to metabolize it is not working. You may have high blood sugar but your cells are starved for glucose because your metabolism is not working.

Investigate thiamine. Learn what you need to do to heal your metabolism. Additional sugar in the diet uses up what thiamine you may have. Then it isn't available to make metabolism happen.

here's a good video to start with:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkKmiZkiEPI&list=PLZPlb2-Xf5Tz-S7q8Us-TUbf_m0QiaNGX&index=4

Lots of good videos about thiamine are here:
Which foods are highly satiating and will help control my appetite?
Get yourself some 1% milk and some gelatin (hydrolized works in cold liquids like milk). Pour 16 oz of milk into a glass. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar (fructose works well as it doesn't trigger insulin), some vanilla, and a generous rounded 1/8th cup of hydrolized gelatin while stirring like mad. Drink up! Tastes like vanilla ice cream. You can also freeze some milk in an ice cube tray and use the same ingredients to make a great milk shake made in a blender. You can add some orange juice and then you've got an orange julius. If you tolerate bananas (high serotonin food) you can peel them and freeze them and put some in the blender with the milk etc. Ripe frozen peaches are great in a blender shake. You can also add a raw egg yolk or two to make the shake richer. Yum!!

If you get hungry in an hour, have another one. Ray Peat has said that ideally you should have 2 quarts of milk/day for the calcium. 2 quarts = 64 ounces = FOUR shakes/day.

Buy yourself some coconut oil. Make some polenta (or better yet some hominy grits). Refrigerate it until cold. Slice it thin and fry it in a little coconut oil & drain on paper towels. You can add some reggiano parmesan cheese to the hot polenta (or grits) and stir well before refrigerating it and frying. You may notice that although it tastes great, a couple of slices of it is really all you want because the coconut oil is very satisfying. Consider it a salty treat.

Cook up a big batch of sliced white button mushrooms. Make sure they are well cooked. Have some (3/4cup) reheated every day. Here's a recipe: Finely chop a shallot or two and saute in a little coconut oil on low for maybe 5 minutes. Do NOT brown. Add 1/8 cup of red port wine and simmer on low low for about 20 minutes. Heat the mushrooms, pour the shallots and essence of port over the mushrooms, top with reggiano parmesan cheese. It really is delicious.
Cleared so much in my mind this quote from Dr Peat. I know this forum endorses a 2:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorus (correct me if I’m wrong). So now that I want mutton as one of my main protein sources, I will have to drastically increase my calcium.
Ray Peat has said that he considers milk to be a perfect food because it has a 1:1 ratio of calcium to phosphate. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.) Eating meat will increase your phosphate out of this ideal range. That said, it is very important to eat enough protein. The shake described above has 27 grams of protein, probably a little more if you add the egg yolk. If you have three of these each day you will be getting over 80 grams of protein. If you aren't particularly active then this might be enough protein for you. If you feel you need more, have some eggs, or shrimp, or oysters, or liver.
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Oct 14, 2016
What are you doing with 400g of chocolate (candy?) in the house? Get all the crap food out of your house. Purge the pantry. Don't buy more bad for you stuff.

The reason why you are shaking and craving food (sweets?) is because your ability to metabolize it is not working. You may have high blood sugar but your cells are starved for glucose because your metabolism is not working.

Investigate thiamine. Learn what you need to do to heal your metabolism. Additional sugar in the diet uses up what thiamine you may have. Then it isn't available to make metabolism happen.

here's a good video to start with:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkKmiZkiEPI&list=PLZPlb2-Xf5Tz-S7q8Us-TUbf_m0QiaNGX&index=4

Lots of good videos about thiamine are here:

Get yourself some 1% milk and some gelatin (hydrolized works in cold liquids like milk). Pour 16 oz of milk into a glass. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar (fructose works well as it doesn't trigger insulin), some vanilla, and a generous rounded 1/8th cup of hydrolized gelatin while stirring like mad. Drink up! Tastes like vanilla ice cream. You can also freeze some milk in an ice cube tray and use the same ingredients to make a great milk shake made in a blender. You can add some orange juice and then you've got an orange julius. If you tolerate bananas (high serotonin food) you can peel them and freeze them and put some in the blender with the milk etc. Ripe frozen peaches are great in a blender shake. You can also add a raw egg yolk or two to make the shake richer. Yum!!

If you get hungry in an hour, have another one. Ray Peat has said that ideally you should have 2 quarts of milk/day for the calcium. 2 quarts = 64 ounces = FOUR shakes/day.

Buy yourself some coconut oil. Make some polenta (or better yet some hominy grits). Refrigerate it until cold. Slice it thin and fry it in a little coconut oil & drain on paper towels. You can add some reggiano parmesan cheese to the hot polenta (or grits) and stir well before refrigerating it and frying. You may notice that although it tastes great, a couple of slices of it is really all you want because the coconut oil is very satisfying. Consider it a salty treat.

Cook up a big batch of sliced white button mushrooms. Make sure they are well cooked. Have some (3/4cup) reheated every day. Here's a recipe: Finely chop a shallot or two and saute in a little coconut oil on low for maybe 5 minutes. Do NOT brown. Add 1/8 cup of red port wine and simmer on low low for about 20 minutes. Heat the mushrooms, pour the shallots and essence of port over the mushrooms, top with reggiano parmesan cheese. It really is delicious.

Ray Peat has said that he considers milk to be a perfect food because it has a 1:1 ratio of calcium to phosphate. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.) Eating meat will increase your phosphate out of this ideal range. That said, it is very important to eat enough protein. The shake described above has 27 grams of protein, probably a little more if you add the egg yolk. If you have three of these each day you will be getting over 80 grams of protein. If you aren't particularly active then this might be enough protein for you. If you feel you need more, have some eggs, or shrimp, or oysters, or liver.

Thank you for taking out the time to write this post. It’s really appreciated. I have taken your advice on board and got myself milk, cheese and lots of frozen vegetables. Grapefruit and pineapple slices. I will also be making out a meal plan to make sure I’m hitting my protein and calcium requirements. I feel everything else will fall in place then. I’ve got the 100mg thiamine tablets, and I will keep it up. R5P has helped me massively aswell. I’m using Defibron and other fatty acids to improve inflammation in my body and liver health. I feel these will play a massive role in my recovery, as I feel instant relief in my symptoms when I use them.


May 13, 2015
Thank you for taking out the time to write this post. It’s really appreciated. I have taken your advice on board and got myself milk, cheese and lots of frozen vegetables. Grapefruit and pineapple slices. I will also be making out a meal plan to make sure I’m hitting my protein and calcium requirements. I feel everything else will fall in place then. I’ve got the 100mg thiamine tablets, and I will keep it up. R5P has helped me massively aswell. I’m using Defibron and other fatty acids to improve inflammation in my body and liver health. I feel these will play a massive role in my recovery, as I feel instant relief in my symptoms when I use them.
Please forgive me for this nitpicking response. Please allow me to suggest these articles:
also these:
"Here’s the list of the fruits that contain the highest levels of serotonin:"

  1. Plantain (30.3 ± 7.5 µg/g weight)
  2. Pineapple (17.0 ± 5.1 µg/g weight)
  3. Banana (15.0 ± 2.4 µg/g weight)
  4. Kiwi (5.8 ± 0.9 µg/g weight)
  5. Plums (4.7 ± 0.8 µg/g weight)
  6. Tomatoes (3.2 ± 0.6 µg/g weight)
— From Serotonin content of foods: effect on urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid. Serotonin content of foods: effect on urinary excretion of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid - PubMed
Please understand that it is really important to research what you choose to include in your diet. It's important to keep your estrogen as low as you can because fat cells produce estrogen, estrogen lugs down the liver so it cannot convert thyroid hormone from T4 to the active T3. Good thyroid function is required to have good metabolism.

thyroid articles:

It's important to focus on consuming nutrient dense food so your body gets the nutrients that it needs. Milk, cottage cheese, reggiano parmesan cheese, eggs, oysters, wild caught shrimp, liver, and ORANGE JUICE are nutrient dense. Soft ripe juicy fruit, good oranges, ripe cherries, and ripe peaches are good choices. Cooked mushrooms, cooked bamboo shoots, and raw shredded carrot salad will keep your digestive tract in working order. Use coconut oil for cooking. If you crave a salad, stick with shredded carrot or peeled seedless cucumbers. I like to mix some honey with some fresh goat cheese and a little garlic salt to use for salad dressing. Avoid all PUFA like your life depends upon it.

Here are a couple of search engines that should help you find good information:
PeatSearch: a Ray Peat-specific search engine - Toxinless Use the cell on the left that excludes the forum. Ignore the first several that Google slides in at the top to get you off topic. Look for the ice cream cone icon.

Bioenergetic Search searches all the audio shows. Just type in a word or two and it will find all the shows where it is spoken.
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Sep 13, 2012
What is your backstory @A.R ? Are you coming from a history of calorie restriction? Or did you always have this crazy appetite? You sound like someone who did restrict for a period of time or were under severe stress. In that case the appetite is good you are recovering. But if not then something is going awry.
Sep 15, 2021
You could try eating more potatoes, which are relatively nutritious, satiating, and not particularly calorically dense unless you use a lot of butter. If you are having a hard time with constantly feeling hungry, then drinking a lot of your daily calories might not be satisfying.


Oct 14, 2016
Please forgive me for this nitpicking response. Please allow me to suggest these articles:
also these:
"Here’s the list of the fruits that contain the highest levels of serotonin:"

Please understand that it is really important to research what you choose to include in your diet. It's important to keep your estrogen as low as you can because fat cells produce estrogen, estrogen lugs down the liver so it cannot convert thyroid hormone from T4 to the active T3. Good thyroid function is required to have good metabolism.

thyroid articles:

It's important to focus on consuming nutrient dense food so your body gets the nutrients that it needs. Milk, cottage cheese, reggiano parmesan cheese, eggs, oysters, wild caught shrimp, liver, and ORANGE JUICE are nutrient dense. Soft ripe juicy fruit, good oranges, ripe cherries, and ripe peaches are good choices. Cooked mushrooms, cooked bamboo shoots, and raw shredded carrot salad will keep your digestive tract in working order. Use coconut oil for cooking. If you crave a salad, stick with shredded carrot or peeled seedless cucumbers. I like to mix some honey with some fresh goat cheese and a little garlic salt to use for salad dressing. Avoid all PUFA like your life depends upon it.

Here are a couple of search engines that should help you find good information:
PeatSearch: a Ray Peat-specific search engine - Toxinless Use the cell on the left that excludes the forum. Ignore the first several that Google slides in at the top to get you off topic. Look for the ice cream cone icon.

Bioenergetic Search searches all the audio shows. Just type in a word or two and it will find all the shows where it is spoken.

Thank you. I was always under the impression that the grapefruit was helping me detox estrogen…forcing myself to eat it thinking it was doing me good…

I’ve been avoiding PUFA for a very long time. I also use coconut oil for cooking.

Frozen vegetables are broccoli/carrot/green beans/sweetcorn. I’m trying to include them in my diet so I stop eating breads.

I know a persons diet can vary, but could you please just give me an idea what you eat on a typical day?

What is your backstory @A.R ? Are you coming from a history of calorie restriction? Or did you always have this crazy appetite? You sound like someone who did restrict for a period of time or were under severe stress. In that case the appetite is good you are recovering. But if not then something is going awry.
I managed to lose about 100lbs through mainly calorie restriction as I was very overweight. However I went through a stressful situation last year, and was put on a SSRI and anti psychotic drug. I also had to take the double dose vaccine in a short space of time because I needed to travel. I’ve since come of the drugs, but I’m still dealing with the damage. I’ve also put on all the 100lbs back on now which I lost.


Oct 14, 2016
You could try eating more potatoes, which are relatively nutritious, satiating, and not particularly calorically dense unless you use a lot of butter. If you are having a hard time with constantly feeling hungry, then drinking a lot of your daily calories might not be satisfying.
Yes with potatoes I was worried about consuming the starch, as I’ve read starch is not good for a person trying to lose weight. If I boil the potatoes and then drain, that will get rid of the starch, but also a lot of other nutrients?
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