Is Racial Animosity Inherent?

Are we racist by default?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 53.1%
  • No

    Votes: 30 46.9%

  • Total voters


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Perhaps you misread my sarcasm. That was exactly the point of my post. The high majority of so-called muslim terrorism is carried out either by patsies, intelligence agencies (the majority by MOSSAD) and such, including the use of predominantly mercenary armies (pretty much what the majority of ISIS actually is under guidance of MOSSAD. The Brookings institute you quote is basically a mouth-piece for the so-called élite' or as I prefer inbred scum of the earth.
I thought about the pro-establishment bias of the Brookings Institute, but they had the most immediate results when I searched on the topic.

Also, many people read what's written here, and you can't assume everyone picks up on sarcasm all of the time.

State-sponsored rebel terrorist groups in the Middle-East, whether the CIA-backed Mujaheddin and al-Qaeda, direct U.S. support of Anti-Gadaffi forces, Israeli military intelligence's false flags in the Egypt during the Lavon affair, as well as the latter's funding of ISIS to destabilize Syria and Lebanon all make good conspiracy theories, but these all remain as mere coincidences.


Aug 28, 2012
I thought about the pro-establishment bias of the Brookings Institute, but they had the most immediate results when I searched on the topic.

Also, many people read what's written here, and you can't assume everyone picks up on sarcasm all of the time.

State-sponsored rebel terrorist groups in the Middle-East, whether the CIA-backed Mujaheddin and al-Qaeda, direct U.S. support of Anti-Gadaffi forces, Israeli military intelligence's false flags in the Egypt during the Lavon affair, as well as the latter's funding of ISIS to destabilize Syria and Lebanon all make good conspiracy theories, but these all remain as mere coincidences.

Good points. Oh yes the world is full of so many coincidences that just couldn't possibly be linked, right?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm white in case y'all didn't know.
In the mid 90's I spent a year at a private black college. One day I went to the restroom during classes and as I was washing my hands I glanced into the mirror. I was momentarily shocked at my own reflection. I think it was just because I was so immersed in my studies and interacting with everyone around me that I was caught of guard by how different I looked. I think we often just get accustomed to our surroundings whether it's people, items, the climate etc and when something stands out as different we notice. That's the great thing about having these big brains- we get to decide if what we have noticed should be a concern. I believe we are wired to notice when things are different just as we are fine tuned to pick up on minuscule changes in facial expressions. Now I guess some people might find that little story racist and if so that isn't my intent. I can understand the feeling of noticing someone is different and having their mind briefly go on alert because I felt it toward myself.


Dec 9, 2015
I've seen in children that there is a natural tendency to be suspicious, yet curious, about people who look or talk differently than them, which can usually be overcome in less than an hour of play. It makes me think "racism" or "tribalism" is learned (or at least needs to be continually enforced by adults), not necessarily something intrinsic.

I remember reading of tales of explorers visiting pre-agricultural/pre-contact tribes and noting how gregarious and hospitable they were to visitors.


Mar 15, 2014
1) So someone cannot evolve into an experience past their previous experiences? I don't understand what you're trying to say... So please spell it out.

It's very simple, people simply choose not to recognize it because of racist dogma.

Are there people who are, within reason, not racist? The answer is yes. Just like there are people who are, within reason, metabolically healthy.

To declare racism inherent because a large portion or even a majority of people exhibit it, is to also declare that health is inherent and unchangeable. You may as well just quit this forum using the same logic.

Of course, most people want their health to improve, so they do not use this logic. However, most people do not care about racism, and many even want racism to worsen, so they selectively apply the defeatist logic here.
In the mid 90's I spent a year at a private black college. One day I went to the restroom during classes and as I was washing my hands I glanced into the mirror. I was momentarily shocked at my own reflection.

Clearly you must be anti-white and indoctrinated into leftist thought. Racial preferences cannot be conditioned by culture. (sarcasm)
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Mar 15, 2014
specifically East Asians have low behavioral aggression and the lowest crime rates of any racial group, whereas Arabs have a higher incidence of criminality compared to that of Europeans

By that logic, shouldn't whites be more racist toward themselves than to Asians? Especially in the case of inter-ethnic whites who do have some genetic difference (Scots vs. Slavs, for example). Whites commit more crime than Asians.

I see whites actually cheering for the Chinese indoctrination camps of Muslim Uyghurs. This makes literally zero sense from the "genetic logic" perspective, meaning that racism is not a fundamentally rational behavior based on genes. Of course, we know this already because race is a social construct at its core (racial appearance is not inherently linked with genetic ancestry).

What's the evidence that, "there are white people who are genetically closer to brown people than to other white people,"

Kalash on the human tree - Gene Expression

Brown Indians and white Kalash form a close genetic group. White Europeans and brown Arabs form a close genetic group. White people are more related to brown people than white people.
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
By that logic, shouldn't whites be more racist toward themselves than to Asians? Especially in the case of inter-ethnic whites who do have some genetic difference (Scots vs. Slavs, for example). Whites commit more crime than Asians.

I see whites actually cheering for the Chinese indoctrination camps of Muslim Uyghurs. This makes literally zero sense from the "genetic logic" perspective, meaning that racism is not a fundamentally rational behavior based on genes. Of course, we know this already because race is a social construct at its core (racial appearance is not inherently linked with genetic ancestry).
Arguments for genetic similarity as the determining factor in behavior have limits in their usefulness and applicability. The phenotypic (expressed) expression of genes has a relationship across similar haplogroups (gene clusters, say amongst East Asians,) but again, two genetically similar populations do not necessarily have more similar behaviors compared to two populations with more dissimilar haplogroups. For example, although many Arab and Western European populations have more similar haplogroups compared to Western Europeans and East Asians, East Asians have some behaviors more similar to those of Western Europeans, such as tendencies toward lower criminality, greater industriousness and lower time preference.

In other words, populations with greater genetic dissimilarity can have greater phenotypic (that is behavioral) similarity because of the complex interactions between genes and biology. In other words, similar genotypes do not necessarily result in similar phenotypes.

No one knows the degree of contribution to behavior from either the environment or genetics (nature vs. nurture,) so the most logically sound position would be to assume a 50% contribution as a result of nature (genotype) and 50% as a result of nurture (epigenetics.)

Generally, groups favor those who align with their identity, considered as the in-group. Some have been conditioned to reject their biases. Even within an in-group, individuals discriminate, such as with "white trash." The degree of anti-social behavior from other groups toward one's in-group contributes to the out-group's perceived status. In the United States, since East Asians have far lower rates of aggravated assault compared to that of Africans, Americans stereotype Africans as violent, an anti-social trait.

East Asians and Indians have extremely prejudiced and low opinions of Africans. Mahatma Gandhi (an Indian) wrote Indian-supremacist comments condemning Africans as sub-human creatures, opinions expressed as he advocated for the liberation of Indian slaves in South Africa. In the following passages, taken from The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi , "Kaffir" refers to South Africans with Sub-Saharan ancestry. The fourth quote refers to the Chinese as superior to Sub-Saharan Africans.

Gandhi refers to Sub-Saharan South Africans as, paraphrased, "indecent," "useless," "unmotivated," "indolent" (lazy), and "of a degraded level."

"A general belief seems to prevail in the Colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than savages or the Natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.” ~ Vol. I, p. 193

Sept. 26, 1896
“Ours is one continual struggle against a degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the Europeans, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir whose occupation is hunting, and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with and, then, pass his life in indolence and nakedness.” ~ Vol. I, pp. 409-410

Mar. 16, 1903
“The bye-law has its origin in the alleged or real, impudent and, in some cases, indecent behaviour of the Kaffirs. But, whatever the charges are against the British Indians, no one has ever whispered that the Indians behave otherwise than as decent men. But, as it is the wont in this part of the world, they have been dragged down with the Kaffir without the slightest justification.” ~ Vol. III, pp. 32-33

Mar. 29, 1905
“Thus, the whites have begun to feel the need for Indian labour right from the beginning, for the Kaffirs are of no use and all the available Chinese are absorbed in the mines. Indian labour, is, therefore, in general demand.” ~ Vol. IV, p. 258​
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Nov 3, 2017
I didn’t think Gandhi was so racist while himself complaining about racism and unfairness.

In all this conversation, what do you do with people of mixed heritage?
Personally, I don't judge people by the color of their skin or appearance. I judge them on how respectful or kind they behave towards other human beings. How mentally stable they are and fair in their décision.

I hate bullies, manipulators and abusers of all kinds.

There are a lot of stressed and hurt people out there who thrive on drama and hurting others. I propose to work on a solution to diminish these types of people power. And to stay firm and confident when dealing with them.

I think OP' s post is completely wrong. There are murderers, rapers, bullies and nasty people in all races.

It's not because someone is black or Asian or white that another person with the same skin color as that person will get along with him.
For example black American wont necessarily have a lot in common with blacks from Africa, the Caribbean or someone raised in Europe.

I think for nowadays this conversation should be more about religion than ethnic groups. For example muslim people whether from Africa or Arabic countries tend to have more in common than with other religion like Christian for example. It's just my 2 cents.
Aug 30, 2018
@Lolinaa, I don’t share your view. You trivialize race as it being only a skin color. That is of course not true, a race mostly (though of course not always) entails corresponding culture, attitude, behavioral traits etc. I like to tan, so no, a darker skin as such does not bother me.


Oct 11, 2016
It's not because someone is black or Asian or white that another person with the same skin color as that person will get along with him.

This is a great example of a straw man. I don't see anyone arguing that behaviors are *caused* by skin color.

@DaveFoster - nice post. Most people end up conflating phenotype, genotype, behavior, etc - and others say some are not allowed to be tracked, or like @Lolinaa imply that we should not be recognizing certain types of patterns in nature. It's just conditioning.


Nov 3, 2017
@Animalinstinct: so what do you mean when you said if an African entered a European village he would get killed.

When we talk about Asian, black, white and Indian what are went talking about? Aren’t those 4 groups from different races.

@Waynish: What do you mean by different types of pattern in nature. I don't know where you live but as every body else here I was talking about my personal experience.


Mar 15, 2014
The phenotypic (expressed) expression of genes has a relationship across similar haplogroups (gene clusters, say amongst East Asians,) but again, two genetically similar populations do not necessarily have more similar behaviors compared to two populations with more dissimilar haplogroups. For example, although many Arab and Western European populations have more similar haplogroups

With all due respect, your repeated erroneous use of the term "haplogroup" shows that you have little idea what you are talking about. A haplogroup is a group of markers that are inherited directly from a single parent. Y DNA haplogroups are passed from father to son, unchanged, and mitochondrial ones are passed from mother to children, also unchanged.

The other 44/46 chromosomes make up the majority of ancestry, and even the X and Y chromosomes recombine a little. What you probably meant to say was "autosomal similarity" or just "genetic similarity" in place of "similar haplogroups". The Y haplogroups of Europeans are actually more similar to those of East Asians than to MEs, simply because the Indoeuropean phenomenon had a far eastern paternal source.
In other words, populations with greater genetic dissimilarity can have greater phenotypic (that is behavioral) similarity because of the complex interactions between genes and biology. In other words, similar genotypes do not necessarily result in similar phenotypes.

I have bolded the erroneous portion. Phenotype is not behavior. Phenotype is all the physical faculties of an organism, from size to starch digestion. Race is also not behavior, race is a particular set of appearance qualifiers. Behavior is correlated with race but not causative (for example, Poles are culturally closer to Indians than to other white Europeans)

You have also just unwittingly argued against the most potent justification for racial discrimination, which is the genetic argument. Without this argument, racism is irrational from an evolutionary perspective.
East Asians and Indians have extremely prejudiced and low opinions of Africans. Mahatma Gandhi (an Indian) wrote Indian-supremacist comments condemning Africans as sub-human creatures

I am not sure how this is relevant, but okay.


Jan 23, 2017
I'm a rank novice about race genetic issues, and trying to learn about it, and thus I don't have a dog in any race pertinent to it. So I wonder if this excerpt, based on the work of a significant thinker on race, Professor Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, who recently died, is worthwhile or nonsense:

"In fact, at the global level, Cavalli-Sforza has largely confirmed the prejudices of the more worldly 19th Century imperialists. Rudyard Kipling, Cecil Rhodes, and Francis Galton could have hunkered down together and whipped up something rather like this map in honor of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee.

Cavalli-Sforza's new book, Genes, Peoples, and Languages, is a surprisingly readable updating of a series of lectures on his work that he's been giving for years. It's not at all a bad introduction to this hugely productive scientist. But to find out just how politically unpopular Cavalli-Sforza's findings really are, you need to crack open his intimidating but endlessly fascinating landmark, The History and Geography of Human Genes. (The abridged version is all that you'd ever need; the $195 unabridged volume is for libraries only.) It remains the best summary of how the early humans of Africa split apart into the myriad racial groups we see today.

Cavalli-Sforza's team compiled extraordinary tables depicting the "genetic distances" separating 2,000 different racial groups from each other. For example, assume the genetic distance between the English and the Danes is equal to 1.0. Then, Cavalli-Sforza has found, the separation between the English and the Italians would be about 2.5 times as large as the English-Danish difference. On this scale, the Iranians would be 9 times more distant genetically from the English than the Danes, and the Japanese 59 times. Finally, the gap between the English and the Bantus (the main group of sub-Saharan blacks) is 109 times as large as the distance between the English and the Danish. (The genetic distance between Japanese and Bantus is even greater.)

From these kind of tables, Cavalli-Sforza reached this general conclusion:

"The most important difference in the human gene pool is clearly that between Africans and non-Africans …"

Cavalli-Sforza`s Ink Cloud
Cavalli-Sforza`s Ink Cloud | Articles


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
@DaveFoster - nice post. Most people end up conflating phenotype, genotype, behavior, etc - and others say some are not allowed to be tracked, or like @Lolinaa imply that we should not be recognizing certain types of patterns in nature. It's just conditioning.
Well, certain people benefit from a lack of group identity, both personally or collectively, psychologically or economically.
With all due respect, your repeated erroneous use of the term "haplogroup" shows that you have little idea what you are talking about. A haplogroup is a group of markers that are inherited directly from a single parent. Y DNA haplogroups are passed from father to son, unchanged, and mitochondrial ones are passed from mother to children, also unchanged
None taken. I'm not an expert in genetics, so I did misuse the nomenclature. I should have said "cluster of genes," and I'm referring to Y-chromosome haplogroup clusters.
The other 44/46 chromosomes make up the majority of ancestry, and even the X and Y chromosomes recombine a little. What you probably meant to say was "autosomal similarity" or just "genetic similarity" in place of "similar haplogroups". The Y haplogroups of Europeans are actually more similar to those of East Asians than to MEs, simply because the Indoeuropean phenomenon had a far eastern paternal source.
If you have a source for your argument that East Asians have more similar Y-chromosome haplogroup clusters compared to Europeans, then please present it, as the Y-chromosomal haplogroup maps I've seen all show more similarity between European and Middle-Eastern clusters, largely due to the geographic barrier of the Himalayas, which obstructed migration from Indo-Aryan peoples into East Asia.

Phenotype is not behavior. Phenotype is all the physical faculties of an organism, from size to starch digestion. Race is also not behavior, race is a particular set of appearance qualifiers. Behavior is correlated with race but not causative (for example, Poles are culturally closer to Indians than to other white Europeans)
"Phenotype" includes behavioral phenotypes.

"A behavioral phenotype is the characteristic cognitive, personality, behavioral, and psychiatric pattern that typifies a disorder. A number of genetic syndromes have been identified as having this type of distinctive and consistent behavior pattern. It may act as an important diagnostic sign, like a malformation or characteristic facial appearance. Such patterns are also useful for the physician's anticipatory guidance from an educational, rehabilitative, and parenting perspective. In addition, because they are the consequences of known genetic alterations, behavioral phenotypes can be potentially highly valuable clues to the identification of genes in the population that are important to determination of cognitive skills or deficits, personality determinants, behavioral abnormalities, or psychiatric disorders. The nature of a behavioral phenotype and its potential for genetic insight can be appreciated through the examples of Williams syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and Angelman syndrome. The cognitive and behavioral characteristics of these disorders are distinctive. Williams syndrome is known for its association with remarkable conversational verbal abilities and excessive empathy, whereas Prader-Willi syndrome is known for temper tantrums and obsessive-compulsive features, and Angelman syndrome is associated with a constantly happy affect and hyperactivity. The genetic basis for each of these disorders is known, and the pathophysiology and genotype-phenotype correlations are beginning to provide insight into genes responsible for personality characteristics and behavioral abnormalities."

Link: Behavioral phenotypes in genetic syndromes: genetic clues to human behavior. - PubMed - NCBI

Race isn't just skin color but correlates with hormonal differences.

Estrogen, testosterone and DHT differences among races:


The first study showed minimal testosterone differences between, respectively, Americans of European or African descent, but the third study did show testosterone differences, and even more interestingly, researchers conducted the first two in the mid 2000s, whereas the last measured in the early 1990s, so there may have been a measured decline in testosterone from Americans of African descent (maybe because of a bad diet, environmental pollutants and so on.)

Also, if you notice that the majority of countries rated high in "survival values" have one thing in common in addition to having authoritarian Communist regimes; they've all been regularly invaded for the past millennium, particularly Poland, whether from the Mongols, Teutons, Tatars, Ottomans, Russians and so on.

I've actually taken a simplified map of haplogroups across Europe, and I've drawn a line with every ex-Communist and high "survival values" country on the right, and every other European country on the left (except Finland and Sweden, as they're obviously geographically distant from the rest of Europe, and Greece, all of which have distinct genetic differences.)


Also, there's a dot without a label present on the figure you provided, and I'm assuming it refers to West Germany.

Here's a non-simplified map of Y-DNA haplogroups for Europe and the World respectively.



Even mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the maternal line cluster with visible patterns.

Here are Y DNA and mtDNA haplogroups respectively for Asia.


Anyway, my points would be that races have distinct, measurable and categorical characteristics, and while races subdivide further into more soluble groups, such as Western Europeans and Slavs, or significant variations among Sub-Saharan Africans, there's continuity between certain groups and among all groups, both culturally, as evident by the figure that you provided, as well as genetically.

Genetic similarity has relevance in its usefulness as either a contributor or just a proxy to culture. Skin color has relevance because people, including babies (@Animalinstinct) judge based upon skin color. Not innately given, racial prejudice develops over the early formative years of our life, so that we can form attachments with people like ourselves and ensure our own safety.

When observing others in pain, people experience greater empathy and emotion when people of their own race are in pain.

"Observing the pain of others has been shown to elicit greater activation in sensory and emotional areas of the brain suggested to represent a neural marker of empathy. This modulation of brain responses to others' pain is dependent on the race of the observed person, such that observing own-race people in pain is associated with greater activity in the anterior cingulate and bilateral insula cortices compared to other-race people. Importantly, it is not known how this racial bias to pain in other-race individuals might change over time in new immigrants or might depend on the level and quality of contact with people of the other-race. We investigated these issues by recruiting Chinese students who had first arrived in Australia within the past 6 months to 5 years and assessing their level of contact with other races across different social contexts using comprehensive rating scales. During fMRI, participants observed videos of own-race/other-race individuals, as well as own-group/other-group individuals, receiving painful or non-painful touch. The typical racial bias in neural responses to observed pain was evident, whereby activation in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) was greater for pain in own-race compared to other-race people. Crucially, activation in the anterior cingulate to pain in other races increased significantly with the level of contact participants reported with people of the other race. Importantly, this correlation did not depend on the closeness of contact or personal relationships, but simply on the overall level of experience with people of the other race in their every-day environment. Racial bias in neural responses to others' pain, as a neural marker of empathy, therefore changes with experience in new immigrants at least within 5 years of arrival in the new society and, crucially, depends on the level of contact with people of the other race in every-day life contexts."

Link: Racial bias in neural response to others' pain is reduced with other-race contact - ScienceDirect

The racial bias in empathy naturally extends to mothers, who experience less empathy toward their children if bi-racial.

"Limited research has been conducted on biracial people. Of the current research that examines mother’s cognitive empathy towards her child, there is little focus on how the differences in perceived racialization of the child (child is perceived as racially similar, dissimilar, or mixed in comparison to his or her mother) may influence mother’s cognitive empathy towards her child. The current study will question whether perceived phenotypic racialization of the child, race of the mother, gender of the child, and diversity of the neighborhood that the mother and child live in influence mothers’ cognitive empathy towards their children. The participants will be 480 mothers who are Asian (120), Black (120), Hispanic (120), and White (120), whose first-born child is biracial, male or female, and between the ages of 7 and 10. Participants will complete an adapted version of the Parent Development Interview (PDI), coded with a modified version of the Parent Affective and Cognitive Empathy Scale (PACES). The results will show that there are significant differences in how mothers empathize with their children due to a range of variables. The findings will add to the literature on biracial people and may help aid future studies on the implications that differing levels of cognitive empathy have on mother-child relationships and development."

Link: Mothers' Cognitive Empathy Towards Their Biracial Children

Multi-racial children have greater self-reported stress levels, poor health outcomes and suicide, along with the highest rates of substance abuse besides Amerindians, who have alterations in drug and alcohol metabolism, which may contribute to their higher substance abuse rates.

Six-month olds discriminate based upon race: Racial bias may begin in babies at six months, U of T research reveals

"Mixed-race Whites and Asians show significantly greater risk for considering suicide, having sex, repeating a grade, and being suspended. Support for the hypothesis of greater risk status of mixed race compared with single race is most strongly supported for general health, supported for substance use, and less strongly supported for the variables from home interviews based on a much smaller sample, even though 24 out of 30 odds ratios for home interview variables are greater than 1.0 when significance is ignored."

Link: Health and Behavior Risks of Adolescents with Mixed-Race Identity

"Results Of 72 561 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, 37.0% used alcohol or drugs in the past year; 7.9% met criteria for a substance-related disorder, with Native Americans having the highest prevalence of use (47.5%) and disorder (15.0%). Analgesic opioids were the second most commonly used illegal drugs, following marijuana, in all racial/ethnic groups; analgesic opioid use was comparatively prevalent among adolescents of Native American (9.7%) and multiple race/ethnicity (8.8%). Among 27 705 past-year alcohol or drug users, Native Americans (31.5%), adolescents of multiple race/ethnicity (25.2%), adolescents of white race/ethnicity (22.9%), and Hispanics (21.0%) had the highest rates of substance-related disorders. Adolescents used marijuana more frequently than alcohol or other drugs, and 25.9% of marijuana users met criteria for marijuana abuse or dependence. After controlling for adolescents' age, socioeconomic variables, population density of residence, self-rated health, and survey year, adjusted analyses of adolescent substance users indicated elevated odds of substance-related disorders among Native Americans, adolescents of multiple race/ethnicity, adolescents of white race/ethnicity, and Hispanics compared with African Americans; African Americans did not differ from Asians or Pacific Islanders.

Conclusions Substance use is widespread among adolescents of Native American, white, Hispanic, and multiple race/ethnicity. These groups also are disproportionately affected by substance-related disorders."

Link: Racial/Ethnic Variations in Substance-Related Disorders Among Adolescents in the United States

Lastly, aren't you ethnically Jewish? You commented on another thread stating that Jews have higher IQs with this smiley: :^)

I'm Canadian (born American) with French, Irish, Scottish and German ancestry.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I'm white in case y'all didn't know.
In the mid 90's I spent a year at a private black college. One day I went to the restroom during classes and as I was washing my hands I glanced into the mirror. I was momentarily shocked at my own reflection. I think it was just because I was so immersed in my studies and interacting with everyone around me that I was caught of guard by how different I looked. I think we often just get accustomed to our surroundings whether it's people, items, the climate etc and when something stands out as different we notice. That's the great thing about having these big brains- we get to decide if what we have noticed should be a concern. I believe we are wired to notice when things are different just as we are fine tuned to pick up on minuscule changes in facial expressions. Now I guess some people might find that little story racist and if so that isn't my intent. I can understand the feeling of noticing someone is different and having their mind briefly go on alert because I felt it toward myself.
And I make sure to wear shorter sleeves to show my Rolex. Blossom, the bragging part was unnecessary. (" different I looked for being white.")
It makes me wonder if you decided to study there for a while when you realized that the "I have a black friend" excuse has lost credibility.
Maybe your presence was obfuscating. Have you also noticed if some of them were wearing glasses with polarized lenses when you were around?

Anyway, reported. A mod will take care of you.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
And I make sure to wear shorter sleeves to show my Rolex. Blossom, the bragging part was unnecessary. (" different I looked for being white.")
It makes me wonder if you decided to study there for a while when you realized that the "I have a black friend" excuse has lost credibility.
Maybe your presence was obfuscating. Have you also noticed if some of them were wearing glasses with polarized lenses when you were around?

Anyway, reported. A mod will take care of you.
Thank you for reporting me.:):


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Thank you for reporting me.:):
If you want to get even, I have something to offer before I leave to not obfuscate the good discussion above further.
I just want to comment that if eggs are stored in the refrigerator, it's more likely that their yolks remain raw when they're boiled. The outer part works as an insulator that gets sacrificed, which is great because whites always deserve to be thoroughly cooked.
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Jul 8, 2018
I've seen in children that there is a natural tendency to be suspicious, yet curious, about people who look or talk differently than them, which can usually be overcome in less than an hour of play. It makes me think "racism" or "tribalism" is learned (or at least needs to be continually enforced by adults), not necessarily something intrinsic.

I remember reading of tales of explorers visiting pre-agricultural/pre-contact tribes and noting how gregarious and hospitable they were to visitors.

Except as a novelty, children are color/race blind until xenophobic adults mess with their innocent minds.
Aug 30, 2018
Except as a novelty, children are color/race blind until xenophobic adults mess with their innocent minds.

Children are also perfectly willing to hand feed a bear or climb out on a window ledge. What is your point?


Jul 8, 2018
Children are also perfectly willing to hand feed a bear or climb out on a window ledge. What is your point?

Respectfully, what's your point? I thought I was clear.

Honestly, aside from any indoctrination of thoughts/behaviors/reactions, I feel fairly confident that human beings will overcome differences/attitudes when confronted with a dire problem common to each group. And our world has plenty that threaten our survival as inhabitants of Earth.... screw any borders, real or imagined.........that is before it's so bad we revert to cannibalism!
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