Is Dave Asprey Ripping Off Ray Peat?


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
I tried to listen to that interview. I did notice at 13:40 he mentioned Ray Peat. Overall, DA is so pretentious he's hard to listen too. He's been there, done that, bought the T-shirt on everything in life! He name drops and pretends to be the cutting edge on everything in life. Kudos to him for being such a successful entrepreneur & business man, BRAVO! Also Applause to him for being flexible, adaptable and willing to take in and analyze new data & methodologies as they emerge. Though this group seems to like to pour concrete around their feet it seems. Mercola was stoned for re-cant, apologizing and embracing new data. Charlie was thrown under the bus and then the bus was put in forward, reverse & forward again. Such rigid ideas can only snap like limbs in a high wind. So, Bravo to DA for evolving. I just personally get such a pretentious vibe from the guy that I can't listen. Thank goodness there's lots of other voices I'm able to hear. The beginning of that video where they complement each others biceps and body weight is a creepy bromance vibe. Thank goodness they aren't taking Trenbolone or they would have been getting a day room. Maybe the interview got better???? I couldn't stick around. They were like tiktok'rs and I don't watch tiktok pretending to be cutting edge/new and improved while actually just hanging onto 'others' pant legs following while declaring they were the leader. ugh......ego! Sell more books, & products.


Mar 21, 2014
It's really disgusting to use people's work for a buck and not give credit. I've seen quite a few people profit off Peat's work, obviously giving advice and selling stuff based on what they learned from Peat, and never mention his name.


Mar 23, 2016
I tried to listen to that interview. I did notice at 13:40 he mentioned Ray Peat. Overall, DA is so pretentious he's hard to listen too. He's been there, done that, bought the T-shirt on everything in life! He name drops and pretends to be the cutting edge on everything in life. Kudos to him for being such a successful entrepreneur & business man, BRAVO! Also Applause to him for being flexible, adaptable and willing to take in and analyze new data & methodologies as they emerge. Though this group seems to like to pour concrete around their feet it seems. Mercola was stoned for re-cant, apologizing and embracing new data. Charlie was thrown under the bus and then the bus was put in forward, reverse & forward again. Such rigid ideas can only snap like limbs in a high wind. So, Bravo to DA for evolving. I just personally get such a pretentious vibe from the guy that I can't listen. Thank goodness there's lots of other voices I'm able to hear. The beginning of that video where they complement each others biceps and body weight is a creepy bromance vibe. Thank goodness they aren't taking Trenbolone or they would have been getting a day room. Maybe the interview got better???? I couldn't stick around. They were like tiktok'rs and I don't watch tiktok pretending to be cutting edge/new and improved while actually just hanging onto 'others' pant legs following while declaring they were the leader. ugh......ego! Sell more books, & products.
Dave Asprey has always given respect to Ray Peat. The Silicon Valley Health Institute which Dave Asprey helped to start and is the Chairman of, had Ray Peat give a lecture, all the way back in 2005 - Before any of us knew who Ray Peat was.

Last edited:


Sep 15, 2017
Giving respect ≠ having someone give a lecture at an institute you are a chairman of.

Doing a 180 degree change in perspective and adopting views of someone else with only a marginal nod to that individual is antithetical to respect.

Theres no problem with adopting new views with new information overtime, but at the minimum give full credit where it is due.


Jan 25, 2021
Dave Asprey has always given respect to Ray Peat. The Silicon Valley Health Institute which Dave Asprey helped to start and is the Chairman of, had Ray Peat give a lecture, all the way back in 2005 - Before any of us knew who Ray Peat was.


It's nice that an organization that Dave Asprey was a part had Ray give a lecture(and a quite good one at that) in 2005. But he basically took Ray's ideas almost word for word that are contrary to most of what Asprey has been preaching for decades and then only referenced Ray in a somewhat disparaging comment.


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Dave Asprey has always given respect to Ray Peat. The Silicon Valley Health Institute which Dave Asprey helped to start and is the Chairman of, had Ray Peat give a lecture, all the way back in 2005 - Before any of us knew who Ray Peat was.


I never meant DA was profiting off Ray Peat. My statement was in general, since DA discusses a long list of modalities he uses all the time. He likes to refer back to his books, a company he owns, etc. Don't get me wrong the guy does the N=1 test on himself repeatedly. I've read a couple of his books. It's a personal (my problem) dislike of his pretentious vibe. Perhaps that's all in my head. Maybe I'm misinterpreting the constant pressure of these business guys and the need to be continually in the limelight, the constant need to be relevant. I'm always willing to be wrong. DA did mention Ray Peat in the interview, he never attempted to claim it. The name dropping......."after 3 interviews with Joe Rogan, I blah, blah, blah" and other times in interviews he gives the impression he invented common sense things.
Eating pastured raised animals for example. He lives on an island I believe (could be wrong/forgot due to lack of interest) in the Pacific NW and has sheep & chickens, etc. When he describes this in interviews it's like he brainstormed this ancient pastoral creation. It's like listening to modern women discuss their pregnancy. They always forget it's been happening on the Planet since the beginning of time. I had a friend that was a mid-wife and she always said : www does not stand for world wide web, it stands for whiney white women :blush:

I did the bullet proof coffee thing he was selling. Now I don't. I credit him with pushing Organic coffee due to mold on regular coffee. I only buy organic coffee, just not his! I happened to find a blend I like better.

He's helped the overall planetary health movement. Like I said, BRAVO! I just personally can't resonant with the DA vibe. It feels disingenuous & pretentious to me as if product placement is the driving force. That's the great thing about life we all don't have to sing the same song and like the same flavor of ice cream or genre of movies. Which by the way....quick plug for the Sci-Fi folks, I saw "DUNE 2" yesterday and it's wonderful! Real filmmaking, not a pile of CGI. cheers!


Forum Supporter
Sep 24, 2023
I tried to listen to that interview. I did notice at 13:40 he mentioned Ray Peat. Overall, DA is so pretentious he's hard to listen too. He's been there, done that, bought the T-shirt on everything in life! He name drops and pretends to be the cutting edge on everything in life. Kudos to him for being such a successful entrepreneur & business man, BRAVO! Also Applause to him for being flexible, adaptable and willing to take in and analyze new data & methodologies as they emerge. Though this group seems to like to pour concrete around their feet it seems. Mercola was stoned for re-cant, apologizing and embracing new data. Charlie was thrown under the bus and then the bus was put in forward, reverse & forward again. Such rigid ideas can only snap like limbs in a high wind. So, Bravo to DA for evolving. I just personally get such a pretentious vibe from the guy that I can't listen. Thank goodness there's lots of other voices I'm able to hear. The beginning of that video where they complement each others biceps and body weight is a creepy bromance vibe. Thank goodness they aren't taking Trenbolone or they would have been getting a day room. Maybe the interview got better???? I couldn't stick around. They were like tiktok'rs and I don't watch tiktok pretending to be cutting edge/new and improved while actually just hanging onto 'others' pant legs following while declaring they were the leader. ugh......ego! Sell more books, & products.
I'm not sure about there being a "DA Group" that, as you described "likes to pour concrete around their feet". I think you said it best when you said, " I applause him for being flexible, adaptable and willing to take in and analyze new data and methodologies as they emerge". Maybe you were just being cynical with that last statement I quoted, so I apologize if I misunderstood. But most seriously minded people that are going back and forth and in between health experts for information, are really just "health and longivity seekers", and not of any specific group. To subscribe to only one group greatly slows down the progress and limits chances for success. We all vibrate differently with being able to tune into a certain person or even some of their information. Different experiences equals different perspectives. That's okay too; we all learn at different paces.

I'm the furthest thing from being a "groupie", but I'm one of those that happens to love DA, as just one of many other health experts. Personally, as someone that listens through and to the end of his podcasts, I'm impressed with his before-and-after picture from his own health challenges. I do understand why you would think he uses a lot of name dropping and I have noticed that too, but I kind of went a different direction with investigating those names for more research and gained again. I use what I can and move on, but often find I return, because new data does always emerge and will spark my memory with DA from the past, often being right with what came about in the present. I confess I did have frustrations in the beginning of listening to his podcasts and reading his content, because I felt most wasn't even obtainable for me on the budget of a retiree. I only learned of DA through a mutual friend of ours, whom happened to also be my neighbor. I rejected the cup of coffee with butter offered to me, and did a "LOL, NO thank you!". Then I left his house, came home, research DA, and learned a lot that has benefited me since. To each his own with freedom of choice.

But I guess there is a new kind of group emerging for the health experts themselves, and it seems to be those in persecution and under attack for trying to help us, such as: RP, Mercola, Charlie , Georgi; (just to name a few). And in this small group mentioned, there isn't a one of them that hasn't sold a product to us, in the interest of developing and bringing us the best they know how at the time. The value of the free information they bring us, far exceeds the cost of their products, because you aren't required to buy their products in order to gain from the information.


Mar 23, 2016
Giving respect ≠ having someone give a lecture at an institute you are a chairman of.

Doing a 180 degree change in perspective and adopting views of someone else with only a marginal nod to that individual is antithetical to respect.

Theres no problem with adopting new views with new information overtime, but at the minimum give full credit where it is due.
Good point


Sep 15, 2017
Good point


It arguably would have been better for the audience as well to know why Dave transitioned from low carb rather than implying that he was always on board with the ideas.

This would have helped people to understand the pitfalls that he went through so they could relate and shift course as well.


Jul 2, 2022
Ray Peat ideas obviously saved Dave Asprey from premature expiration. He is looking better recently as a result of him adopting Ray Peat. He has to give Ray Peat a lot more credit as a gesture of gratitude.


Aug 9, 2019
It's really disgusting to use people's work for a buck and not give credit. I've seen quite a few people profit off Peat's work, obviously giving advice and selling stuff based on what they learned from Peat, and never mention his name.
Prediction: Dave Asprey and Mercola will adopt Peats principles and frame it as their own, monetizing for their own interests.


May 18, 2020
I think it is ironic that the online alt-nutrition world is finally discovering Ray Peat, just as many of the original Peatatarians are converting to the Low-VA diet.


Jan 25, 2021
I wonder if all these gurus started following Ray after hearing @haidut going on Saladino and Mercola podcasts? Or is there something else that finally started attracting all these low carb people to his ideas.


Sep 15, 2017
I wonder if all these gurus started following Ray after hearing @haidut going on Saladino and Mercola podcasts? Or is there something else that finally started attracting all these low carb people to his ideas.

I wonder if these individuals were having some lingering negative effects from the low carb, keto, paleo, etc. diets and where looking for answer behind the scenes for a while.

This is what happened to me. I had some improvements on low carb, keto, paleo, but also had some new symptoms crop up. Took me a little while to be open to the bioenergetic perspective until I gave it a shot.

I didn't do so hot with dairy, but adding in carbs was a game changer for me 👍


Sep 15, 2017
@CLASH what symptoms did dairy cause for you?
I am reallly suspicious of it not being the best for me these days.

-Brain Fog
-Low Libido
-Weight Gain
-Worsening hairloss

I think I personally react negatively to opiate peptides in the casein fraction because the reaction occurs relatively quickly after ingestion for some of the symptoms, and I tolerate whey protein relatively well.

I dont have these same symptoms with squash, carrots, liver, or egg yolks, so I doubt the issue is specifically vitamin A related.

With all of this said, I have had quite a few clients do ok with dairy so I think individual response has to be taken into consideration.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Prediction: Dave Asprey and Mercola will adopt Peats principles and frame it as their own, monetizing for their own interests.
How long will it be before they have to dump Peat's principles because they found out that 'vitamin A is toxic', and Peat advocated for vitamin A, lol. Then they will be the new experts on that, ripping off Generaux, etc., allegedly. Then you will here whining on this forum!
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