Iron Metabolism



Dec 20, 2016
Ever did the following or partially?
Fasting insulin3 - 17 mU/L
Lactate (Blood)< 19,8 mg/dl
CK< 190 U/L
Pyruvate (Blood)0.3 - 1.5 mg/dL
Triglyceride< 150 mg/dl
Lactatedehydrogenase< 250 U/L
Citrulline in Urin< 100 mg/g Crea
Nitrotyrosin in Blood< 10 nmol/L
Potassium RBC
Magnesium RBC
Whole Blood Vitamin B1 (Or Transketolase)
Vitamin B2 (EGRAC or FAD)
Methylmalonic Acid in Urine< 1,6 mg/g Crea
Biotin200 - 1.000 ng/L
Vitamin D3> 80 nmol/L
ATP (Intracellular)0.4 - 1.0 nmol/1mil
Coenzyme C10 (Serum)
400 - 1600 µg/l

I think energy metabolism is utmost important and most health problems are downstream symptoms of it. Like low T being the result of dysfunctional ATP production, not the other way around.

Have you ever gotten muscle biopsy testing for mitochondrial disease? Genetic screening? FAO-disorders, biotinidase deficiency, WD, riboflavin transport disorder?

I would do all the testing. I’ve done tons of testing and some of the above.

But I learned my disease. I’ve been battling it beyond the mercury toxicity the last 3-4 years but specifically the last 30 months or so.

I just messed up. I could not let the system deteriorate. This was mercury toxicity at its core and methylation/minerak issues caused by the mercury. Bmaa toxicity hurt ability to deal with it probably by killing b5.

I know what I’m dealing with but the mistakes that couldn’t be made were made.

On Monday I had such a bad hydrogen peroxide reaction I have had the worst week of my life. I made copper available with dhea and chelating mercury, h202 went insane. I now can no longer get an erection at all. If I do my orgasm doesn’t expel semen.

It’s a very bad situation I am in bed non stop 24/7 in complete torture spinning etc.

Ultimately as I said in post above to healthseeker, I cannot process oxygen through electron transport chain because i became both oxygen toxic and have not been capable of producing enough carbon and nitrogen for the body.

My plan right now is starting to work on nitrogen (with things like biotin folate b5) next to carbon (gluth production, iron availability,)

I feel everything I’m working with. I have a machine testing myself daily and doing plenty of lab work too.

It’s just what happened. Mercury toxicity absolutely can cause Parkinson’s (oxygen toxicity.) But once the Parkinson’s really begins it goes far beyond mercury. It’s body chemistry . It’s biochemistry.

There’s a reason my biggest setbacks were from oxygen and hydrogen. The body needs carbon and nitrogen next to iron availability.


Dec 20, 2016
Down as I am right now. As bad as this is. I’m still not giving up. I have a little plan but not gonna write it here just exhausted.

I just can’t believe how much I learned and put together but the circumstances seem to have made this impossible.


Dec 20, 2016
At this point I wonder about your diet and lifestyle bruschi. I just dont understand how you say you have great digestion and gut health, but are otherwise sick as a dog. Can you make a dietary log.

Didn’t mean to be harsh on you if I was. But basically what I’m writing is what Ray Peat is talking about when he tells people to go live in the mountains. Ray talks about oxygen toxicity quite a bit.

Consult with neuropsychiatrist reviewing brain mri the other day was in complete agreement and she said it without me saying it. The disease ends up as oxygen toxicity when metabolism doesn’t work.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018

I bought myself a high power red light + NIR panel this week and can only use it for 2 minutes as yet but wow!

I have dna damage and mito dysfunction from all of the toxin exposures in my life starting at 10 months when mercury nearly killed me. VA and copper as a problem.

The last two sessions have shown me how low I have been, feeling desperate mostly. I feel that at last I have found something that will make life bearable. If only you could try one out near you.


Dec 20, 2016

I bought myself a high power red light + NIR panel this week and can only use it for 2 minutes as yet but wow!

I have dna damage and mito dysfunction from all of the toxin exposures in my life starting at 10 months when mercury nearly killed me. VA and copper as a problem.

The last two sessions have shown me how low I have been, feeling desperate mostly. I feel that at last I have found something that will make life bearable. If only you could try one out near you.

I have NIR bulbs I made a sauna with it in my room. It can definitely help. I think it has been awesome for me at times. Been using for a few years and had just one bulb for awhile before I made the sauna.

Could you add a link? Really glad it’s helping you. Sometimes it’s the craziest things that end up helping just like light or making sure you get in salt water 2-3 times a week. It’s a crazy life.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
I have NIR bulbs I made a sauna with it in my room. It can definitely help. I think it has been awesome for me at times. Been using for a few years and had just one bulb for awhile before I made the sauna.

Could you add a link? Really glad it’s helping you. Sometimes it’s the craziest things that end up helping just like light or making sure you get in salt water 2-3 times a week. It’s a crazy life.
I'm in the UK so you would not want to buy one here. Maybe a much stronger panel would be better? Mine is the strongest one they sell. I have been using a hand held one on the back of my neck but the new gear is light years ahead. It feels like it is the silver bullet l have been longing for and the improvement is greater than anything else. Sick for 73 years.
Mar 24, 2018
@bruschi11 I'm asking because I've experienced exactly what you're saying so every time I read your comments it's like there's a connection between the two of us...who are obviously not crazy. Lithium orotate has the same effects as hydrogen in water.


Dec 20, 2016
Keep getting worse I can’t believe what’s happening I can’t eat or sleep. Completely bed ridden.

I believe it really has to do with testosterone lowering vitamin A making b12 10x more powerful as I talk about in that thread I made.

I keep taking b12 and yesterday I really really felt it. It hit me soooo hard and the last 24 hours have been the worst I’ve ever had.

My mitochondria needs carbon and nitrogen not hydrogen right now. My biofeedback machine showed the hydrogen spike last night after taking b12. Hydrogen was not high all day prior.


Dec 20, 2016


Some good hypothesis in the above video, related to VA, mineral status, etc... check it out, see how it folds into your thinking on the subject

Really great link I’m 20 mins in. Gotta separate watch times as my attention span is pathetic right now.

Can’t believe b2 (nadh to nad) and moly are right in the middle of it. Fall 2019 you and I were talking on hack about GRJ’s b2 moly approach. End of day I do think vitamin A ends up competing with b12 in liver in someway or form.

The crazy thing is here…. My b12/cobalt went high in hair in mid 2020 after months of b2 moly zinc etc. And what was the first thing to help me? Vitamin A. It helped a lot for about 6 months to end 2020.

BUT what happens in 2021? I ended up needing b2 moly again. I probably caused toxicity based on what happened.

Stopping testosterone for good hopefully but will have test suspension on hand if I feel I need it. Will take tiny bits of enclomiphene as I get off the test. Low A diet. And work on Pyruvate dehydrogenase as I think I really need this to get me to acetyl coa and get the Krebs cycle moving.


Oct 23, 2015
Ya her homework in the video and approach to seeing it work in her practice with clients speaks volume.

b1,b2,b3,b5,biotin,betaine,choline,moly,H2O2,O2,etc all gets tied in, she goes down the rabbit holes via references.


Feb 3, 2020
It‘s similiar to what I am doing currently - B vitamins (esp. riboflavin and niacin for FAD/NAD, but also lower dosed B1, B5, biotin, B12, folate..) plus molybdenum plus taking thyroid.

Really focusing on aldehyde/alcohol/retinal dehydrogenase. (mainly to raise ceruloplasmin/improve oxygen metabolism)
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Oct 23, 2015
@youngsinatra sounds like a good approach. Thyroid always messed me up, tried all the versions, hope you fare better.

Her hypothesis could also explain the detox setbacks some encounter, will definitely look forward to her additional vids on the various subjects discussed. I did test eggs in the past due to her ideas, this new work, presents some more interesting thoughts for sure.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Dec 20, 2016
My biofeedback machine continually is showing b2 low. And putting it in I’m reacting to it for the first time in awhile strongly.

Doesn’t mean I feel better it means I’m reacting to it. I was barely if ever reacting to it.

I upped iodine today. But am I reacting to b2 more strongly because testosterone lowered vitmsin A the last few weeks?

I absolutely believe my horrible reactions to b12 were due to lower vitamin A strengthening b12. So this is plausible.

That said i still think my mitochondria is destroyed for good. I cannot believe what I’m living through. I don’t know why I’m writing here or even trying still. I should take a pill and end this horrible destroyed life.

Cool I learned all the science behind my disease. But I just literally killed myself the last 6 months. After 2 months of kinda making some progress.. 6 months of hell. And those 2 months of progress ? They were preceded by 6 months of hell prior to that.

So over 14 months, 12 of them were me killing myself. This is so ******* stupid.


Dec 20, 2016
@youngsinatra sounds like a good approach. Thyroid always messed me up, tried all the versions, hope you fare better.

Her hypothesis could also explain the detox setbacks some encounter, will definitely look forward to her additional vids on the various subjects discussed. I did test eggs in the past due to her ideas, this new work, presents some more interesting thoughts for sure.
She’s really really good. Coming from biochemistry guy here.

Everything I’m concluding is basically lowering A takes pressure off antioxidant system. B2 b12 b5 b3 b1 just all get a lot stronger. Ultimately Pyruvate dehydrogenase turns on . B12 doesn’t need to be taken, as FAD recycling it is all that’s needed.

Let’s look at 2019 when you and I were talking @Orion . Or when we were fasting lol. I fasted like a madman. And then went on protocol revolving around b2. Moly zinc were there and bunch of other nutrients. But b2 was the big one.

What happened? Cobalt went way up in hair and I touched b12 once that year. One serving lol. Approx dec 20th 2019 and I went into crazyyyyy detox could not handle it 36 hour crash.

FAD was getting me to b12 and body was retaining it. Did not need more b12 in body. The fasting probably was lowering the A.

Now let’s look at late 2021…. I hadn’t been fasting for over a year. Late 2020 were my last two fasts. I had heavy dairy diet. I went on b2 moly that August through December. My cobalt dropped in hair. FAD was absolutely not enough at that time to keep b12 up.

Is this because I was vitamin A toxic? That’s very very possible.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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