Incurable scalp dermatitis/seb derm. Help me cure this.


Jun 6, 2023
United States
I have been suffering from seb derm for a couple years now. I had some of my thyroid levels checked and it came back a bit abnormal. I had a rt3 of 28 (range was 8-25) and I had low free t3. I also suffered a lot from constipation and gut issues. It has been getting worse over time. I now have an eczema rash breakout on my hands and thighs. My research into skin issues have led me to conclude that these issues are caused by gut issues.

I think I might have had a sluggish thyroid for a while now, maybe even before I had the scalp dermatitis, so I think my issues might be related to the thyroid, which I am treating by taking t3 (been 1 month now, I'm at 1 grain per day which is 25mcg of t3) My pulse has risen, but my temps seem to be lagging a bit, I might need to up my dose. Anyways, I've gotten lots of labs done, and gotten many vitamins checked. My abnormalities were a b1 deficiency as well as the slightly sluggish thyroid results. One thing as well was that my vit a was a bit high which could even be causing my issues, but I suspect it was due to being on a carnivore diet for a couple months. I got a hair mineral analysis done and all of my minerals were low so I am taking a trace mineral supplement now.

I'm currently trying to fix my thyroid issues, as well as the gut issues and issues relating to endotoxins. I've changed from carnivore to a higher carb, protein and fruits and vegetables diet. I believe the cause of the dermatitis is inherently stress and a low energy state, which causes a cascade of issues which inevitably lead to skin issues. I am also considering the histamine intolerance angle, which I am currently taking high dose copper and TMG to address and will continue for another month or so.

But stress is difficult to avoid as I am already highly neurotic and the world we live in doesn't help the stress. Taking t3, eating healthy and fixing the gut microbiome, as well as actively trying to mitigate stress as much as possible is my approach for now. I am hoping my issues are as simple as fixing thyroid and metabolism and gut health but I am not hopeful. Been only taking t3 for a month now, need another couple months to reassess and retest my levels. Hoping my issues get better, but in the meantime, any ideas or different angles to curing this would be really helpful. I also use very gentle cleansers (Aleppo soap) and I only wash my scalp 2-3 times a week. I also moisturize with MCT oil before shampooing.


Oct 6, 2013
Have you tried nizoral shampoo? The ketoconazole in it helps to kill Demodex mites, which can contribute to this problem.


Oct 15, 2018
I cannot do coffee without getting tons of dandruff until I take B1 and it's likely not the caffeine as I can do tea without issue. My current theory is chlorogenic acid can have cause issues.

Also, check your water quality, my girlfriend is really sensitive to chloramines or whatever they put in the water and breaks out easily in certain cities and locations.


Feb 3, 2020
You possibly could benefit from more T3, if you have low T3 and high rT3.

Ray Peat on Dosing T3 (Cynomel)

„I have known people who took that much, but when it’s taken in small doses, 50 mcg will usually normalize any hypothyroid metabolism. The body’s total daily production of T3 is close to 100 mcg.” — Ray Peat (2012)

Full video:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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