Implications of Increased Public ("Normie") Awareness of Vax Deaths & Injuries for Politicians


Jan 23, 2017
This thread was inspired by this recent post from Clif High, quoted below. This post from High - to his state's politicians - discusses the implications of covid vax deaths - increasing by leaps and bounds - and percolates with a strong sense of inevitability and inexorable, remorseless, unbending movement to a predestined occurrence, reminiscent of an ancient Greek tragedy. Send it verbatim to whomever are the perfidious morons who happen to run your state government. At the very least, take a shot at triggering sleepless nights for them:

"BIG UGLY in NormieLand
What does this mean for You?

clif high

Below is the second Vox Populi of 2023. These are mailed out on an irregular, but semi-frequent basis throughout the legislative season here in Washington State in order that our dismal politicians may get some contact with actual reality.

Vox Populi - Legislator Be Advised 2023 ~#2

January 7, 2023

BIG UGLY in NormieLand

The BIG UGLY is the condition created in the minds of ALL the Normies, that is, those people injected with the covid19 serum labeled a ‘vaccine’ as they come to realize what has been done to them, how they participated, and your role in their poisoning.

As a member of the ‘elite’ class, albeit at a minor level, as a Washington State legislator, it is presumed your body escaped the covid19 injectibles due to privelge of exception by status. The very definition of ‘elite’.


Daily, the Normies are witnessing the public collapse, and death of people who should be at the pinacle of health. You know, you have seen these videos yourself.

These unfortunate Normies are now faced with a reality that includes many reminders of their ill-fated choice. The minds fo the Normies, as they slide into the Big Ugly state, will superimpose their own face upon the images of those who collapse from the same shot that they also accepted. The Normies won’t like this.

Soon, these reminders will escalate in frequency to many a day.

The people see the Consequences of Untruth now in the social order. The people see the deaths, the disability, all from lies. The connection is being made in their minds now, and is daily reinforced by manifesting events that your allies, the media stooges, can no longer hide.

How many saw the NFL player collapse on the field in real time? Millions! Tens of millions then saw it in replay, or in vid clips! Tens. Of. Millions. Soon, hundreds of millions of people will have seen.

How many do you think will accept the MSM spin stories on the event? Really? You think that many? Maybe you are being a bit naive, a bit hopeful…

The Normies are waking. They are slow, and easily steered, as the corrupted WEF owned politicians put into positions of power by election theft, cheating, bribery, extortion, and murder (Seth Rich? One among legions.) clearly know. But, the Normies Awake, and as with the American Buffalo, once the herd turns, it is impossible to stop, or deflect.

The herd is moving straight toward You.

What does this mean for YOU?

Every day in 2023, you will interact with Normies on the edge of breakdown. They are worried about their health. They are worried about the health of their relatives. They are worried that they may have taken poison, even if they can’t yet frame it that way in their disturbed thinking.

They don’t know what to do. They are experiencing mental pressures unlike anything they have ever encountered, even during the bogus lockdown exercise. Their minds are starting to destroy them with worry.

Every time they turn to media, yet another athlete, or ‘journalist’, or celebrity, or politician, or other public figure is either dropping to the ground dead, collapsing near dead, getting cancer, retiring early due to some unnamed illness, or disappearing from public view from some other, unnamed, cause.

They, these Troubled Normies, are coming to You! They are coming for Help and for Hope. You are officialdom. The Normies, yet for another small while, still trust their officialdom.

You can offer them neither as you are NOT allowed to acknowledge the reality of the situation. You are NOT allowed to react to their poisoning with any form of Solace. Only yet more Lies.

Every Normie, every time they encounter yet another instance of the damage from the covid19 injectibles, wakes a little more. Every Normie, every time they wake a bit more, trusts officialdom a bit less.

The trust from the Normies of their Officialdom was not that large as a result of these last few years. What remains will not take long to erode. You know this. You see it in your Normie relatives. They are jittery. They sense the Herd turning.

When the last of the trust is lost, that’s when the Normie is now living in the Big Ugly.

That’s when you have real problems.

What do you propose to do about this developing situation? Have you considered how you will react as the social order plunges deep into the Big Ugly and you are on the front lines of the Global War against the WEF?

In the Big Ugly, there are no blinders to vision. It is easy for the Normies to see the mind of the WEF directing the hands of the politicians, media, academia, and medicine, into their ‘great reset’ which the people will call Genocide when they prosecute those of the guilty who survive the Big Ugly of 2023. In the Big Ugly, the Normies will have NO TRUST, nor faith, in YOU, nor their institutions.

In the Big Ugly, the Normies will see the War against the WEF.

It will be UGLY, very very UGLY.

It’s here in 2023. Legislator, Be ADVISED!

BIG UGLY in NormieLand​


David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Thanks. Covid is only one dimension of their plan to right-size the world's population. They are going to starve us. Like they did with the American Indian's.

Look at the mountain of bones in this link.


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
Not sure if "normie" are connecting the dots

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Not sure if "normie" are connecting the dots
I agree.

"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it." (Morpheus speaking to Neo) :headphone:



Mar 29, 2016
I thought about sending Badger's post to my normies. But that post will likely be ignored in favor of cute viral social media eye candy. And those that read it will just file it into their in-and-out trash bin and shredder.

It's negative and we don't want that anyway. It's un-American if they happen to live in the land of the free and of the brave. Ho-hum.

And besides, it's another rabbit hole to process. One too many.

And I don't want to be shot. For being the messenger. It may be better for them to be ignorant. And die in bliss.

But even when they survive and are widowed, or orphaned, or lost loved ones, at best they will be j6'ed. They're rudderless, leaderless.

All leaders assassinated in previous generations by Mossad where only Ted Kennedys remain.
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Jan 23, 2017
Thanks. Covid is only one dimension of their plan to right-size the world's population. They are going to starve us. Like they did with the American Indian's.

Look at the mountain of bones in this link.

Completely agree. I've been saying for last two years on various social media forums that the death shot is only one vector of many death vectors to depopulate. They wisely chose not to rely on only one mass murder vector.


Jan 23, 2017
Not sure if "normie" are connecting the dots

Not enough are yet. But give it time. When their loved ones are dying and everybody else they know has loved ones dying will, I wager, stimulate a lot of dot connecting.


Jan 23, 2017
I agree.

"You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it." (Morpheus speaking to Neo) :headphone:

True. But it's a war, and every war has causalities and deaths. Nothing to be done about it. But those who fail to win the Darwin Award and thus survive will be the ones to start the world over again. They will be the ones to finish the Great Reset the WEF started.


Jan 23, 2017
I thought about sending Badger's post to my normies. But that post will likely be ignored in favor of cute viral social media eye candy. And those that read it will just file it into their in-and-out trash bin and shredder.

It's negative and we don't want that anyway. It's un-American if they happen to live in the land of the free and of the brave. Ho-hum.

And besides, it's another rabbit hole to process. One too many.

And I don't want to be shot. For being the messenger. It may be better for them to be ignorant. And die in bliss.

But even when they survive and are widowed, or orphaned, or lost loved ones, at best they will be j6'ed. They're rudderless, leaderless.

All leaders assassinated in previous generations by Mossad where only Ted Kennedys remain.

Your rationale for not sending it is sensible at a certain level, not arguing with you.

But for what's it worth, here's my POV, a spiritual take: in decades past I was a Religion teacher in a private high school. I taught 9th and 10th graders. I knew then I would not reach most of them, but I did not think my work was futile, because I knew they were too young to deal with life and death religious questions when life was care free and very comfortable for them. They all came from very well off families. My rationale that kept me going: plant seeds. The seeds will grow in some of them, when they become adults and have to face a harsher reality than what they experienced as kids. Not all of them, true, but in some of them, the seeds I planted will grow - and grew - into tall trees and greatly benefit them. Years later, a few sent letters in thanks. It's the same principle here in sharing hard truths about covid vaccines and other things. Again: you won't reach all, and probably only some, a minority of them. Maybe just one. But if you care about them, it's worth it.

You can't control the outcome of your caring actions towards others, but there will likely be no good outcome at all if don't do your part, and start the ball rolling. The lesson of the Dickens story about Scrooge.

Besides all of this, it's good for your karma. Or as the Sufis say, regarding karma and more, quoting a passage of the Quran, "The good you do for others you do for your self." Even in the unlikely event you don't reach a single person, you, at the least, will still benefit. And I know this from my own life, in reaching out to the recalcitrant and close-minded in many different contexts. So do it anyway!


Jan 23, 2017
This sentence from High's missive is the most key one: "Every Normie, every time they encounter yet another instance of the damage from the covid19 injectibles, wakes a little more. Every Normie, every time they wake a bit more, trusts officialdom a bit less." Because it's key to blowing up big holes in the narrative propagated by the Empire of Lies, which is unsustainable.

But it will take time. I suspect Officialdom is counting on massive numbers of deaths, which will make it harder for the public to mount a counter-offensive. If that happens, the entire population will become significantly weakened and demoralized, and more vulnerable to the temptation to give into the WEF slave trap, which will start with a Chinese-style social credit system. Which is only the beginning. Which will be followed by the public eating insects, owning nothing, mass euthanasia (see Canada) and so on. The WEF has talked about all of this and more quite openly.

So it's a race. Will the public wake up in time and in great enough numbers to effectively resist the WEF Globalists? Or will it not, and in much diminished numbers, submit to becoming WEF slaves? Time will tell.


Jan 23, 2017
This sentence from High's missive is the most key one: "Every Normie, every time they encounter yet another instance of the damage from the covid19 injectibles, wakes a little more. Every Normie, every time they wake a bit more, trusts officialdom a bit less." Because it's key to blowing up big holes in the narrative propagated by the Empire of Lies, which is unsustainable.

But it will take time. I suspect Officialdom is counting on massive numbers of deaths, which will make it harder for the public to mount a counter-offensive. If that happens, the entire population will become significantly weakened and demoralized, and more vulnerable to the temptation to give into the WEF slave trap, which will start with a Chinese-style social credit system. Which is only the beginning. Which will be followed by the public eating insects, owning nothing, mass euthanasia (see Canada) and so on. The WEF has talked about all of this and more quite openly.

So it's a race. Will the public wake up in time and in great enough numbers to effectively resist the WEF Globalists? Or will it not, and in much diminished numbers, submit to becoming WEF slaves? Time will tell.

Talking about mass euthanasia in Canada, I recently saw a Naturopath who lived many years in Canada, and still maintains contacts with her many friends living there. She said her Canadian friends told her that so far, there have been over 10,000 acts of legal euthanasia conducted in that country, sometimes for trivial or highy questionable reasons.


May 30, 2018
But give it time. When their loved ones are dying and everybody else they know has loved ones dying will, I wager, stimulate a lot of dot connecting.
It's almost like you hope to see that happening.
Isn't it?


Jan 23, 2017
It's almost like you hope to see that happening.
Isn't it?
What makes you think I would hope for such a horrible outcome? Of course not.

Maybe it's almost like you hope I think to see that happening. Isn't it?

Is this a sneaky way to slander me, on your part? If so, I'll be more direct about it: f**k off, retard!!
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Mar 29, 2016
Your rationale for not sending it is sensible at a certain level, not arguing with you.

But for what's it worth, here's my POV, a spiritual take: in decades past I was a Religion teacher in a private high school. I taught 9th and 10th graders. I knew then I would not reach most of them, but I did not think my work was futile, because I knew they were too young to deal with life and death religious questions when life was care free and very comfortable for them. They all came from very well off families. My rationale that kept me going: plant seeds. The seeds will grow in some of them, when they become adults and have to face a harsher reality than what they experienced as kids. Not all of them, true, but in some of them, the seeds I planted will grow - and grew - into tall trees and greatly benefit them. Years later, a few sent letters in thanks. It's the same principle here in sharing hard truths about covid vaccines and other things. Again: you won't reach all, and probably only some, a minority of them. Maybe just one. But if you care about them, it's worth it.

You can't control the outcome of your caring actions towards others, but there will likely be no good outcome at all if don't do your part, and start the ball rolling. The lesson of the Dickens story about Scrooge.

Besides all of this, it's good for your karma. Or as the Sufis say, regarding karma and more, quoting a passage of the Quran, "The good you do for others you do for your self." Even in the unlikely event you don't reach a single person, you, at the least, will still benefit. And I know this from my own life, in reaching out to the recalcitrant and close-minded in many different contexts. So do it anyway!
Appreciate your thoughtful reply.

I guess I sometimes approach these things in terms of rewards in the form of positive reinforcement. With odds against us (corporations, government, media, academia, military, history as narrated), I get burnout from getting zero returns. And I'm not a gambling man, and given the odds, why gamble and fritter away my limited resources?

You never know what's in store, and it seems to me realism has more kinship with pessimism. But that's a relative thing. As the optimists are hopeful Jesus will save them and he will punish the wicked. But that optimism is shared by the Christian Germans at the turn of the last century, and look how far they have spiraled downward.

The more I know of the real history, especially of the last millennium, the more I am not looking forward to this millennium careen out of any semblance of control by any collective good that we can muster.

I feel this to be another dark age. At least in the previous one, you could escape into the hinterlands. Now, doing that would be just as staying put where you have to join them, as you can't beat them. The tools of control using technology have us like dogs with zap collars.


May 30, 2018
What makes you think I would hope for such a horrible outcome? Of course not.
I guess when someone has been stigmatized by provaxxers and his government, he could have bitterness and what you said sounded (to my non-native english hear) a bit revengeful where "normies would learn the hard way what they have not been sufficiently intelligent to understand yet".

I could be mistaken though.


Mar 9, 2022
United States
It's the meaning of the events which affects the public, and this is manipulable. There's a wing of particularly-insane Covidians who attribute the current wave of deaths, illness and declining health to the "virus", not the injections, which are presented as "imperfect yet better than nothing". This is associated with a rhetoric of "acute phase and chronic phase", insisting that repeated infections cause cardiovascular damage. Perhaps this is true, yet it's an attentional heatsink for the main cause, and it's tempting for a normie who's in grief or denial.
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