I Slashed My Prolactin And Doubled My Vitamin D In 12 Weeks - Here Is How


Jan 15, 2017
But I found out my reverse T3 is high at 20, finally. My actual T3/T4 are still garbage low so that is my next step.

****I would like opinions on the LH, FSH, HGH, IRON stats and especially clearing RT3 and anything else if you can take a moment****

I would like to unload some iron as well.

As a lot of you may know, my physicians are just ridiculously dismissive and somewhat careless. I had to play the game to get a prolactin level to start in a direction. Ive struggled to get tests but figured out the "path" and the strategy to get my stuff done.

First, I greatly appreciate everyone and the PMs and help. Really, thank you.

Second - contextual threads which show my old bloodwork numbers and my history.

From 1-16-2018
FINALLY - 1 Piece Of The Puzzle Discovered. I Need More Of Your Insight

From a year prior 1-17-2017
Hair Loss, Grogginess And More - Where The Heck Do I Start?

Today I got results back - pretty happy with such a short time making a difference.

Prolactin - 8 down from 18.2
Testosterone - 542 down from 550, down from 630 in 2017
Free test - 15.1, down from 19ish 10 weeks ago
Cholesterol 210, LDL of 138, HDL of 57
Vitamin D - 52 up from 27
TSH -1.8 down from 2.72
T3 - 99 bottom range still
Free T4 - 81 bottom range still
RT3 - 20 - first time actually having this tested and now it explains even more of my symptoms

Ferritin 140
Transferrin - 258

I think in RP world these are a little highish? I have always eaten liver with coffee, not sure the best way to unload some of this.

FSH - 2.2
LH - 2.7
HGH- .1

So my ratio of RT3 to t3 is complete crap. My plan going forward is to start titrating onto t3 for several weeks and then add in NDT once my body is moving a little better on the cellular respiration level


So my diet is the usual, high calcium pretty dairy based peatyish diet. I eat liver every 5-6 days, I drink OJ and milk, coke/pepsi, cheese, scallops here and there, meat once in a while, I use collagen and salt all my food. Coconut oil, butter etc. I am very low pufa. I also started falling in love with well cooked mushrooms too. I think the big thing for me is regular feedings and the ease of mechanical digestion. I do supplement with magnesium in baths and biglycinate, and I will use a B complex here and there, niacinamide here and there.

I knew going in I could get my Vit D up, my main concern was prolactin but I suspected it was high due to lowered thyroid function. Considering my thyroid function is low, my cholesterol is up, my test and thyroid numbers remain the same, i think its pretty clear that eliminating RT3 and getting it lower should improve a ton of stuff, especially my symptoms. I hope so anyway.

Vit D: 50-60K IU per week, generally 5k orally in the morning, alternated with 5k orally or 5k on the skin at night. I used my legs as the application site and just did thigh application. There were times I wrapped in saran wrap, but that was only the first 2 weeks. I supplemented this with obvious things like liver and Vitamin E, K.

Sun/UV exposure : I made it a point to sit in the sun every morning on the east side of my house for 2-3 hours in the morning, and around 4-7 pm at night. I would do my work on the computer but basically just sat there like a freak unclothed. After the sun was overhead(mind you I live in a cold winter area) i would go out and do errands and more work.

Tanning booth - once every 7-10 days I would go and do like 7 or 8 minutes in a booth.

We know that CO2 is protective and it stimulates mito function. We know calcium is good for PTH and lowering prolactin along with Vitamin D. Obviously ideal would be for thyroid function to come back but I didnt know my RT3 was so high so I was working on this somewhat blindly. Also we know that PRL rises in darkness like winter, so I made it a point to ALWAYS have lights on and always be in a well lit area at home. Only when I was ready to sleep would I dim lights.

I also realized that before I used to never buy into the "hippie" thing of sunlight, after this effort of 12 weeks, I truly need the sun, I am way happier, it definitely is a major player here.

Sunlight everyday, right in the face(see vit D)

Regular walking - 4-6 days a week, kept heartrate around 60-65 percent of heart rate reserve(so for me 130ish BPM or lower. I would walk from 30minutes up to an hour maybe 90 minutes, taking it easy, as soon as I got hungry or felt my skin cool, I would stop. Obviously this would stimulate my appetite a bit too. I feel this was a major contributor.

Cypro - maybe .5 a few times a some days, I would play around with up to 2mg. I never felt much at all from this. Though over time my appetite would grow, obviously hard to tell if it was directly related to cypro.

Lisuride - I would only really use this after sex(2-3 times a week at very most), up to 150mcg(usually only 100) because I was scared of post-ejac prolactin. I have used this during the day and felt really nothing. I know some people feel a euphoria or like an intense motivation. Nothing really here for me feeling wise. This wasnt a frequent thing because I never really felt much from it. Also im not the fapping type because my libido is a little lower from all this so i never had to contend with that prolactin release.

I kept my GI tract clean and free of irritable jagged food. I used a carrot most days of the week and 2-3 days of the week(successive days) I would use a heaping tablespoon of charcoal before bed mixed in coconut oil. Knowing the sero/prl relationship I wanted to keep that down as much as possible.

***Another big change: I made a conscious effort to chew my food much more thoroughly. In the past I'm so used to just slamming calories down that I really got in a bad habit of just inhaling food. I make sure to grind it well, mix it with saliva and be sure its physically predigested before it hits the stomach.

Thats it. I truly feel like being IN light tells the body it doesnt have to prepare for winter/"molting". Aside from that, the most valuable thing was the walking. I think the protective effects, the mitochondrial upreg from it, the mineral flux is probably huge here. Light and walking are huge. I always preach walking to people for body comp, this is another benefit when diet is in the right direction.

Now I just have to clear my RT3 out a bit and hopefully things will be better. I appreciate everyone and the help so far. This was my basic approach on how to lower prolactin. (Added for search)
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Doctors prescribe around 50,000 IU vitamin D taken once weekly to raise very low levels to ideal ranges.


May 7, 2017
What was your daily protein amount? Were you rotating muscle meat, liver, shellfish to fill out your daily protein requirements? Curious, as I'm finding it hard to pound ~120 grams of protein from milk, cheese, and gelatin alone.


Jan 14, 2016
I would like to unload some iron as well.

Ferritin 140
Transferrin - 258

I think in RP world these are a little highish? I have always eaten liver with coffee, not sure the best way to unload some of this.

I would say those ferritin levels are high. Some things that help with iron overload include: donating blood 2-3x a year, reducing meat intake to a max of 1 lb per week, increasing your intake of foods with Oligomeric Proanthocyanadins (red/purple/Concord grape-based foods, acai berries, plums/prunes, raisins), getting more vitamin E and vitamin C, eating cranberries and red onions, eating/using certain herbs and spices (cinnamon, rosemary, clove, turmeric), and drinking coffee and/or tea (black, green, or white, not herbal).

Unfortunately, the body decreases Vitamin D production when iron overload and/or excess calcium are present as a safety/compensation mechanism, so your low levels of vitamin D might have been indicative of these underlying issues. My recommendation is to not take an oral vitamin D supplement to raise vitamin D, but to let your body produce its own vitamin D. This would require sunlight or UVB, which you are getting, certain nutrients that are necessary for the production of vitamin D or are used in the body by vitamin D receptors (vitamins B2, B6, E, and C, and Mg and Boron), and getting rid of excess/"bad" calcium and iron in the system. Working on iron overload and potentially reducing calcium intake (if calcium is a problem) are first steps to increasing vitamin D production naturally.

You mentioned that you take B vitamins, vitamin E, and Mg, so adding Boron (raisins, prunes, or a 3 mg supplement daily), and at least 3 g of ascorbic acid can help you complete the "nutrient needs" for natural vitamin D production. Vitamins E and C will also help on the iron overload front and the K2 and Mg you are already taking will help with keeping calcium out of soft tissues.


Sep 1, 2017
But I found out my reverse T3 is high at 20, finally. My actual T3/T4 are still garbage low so that is my next step.

****I would like opinions on the LH, FSH, HGH, IRON stats and especially clearing RT3 and anything else if you can take a moment****

I would like to unload some iron as well.

As a lot of you may know, my physicians are just ridiculously dismissive and somewhat careless. I had to play the game to get a prolactin level to start in a direction. Ive struggled to get tests but figured out the "path" and the strategy to get my stuff done.

First, I greatly appreciate everyone and the PMs and help. Really, thank you.

Second - contextual threads which show my old bloodwork numbers and my history.

From 1-16-2018
FINALLY - 1 Piece Of The Puzzle Discovered. I Need More Of Your Insight

From a year prior 1-17-2017
Hair Loss, Grogginess And More - Where The Heck Do I Start?

Today I got results back - pretty happy with such a short time making a difference.

Prolactin - 8 down from 18.2
Testosterone - 542 down from 550, down from 630 in 2017
Free test - 15.1, down from 19ish 10 weeks ago
Cholesterol 210, LDL of 138, HDL of 57
Vitamin D - 52 up from 27
TSH -1.8 down from 2.72
T3 - 99 bottom range still
Free T4 - 81 bottom range still
RT3 - 20 - first time actually having this tested and now it explains even more of my symptoms

Ferritin 140
Transferrin - 258

I think in RP world these are a little highish? I have always eaten liver with coffee, not sure the best way to unload some of this.

FSH - 2.2
LH - 2.7
HGH- .1

So my ratio of RT3 to t3 is complete crap. My plan going forward is to start titrating onto t3 for several weeks and then add in NDT once my body is moving a little better on the cellular respiration level


So my diet is the usual, high calcium pretty dairy based peatyish diet. I eat liver every 5-6 days, I drink OJ and milk, coke/pepsi, cheese, scallops here and there, meat once in a while, I use collagen and salt all my food. Coconut oil, butter etc. I am very low pufa. I also started falling in love with well cooked mushrooms too. I think the big thing for me is regular feedings and the ease of mechanical digestion. I do supplement with magnesium in baths and biglycinate, and I will use a B complex here and there, niacinamide here and there.

I knew going in I could get my Vit D up, my main concern was prolactin but I suspected it was high due to lowered thyroid function. Considering my thyroid function is low, my cholesterol is up, my test and thyroid numbers remain the same, i think its pretty clear that eliminating RT3 and getting it lower should improve a ton of stuff, especially my symptoms. I hope so anyway.

Vit D: 50-60K IU per week, generally 5k orally in the morning, alternated with 5k orally or 5k on the skin at night. I used my legs as the application site and just did thigh application. There were times I wrapped in saran wrap, but that was only the first 2 weeks. I supplemented this with obvious things like liver and Vitamin E, K.

Sun/UV exposure : I made it a point to sit in the sun every morning on the east side of my house for 2-3 hours in the morning, and around 4-7 pm at night. I would do my work on the computer but basically just sat there like a freak unclothed. After the sun was overhead(mind you I live in a cold winter area) i would go out and do errands and more work.

Tanning booth - once every 7-10 days I would go and do like 7 or 8 minutes in a booth.

We know that CO2 is protective and it stimulates mito function. We know calcium is good for PTH and lowering prolactin along with Vitamin D. Obviously ideal would be for thyroid function to come back but I didnt know my RT3 was so high so I was working on this somewhat blindly. Also we know that PRL rises in darkness like winter, so I made it a point to ALWAYS have lights on and always be in a well lit area at home. Only when I was ready to sleep would I dim lights.

I also realized that before I used to never buy into the "hippie" thing of sunlight, after this effort of 12 weeks, I truly need the sun, I am way happier, it definitely is a major player here.

Sunlight everyday, right in the face(see vit D)

Regular walking - 4-6 days a week, kept heartrate around 60-65 percent of heart rate reserve(so for me 130ish BPM or lower. I would walk from 30minutes up to an hour maybe 90 minutes, taking it easy, as soon as I got hungry or felt my skin cool, I would stop. Obviously this would stimulate my appetite a bit too. I feel this was a major contributor.

Cypro - maybe .5 a few times a some days, I would play around with up to 2mg. I never felt much at all from this. Though over time my appetite would grow, obviously hard to tell if it was directly related to cypro.

Lisuride - I would only really use this after sex(2-3 times a week at very most), up to 150mcg(usually only 100) because I was scared of post-ejac prolactin. I have used this during the day and felt really nothing. I know some people feel a euphoria or like an intense motivation. Nothing really here for me feeling wise. This wasnt a frequent thing because I never really felt much from it. Also im not the fapping type because my libido is a little lower from all this so i never had to contend with that prolactin release.

I kept my GI tract clean and free of irritable jagged food. I used a carrot most days of the week and 2-3 days of the week(successive days) I would use a heaping tablespoon of charcoal before bed mixed in coconut oil. Knowing the sero/prl relationship I wanted to keep that down as much as possible.

***Another big change: I made a conscious effort to chew my food much more thoroughly. In the past I'm so used to just slamming calories down that I really got in a bad habit of just inhaling food. I make sure to grind it well, mix it with saliva and be sure its physically predigested before it hits the stomach.

Thats it. I truly feel like being IN light tells the body it doesnt have to prepare for winter/"molting". Aside from that, the most valuable thing was the walking. I think the protective effects, the mitochondrial upreg from it, the mineral flux is probably huge here. Light and walking are huge. I always preach walking to people for body comp, this is another benefit when diet is in the right direction.

Now I just have to clear my RT3 out a bit and hopefully things will be better. I appreciate everyone and the help so far. This was my basic approach on how to lower prolactin. (Added for search)
bro, have you tried B6 + Vit E?
Seems like a cool addon to lower PRL


Jan 15, 2017
Nice progress!!

Finally, right? Thanks man
What was your daily protein amount? Were you rotating muscle meat, liver, shellfish to fill out your daily protein requirements? Curious, as I'm finding it hard to pound ~120 grams of protein from milk, cheese, and gelatin alone.

Oddly im usually at 100-120g. Looking through my crono I didnt really eat red meat(except in pho soup once a week)at least the past couple months. I would say I was craving cheese and sugar coke and craving milk with sugar the most so i went for it. Gelatin and collagen were used first thing in OJ upon waking and after walks. Also maybe sushi once in a while the past timeblock but i mustve avoided shellfish short term because costs here can get a little crazy.
I would say those ferritin levels are high. Some things that help with iron overload include: donating blood 2-3x a year, reducing meat intake to a max of 1 lb per week, increasing your intake of foods with Oligomeric Proanthocyanadins (red/purple/Concord grape-based foods, acai berries, plums/prunes, raisins), getting more vitamin E and vitamin C, eating cranberries and red onions, eating/using certain herbs and spices (cinnamon, rosemary, clove, turmeric), and drinking coffee and/or tea (black, green, or white, not herbal).

Unfortunately, the body decreases Vitamin D production when iron overload and/or excess calcium are present as a safety/compensation mechanism, so your low levels of vitamin D might have been indicative of these underlying issues. My recommendation is to not take an oral vitamin D supplement to raise vitamin D, but to let your body produce its own vitamin D. This would require sunlight or UVB, which you are getting, certain nutrients that are necessary for the production of vitamin D or are used in the body by vitamin D receptors (vitamins B2, B6, E, and C, and Mg and Boron), and getting rid of excess/"bad" calcium and iron in the system. Working on iron overload and potentially reducing calcium intake (if calcium is a problem) are first steps to increasing vitamin D production naturally.

You mentioned that you take B vitamins, vitamin E, and Mg, so adding Boron (raisins, prunes, or a 3 mg supplement daily), and at least 3 g of ascorbic acid can help you complete the "nutrient needs" for natural vitamin D production. Vitamins E and C will also help on the iron overload front and the K2 and Mg you are already taking will help with keeping calcium out of soft tissues.

Thanks a lot, a good bit I can work into here. Its still january so im limited at times with sun, but ill make sure to add in some of the lowering items.
bro, have you tried B6 + Vit E?
Seems like a cool addon to lower PRL

So my 18.2 measurement was actually taken with regular use of vit E and b6. The docs wouldnt measure it before so i dont know if it wouldve been even higher without it.
Great thread. I've noticed nothing but benefits from increased light and increased walking. Shout it from the rooftops
Congratulations @Luckytype!

So true! It's usually the simple things that make the biggest impact.

Honestly i didnt think it would work that well. Im now a sun worshipper I guess. Sun and walking hit it hard!


May 30, 2017
Lisuride - I would only really use this after sex(2-3 times a week at very most), up to 150mcg(usually only 100) because I was scared of post-ejac prolactin. I have used this during the day and felt really nothing. I know some people feel a euphoria or like an intense motivation. Nothing really here for me feeling wise. This wasnt a frequent thing because I never really felt much from it. Also im not the fapping type because my libido is a little lower from all this so i never had to contend with that prolactin release.

Same here with the Lisuride. Taken 400mcg and nothing. Wonder what that means.


Jan 15, 2017
how much B6 you toke?

Usually 50mg of p5p form from Solgar brand, once in a while sublingually. Vitamin E was 400iu unless i was eating sushi or i suspected pufa in what I ate


Jan 15, 2017
Same here with the Lisuride. Taken 400mcg and nothing. Wonder what that means.
Yea it makes me think we are pretty good on the dopamine side of things. I get almost no effect from coffee and aminos people use that report increases in dopaminergic effects

I wish I had the patience to try single modalities at a time, unfortunately i cant order my own bloodwork so i had to jump at the opportunity to get it low as soon as possible.


Jan 15, 2017
Do you feel that sunlight has been the biggest influence on lowering prolactin?

Yes. With a very close second being walking. Third being the gut clearing of well chewed food, carrot fiber/charcoal. All of these made a major difference in how I felt after only the second week.

The winter is long and dark where I am from, prior to losing my health i was in the sun alot. When I started feeling poorly(various causes) I definitey didnt get a good amount of light, as i felt worse it was just easier on my eyes and headaches at the time to be in a dim quiet room.

To augment the light portion of treatment, I think being in the sun, looking into it for only a second or two here and there and more when it was low in the morning and evening reinforced to my brain the distinct parts of the day for me: awake time of good feeling and sleep. I also think keeping the rooms bright as sun went down until I was ready to sleep played a big part. Obviously we forget darkness is stressful and sleep is basically our way of "battling" darkness as we ready-up for the next day.

Creating a clear distinction between daytime and bedtime was big here too. I had never done that and I think it was very significant.


Feb 18, 2018
The Netherlands
Yes. With a very close second being walking. Third being the gut clearing of well chewed food, carrot fiber/charcoal. All of these made a major difference in how I felt after only the second week.

The winter is long and dark where I am from, prior to losing my health i was in the sun alot. When I started feeling poorly(various causes) I definitey didnt get a good amount of light, as i felt worse it was just easier on my eyes and headaches at the time to be in a dim quiet room.

To augment the light portion of treatment, I think being in the sun, looking into it for only a second or two here and there and more when it was low in the morning and evening reinforced to my brain the distinct parts of the day for me: awake time of good feeling and sleep. I also think keeping the rooms bright as sun went down until I was ready to sleep played a big part. Obviously we forget darkness is stressful and sleep is basically our way of "battling" darkness as we ready-up for the next day.

Creating a clear distinction between daytime and bedtime was big here too. I had never done that and I think it was very significant.

Interesting findings although it completely makes sense. My prolactin was only 11 in january when I was still in severe delayed sleep phase with almost no sunlight and my TSH was the same as yours was. I've since restored my circadian rhythm to a certain degree by chronotherapie and now wake up in the morning around 8.30/9.00 and start my day with bright light therapy of 10000 lux. I also go for a walk about an hour a day so I'm already implementing what you're advicing. It will be interesting to see what my prolactin is now but it's no guarantee it will be lower even though it should.
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