I Have Both HPV Both 1 & 2, Is My Life Pretty Much Ruined?


Dec 7, 2019
So, I had intercourse with this girl and it was only oral sex for the both of us. I didnt know she had herpes or was having a outbreak at the time..so long story short I get intense pain around my penis head and oral herpes with flu like symptoms within the 1st 15 hours after intercourse....it's been 2 days and I've been using colloidal silver 500ppm both oral and topical at max does and mega dosing lysine zinc vitamin c, echanacea and applying essential oils like tea tree clove oil, Apple cider vinegar ect. To the soars. And its not doing anything really..I'm still in alot of pain as of now....I have no insurance at the moment so I have to wait untill I get more money to go to the doctor & get medication & tested....I'm 28 now and I'm convinced I just ruined my life. I don't know how I can deal with these miserable outbreaks multiple times per year for life. And how can I tell a future partner that I have a std a common one or not??...also I hear having genital & oral herpes increase your chance of infertily, penile, testicular and mouth cancer. As if I didn't have enough problems working aganst me before right?...I haven't had too much sex before this, but I never thought it was so risky and destructive to hook up with a girl you meet at a bar. i hear people do it all the time...This really sucks big time!

So what I'm asking is what natural ways would ray peat recommend to ward off these oral and genital out breaks and protect against cancer and infertility. Also if anybody else has these types of herpes how are you coping with it and what are some pointers I could use to help this uncurable nightmare?? Thanks for the help.

Well, uh darn, you got really unlucky. Hooking up with a woman from a bar isn't the best idea but usually you're fine. Everyone has oral herpes, so don't worry about that, like literally everyone. I think if you kiss 3 people in your lifetime then boom chances are you have it. Genital.... Now genital herpes is a bit more of a challenge, keeping your immune system in top shape will minimize the amount of outbreaks you have per year. As far as HPV, most HPV clears the system on it's own if you have a healthy system and don't contract any new strains in 1 to 2 years. Chances that you have a bad HPV strain that will stick around for a long time and give you cancer is quite low.... As a male we are blessed not to have to worry about HPV very much compared to women for whom it can be much more dangerous giving them cervical cancer...

To sum it up, ORal herpes = don't sweat it,
Genital Herpes = no fun, not going to kill you health wise. Start wearing protection for penetration, keep a good eye for outbreaks, if you get into a serious relationship tell your partner, it shouldn't be a big deal for them, if it is have them get a full panel of testing, I can almost guarantee they will have something themselves. Point being it won't be a big deal.
HPV= no treatment, chances are super high it clears your system and you're FINE.

=== Bro, you haven't ruined your life, you got unlucky and have to deal with some shitty symptoms for a little while. Get to a doc asap to treat the genitals and then cut yourself some slack and enjoy your life, you're totally fine. Let me know if you have any more science questions.

Being a frat guy in college, I slept with more women then I care to admit, so educating myself and thorough testing is definitely something I kept in my repertoire.


Mar 18, 2017
Well, uh darn, you got really unlucky. Hooking up with a woman from a bar isn't the best idea but usually you're fine. Everyone has oral herpes, so don't worry about that, like literally everyone. I think if you kiss 3 people in your lifetime then boom chances are you have it. Genital.... Now genital herpes is a bit more of a challenge, keeping your immune system in top shape will minimize the amount of outbreaks you have per year. As far as HPV, most HPV clears the system on it's own if you have a healthy system and don't contract any new strains in 1 to 2 years. Chances that you have a bad HPV strain that will stick around for a long time and give you cancer is quite low.... As a male we are blessed not to have to worry about HPV very much compared to women for whom it can be much more dangerous giving them cervical cancer...

To sum it up, ORal herpes = don't sweat it,
Genital Herpes = no fun, not going to kill you health wise. Start wearing protection for penetration, keep a good eye for outbreaks, if you get into a serious relationship tell your partner, it shouldn't be a big deal for them, if it is have them get a full panel of testing, I can almost guarantee they will have something themselves. Point being it won't be a big deal.
HPV= no treatment, chances are super high it clears your system and you're FINE.

=== Bro, you haven't ruined your life, you got unlucky and have to deal with some shitty symptoms for a little while. Get to a doc asap to treat the genitals and then cut yourself some slack and enjoy your life, you're totally fine. Let me know if you have any more science questions.

Being a frat guy in college, I slept with more women then I care to admit, so educating myself and thorough testing is definitely something I kept in my repertoire.

Thanks for the help brotha!..yeah my bro was in a frat when he was in college and he contracted gonorea & hpv from running thru all those hoes lol..both cleared im assuming cause hes 30 & is in a healthy relationship....so you don't think that kissing and oral is safe to do on the average girl that u don't know too well, Even if my immune system is good? Thing is that u can't really ask a girl if she has a std before u hook up without insulting her & killing the vibe lol.
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Apr 30, 2015
I took finasteride over 8 years ago and I still can't have sexual intercourse. But that's really the least concern of mine - it is the brain fog and headaches so severely debilitatibg that I can barely tie my shoes or work for money, and I had to drop out of college. Chronic constipation hurt my back and spine, now I can't stand up for over 10minutes at a time without serious pain.

Sorry you are dealing with HPV. Not fun. But your life is not ruined, everything in perspective.
Damn slade,

I had no idea you were struggling so much. Sorry to hear that man


Mar 18, 2017
I took finasteride over 8 years ago and I still can't have sexual intercourse. But that's really the least concern of mine - it is the brain fog and headaches so severely debilitatibg that I can barely tie my shoes or work for money, and I had to drop out of college. Chronic constipation hurt my back and spine, now I can't stand up for over 10minutes at a time without serious pain.

Sorry you are dealing with HPV. Not fun. But your life is not ruined, everything in perspective.

Bro I know what your going through! From 22 to 25 I was messing around with finasteride saw palmetto & other 5ar/dht reducing crap...I wasn't as bad off as you I don't think but it was hard to get it up, and brainfog was hell on earth, even gave myself prostatitis from this....you need to try things like low dose pro dht steroids if your condition is that bad. Try dhea, keto dht, thyroid ect. Ask around on here man, I feel bad for u because I've experienced what u had and it's hell. Please ask people in here that are in the know, they have alot of good info. That finasteride is evil ***t man, I'm prayin for ya.


Dec 7, 2019
Thanks for the help brotha!..yeah my bro was in a frat when he was in college and he contracted gonorea & hpv from running thru all those hoes lol..both cleared im assuming cause hes 30 & is in a healthy relationship....so you don't think that kissing and oral is safe to do on the average girl that u don't know too well, Even if my immune system is good? Thing is that u can't really ask a girl if she has a std before u hook up without insulting her & killing the vibe lol.

HPV probably cleared his system on its own yeah, gonorrhea is a bacterial infection so he must have gotten antibiotics to treat that when he was diagnosed, 1 week and the antibiotics clear the Gono for most people. No, kiss any chick you want man, the worst you can get is oral herpes which you already have and 90% of other have also, it just lies dormant. I said 1-3 people have it by the time you're like 18 or something so if you've already kissed 3 women then just keep kissing lol no point in stopping unless you were a saint having never kissed a woman and wanted to stay like that for life.

As far as your next question, I personally go about it like this. 1) pick up chicks who are intelligent themselves, don't **** dumb blatantly dirty scum, because regardless of health i hope you hold yourself to a higher standard than that.

2) now that you've been chatting up a seemingly half decent woman with some sense and you wanna hook up? great, I personally always avoid putting my mouth on her genitals in a one night stand (because most women will have three times the body count you do lol) , it's really easy honestly just go from making out fingering her before you have sex, in which you should ALWAYs wear a condom.

chances are she will blow you, you can play with her with your hands and then just go to town (actual sex). Just wear a rubber and that will do wonders in saving you from anything serious.


Mar 18, 2017
HPV probably cleared his system on its own yeah, gonorrhea is a bacterial infection so he must have gotten antibiotics to treat that when he was diagnosed, 1 week and the antibiotics clear the Gono for most people. No, kiss any chick you want man, the worst you can get is oral herpes which you already have and 90% of other have also, it just lies dormant. I said 1-3 people have it by the time you're like 18 or something so if you've already kissed 3 women then just keep kissing lol no point in stopping unless you were a saint having never kissed a woman and wanted to stay like that for life.

As far as your next question, I personally go about it like this. 1) pick up chicks who are intelligent themselves, don't **** dumb blatantly dirty scum, because regardless of health i hope you hold yourself to a higher standard than that.

2) now that you've been chatting up a seemingly half decent woman with some sense and you wanna hook up? great, I personally always avoid putting my mouth on her genitals in a one night stand (because most women will have three times the body count you do lol) , it's really easy honestly just go from making out fingering her before you have sex, in which you should ALWAYs wear a condom.

chances are she will blow you, you can play with her with your hands and then just go to town (actual sex). Just wear a rubber and that will do wonders in saving you from anything serious.

That's good info, thanks agian man I'll def keep this in mind next time im with a girl


Aug 30, 2012
Go get tested to see what it is. I would not take it lightly, and at least you'll know what you're up against. In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to swab with povidone iodine. It kills HPV. Not sure about herpes though.


Mar 18, 2017
Go get tested to see what it is. I would not take it lightly, and at least you'll know what you're up against. In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to swab with povidone iodine. It kills HPV. Not sure about herpes though.

I did get tested, results come in Thursday after Christmas. Will keep everybody posted...from my symptoms I'm like 99.9 percent sure i have HSV2..but we'll see...wheres a reliable site get the iodine from?


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
once herpes goes dormant you don't spread it. I used to get a sore now and then in my mouth but haven't in many years. I'm sure the viruses are still there, but they are dormant.

Nothing to stress out about.
My understanding is that skin shedding can still spread the virus despite not being in an outbreak state. But, as you say, perhaps the resistance to this is simply due to the state of the immune system. I’ve been tested and I don’t have any of them. So, I don’t think tia true that ‘everyone has it’... certainly common for sure though.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
How are you willing to kiss and lick a woman's private parts that go to bars and hook up with random guys for the first time after they meet? I will never get close to those types of girls vaginas because of how many penises and different semens that have entered their vaginas. Try to find girls at work, church, social clubs, even malls. Seek out the shy ones because usually they are not risk taking in bed and care about their bodies and have respect for their health. And what is this obsession about oral sex in American culture? If you have to do it, maybe when you are in secure and strong relationship, that would be ok.
There is hope I think. It's only a virus. You can easily beat it with strong metabolism I think. Some people made HIV virus inactive, your case is much much simpler. Just don't sex with someone when you have it active. And with time, it will disappear as nothing ever happened.
The double standards at play here are ******* outrageous :smack


Jul 8, 2019
As far as your next question, I personally go about it like this. 1) pick up chicks who are intelligent themselves, don't **** dumb blatantly dirty scum, because regardless of health i hope you hold yourself to a higher standard than that.

Half the fun of these forums is reading men's advice to other men.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Damn slade,

I had no idea you were struggling so much. Sorry to hear that man

Thanks for your concern. I was doing somewhat okay for a while when I was peating, drinking coffee and taking thyroid. I never felt great though, I always felt empty and lacking enjoyment that others around me experienced. So a few months ago I decided to come off thyroid and caffiene and tuh-duh... nasty brain fog was hiding beneath my peaty habits.

So I found some other guys who has success using high dose androsterone to reset their 5ar systems (which fin destroys). I tried that for a month (pushing through anxiety and cortisol dumps the entire time) and when I was done I realized I was actually feeling worse than when I started, now very brain dead, headaches and a strange, dissociated, out of body feeling. Eyes are always fatigued and pressured, very hard to concentrate my focus. Anyways, I am now actually trying a keto carnivore diet with mineral balancing through TEI to see if that might help me more than peating did. If after a few months time I notice it doesn't, I'm sure I'll go back to thyroid and carbs.


Apr 30, 2015
Thanks for your concern. I was doing somewhat okay for a while when I was peating, drinking coffee and taking thyroid. I never felt great though, I always felt empty and lacking enjoyment that others around me experienced. So a few months ago I decided to come off thyroid and caffiene and tuh-duh... nasty brain fog was hiding beneath my peaty habits.

So I found some other guys who has success using high dose androsterone to reset their 5ar systems (which fin destroys). I tried that for a month (pushing through anxiety and cortisol dumps the entire time) and when I was done I realized I was actually feeling worse than when I started, now very brain dead, headaches and a strange, dissociated, out of body feeling. Eyes are always fatigued and pressured, very hard to concentrate my focus. Anyways, I am now actually trying a keto carnivore diet with mineral balancing through TEI to see if that might help me more than peating did. If after a few months time I notice it doesn't, I'm sure I'll go back to thyroid and carbs.
hair mineral balancing? Don't tell me you are on hack stasis following helen?


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
hair mineral balancing? Don't tell me you are on hack stasis following helen?

Well yes following with some reservations. You see, after stopping the high-dose androsterone therapy, I realized my body and mind had drifted off into an extremely strange and uncomfortable place. I felt like my brain had been through a blender, and the nerves throughout my body were either numb or burning. Any sense of relaxation or comfort was impossible. I didn't think I could make it through a day. Ive pushed through two months with only very small improvements. Eating sugars or drinking coffee seems to make the discomfort worse overall, so I am going to try what most of the other pfs guys are doing for a while. The consensus on hackstasis is that carbs are bad for us PFS guys because our livers and digestion are shot (I suspect due to the vagus nerve being compromised).

The TEI test showed I had 4-lows, which is low K, Mg, Sodiun and calcium. Helen calls it "tunnel of death" and thinks its due to me pushing my metabolism too hard with coffee and thyroid, and my body using up all my minerals. He thinks this is why Ive deteriorated so much in the past few months, and the androsterone finally pushed me off the edge.

His belief that taking thyroid or coffee to increase metablosim is only a "manipulation" which ignores the more fundamental imbalances present. He says it can feel like a bandaid to temporarily provide comfort but will not work long term as it overtaxes the adrenals, sympathetic nervous system, and eventually will leave one burnt out. This seems to line up with how Ive felt the past year or so, so I'm giving it attention. The plan is to stop eating sugar and taking stimulants.

Whatever the truth is, I need to find something that helps me to improve significantly or I won't make it too much longer.
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Mar 18, 2017
Guys what's a good option to lower fever? I have horrendous flu symptoms with a 103 fever. I'm stranded in my bed for the holidays. My jerkoff doctor wouldn't give me a refill of the valtrex that was helping me. Internet says take valtrex until u are better. A few days ago I thought I was getting better. Then I went to work after i ran out of valtrex & I must've relapsed..this is bad man. Its been 10 days wtf gives?

P.S. sorry for the vulgar words. I'm just in imense pain & afraid...only thing that helps somewhat is Ibprofen.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Bro I know what your going through! From 22 to 25 I was messing around with finasteride saw palmetto & other 5ar/dht reducing crap...I wasn't as bad off as you I don't think but it was hard to get it up, and brainfog was hell on earth, even gave myself prostatitis from this....you need to try things like low dose pro dht steroids if your condition is that bad. Try dhea, keto dht, thyroid ect. Ask around on here man, I feel bad for u because I've experienced what u had and it's hell. Please ask people in here that are in the know, they have alot of good info. That finasteride is evil ***t man, I'm prayin for ya.

Over the years Ive tried dhea and keto dht (although that one has been unavailable a while now). They seem to help but where far from being a cure. DHEA would give me energy and some emotion back, and I was always tempted to keep taking it through the day. It would always lead to me crashing and feeling more irritable and dissociated. I am highly sensitive to hormonal things, which is probably why I crashed so hard on fin in the first place. When I tried keto-dht a few years back, I felt great for the first day and a half, and then starting feeling very strange and having neurological issues with dissociation. The closest I've come to feeling okay was taking 5adhp and a little coffee, while staying away from things that inhibit estrogen like aspirin/k2. When I take too many estrogen inhibitors I always feel worse in every way, and I have no idea why. I tried supplementing thyroid for a while and that likewise worked well for a day or two until low e.

Then of course a couple months ago I tried a higher dose of androsterone (50mg spread out through the day). Of course I felt incredible the first day, like I had the old me back 70%. However that night I couldn't fall asleep and by the next day I was feeling anxious, dissociated, and terrible. I pushed through 30 days as per the protocol. The idea is to flood the system with dht and stimulate the whole system back online. Works well for most guys- didn't for me. I came out feeling so messed up that I couldn't see straight and had to quit my job.

8 years into this fight, makes this a hard setback to handle.


May 30, 2018
Whatever the truth is, I need to find something that helps me to improve significantly or I won't make it too much longer.

If I remember correctly, you did rather long fasts in the past.

It may well be an occurence of the Law of the hammer on my side, but if you happen to arrive in a situation where you feel like there is nothing else to do, I would advise you to try a "reset" with dry fasting.

You might need to increase the durations gradually.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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