Hypothyroid and hyperthyroid symptoms, both? Article link.


Feb 10, 2016

I've known people with such duality of symptoms including myself.
When I go out in the sun, my heart rate goes up to 120 bpm resting and during sleep it goes down to 36 bpm.

What do you guys think of this? I like this lady's website despite some ideas being far of Peat-o-goggles.


May 13, 2015

I've known people with such duality of symptoms including myself.
When I go out in the sun, my heart rate goes up to 120 bpm resting and during sleep it goes down to 36 bpm.

What do you guys think of this? I like this lady's website despite some ideas being far of Peat-o-goggles.
Confused people, including many doctors, might think both are possible simultaneously but that's sort of like saying you have a fever AND have a low body temperature at the same time. Nope. I don't believe it.

That said, if you are both hypothyroid AND thiamine deficient at the same time the symptoms can get pretty confusing. For example, when my thiamine function was blocked fall of 2020, and I was taking 3 grains (180mg) of prescription desiccated thyroid med, I had severe hypothyroid symptoms while at the same time my free T3 was through the roof too high on the blood tests. Thiamine deficiency/ functional blockage interferes with oxidative metabolism to the point that it can be fatal and no amount of thyroid supplementation will change that. Apparently, in my case, the thyroid med T3 just stacked up in my body and couldn't do its job.

In addition, if you are hyperthyroid or are taking too much thyroid medication (and become hyperthyroid from doing that) your body will use up your available thiamine (resulting in a thiamine deficiency) which will cause symptoms that pretty much exactly match hypothyroidism.
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