How far are you willing to go with this current situation?


Aug 10, 2012
Yeah this whole situation sucks more then it should. My really good friend who is also my coworker suddenly got emotional that I refused testing. I feel guilt, like I did something wrong and actually almost agreed for testing. But after some time I maintained same position. I don't get why he took it personal.

This sh sucks. It feels like I am resisting pointlessly and it's hard to distinguish between gut feeling stand for right thing and stubborn ego display. My personality is prone to foolish stubborness so these times very tricky for me especially when closest friends think you're being dumb. Occassionally it feels really sureal Truman show alike lol.

Apologies for venting, needed to use journaling to let go some frustration.
Yep, people are so indoctrinated that they will, contrary to what makes sense, get angry when you deviate from the propaganda. I really am thinking about how to handle that when it happens to me.


Nov 28, 2014
Occassionally it feels really sureal Truman show alike lol.
Yeah, or like this:
Shoe Comic Strip for July 21, 2021


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
gold is the only asset other nations would consider a viable store of value, and america has none left, so they cannot back it.

in 1970 nixon took america off the gold standard, stating he would bring it back in a few years...ironically around the same time he was considering universal basic income for american citizens because fiat currency allows for an unlimited supply of "money". neither occurred, and the banks were turned into "money" printing machines who drove the world economy forward using paper currency, inflation and as of 2020, helicopter money

it is in fact possible that america could "MAYBE" use bitcoin as a store of value, but unfortunately for them the hash rate is largely controlled by china to a large extent and until america have the processing power to compete with china's renewable energy grid, this doesn't seem very likely

The problem with any "backed" currency is that one has to trust the claims of backing, which is a problem if an unauditable entity like China or Russia say "hey trust us, every new crypto coin we mint is backed by gold". What's to stop either one of them to not actually back the coins by anything, or at least not nearly as much gold as they claim? There is also the issue with exchange. If a currency is truly backed by say gold, doesn't that mean at least in theory one should be able to exchange it for cold, physical gold? Where will those exchanges happen? Would people have to travel to Russia/China to exchange their coins for gold? I doubt those countries will just start shipping gold to every person around the world who wants to do an exchange. So, even if an entity has the gold to back a digital currency how can that entity be trusted and audited? Also, apparently all the physical gold in existence can fit in a cube with 60 feet length/width/height. Is that enough gold to back up a currency that the entire world (or even just a single country like China would use)?
As far as China controlling the hash rate - it looks like they are trying to shut down ALL crypto mining and get those people kicked out of the country. Maybe they got spooked that if Bitcoin gathers enough traction it could allow the Chinese to circumvent the currency controls and money flows that Beijing must exercise full control over to maintain their economic "miracle" and to be able to control the citizenry? Maybe they don't want Bitcoin to compete with their digital yuan? Whatever is driving the crackdown, it certainly doesn't look China wants much to do with Bitcoin any more. Any thoughts on that?
Jul 17, 2021
I don't think China is in a very good place demographically. There is massive incoming wave of retirees and currently there are not enough resources to maintain them during retirement. At the same time, there are not enough younger workers replacing those retirees. That's probably why China removed the one-child policy, but it won't solve the problem overnight. It may solve it 20-23 years from now, so the issue with the aging population for which there are not enough resources to support them, is looming large. As such, I would not be surprised if China engineers a "pandemic" or some other event that would decimate the ranks of the retirees. Come to think of it, despite the fearmongering/shaming of the media in the West that not taking the virus seriously harms the old and vulnerable the most, I think the state/elite would very much like for most people over 65 to just die off. Also, China's economic miracle is mostly in regards to raising people out of abject poverty and putting them barely into the bottom range of the middle class. The path from there to actual well-off middle class (which the West used to have) is much tougher and requires constant development and supply of young, talented workers, of which now there will be serious dearth for the next 20-30 years. There is also the serious imbalance in genders, with the ratio being about 53:47 in "favor" of men. Having tens of millions of superfluous males is a VERY serious national security matter as unpaired men can easily cause a civil war, and right now China has no solution to that...short of starting a war somewhere and culling the male ranks by few tens of millions. And as far as debt, it seems China has the same problem as the West, though they do seem to have used the debt a (tiny) bit more wisely. Some of that is discussed in the article below.
"...Even before the crisis, China has had serious structural economic problems that are finally catching up with it. China is so heavily indebted that it’s at the point where more debt does not produce growth. Adding additional debt today slows the economy and calls into question China’s ability to service its existing debt. China also confronts an insolvent banking system and a real estate bubble. Up to half of China’s investment is a complete waste. It does produce jobs and utilize inputs like cement, steel, copper and glass. But the finished product, whether a city, train station or sports arena, is often a white elephant that will remain unused. The Chinese landscape is littered with “ghost cities” that have resulted from China’s wasted investment and flawed development model.
Essentially, China is on the horns of a dilemma with no good way out. China has driven growth with excessive credit, wasted infrastructure investment and Ponzi schemes.
The Chinese leadership knows this, but they had to keep the growth machine in high gear to create jobs for millions of migrants coming from the countryside to the city and to maintain jobs for the millions more already in the cities. The two ways to get rid of debt are deflation (which results in write-offs, bankruptcies and unemployment) or inflation (which results in theft of purchasing power, similar to a tax increase). Both alternatives are unacceptable to the Communists because they lack the political legitimacy to endure either unemployment or inflation. Either policy would cause social unrest and unleash revolutionary potential.
China also has serious demographic challenges that will limit future growth…
In 1980, China instituted a one-child policy in an effort to control population growth. But the 1980 announcement was really a matter of formalizing an existing policy. The Chinese have a cultural preference for boys over girls. So, when the one-child policy was implemented, the Chinese used pre-natal tests to determine sex and then aborted the girls. At a more crude level, families kept buckets of water next to birthing beds so that if a girl was born she could be drowned immediately. It is estimated that between 20 million to 30 million baby girls were killed this way, resulting in an equivalent surplus of men over women.
These excess men will never find wives in China. Since women can be selective about husbands, it follows that the 30 million excess men will be the least talented and poorest in Chinese society. This cohort is highly prone to antisocial behavior, including alcohol and drug abuse and violence. The demographic time bomb is now detonating. The missing children from thirty or forty years ago are the missing prime age workers of today. The Chinese economy grew strongly from 1995 to 2010, mainly because of a rural-to-urban migration and the rise of assembly-style manufacturing jobs.
Now the migration is over, the assembly-style jobs are moving to Vietnam and India, and China’s lack of high-value-added technology has left it stuck in the slow-growth middle-income trap. China might have overcome this through the sheer weight of low-wage workers, but they don’t exist.
China will lose over 100 million workers in the next ten years due to aging, retirement and the absence of working-age replacements. China is now trying to undo the demographic damage with a new “three-child policy.”
But, it’s too late. Demographic disasters take thirty years or more to create and they can take thirty years or more to cure. For the next thirty years, China’s worker shortage will be a drain on growth."

If history is any guide, technology has a funny way of subverting the very progress it creates initially. Technology is, at its core, a force multiplier used to control nature (and other humans). So, when control reaches sufficiently high levels it usually leads to a small number of people deciding they can impose their views on everybody about how the world/society/economy should be, and this leads to degeneracy as nature does not seem to tolerate narrow-mindedness for too long. No single person, or a small group of people knows the whole truth or can guarantee to be on the right path forever. The oldest countries in existence are invariably such that never reached the point of sufficiently high control (e.g. an empire) and thus remained nimble (and chaotic to a degree) enough to adapt. Speaking of adaptation - if you think about it, technology is the inverse of adaptability. When you feel you can control an adversity, why would you ever adapt (evolve) to confront it? So, too much technology leads to a God-complex of sorts, which invariably destroys the society that has embraced technology to the point of losing their ability to evolve/adapt. The Unabomber Manifesto talks about some of that, and we are seeing his warnings come true now. The dinosaurs ruled the Earth for millions of years growing ever bigger and stronger...until some calamity struck and the small, insignificant mammals were able to adapt/survive and then took over while the dinosaurs disappeared. True strength in nature is intelligence/adaptability/skills, and technology is the antithesis to that as the very purpose of technology is to "outsource" a critical skill of some sort (and now even "intelligence") to an abstract process/tool that you (falsely think) fully control. In the first "Die Hard" movie Bruce Willis said "as far as I am concerned, technology peaked with frozen pizza". The more I see the social/technological changes around me there days, the more I agree with his statement :):

Why can't the West do the same thing - i.e. an asset-backed (gold or something else) digital currency?
Haven’t you heard? They are coming to the USA. Buying up real estate all over the place. They are coming when the invasion happens.
Aug 14, 2015


"Those who do not move do not notice their chains"

“We Are All In This Together”

I see these signs on shuttered storefront windows, and homes alike. I hear people, friends and family alike, say that small business owners, people living on the streets, others going hungry and distressed, will “get over it” because “we’re all in this together”. Words said without any feeling or insight to what “get over it” means to the other. The sheer and blatant destruction on this is scale seems to be worth it in the long run, even if that ‘long run’ is a year or two, or unknowingly longer, from now.
I’m not “in this together” with anyone who thinks a child as young as 5 years old can harm or kill their grandparents, parents, siblings, friends, and school teachers with laughter, hugs, kisses, play through touching (i.e. tag, play wrestling) and essentially breathing. Those who believe healthy children and adults alike can cause the elderly or other healthy individuals to become gravely ill, are completely ignoring the fact that our natural immune systems are robust from since our birth up until today. To think that we are deadly disease carriers, cannot fight off illness, and pass on an illness we may or may not have, is to believe we are walking death traps, timebombs waiting to wipe out an entire country.
We are being led off a cliff by government and media alike. When and how did it come to the point where obscure and unheard of ‘medical experts’ and ‘top doctors’ have been given the authority to pontificate who can do what, when, where, for how long, and with whom? When did we begin to put our unshakable trust and faith in the political body and talking heads, who have lied and obfuscated truths in the not so distant past? They allow and advocate censorship of those who go against the narrative. We wait to hear these people talking at us, frightening us into submission with their modelling and case numbers of the day, and what could possibly happen in 2 weeks time if we don’t obey the guidelines laid out. At the same time over 10,000 real physicians seeing real patients, with real degrees, real number of years practicing in their field, and world renowned experts to be considered ‘right wing’, ‘Nazis’, ‘conspiracy theorists’, ‘medical hacks’, essentially people sentencing their populations to their doom. It is quite a feat of political and journalistic gymnastics being performed.
I’m not “in this together” with anyone who can’t see or hear the double speak: ‘do your part, stay apart’, ‘stay home to save lives’, ‘stand together by standing apart’, all the beyond Orwellian speak, pumped out with images accompanying them in order to keep a population docile, frightened and compliant.
Signs up on school entrance windows that read “KEEP PHYSICAL DISTANCE” and “AVOID CLOSE COMMUNICAITON AT ALL TIMES” seems pretty terrifying to a small child. Is this the message we are relaying to the kids – no talking, no playful pushing and shoving, no whispering or laughing, no more being a kid otherwise you’ll die and take whoever you love with you? Schools are supposed to be an open invitation to learning, being, believing, socialising and growing. Children need their peers to relate to, talk to, be friends with, to explore imaginations with, to draw and build with, to build self-esteem and develop life long social skills with such as cooperation, problem solving and autonomy.
And yet we are moving towards an online/digital schooling and society that is completely incompatible with humans as social beings. We are intrinsically social. Children need to hear their teachers voices complete with nuances in their voice and face, signals such as smiling, direct eye contact and praise. These signals build confidence and encourage kids to move forward, become and stay engaged, and strive to be and do better. Without them, a generation of dumbed down, unimaginative individuals are being created. We are putting up a wall in front of these children that will be impossible for them to climb over.
This is not to say that homeschooling or online schooling is not right or good; but it is not for every child. Even those who are homeschooled attend co-op courses their parents cannot teach (French, Maths, English, Sciences, etc). They sign up for extra-curricular activities to be part of something bigger than their books, computers, home, siblings and parents. There are teachers who say ‘this is awesome, I love teaching from home’, but they are not thinking beyond themselves; they are ignoring children and their needs.
As adults, we also need their peers to bounce ideas off of, let off steam, to feel part of the organization. The only thing that seems to connect us is facetime on a screen, and if the video is actually turned on. New hires cannot be properly trained remotely, no matter what devices and aides are put into place and provided. There is always the need to know one is doing the right thing by physically being with people, talking it out. Absence of others builds suspicions of colleagues, instead of building trusting relationships so there is no fear of judgement and reprisals.
Minor ailments such as dermatological issues can be easily diagnosed online. A picture can and in most cases will do, and if the resolution is good enough, it can be diagnosed online. But major ailments and issues like a lump in the breast or near the spine, diabetes and cholesterol management, catching issues that can lead to cancers, hearing loss, etc. are in need of hands on practice. Dental issues and treatments such as root canals, cavities, thrush, and infections in the teeth and gums that travel into the ear and/or down the throat… these cannot be diagnosed online with a quick 15 minute call, billed at $75. Cancelled surgeries where the backlog will now take up to 3.5 years to clear. What if you’re long gone by the time you’re next in the queue? What if that backlog takes longer than 3.5 years – because it’s just an estimated time? What if you had to pull your own tooth out due to the excruciating pain you’d been dealing with for 2 weeks, 2 months, the entire year? Medical practitioners, even during the “Spanish” flu, yellow fever, Ebola and leprosy, were all looked at in person… when did medical and dental practitioners become so afraid to do their jobs? When did PPE become part of all staff in a doctor’s offices? Before March 2020, I do not recall my own doctor wearing a mask, donning gloves when listening to my heart, looking at my tonsils or into my ear, and sanitizing hands, pen, keyboard, the doorknob, constantly before and after I left.
I have heard the argument ‘the intentions are good’ too many times with respects to wearing a mask. The argument is “the mask protects you from me if, in case, I’m sick”…. because we are asymptomatic. Wait.. What?! Now healthy people may be contagious because we are told that we can potentially be disease carriers, symptoms or not?! If you are ‘asymptomatic’, it means no symptoms, which means you have nothing to pass on. And when did anyone ever go out when they were sick? I don’t ever recall having the energy to leave my bed when/if I were sick. But to slap on a mask because I might be contagious of something i maight or might not have?! Really? But to breathe back CO2 is more harmful and can cause indeed infections in the lungs, and incubate viruses that your body is in the process of fighting off, not to mention the plastic microfibers breathed in, is ok and a protection?! Masks keep the germs, minor and major, trapped in the nose and throat and have the potential to be disastrous to the health on all levels, not to mention environmentally. And yet people exercise, run or ride a bike, kids playing, people talking to another with them on. There are now conclusive studies on how masks and ‘social distancing’ do not work, yet the mainstream media and our politicians – who are quick to discredit renowned experts – ignore this. So the control through guilt and coercion continues. People, children in particular, are afraid to remove their mask, they are afraid to get too close to others; passerby’s hug the walls or cross the street if they don’t see mask on the other persons face. The psychological ramifications will be astounding – all because we are guilted through ‘good intentions’. We are already seeing the ramifications of these measures today.
Then there’s the gene-editing inoculation touted as a vaccine, which is not by any stretch a ‘vaccine’, not even in the scientific sense of a vaccine. The FDA (as defunct as they are) with its over 1700 employees who will not approve these emergency use authorised concoctions – so the emergency authorisation will continue. People are lining up to ‘get the jab’ to ‘protect others’ because ‘it’s the right thing to do’, when even the manufacturers have clearly claimed their injections do not protect from transmission, does not protect from contracting it again, does not even cure the illness, and in the same breath claim 95% efficacy. Efficacy of what? Compliance? The pharma profits that are now at $19.3 billion in less than a year? Government kickbacks? This is an injection that has not been tested on animals, not gone through rigorous trials and safety precautions by the pharmaceutical companies. The same pharmaceutical companies who have been mired in lawsuit after lawsuit for decades, who make such unbelievable bold claims, and suddenly everyone develops ‘good intentions’ to become lab rats, mice and ferrets. A little over a year ago these same people could not be bothered to get the flu shot to protect others, let alone themselves (which it does not even do that, otherwise they wouldn’t be taking it year after year, and the flu would be eradicated)! This coercion by guilt from our so-called leaders is criminal.
An entire population has been imprisoned to certain degrees – the now normalized term foisted upon a supposedly free population: “lockdown”. We are asked to be a prisoner, keep our families imprisoned and be personal prison wardens. Be sure, lockdown is a prison term to control the unruly prison population. Let that sink in for a minute. Since when did both healthy and sick people become unruly prison populations that need to be brought under control? What is most disturbing is that there are a large section of society who believe in ‘lockdowns’ work! Just another few months will work, or essentially until these leaders deem we are no longer the unruly prisoner. Governmental ‘Stay at home orders’, ‘lockdowns’ are control measures, and words like ‘safe’ and devices such as ‘masks’ are meant to cause distrust in our fellow citizens; to snitch on our neighbours and friends, remove us from our terminally ill or elderly loved ones, forget about the trivial things such as funerals, birthday parties, dinners… everything! All that is allowed is one hour of exercise, go into work (at an office, if absolutely necessary, otherwise at home or “remote”), go out for groceries and nothing else, to control our movement in almost every facet of our lives….Indeed if this is not prison, I do not know what is. All this to contain or even wipe out a virus that even the corrupt WHO has claimed is no more dangerous than influenza? No virus, not even the common cold (a corona virus) or the flu have been eradicated, and these kill or have killed exponentially more people than this new old virus! If ‘lockdowns’ indeed worked, we would be back in school, work, attending parties/weddings/funerals alike, having lunch/brunch/dinner/coffee with whom and how many people we wanted, attending religious services and functions, etc. from June 2020. I write this at the end of May 2021, almost one year since. At first we were told it would take 2 weeks to “flatten the curve”. How many weeks are in 2 weeks? The Canadian government has gone to lengths to perpetuate this ‘pandemic’ and had even brought forth a bill to suspend elections during a pandemic as it was deemed irresponsible. Our government does not care about its population – I dare say it actually hates us. It wants us to quiet and compliant, pay our taxes for services that are essentially shut down. One does not question where are taxes are going . Let me be frank – they are a paycheque for those who are content with keeping you imprisoned and increasing their own paycheque by 20% at least.
Any imam, priest, pastor, rabbi, monk, or any other religious or scholarly figure, who believes in shutting down houses of worship to prevent the spread of asymptomatic disease and infection through congregation and listening to sermons, has lost their belief in God. One can argue that close contact is the crux of the issue. I say the crux of the issue is keeping people away from each other, from talking to one another and figure out this is really part of the breakdown of social society and religious freedom and practice and traditions. All faiths teach us that were an illness to reach us, this is what was intended; that it is an expiation of sin, and we, as God’s creation, will pull through, stronger for it, if God wills it. And were death to come to collect our souls, we cannot hide from it – not under our beds, in our closets, nowhere… even if we hold our breath so the angel of death doesn’t find us. Where are these words of wisdom today? They are truly absent. All of our religious leaders and figures are compliant for fear of getting caught practicing their right to religion. Some have gone to lengths and have equated this man made situation to the plague. It would be a joke were it not so devastatingly serious.
With all this said, it has become clear to me those who seem to be in charge of this disastrous ‘event’ want us to be content with being dumb, lazy and out of physical and mental shape, religiously devoid of any direction, on the brink of poverty and dependent on government for handouts, addicted to their mind numbing/genetically altering drugs and other pharmaceuticals to get through it all. And good news, if the current drugs don’t work, more damaging, mind and body numbing drugs and concoctions will be forth coming.… all to keep us “in this together”.
A last thought I will leave you with: were this virus so deadly, why is there a recovery rate of above 99%? It defies the clinical name we have all but erased from our minds: SARS2 – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, and ‘2’ because it is a variant from SARS1 (2003), H1N1 – another variant from SARS1, MERS – another variant of SARS1… etc. We need to quit being afraid and start thinking, critically, instead of following what our incompetent criminal politicians are demanding of us. If we are in anything together, it is to free ourselves, our neighbours, our minds from this control that is taking place all under the guise of a deadly virus that is not. To perpetuate the dictates of sociopaths, we need to believe their lies, be mired in guilt and thus coercion of masking and distancing mandates, to be injected with unproven ineffective inoculations, all to make a chosen few others richer?
“We Are All In This Together”? No thanks. Count me out.
To Whom This May Concern


Rick K

Feb 18, 2019


"Those who do not move do not notice their chains"

“We Are All In This Together”

I see these signs on shuttered storefront windows, and homes alike. I hear people, friends and family alike, say that small business owners, people living on the streets, others going hungry and distressed, will “get over it” because “we’re all in this together”. Words said without any feeling or insight to what “get over it” means to the other. The sheer and blatant destruction on this is scale seems to be worth it in the long run, even if that ‘long run’ is a year or two, or unknowingly longer, from now.
I’m not “in this together” with anyone who thinks a child as young as 5 years old can harm or kill their grandparents, parents, siblings, friends, and school teachers with laughter, hugs, kisses, play through touching (i.e. tag, play wrestling) and essentially breathing. Those who believe healthy children and adults alike can cause the elderly or other healthy individuals to become gravely ill, are completely ignoring the fact that our natural immune systems are robust from since our birth up until today. To think that we are deadly disease carriers, cannot fight off illness, and pass on an illness we may or may not have, is to believe we are walking death traps, timebombs waiting to wipe out an entire country.
We are being led off a cliff by government and media alike. When and how did it come to the point where obscure and unheard of ‘medical experts’ and ‘top doctors’ have been given the authority to pontificate who can do what, when, where, for how long, and with whom? When did we begin to put our unshakable trust and faith in the political body and talking heads, who have lied and obfuscated truths in the not so distant past? They allow and advocate censorship of those who go against the narrative. We wait to hear these people talking at us, frightening us into submission with their modelling and case numbers of the day, and what could possibly happen in 2 weeks time if we don’t obey the guidelines laid out. At the same time over 10,000 real physicians seeing real patients, with real degrees, real number of years practicing in their field, and world renowned experts to be considered ‘right wing’, ‘Nazis’, ‘conspiracy theorists’, ‘medical hacks’, essentially people sentencing their populations to their doom. It is quite a feat of political and journalistic gymnastics being performed.
I’m not “in this together” with anyone who can’t see or hear the double speak: ‘do your part, stay apart’, ‘stay home to save lives’, ‘stand together by standing apart’, all the beyond Orwellian speak, pumped out with images accompanying them in order to keep a population docile, frightened and compliant.
Signs up on school entrance windows that read “KEEP PHYSICAL DISTANCE” and “AVOID CLOSE COMMUNICAITON AT ALL TIMES” seems pretty terrifying to a small child. Is this the message we are relaying to the kids – no talking, no playful pushing and shoving, no whispering or laughing, no more being a kid otherwise you’ll die and take whoever you love with you? Schools are supposed to be an open invitation to learning, being, believing, socialising and growing. Children need their peers to relate to, talk to, be friends with, to explore imaginations with, to draw and build with, to build self-esteem and develop life long social skills with such as cooperation, problem solving and autonomy.
And yet we are moving towards an online/digital schooling and society that is completely incompatible with humans as social beings. We are intrinsically social. Children need to hear their teachers voices complete with nuances in their voice and face, signals such as smiling, direct eye contact and praise. These signals build confidence and encourage kids to move forward, become and stay engaged, and strive to be and do better. Without them, a generation of dumbed down, unimaginative individuals are being created. We are putting up a wall in front of these children that will be impossible for them to climb over.
This is not to say that homeschooling or online schooling is not right or good; but it is not for every child. Even those who are homeschooled attend co-op courses their parents cannot teach (French, Maths, English, Sciences, etc). They sign up for extra-curricular activities to be part of something bigger than their books, computers, home, siblings and parents. There are teachers who say ‘this is awesome, I love teaching from home’, but they are not thinking beyond themselves; they are ignoring children and their needs.
As adults, we also need their peers to bounce ideas off of, let off steam, to feel part of the organization. The only thing that seems to connect us is facetime on a screen, and if the video is actually turned on. New hires cannot be properly trained remotely, no matter what devices and aides are put into place and provided. There is always the need to know one is doing the right thing by physically being with people, talking it out. Absence of others builds suspicions of colleagues, instead of building trusting relationships so there is no fear of judgement and reprisals.
Minor ailments such as dermatological issues can be easily diagnosed online. A picture can and in most cases will do, and if the resolution is good enough, it can be diagnosed online. But major ailments and issues like a lump in the breast or near the spine, diabetes and cholesterol management, catching issues that can lead to cancers, hearing loss, etc. are in need of hands on practice. Dental issues and treatments such as root canals, cavities, thrush, and infections in the teeth and gums that travel into the ear and/or down the throat… these cannot be diagnosed online with a quick 15 minute call, billed at $75. Cancelled surgeries where the backlog will now take up to 3.5 years to clear. What if you’re long gone by the time you’re next in the queue? What if that backlog takes longer than 3.5 years – because it’s just an estimated time? What if you had to pull your own tooth out due to the excruciating pain you’d been dealing with for 2 weeks, 2 months, the entire year? Medical practitioners, even during the “Spanish” flu, yellow fever, Ebola and leprosy, were all looked at in person… when did medical and dental practitioners become so afraid to do their jobs? When did PPE become part of all staff in a doctor’s offices? Before March 2020, I do not recall my own doctor wearing a mask, donning gloves when listening to my heart, looking at my tonsils or into my ear, and sanitizing hands, pen, keyboard, the doorknob, constantly before and after I left.
I have heard the argument ‘the intentions are good’ too many times with respects to wearing a mask. The argument is “the mask protects you from me if, in case, I’m sick”…. because we are asymptomatic. Wait.. What?! Now healthy people may be contagious because we are told that we can potentially be disease carriers, symptoms or not?! If you are ‘asymptomatic’, it means no symptoms, which means you have nothing to pass on. And when did anyone ever go out when they were sick? I don’t ever recall having the energy to leave my bed when/if I were sick. But to slap on a mask because I might be contagious of something i maight or might not have?! Really? But to breathe back CO2 is more harmful and can cause indeed infections in the lungs, and incubate viruses that your body is in the process of fighting off, not to mention the plastic microfibers breathed in, is ok and a protection?! Masks keep the germs, minor and major, trapped in the nose and throat and have the potential to be disastrous to the health on all levels, not to mention environmentally. And yet people exercise, run or ride a bike, kids playing, people talking to another with them on. There are now conclusive studies on how masks and ‘social distancing’ do not work, yet the mainstream media and our politicians – who are quick to discredit renowned experts – ignore this. So the control through guilt and coercion continues. People, children in particular, are afraid to remove their mask, they are afraid to get too close to others; passerby’s hug the walls or cross the street if they don’t see mask on the other persons face. The psychological ramifications will be astounding – all because we are guilted through ‘good intentions’. We are already seeing the ramifications of these measures today.
Then there’s the gene-editing inoculation touted as a vaccine, which is not by any stretch a ‘vaccine’, not even in the scientific sense of a vaccine. The FDA (as defunct as they are) with its over 1700 employees who will not approve these emergency use authorised concoctions – so the emergency authorisation will continue. People are lining up to ‘get the jab’ to ‘protect others’ because ‘it’s the right thing to do’, when even the manufacturers have clearly claimed their injections do not protect from transmission, does not protect from contracting it again, does not even cure the illness, and in the same breath claim 95% efficacy. Efficacy of what? Compliance? The pharma profits that are now at $19.3 billion in less than a year? Government kickbacks? This is an injection that has not been tested on animals, not gone through rigorous trials and safety precautions by the pharmaceutical companies. The same pharmaceutical companies who have been mired in lawsuit after lawsuit for decades, who make such unbelievable bold claims, and suddenly everyone develops ‘good intentions’ to become lab rats, mice and ferrets. A little over a year ago these same people could not be bothered to get the flu shot to protect others, let alone themselves (which it does not even do that, otherwise they wouldn’t be taking it year after year, and the flu would be eradicated)! This coercion by guilt from our so-called leaders is criminal.
An entire population has been imprisoned to certain degrees – the now normalized term foisted upon a supposedly free population: “lockdown”. We are asked to be a prisoner, keep our families imprisoned and be personal prison wardens. Be sure, lockdown is a prison term to control the unruly prison population. Let that sink in for a minute. Since when did both healthy and sick people become unruly prison populations that need to be brought under control? What is most disturbing is that there are a large section of society who believe in ‘lockdowns’ work! Just another few months will work, or essentially until these leaders deem we are no longer the unruly prisoner. Governmental ‘Stay at home orders’, ‘lockdowns’ are control measures, and words like ‘safe’ and devices such as ‘masks’ are meant to cause distrust in our fellow citizens; to snitch on our neighbours and friends, remove us from our terminally ill or elderly loved ones, forget about the trivial things such as funerals, birthday parties, dinners… everything! All that is allowed is one hour of exercise, go into work (at an office, if absolutely necessary, otherwise at home or “remote”), go out for groceries and nothing else, to control our movement in almost every facet of our lives….Indeed if this is not prison, I do not know what is. All this to contain or even wipe out a virus that even the corrupt WHO has claimed is no more dangerous than influenza? No virus, not even the common cold (a corona virus) or the flu have been eradicated, and these kill or have killed exponentially more people than this new old virus! If ‘lockdowns’ indeed worked, we would be back in school, work, attending parties/weddings/funerals alike, having lunch/brunch/dinner/coffee with whom and how many people we wanted, attending religious services and functions, etc. from June 2020. I write this at the end of May 2021, almost one year since. At first we were told it would take 2 weeks to “flatten the curve”. How many weeks are in 2 weeks? The Canadian government has gone to lengths to perpetuate this ‘pandemic’ and had even brought forth a bill to suspend elections during a pandemic as it was deemed irresponsible. Our government does not care about its population – I dare say it actually hates us. It wants us to quiet and compliant, pay our taxes for services that are essentially shut down. One does not question where are taxes are going . Let me be frank – they are a paycheque for those who are content with keeping you imprisoned and increasing their own paycheque by 20% at least.
Any imam, priest, pastor, rabbi, monk, or any other religious or scholarly figure, who believes in shutting down houses of worship to prevent the spread of asymptomatic disease and infection through congregation and listening to sermons, has lost their belief in God. One can argue that close contact is the crux of the issue. I say the crux of the issue is keeping people away from each other, from talking to one another and figure out this is really part of the breakdown of social society and religious freedom and practice and traditions. All faiths teach us that were an illness to reach us, this is what was intended; that it is an expiation of sin, and we, as God’s creation, will pull through, stronger for it, if God wills it. And were death to come to collect our souls, we cannot hide from it – not under our beds, in our closets, nowhere… even if we hold our breath so the angel of death doesn’t find us. Where are these words of wisdom today? They are truly absent. All of our religious leaders and figures are compliant for fear of getting caught practicing their right to religion. Some have gone to lengths and have equated this man made situation to the plague. It would be a joke were it not so devastatingly serious.
With all this said, it has become clear to me those who seem to be in charge of this disastrous ‘event’ want us to be content with being dumb, lazy and out of physical and mental shape, religiously devoid of any direction, on the brink of poverty and dependent on government for handouts, addicted to their mind numbing/genetically altering drugs and other pharmaceuticals to get through it all. And good news, if the current drugs don’t work, more damaging, mind and body numbing drugs and concoctions will be forth coming.… all to keep us “in this together”.
A last thought I will leave you with: were this virus so deadly, why is there a recovery rate of above 99%? It defies the clinical name we have all but erased from our minds: SARS2 – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, and ‘2’ because it is a variant from SARS1 (2003), H1N1 – another variant from SARS1, MERS – another variant of SARS1… etc. We need to quit being afraid and start thinking, critically, instead of following what our incompetent criminal politicians are demanding of us. If we are in anything together, it is to free ourselves, our neighbours, our minds from this control that is taking place all under the guise of a deadly virus that is not. To perpetuate the dictates of sociopaths, we need to believe their lies, be mired in guilt and thus coercion of masking and distancing mandates, to be injected with unproven ineffective inoculations, all to make a chosen few others richer?
“We Are All In This Together”? No thanks. Count me out.
To Whom This May Concern



May 25, 2020
They are threatening to send people on unpaid leave from work and no public transport, so now we have people lining up to get vaxxed. I will wait for the legislation which will come in few days, i really wish that vaxines would not be that bad as I might have to take one. This is so bad, almost like fascism. Some people are totally stressed planning to become homeless while their colleagues are planning nice holiday abroad after the vax.


Apr 28, 2018


"Those who do not move do not notice their chains"

“We Are All In This Together”

I see these signs on shuttered storefront windows, and homes alike. I hear people, friends and family alike, say that small business owners, people living on the streets, others going hungry and distressed, will “get over it” because “we’re all in this together”. Words said without any feeling or insight to what “get over it” means to the other. The sheer and blatant destruction on this is scale seems to be worth it in the long run, even if that ‘long run’ is a year or two, or unknowingly longer, from now.
I’m not “in this together” with anyone who thinks a child as young as 5 years old can harm or kill their grandparents, parents, siblings, friends, and school teachers with laughter, hugs, kisses, play through touching (i.e. tag, play wrestling) and essentially breathing. Those who believe healthy children and adults alike can cause the elderly or other healthy individuals to become gravely ill, are completely ignoring the fact that our natural immune systems are robust from since our birth up until today. To think that we are deadly disease carriers, cannot fight off illness, and pass on an illness we may or may not have, is to believe we are walking death traps, timebombs waiting to wipe out an entire country.
We are being led off a cliff by government and media alike. When and how did it come to the point where obscure and unheard of ‘medical experts’ and ‘top doctors’ have been given the authority to pontificate who can do what, when, where, for how long, and with whom? When did we begin to put our unshakable trust and faith in the political body and talking heads, who have lied and obfuscated truths in the not so distant past? They allow and advocate censorship of those who go against the narrative. We wait to hear these people talking at us, frightening us into submission with their modelling and case numbers of the day, and what could possibly happen in 2 weeks time if we don’t obey the guidelines laid out. At the same time over 10,000 real physicians seeing real patients, with real degrees, real number of years practicing in their field, and world renowned experts to be considered ‘right wing’, ‘Nazis’, ‘conspiracy theorists’, ‘medical hacks’, essentially people sentencing their populations to their doom. It is quite a feat of political and journalistic gymnastics being performed.
I’m not “in this together” with anyone who can’t see or hear the double speak: ‘do your part, stay apart’, ‘stay home to save lives’, ‘stand together by standing apart’, all the beyond Orwellian speak, pumped out with images accompanying them in order to keep a population docile, frightened and compliant.
Signs up on school entrance windows that read “KEEP PHYSICAL DISTANCE” and “AVOID CLOSE COMMUNICAITON AT ALL TIMES” seems pretty terrifying to a small child. Is this the message we are relaying to the kids – no talking, no playful pushing and shoving, no whispering or laughing, no more being a kid otherwise you’ll die and take whoever you love with you? Schools are supposed to be an open invitation to learning, being, believing, socialising and growing. Children need their peers to relate to, talk to, be friends with, to explore imaginations with, to draw and build with, to build self-esteem and develop life long social skills with such as cooperation, problem solving and autonomy.
And yet we are moving towards an online/digital schooling and society that is completely incompatible with humans as social beings. We are intrinsically social. Children need to hear their teachers voices complete with nuances in their voice and face, signals such as smiling, direct eye contact and praise. These signals build confidence and encourage kids to move forward, become and stay engaged, and strive to be and do better. Without them, a generation of dumbed down, unimaginative individuals are being created. We are putting up a wall in front of these children that will be impossible for them to climb over.
This is not to say that homeschooling or online schooling is not right or good; but it is not for every child. Even those who are homeschooled attend co-op courses their parents cannot teach (French, Maths, English, Sciences, etc). They sign up for extra-curricular activities to be part of something bigger than their books, computers, home, siblings and parents. There are teachers who say ‘this is awesome, I love teaching from home’, but they are not thinking beyond themselves; they are ignoring children and their needs.
As adults, we also need their peers to bounce ideas off of, let off steam, to feel part of the organization. The only thing that seems to connect us is facetime on a screen, and if the video is actually turned on. New hires cannot be properly trained remotely, no matter what devices and aides are put into place and provided. There is always the need to know one is doing the right thing by physically being with people, talking it out. Absence of others builds suspicions of colleagues, instead of building trusting relationships so there is no fear of judgement and reprisals.
Minor ailments such as dermatological issues can be easily diagnosed online. A picture can and in most cases will do, and if the resolution is good enough, it can be diagnosed online. But major ailments and issues like a lump in the breast or near the spine, diabetes and cholesterol management, catching issues that can lead to cancers, hearing loss, etc. are in need of hands on practice. Dental issues and treatments such as root canals, cavities, thrush, and infections in the teeth and gums that travel into the ear and/or down the throat… these cannot be diagnosed online with a quick 15 minute call, billed at $75. Cancelled surgeries where the backlog will now take up to 3.5 years to clear. What if you’re long gone by the time you’re next in the queue? What if that backlog takes longer than 3.5 years – because it’s just an estimated time? What if you had to pull your own tooth out due to the excruciating pain you’d been dealing with for 2 weeks, 2 months, the entire year? Medical practitioners, even during the “Spanish” flu, yellow fever, Ebola and leprosy, were all looked at in person… when did medical and dental practitioners become so afraid to do their jobs? When did PPE become part of all staff in a doctor’s offices? Before March 2020, I do not recall my own doctor wearing a mask, donning gloves when listening to my heart, looking at my tonsils or into my ear, and sanitizing hands, pen, keyboard, the doorknob, constantly before and after I left.
I have heard the argument ‘the intentions are good’ too many times with respects to wearing a mask. The argument is “the mask protects you from me if, in case, I’m sick”…. because we are asymptomatic. Wait.. What?! Now healthy people may be contagious because we are told that we can potentially be disease carriers, symptoms or not?! If you are ‘asymptomatic’, it means no symptoms, which means you have nothing to pass on. And when did anyone ever go out when they were sick? I don’t ever recall having the energy to leave my bed when/if I were sick. But to slap on a mask because I might be contagious of something i maight or might not have?! Really? But to breathe back CO2 is more harmful and can cause indeed infections in the lungs, and incubate viruses that your body is in the process of fighting off, not to mention the plastic microfibers breathed in, is ok and a protection?! Masks keep the germs, minor and major, trapped in the nose and throat and have the potential to be disastrous to the health on all levels, not to mention environmentally. And yet people exercise, run or ride a bike, kids playing, people talking to another with them on. There are now conclusive studies on how masks and ‘social distancing’ do not work, yet the mainstream media and our politicians – who are quick to discredit renowned experts – ignore this. So the control through guilt and coercion continues. People, children in particular, are afraid to remove their mask, they are afraid to get too close to others; passerby’s hug the walls or cross the street if they don’t see mask on the other persons face. The psychological ramifications will be astounding – all because we are guilted through ‘good intentions’. We are already seeing the ramifications of these measures today.
Then there’s the gene-editing inoculation touted as a vaccine, which is not by any stretch a ‘vaccine’, not even in the scientific sense of a vaccine. The FDA (as defunct as they are) with its over 1700 employees who will not approve these emergency use authorised concoctions – so the emergency authorisation will continue. People are lining up to ‘get the jab’ to ‘protect others’ because ‘it’s the right thing to do’, when even the manufacturers have clearly claimed their injections do not protect from transmission, does not protect from contracting it again, does not even cure the illness, and in the same breath claim 95% efficacy. Efficacy of what? Compliance? The pharma profits that are now at $19.3 billion in less than a year? Government kickbacks? This is an injection that has not been tested on animals, not gone through rigorous trials and safety precautions by the pharmaceutical companies. The same pharmaceutical companies who have been mired in lawsuit after lawsuit for decades, who make such unbelievable bold claims, and suddenly everyone develops ‘good intentions’ to become lab rats, mice and ferrets. A little over a year ago these same people could not be bothered to get the flu shot to protect others, let alone themselves (which it does not even do that, otherwise they wouldn’t be taking it year after year, and the flu would be eradicated)! This coercion by guilt from our so-called leaders is criminal.
An entire population has been imprisoned to certain degrees – the now normalized term foisted upon a supposedly free population: “lockdown”. We are asked to be a prisoner, keep our families imprisoned and be personal prison wardens. Be sure, lockdown is a prison term to control the unruly prison population. Let that sink in for a minute. Since when did both healthy and sick people become unruly prison populations that need to be brought under control? What is most disturbing is that there are a large section of society who believe in ‘lockdowns’ work! Just another few months will work, or essentially until these leaders deem we are no longer the unruly prisoner. Governmental ‘Stay at home orders’, ‘lockdowns’ are control measures, and words like ‘safe’ and devices such as ‘masks’ are meant to cause distrust in our fellow citizens; to snitch on our neighbours and friends, remove us from our terminally ill or elderly loved ones, forget about the trivial things such as funerals, birthday parties, dinners… everything! All that is allowed is one hour of exercise, go into work (at an office, if absolutely necessary, otherwise at home or “remote”), go out for groceries and nothing else, to control our movement in almost every facet of our lives….Indeed if this is not prison, I do not know what is. All this to contain or even wipe out a virus that even the corrupt WHO has claimed is no more dangerous than influenza? No virus, not even the common cold (a corona virus) or the flu have been eradicated, and these kill or have killed exponentially more people than this new old virus! If ‘lockdowns’ indeed worked, we would be back in school, work, attending parties/weddings/funerals alike, having lunch/brunch/dinner/coffee with whom and how many people we wanted, attending religious services and functions, etc. from June 2020. I write this at the end of May 2021, almost one year since. At first we were told it would take 2 weeks to “flatten the curve”. How many weeks are in 2 weeks? The Canadian government has gone to lengths to perpetuate this ‘pandemic’ and had even brought forth a bill to suspend elections during a pandemic as it was deemed irresponsible. Our government does not care about its population – I dare say it actually hates us. It wants us to quiet and compliant, pay our taxes for services that are essentially shut down. One does not question where are taxes are going . Let me be frank – they are a paycheque for those who are content with keeping you imprisoned and increasing their own paycheque by 20% at least.
Any imam, priest, pastor, rabbi, monk, or any other religious or scholarly figure, who believes in shutting down houses of worship to prevent the spread of asymptomatic disease and infection through congregation and listening to sermons, has lost their belief in God. One can argue that close contact is the crux of the issue. I say the crux of the issue is keeping people away from each other, from talking to one another and figure out this is really part of the breakdown of social society and religious freedom and practice and traditions. All faiths teach us that were an illness to reach us, this is what was intended; that it is an expiation of sin, and we, as God’s creation, will pull through, stronger for it, if God wills it. And were death to come to collect our souls, we cannot hide from it – not under our beds, in our closets, nowhere… even if we hold our breath so the angel of death doesn’t find us. Where are these words of wisdom today? They are truly absent. All of our religious leaders and figures are compliant for fear of getting caught practicing their right to religion. Some have gone to lengths and have equated this man made situation to the plague. It would be a joke were it not so devastatingly serious.
With all this said, it has become clear to me those who seem to be in charge of this disastrous ‘event’ want us to be content with being dumb, lazy and out of physical and mental shape, religiously devoid of any direction, on the brink of poverty and dependent on government for handouts, addicted to their mind numbing/genetically altering drugs and other pharmaceuticals to get through it all. And good news, if the current drugs don’t work, more damaging, mind and body numbing drugs and concoctions will be forth coming.… all to keep us “in this together”.
A last thought I will leave you with: were this virus so deadly, why is there a recovery rate of above 99%? It defies the clinical name we have all but erased from our minds: SARS2 – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, and ‘2’ because it is a variant from SARS1 (2003), H1N1 – another variant from SARS1, MERS – another variant of SARS1… etc. We need to quit being afraid and start thinking, critically, instead of following what our incompetent criminal politicians are demanding of us. If we are in anything together, it is to free ourselves, our neighbours, our minds from this control that is taking place all under the guise of a deadly virus that is not. To perpetuate the dictates of sociopaths, we need to believe their lies, be mired in guilt and thus coercion of masking and distancing mandates, to be injected with unproven ineffective inoculations, all to make a chosen few others richer?
“We Are All In This Together”? No thanks. Count me out.
To Whom This May Concern


They are threatening to send people on unpaid leave from work and no public transport, so now we have people lining up to get vaxxed. I will wait for the legislation which will come in few days, i really wish that vaxines would not be that bad as I might have to take one. This is so bad, almost like fascism. Some people are totally stressed planning to become homeless while their colleagues are planning nice holiday abroad after the vax.
Hold fast to your convictions. Thanks for your input.


Dec 8, 2016
They are threatening to send people on unpaid leave from work and no public transport, so now we have people lining up to get vaxxed. I will wait for the legislation which will come in few days, i really wish that vaxines would not be that bad as I might have to take one. This is so bad, almost like fascism. Some people are totally stressed planning to become homeless while their colleagues are planning nice holiday abroad after the vax.
Please keep us posted.
We are with you.


May 25, 2020
It is a serious situation as half of the population does not care about the other half, which is blackmailed. They got vaxed and for some of them it is just interesting to look how other people are suffering, the other vaxed do not want to hear anything about that. It looks like here is no way to defend yourself.


It is a serious situation as half of the population does not care about the other half, which is blackmailed. They got vaxed and for some of them it is just interesting to look how other people are suffering, the other vaxed do not want to hear anything about that. It looks like here is no way to defend yourself.
Sorry to hear this. Does you have support from friends, family?


May 25, 2020
No, they are angry as some people depend on my income and I am putting everyone financially in danger. And they made tests so expensive that I can't pay with my salary for them anymore. This is surreal. I hope they will stop at the last step of legislation, which will be in less than a week. I will wait till then. Haidut said in his podcast that you can mitigate the effect of vaccine with antiinflamatories, that would be a way to me. And the most of vaxed people look ok. everyone is vaxed in my family.


Aug 10, 2012
No, they are angry as some people depend on my income and I am putting everyone financially in danger. And they made tests so expensive that I can't pay with my salary for them anymore. This is surreal. I hope they will stop at the last step of legislation, which will be in less than a week. I will wait till then. Haidut said in his podcast that you can mitigate the effect of vaccine with antiinflamatories, that would be a way to me. And the most of vaxed people look ok. everyone is vaxed in my family.
Sofia, Did you see this? Amazing interview in the first part of the show. I just watched and it gives courage along with the facts.



Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I have one on the opposite side of the fence @Vinny! I don’t know if you are aware but in my workplace I am the only person not vaccinated, this would sound like I was a real rebel in the workplace standing up to the man and all.
However in this case I am the owner of the business and I do not advocate anyone getting treated nor will I allow any of the many government authorities to force me into the experimental guinea pig side of t
Thank you!
Last edited:


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
This is brave, however, It is better to let them sack you rather than quit. However, once you quit eventually I think it would be possible to argue for compensation under constructive dismissal. I am not a lawyer so check first.

Thank you for not caving in to tyranny
We`ll have a kind of a deal at the end, most probably, and I also thought about some alternatives before going cold turkey. Thank you too


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I have one on the opposite side of the fence @Vinny! I don’t know if you are aware but in my workplace I am the only person not vaccinated, this would sound like I was a real rebel in the workplace standing up to the man and all.
However in this case I am the owner of the business and I do not advocate anyone getting treated nor will I allow any of the many government authorities to force me into the experimental guinea pig side of the pen.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Why don't you wait for them to fire you? Then depending on the law of the country where you live you can sue them.
In this particular situation, suing could easily turn against me. They`ll compensate me at the end, but for some other folks around the globe going to court will be a necessity.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I rarely view any threads pertaining to the jab (there are far too many of them imo, and quite a few of them created by suspiciously new members), but I have to say, kudos to you, Vinny, you did the right thing. Truly, it's inspiring that you went against the grain and stood up for yourself. Now if only more would follow suit....
Thank you Randle, that`s heartwarming!


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
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