Horrible IBS and Digestion - Need Help Badly


Oct 24, 2023
Hey everyone

I wanted to make a post here to reach out for some help with my chronic stomach issues. As many of you have experienced, doctors are little help. Ill start with some background. I am a 23 year old male, 170ish lbs, 6'1. I suffer from what doctors have decided to call IBS with specific symptoms being endless gas/bloating, and dysfunctional bowel movements. These issues all began some way or another after having taken antibiotics. First appeared when I took a short course for skin infection; at the time I was young and had terrible diet, started to have mild issues involving incomplete movements after the antibiotics. Things got worse over time until I got sick and had to take another course of antibiotics which really threw things into overdrive. At this point I became lactose intolerant nearly immediately after taking the meds, my stomach symptoms became much worse and I slowly became intolerant to gluten and corn as well. At this point I saw a holistic practitioner and went through months upon months of ambiguous tests and elimination diets. None of it made me feel any better. I went to a chiropractor who gave me diatomaceous earth, some chinese tea to increase digestion, and two probiotics. I took these for a while and symptoms improved, except for the incomplete movements. I saw a doctor again who performed a sigmoidoscopy and anorectoral manometry; he diagnoses me with dyssynergic defecation, that is muscle coordination leading to incomplete movements. He surmised this could be because of the constant cramping and disorder caused by the chronic issues. I received physical therapy and made some improvement. This is where I was at until the beginning of this year. In December of last year I got an infection that required two different courses of antibiotics, doxycycline by mouth and some synthetic one that starts with an 'r' they injected into my glute. Within a month my symptoms had worsened. At the time I was going into my final university semester and decided to quit smoking cannabis for the time being, as I would be applying for jobs. I had been using a moderate amount on a daily basis due to the stomach issues in the first place, and upon quitting my symptoms exploded in severity. This is pretty much how my final semester went in it's entirety. I have since moved back home and received more physical therapy which seems to unfortunately have done very little. I have tried lots of supplements and none of them have really helped. I am somewhat limited by money in terms of tests and treatments. Doctors appts are months out and generally unhelpful, I even tried seeing a doctor in Mexico who simply told me I had Crohn's even though I didn't really have any of the symptoms. This brings us to now.

What I have tried:
- Candida protocols: diet, supplements, antifungals nystatin and diflucan
- Allergy/Intolerance elimination diets: I have ruled out eggs, wheat, corn, multiple fruits and vegetables, and numerous other foods
- SIBO protocols: supplements, diet
- Ginger supplement
- Fiber supplement
- Breathing exercises, yoga stretches (sometimes this is the only way I can pass gas)

Current symptoms:
- Seemingly endless gas, when I wake up, when I go to the bathroom, in between restroom visits, after restroom visits, morning, noon, night, no matter what I eat
- Bloating and discomfort, mostly as a result of the gas
- Large amounts of mucus/slime in stool. Sometimes it's just clear mucus, sometimes it's stringy white strands. I have been told this can be candida or bacteria
- Seemingly slowed motility, despite feeling bloated and full stool and gas often times feels like it just "doesnt want to move", if that makes sense
- Hybrid diarrhea/constipation, I will feel the most urgent rush to use the restroom and have to run, only to pass very wet gas and a small amount of stool. I feel a very obstructive "locked up" feeling, pushing and straining, feeling movement in my stomach, but no release or progress. Its hard to tell if this is the muscular dysfunction or the nature of the issues themselves, or both
- No correlation to foods. The only food I have particularly noticed over multiple times that bothers me is hamburgers, but only when we make them at my house. It gives me a nasty sour feeling in my stomach seemingly no matter where we buy the beef or what seasonings we use. I can eat steak, lamb, pork, and beef hotdogs/sausages without this effect so I have no idea what's causing it. The gas seems to be the same whether I eat no fiber, high fiber, low sugar, high sugar, no starches, whole grains, or whatever else. I've even had a few days I felt so anxious and sick I ate nothing and the days following were some of the gassiest I've ever been after eating NOTHING.
- Mental health. You can imagine how this affects a person, especially if you've ever been through it. I worry constantly about it affecting the time I spend with my girlfriend, it makes me unwilling to plan with friends, and it makes me feel and act reclusive. I can't just "power through" it often because the gas is disruptive and often whether because of constipation or anxiety I feel nausea. Plainly, I am very unhappy with my life and how I feel. I have debt from university and feel like even a part time job would have me at the limits of my quality of life; I feel like a loser a lot of the time. The mental health struggles correlate directly with my stomach, if it feels worse my mood is worse, my anxiety has gotten worse in general with my stomach, weightlifting helps to mitigate but is often uncomfortable with digestive symptoms.

Current ideas:
- I take 1100 mg of ginger with breakfast, mostly just did this because I read it can help keep things moving and reduce stomach irritation, doesnt seem to have made a difference after a couple weeks
- I take PHGG every night before bed, I only started this a few days ago and have noticed no difference
- Magnesium Glycinate, just added this one too so working up to full dosage across a few days to avoid further laxative effect
- I have procured Cyproheptadine after reading some studies and other threads here; my hope is that even if it doesnt address the underlying cause it helps increase my quality of life to better address some of the other issues. The anti histamine and serotonin effects seem promising, especially with some of my specific issues. I have nearly constant nasal drip of clear mucus that behaves like seasonal allergies, and as noted constant mucus in stool. Could histamine response be behind this? Would hope serotonin properties could help my anxiety as well.
- Looking into getting a simple B-complex vitamin as I have read B1 and B3 can be highly important in treating IBS/SIBO type issues.

I have tried to give as much information as I can here and will happily answer any followup questions you have for me. I need help very badly, and to feel better very soon. I appreciate anyone and everyone who helps me to this end.

BONUS POINTS: personal experience using cyproheptadine, camphosal, or cascara for these types of issues


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I think the r antibiotic was probably rocephin. You might want to research oxalates because doxycycline can kill off oxalobacter formigenes which helps our body handle dietary oxalate. Conventional medicine misses that one quite a bit unless a person has kidney stones. I don’t know if it’s the case for you but it might be worth exploring further. All meat is very low to no oxalate so that could explain why meats do not bother you. Best wishes, I hope you get some helpful input here.


Oct 24, 2023
I think the r antibiotic was probably rocephin. You might want to research oxalates because doxycycline can kill off oxalobacter formigenes which helps our body handle dietary oxalate. Conventional medicine misses that one quite a bit unless a person has kidney stones. I don’t know if it’s the case for you but it might be worth exploring further. All meat is very low to no oxalate so that could explain why meats do not bother you. Best wishes, I hope you get some helpful input here.
Yes I am pretty sure it was rocephin, that sounds correct. Would oxalobacter formigenes be something I should try and introduce with probiotics? Or do certain foods encourage colony growth? Will research myself as well but I had never heard of this and wonder if you have any other information offhand. Thank you for the response.


Oct 24, 2023
whats your workout protocol? How often?
Every weekday, so five days per week sometimes one weekend day too depending how much anxiety I have. No preworkouts or caffeine. 3 upper body days, 2 lower, one full body day. Workout duration usually 45-90 minutes depending on how heavy and how many lifts for that day.


Nov 29, 2022
Every weekday, so five days per week sometimes one weekend day too depending how much anxiety I have. No preworkouts or caffeine. 3 upper body days, 2 lower, one full body day. Workout duration usually 45-90 minutes depending on how heavy and how many lifts for that day.
Nice! No cardiovascular workouts? Hiit or zone cardios?


Oct 24, 2023
Nice! No cardiovascular workouts? Hiit or zone cardios?
Workouts are all weight lifts, I do hike with my dog a few times a week and swim for cardio, mostly supplemental though. I dont really break it up by zone/HIIT though, when it comes to weights I just do full intensity sets with rest in between so I suppose you could consider some of it HIIT perhaps.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
Hey everyone

I wanted to make a post here to reach out for some help with my chronic stomach issues. As many of you have experienced, doctors are little help. Ill start with some background. I am a 23 year old male, 170ish lbs, 6'1. I suffer from what doctors have decided to call IBS with specific symptoms being endless gas/bloating, and dysfunctional bowel movements. These issues all began some way or another after having taken antibiotics. First appeared when I took a short course for skin infection; at the time I was young and had terrible diet, started to have mild issues involving incomplete movements after the antibiotics. Things got worse over time until I got sick and had to take another course of antibiotics which really threw things into overdrive. At this point I became lactose intolerant nearly immediately after taking the meds, my stomach symptoms became much worse and I slowly became intolerant to gluten and corn as well. At this point I saw a holistic practitioner and went through months upon months of ambiguous tests and elimination diets. None of it made me feel any better. I went to a chiropractor who gave me diatomaceous earth, some chinese tea to increase digestion, and two probiotics. I took these for a while and symptoms improved, except for the incomplete movements. I saw a doctor again who performed a sigmoidoscopy and anorectoral manometry; he diagnoses me with dyssynergic defecation, that is muscle coordination leading to incomplete movements. He surmised this could be because of the constant cramping and disorder caused by the chronic issues. I received physical therapy and made some improvement. This is where I was at until the beginning of this year. In December of last year I got an infection that required two different courses of antibiotics, doxycycline by mouth and some synthetic one that starts with an 'r' they injected into my glute. Within a month my symptoms had worsened. At the time I was going into my final university semester and decided to quit smoking cannabis for the time being, as I would be applying for jobs. I had been using a moderate amount on a daily basis due to the stomach issues in the first place, and upon quitting my symptoms exploded in severity. This is pretty much how my final semester went in it's entirety. I have since moved back home and received more physical therapy which seems to unfortunately have done very little. I have tried lots of supplements and none of them have really helped. I am somewhat limited by money in terms of tests and treatments. Doctors appts are months out and generally unhelpful, I even tried seeing a doctor in Mexico who simply told me I had Crohn's even though I didn't really have any of the symptoms. This brings us to now.

What I have tried:
- Candida protocols: diet, supplements, antifungals nystatin and diflucan
- Allergy/Intolerance elimination diets: I have ruled out eggs, wheat, corn, multiple fruits and vegetables, and numerous other foods
- SIBO protocols: supplements, diet
- Ginger supplement
- Fiber supplement
- Breathing exercises, yoga stretches (sometimes this is the only way I can pass gas)

Current symptoms:
- Seemingly endless gas, when I wake up, when I go to the bathroom, in between restroom visits, after restroom visits, morning, noon, night, no matter what I eat
- Bloating and discomfort, mostly as a result of the gas
- Large amounts of mucus/slime in stool. Sometimes it's just clear mucus, sometimes it's stringy white strands. I have been told this can be candida or bacteria
- Seemingly slowed motility, despite feeling bloated and full stool and gas often times feels like it just "doesnt want to move", if that makes sense
- Hybrid diarrhea/constipation, I will feel the most urgent rush to use the restroom and have to run, only to pass very wet gas and a small amount of stool. I feel a very obstructive "locked up" feeling, pushing and straining, feeling movement in my stomach, but no release or progress. Its hard to tell if this is the muscular dysfunction or the nature of the issues themselves, or both
- No correlation to foods. The only food I have particularly noticed over multiple times that bothers me is hamburgers, but only when we make them at my house. It gives me a nasty sour feeling in my stomach seemingly no matter where we buy the beef or what seasonings we use. I can eat steak, lamb, pork, and beef hotdogs/sausages without this effect so I have no idea what's causing it. The gas seems to be the same whether I eat no fiber, high fiber, low sugar, high sugar, no starches, whole grains, or whatever else. I've even had a few days I felt so anxious and sick I ate nothing and the days following were some of the gassiest I've ever been after eating NOTHING.
- Mental health. You can imagine how this affects a person, especially if you've ever been through it. I worry constantly about it affecting the time I spend with my girlfriend, it makes me unwilling to plan with friends, and it makes me feel and act reclusive. I can't just "power through" it often because the gas is disruptive and often whether because of constipation or anxiety I feel nausea. Plainly, I am very unhappy with my life and how I feel. I have debt from university and feel like even a part time job would have me at the limits of my quality of life; I feel like a loser a lot of the time. The mental health struggles correlate directly with my stomach, if it feels worse my mood is worse, my anxiety has gotten worse in general with my stomach, weightlifting helps to mitigate but is often uncomfortable with digestive symptoms.

Current ideas:
- I take 1100 mg of ginger with breakfast, mostly just did this because I read it can help keep things moving and reduce stomach irritation, doesnt seem to have made a difference after a couple weeks
- I take PHGG every night before bed, I only started this a few days ago and have noticed no difference
- Magnesium Glycinate, just added this one too so working up to full dosage across a few days to avoid further laxative effect
- I have procured Cyproheptadine after reading some studies and other threads here; my hope is that even if it doesnt address the underlying cause it helps increase my quality of life to better address some of the other issues. The anti histamine and serotonin effects seem promising, especially with some of my specific issues. I have nearly constant nasal drip of clear mucus that behaves like seasonal allergies, and as noted constant mucus in stool. Could histamine response be behind this? Would hope serotonin properties could help my anxiety as well.
- Looking into getting a simple B-complex vitamin as I have read B1 and B3 can be highly important in treating IBS/SIBO type issues.

I have tried to give as much information as I can here and will happily answer any followup questions you have for me. I need help very badly, and to feel better very soon. I appreciate anyone and everyone who helps me to this end.

BONUS POINTS: personal experience using cyproheptadine, camphosal, or cascara for these types of issues
Have you tried monolaurin?


Nov 29, 2022
Workouts are all weight lifts, I do hike with my dog a few times a week and swim for cardio, mostly supplemental though. I dont really break it up by zone/HIIT though, when it comes to weights I just do full intensity sets with rest in between so I suppose you could consider some of it HIIT perhaps.
At least your very active. I know hiit has helped constipation for me. If that makes sense. Hydration and proper workouts helped. I needed that real deep sweAt


Feb 4, 2019
The below-linked video is very informational, and gives a good overview of coffee enemas and their potential role in any number of GI issues. I think the video is the most useful one I've watched on CEs (and I've watched a LOT!). I now have extensive experience with CEs, and have incorporated using various kinds of therapeutic retention enemas with them. I've added things like organic wheatgrass powder, Vit. C, etc. Most recently I added a few drops of Methylene Blue, and believe it cleared out a low-grade candida infection, and gave me a great energy boost at the same time.

How I Reversed Chronic Constipation Using Coffee Enemas! | SIBO IBS-C Gallstones


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
Rifaximin and charcoal helped a lot in my recovery from IBS.
That, and avoiding most supplements and oral fatty vitamins, except D.


May 10, 2022
im recommending lactoferrin and fruit and vegetable smoothies with beets. The lactoferrin is helping my sibo, but its giving me a degree of cholestasis, thinning your bile and moving things along will help that, that's why I say smoothies, its a lot fiber, but is still easily pooped out.


May 2, 2021
Hey everyone

I wanted to make a post here to reach out for some help with my chronic stomach issues. As many of you have experienced, doctors are little help. Ill start with some background. I am a 23 year old male, 170ish lbs, 6'1. I suffer from what doctors have decided to call IBS with specific symptoms being endless gas/bloating, and dysfunctional bowel movements. These issues all began some way or another after having taken antibiotics. First appeared when I took a short course for skin infection; at the time I was young and had terrible diet, started to have mild issues involving incomplete movements after the antibiotics. Things got worse over time until I got sick and had to take another course of antibiotics which really threw things into overdrive. At this point I became lactose intolerant nearly immediately after taking the meds, my stomach symptoms became much worse and I slowly became intolerant to gluten and corn as well. At this point I saw a holistic practitioner and went through months upon months of ambiguous tests and elimination diets. None of it made me feel any better. I went to a chiropractor who gave me diatomaceous earth, some chinese tea to increase digestion, and two probiotics. I took these for a while and symptoms improved, except for the incomplete movements. I saw a doctor again who performed a sigmoidoscopy and anorectoral manometry; he diagnoses me with dyssynergic defecation, that is muscle coordination leading to incomplete movements. He surmised this could be because of the constant cramping and disorder caused by the chronic issues. I received physical therapy and made some improvement. This is where I was at until the beginning of this year. In December of last year I got an infection that required two different courses of antibiotics, doxycycline by mouth and some synthetic one that starts with an 'r' they injected into my glute. Within a month my symptoms had worsened. At the time I was going into my final university semester and decided to quit smoking cannabis for the time being, as I would be applying for jobs. I had been using a moderate amount on a daily basis due to the stomach issues in the first place, and upon quitting my symptoms exploded in severity. This is pretty much how my final semester went in it's entirety. I have since moved back home and received more physical therapy which seems to unfortunately have done very little. I have tried lots of supplements and none of them have really helped. I am somewhat limited by money in terms of tests and treatments. Doctors appts are months out and generally unhelpful, I even tried seeing a doctor in Mexico who simply told me I had Crohn's even though I didn't really have any of the symptoms. This brings us to now.

What I have tried:
- Candida protocols: diet, supplements, antifungals nystatin and diflucan
- Allergy/Intolerance elimination diets: I have ruled out eggs, wheat, corn, multiple fruits and vegetables, and numerous other foods
- SIBO protocols: supplements, diet
- Ginger supplement
- Fiber supplement
- Breathing exercises, yoga stretches (sometimes this is the only way I can pass gas)

Current symptoms:
- Seemingly endless gas, when I wake up, when I go to the bathroom, in between restroom visits, after restroom visits, morning, noon, night, no matter what I eat
- Bloating and discomfort, mostly as a result of the gas
- Large amounts of mucus/slime in stool. Sometimes it's just clear mucus, sometimes it's stringy white strands. I have been told this can be candida or bacteria
- Seemingly slowed motility, despite feeling bloated and full stool and gas often times feels like it just "doesnt want to move", if that makes sense
- Hybrid diarrhea/constipation, I will feel the most urgent rush to use the restroom and have to run, only to pass very wet gas and a small amount of stool. I feel a very obstructive "locked up" feeling, pushing and straining, feeling movement in my stomach, but no release or progress. Its hard to tell if this is the muscular dysfunction or the nature of the issues themselves, or both
- No correlation to foods. The only food I have particularly noticed over multiple times that bothers me is hamburgers, but only when we make them at my house. It gives me a nasty sour feeling in my stomach seemingly no matter where we buy the beef or what seasonings we use. I can eat steak, lamb, pork, and beef hotdogs/sausages without this effect so I have no idea what's causing it. The gas seems to be the same whether I eat no fiber, high fiber, low sugar, high sugar, no starches, whole grains, or whatever else. I've even had a few days I felt so anxious and sick I ate nothing and the days following were some of the gassiest I've ever been after eating NOTHING.
- Mental health. You can imagine how this affects a person, especially if you've ever been through it. I worry constantly about it affecting the time I spend with my girlfriend, it makes me unwilling to plan with friends, and it makes me feel and act reclusive. I can't just "power through" it often because the gas is disruptive and often whether because of constipation or anxiety I feel nausea. Plainly, I am very unhappy with my life and how I feel. I have debt from university and feel like even a part time job would have me at the limits of my quality of life; I feel like a loser a lot of the time. The mental health struggles correlate directly with my stomach, if it feels worse my mood is worse, my anxiety has gotten worse in general with my stomach, weightlifting helps to mitigate but is often uncomfortable with digestive symptoms.

Current ideas:
- I take 1100 mg of ginger with breakfast, mostly just did this because I read it can help keep things moving and reduce stomach irritation, doesnt seem to have made a difference after a couple weeks
- I take PHGG every night before bed, I only started this a few days ago and have noticed no difference
- Magnesium Glycinate, just added this one too so working up to full dosage across a few days to avoid further laxative effect
- I have procured Cyproheptadine after reading some studies and other threads here; my hope is that even if it doesnt address the underlying cause it helps increase my quality of life to better address some of the other issues. The anti histamine and serotonin effects seem promising, especially with some of my specific issues. I have nearly constant nasal drip of clear mucus that behaves like seasonal allergies, and as noted constant mucus in stool. Could histamine response be behind this? Would hope serotonin properties could help my anxiety as well.
- Looking into getting a simple B-complex vitamin as I have read B1 and B3 can be highly important in treating IBS/SIBO type issues.

I have tried to give as much information as I can here and will happily answer any followup questions you have for me. I need help very badly, and to feel better very soon. I appreciate anyone and everyone who helps me to this end.

BONUS POINTS: personal experience using cyproheptadine, camphosal, or cascara for these types of issues
Check out BPC-157. Its getting difficult to find since the FDA has speculated that they are going to ban compounding pharmacists from making this peptide.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Yes I am pretty sure it was rocephin, that sounds correct. Would oxalobacter formigenes be something I should try and introduce with probiotics? Or do certain foods encourage colony growth? Will research myself as well but I had never heard of this and wonder if you have any other information offhand. Thank you for the response.
You could look up Sally K Norton and see if anything she writes about matches your symptoms. Unfortunately at the present time I’m unaware of any probiotics that really help. Once they are gone they’re gone and you basically have to eat a low oxalate diet which is 40 grams or less per day. If you think it might be an issue and you eat a high amount (spinach, chard, beets, chocolate, most grains, beans, nuts and many more foods-ect.) it’s advised to reduce the amount slowly to avoid shocking your system into dumping it which can wreak havoc in some people. It might not be a problem for you though because it’s not a problem for everyone who has been on certain antibiotics. That’s just a very broad overview of course.


Mar 27, 2021
@nick5741 You need to start tracking your temperature and pulse, and start supplementing thyroid, that's always mandatory. Check Ray's article, if you haven't yet, along with those about Cascara, Food-junk and Water, to start with. The fact that you're gassy even on fasting days means that the food still lingers in your intestines, I don't think there's any other way for gas to form there other than microbiota metabolism. You need to eat carrot, or something like that, once and examine your stool to see how long before it gets out. That can obviously change with circumstances, but gives you some reference. You should be careful with Cyproheptadine (and similar agents) because it blocks pathways that force bowel movement and can have net negative effect. The same for magnesium glycinate, the supplements are often intentionally impure and can irritate your gut and you even may perhaps not be able to tell at this stage. I would not do retention enema, at least not until you know any better, because if your colon is inflamed, you're gonna absorb part of the water and potentially find yourself in worse place than initially. You should make solution with at least 0,9% salt or 1,3% baking soda, preferably more. Cascara would be definitely worthwhile to try, but beware of unaged ones


Oct 24, 2023
@nick5741 You need to start tracking your temperature and pulse, and start supplementing thyroid, that's always mandatory. Check Ray's article, if you haven't yet, along with those about Cascara, Food-junk and Water, to start with. The fact that you're gassy even on fasting days means that the food still lingers in your intestines, I don't think there's any other way for gas to form there other than microbiota metabolism. You need to eat carrot, or something like that, once and examine your stool to see how long before it gets out. That can obviously change with circumstances, but gives you some reference. You should be careful with Cyproheptadine (and similar agents) because it blocks pathways that force bowel movement and can have net negative effect. The same for magnesium glycinate, the supplements are often intentionally impure and can irritate your gut and you even may perhaps not be able to tell at this stage. I would not do retention enema, at least not until you know any better, because if your colon is inflamed, you're gonna absorb part of the water and potentially find yourself in worse place than initially. You should make solution with at least 0,9% salt or 1,3% baking soda, preferably more. Cascara would be definitely worthwhile to try, but beware of unaged ones
What do you reccomend for thyroid? I managed to get my GP to order a thyroid panel to check for hypo and figured id push for dessicated thyroid if that comes back positive. I've seen thorne thyroid support type stuff, but not sure in that realm tbh. I have started eating raw carrot, but I hate the coconut oil taste on it so I've been eating it plain rather than in the salad. Planning to try white mushrooms as well.


Feb 4, 2019
What do you reccomend for thyroid?

I recently read that a good number of people have corrected thyroid issues of all kinds by doing castor "neck packs". Put castor oil on a neck pack at night before going to bed, and leave it on all night. It apparently facilitates lymphatic drainage in the neck area, where apparently 30% of lymphatic drainage takes place. Makes sense that if you have blocked lymph around the thyroid gland, it could impact thyroid function. And it makes sense that draining that fluid has the potential to improve thyroid function.


Oct 24, 2023
I recently read that a good number of people have corrected thyroid issues of all kinds by doing castor "neck packs". Put castor oil on a neck pack at night before going to bed, and leave it on all night. It apparently facilitates lymphatic drainage in the neck area, where apparently 30% of lymphatic drainage takes place. Makes sense that if you have blocked lymph around the thyroid gland, it could impact thyroid function. And it makes sense that draining that fluid has the potential to improve thyroid function.
I’ve had several swollen lymph nodes since the infection last year, they’re mostly around the inguanal canal though, only one occipital. Would that method still be applicable for that?
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