

Nov 9, 2012
I'm not new to the forum, but never got round to do this so here it goes finally:

What's your age?

I'm a male of 26.

How did you find the forum?

The forum is very well indexed by Google. I was searching for more information on red light, and came across a detailed discussion on this forum.

How did you find Ray Peat's work?

Someone posted a comment on Ray Peat somewhere, which got me curious. I then started reading his articles and got even more curious...

How long have you been Peating?

A bit more than 1 year.

What are your health issues?

I had hypothyroid symptoms as early as I can remember in life (lethargy - I kept daydreaming in school -, insomnia, nervousness, feeling cold, acne, very skinny...). Thus, my case is different from those who were healthy initially, then later in life become hypo after some event (stress episode, low carb diet...), then are able to fix and reverse thyroid status after only a few months of improved diet and thyroid supplement. After a year of Peating, some of my hypo symptoms are finally gone and I am significantly healthier, however some serious symptoms remain (temps a bit low, some lethargy and some sleep issues).

What worked for me: gelatin (I feel more relaxed), oysters (it seems to help temperatures), RPPS (even more potent than gelatin - can really help me to sleep if I'm exhausted), adequate amount of protein (I look quite ripped now, despite little exercise), light therapy (it seems good for the mood), nutrients (retinol, niacinamide, K2... seem to help with skin appearance)

What didn't work for me: surprisingly, thyroid supplement (I tried both synthetic and dessicated - neither seem to do anything to my temperatures)


Feb 7, 2013

I hear you on being hypo from the get go - the difference with me is I found out only in January that I've been hypo since I was a kid.

Odd that the thryoid didn't make a difference for you. That's been a key for me. Goes to show you how we're all different.

Appreciate you being here jyb! You're input helps many.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Now I see why I like your posts, jyb, we have pretty similar issues. I'm probably missing something obvious, but what is RPPS?


Nov 9, 2012
4peatssake said:
I hear you on being hypo from the get go - the difference with me is I found out only in January that I've been hypo since I was a kid.

Odd that the thryoid didn't make a difference for you. That's been a key for me. Goes to show you how we're all different.

Appreciate you being here jyb! You're input helps many.

Same boat, until I read RP, I never knew that all my symptoms were probably all just a consequence of hypothyroidism.

I'm trying to figure out how to make the thyroid supplement work. It's been 6+ months now, but given the severity of my symptoms I never expected to be cured over just a few months.

4peatssake said:
Now I see why I like your posts, jyb, we have pretty similar issues. I'm probably missing something obvious, but what is RPPS?

Care to share or post your symptoms? I'd like to find other people who have the same symptoms (eg, lethargy issues from birth), and why I don't seem to make the thyroid supplement work.

I think I probably inherited a bad hormone situation from birth. I don't know if I will heal from this diet (and usual supps, lifestyle...) over the years, or whether I will need something extra special (eg, a long time use of a drug like ondansetron). When I emailed RP with my situation and lack of thyroid response, he didn't give any specific advice other than the usual (calcium, small doses of thyroid are more effective...).

RPPS = RP protein potato soup. In case you haven't explored this area yet, it's been discussed in some detail in at least two or three different threads of this forum. RP seems to think it can work in some special situations possibly fixing these permanently, based on anecdotes.


Nov 1, 2012
Hi, jyb!
Have you tried increasing your salt? Are you able to drink coffee? Aspirin?

It is great that you are on the right track at a young age.


Feb 7, 2013
jyb said:
Same boat, until I read RP, I never knew that all my symptoms were probably all just a consequence of hypothyroidism.

I'm trying to figure out how to make the thyroid supplement work. It's been 6+ months now, but given the severity of my symptoms I never expected to be cured over just a few months.
I'm glad you found this out while you are still young. You're half my age (exactly) and it will take me a good while to sort things through and fix my broken metabolism. It's nice to finally find out the cause and stop just chasing symptoms.
Like you, I think I was born with it. My mother has thyroid disease (diagnosed hyper shortly after I was born) and my niece was diagnosed during a recent pregnancy as hypo. I've been talking to my sisters about it lately - and one of them is critically ill with fatty liver disease - which from what I have gathered so far is yet another "symptom" of hypothyroidism. So I'm educating her as best I can and once I get the full lowdown on her situation, I'm going to ask RP. Her situation is so critical now that she may soon be on a list for a liver transplant. She's young - will be 63 this month.

It may be worth it to keep doing the thyroid in small doses - nibbling on T3 throughout the day. I'm not sure how long you were supplementing thyroid or what particular supp you used (NDT or synthetic) but as I understand it, it takes time to accumulate in your system before you see any results. With me, it took a full 6 weeks before I noticed any difference so it may be good to keep at it.

I know you asked Dan for his symptoms but here are some of mine - oddly enough, sometimes they lift and other times they can be debilitating.

1. Depression: was diagnosed with every kind imagineable - from major to SAD and everything in between. No psychosis though. :lol:
2. Lethargy big time. Just no get up and go. Like I have no gas in my engine. And of course I've put the wrong gas in the engine most of my life. Thought sugar was a death trap and tried every diet known to man. :roll:
3. Chronic nosebleeds - had these big time as a child. Had my nose cauterized when I was a kid. RP told me hypothyroidism was likely my issue from the time of the nosebleeds. :eek: That's what floored me and started me thinking I've been this way from birth.
4. Belly bloat - this is fairly recent and I think a result of my entire system going nuts from a combination of years of untreated hypothyroidism and perimenopause. Things have really erupted as my hormones went nuts. Estrogen dominance is a big problem and I'm sure I have major issues with endotoxin.
5. Insomnia - this is perimenopausal and stress related I think.
6. Degenerative disc disease in neck - chronic inflammation concentrated on my left side. Have always favored my left side. Fullness in left ear - nosebleeds (haven't had any for a while) on only left side. Pins and needles down left arm and nerve pain in neck.

I'm probably missing some but you get the idea!


Nov 30, 2012
I'm 42 going on 43. I found the forum surfing around after I had been Peating a few months.

In 2012 or maybe 2011 (can't remember) I found Peat's articles on a google search about coffee; I was seeking an objective viewpoint to refute something I'd read on another forum. One day about a year ago I read the Great Fish Oil Experiment article (it was kind of spontaneous actually) which led me to change my diet.

My health issues are estrogen dominance (perimenopause related), general fatigue and hair loss. I sleep pretty well and feel OK, better than I did last year, but some days I have a hard time getting up in the morning.

Cow's milk didn't work for me but I seem to do well on a lot of calcium. This is the main change in my diet (I did not drink milk or use dairy foods regularly for 20 years) along with all the sugar. I would probably feel better if I ate more gelatin but I haven't gotten around to ordering the good stuff :? and get tired of the Jello guilt. (it's not kosher) I feel better also on more salt but have gotten tired of putting it in my milk and OJ.

I have not tried thyroid; It seems like a lot of $ to spend for something that may not work.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
jyb said:
Care to share or post your symptoms? I'd like to find other people who have the same symptoms (eg, lethargy issues from birth), and why I don't seem to make the thyroid supplement work.
Your mention of "insomnia, nervousness, feeling cold, acne, very skinny" are all issues I've had. That's frustrating that thyroid hasn't worked for you, since I suspect it was the largest factor in improving those issues for me (except for acne).

I started to get lethargy issues in my 20s, but I think they've disappeared with salt, bright light, and thyroid.

Have you tried the thyroid sublingually? Though some people say that doesn't matter.

And thank you for the explanation on the RPPS. I'll try it for sleep at some point.


Nov 9, 2012
Haagendazendiane said:
Have you tried increasing your salt? Are you able to drink coffee? Aspirin?

I drink a lot of OJ/milk, so its a lot of liquid. I do however get salt with every meal (probably a few teaspoons total per day). I will increase that as an experiment.

I can drink coffee. It helps, certainly. I don't want to do it too late throughout the day in case it might make my insomnia worse. At the moment my insomnia is mostly delayed sleep onset. So, I can often fall asleep, and have a decent sleep, but very very late in the night.

Aspirin... I have mixed results. I need to experiment more. Part of the problem is that I'd need K2, but the K2 I've used worsens my insomnia (a few other forum members have reported this side effect). So before I resume my experiments with aspirin, I need to get some K2 that don't give me this side effect.

4peatssake said:
It may be worth it to keep doing the thyroid in small doses - nibbling on T3 throughout the day. I'm not sure how long you were supplementing thyroid or what particular supp you used (NDT or synthetic) but as I understand it, it takes time to accumulate in your system before you see any results. With me, it took a full 6 weeks before I noticed any difference so it may be good to keep at it.

I've continued nibbling on T3 throughout the day, despite no obvious effect, in case it pays off in the long term.

I can reach 98.6F oral temp but just on some days and a short while (an hour or two) and it never exceeds 98.6F. My average afternoon temp is certainly below that, probably 98.1-98.2, if its not a too bad day.

gretchen said:
I have not tried thyroid; It seems like a lot of $ to spend for something that may not work.

From what I've read, thyroid supp seems pretty important if you still have symptoms after fixing the diet. Plus, there's a chance you'll only need to temporarily.

Dan Wich said:
Have you tried the thyroid sublingually? Though some people say that doesn't matter.

I probably have in the past, but I'll try again.


Nov 9, 2012
Pulse 90-120, temps often 37.2, ability to breathe very deeply and slowly without stress (I'd be good at apnea...) and insomnia only on one night this last week. Nice.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Thanks for the update! Being able to have good sleep makes a massive difference for me.

How do you feel?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Nov 1, 2012
jyb said:
Pulse 90-120, temps often 37.2, ability to breathe very deeply and slowly without stress (I'd be good at apnea...) and insomnia only on one night this last week. Nice.

That is awesome, jyb! :D
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