Health Wholeness Ultimatum


Feb 9, 2022

Old English hǣlth, of Germanic origin; related to whole.


health (n.)​

Old English hælþ "wholeness, a being whole, sound or well," from Proto-Germanic *hailitho, from Proto Indo-European *kailo- "whole, uninjured, of good omen" (source also of Old English hal "hale, whole;" Old Norse heill "healthy;" Old English halig, Old Norse helge "holy, sacred;" Old English hælan "to heal"). With Proto-Germanic abstract noun suffix *-itho (see -th (2)).

Of physical health in Middle English, but also "prosperity, happiness, welfare; preservation, safety." An abstract noun to whole, not to heal. Meaning "a salutation" (in a toast, etc.) wishing one welfare or prosperity is from 1590s. Health food is from 1848.

We are looking for how to be healthy, whole. Eudaimonia. Many here focus on avoiding and eliminating toxins which can dis-integrate wholeness into its constituent parts, which is good, but what is the source of wholeness that makes us more whole? If we are what we eat, we should eat the whole. What is the whole? The whole food? All foods? What is food? Is it everything alive or does it include inorganic compounds? Organic compounds are composed partly of inorganic things but the addition of carbon makes it organic, alive. Is food whatever tastes the best and makes us feel good, healthy, whole? Is food whatever we crave to eat the most? Is food whatever is most similar to us so that if we eat it we will be what we eat? If we eat something that is not like us will we become more like it? We are what we eat? Will eating vegetables/plants make us more vegetable/plant like? Will eating anima-ls and/or anima-l products like raw milk and raw eggs make us more anima-te? What about our environment? Do we need to live and work in a natural environment to be whole? =======Sunlight?

I ask these questions not necessarily to find the answers for you and what your body needs, but to lay out some of the thoughts and struggles between all these questions that have led to the working assumptions/conclusions I have arrived at so that you may add more questions and come to your own conclusions from observing all.

Parts of the whole can be toxic when they are misproportioned in our diet in a way that they are not found in nature. The dose makes the poison. They've taken a very small part of the whole (PUFAs, present in all whole foods) and made it a much larger part of our diet than it used to be. The solution is to go back to the whole as it is in nature. Stop tampering with nature. Even cooking should be lesser. Our diet should be composed of mostly whole, chemical free foods preferably raw.

I believe diet is ====== very simple. As humans we have access to better nutrition than any other organism potentially, it's just a matter of recognizing the sources. You don't need ANYTHING else besides whole food. If we needed anything else, we wouldn't exist because we would've been too weak to survive and we would've just died out. We shouldn't have to think consciously about what we eat. If we provide ourselves access to food and water in a similar way to how animals have access, then we don't have to think about it. We can act on instinct. Our bodies know what to do in nature by forming cravings for food that has nutrients we are deficient in or that simply makes us feel good and gives us energy. This means we must eliminate unnatural processed foods not found in nature and give ourselves access to as many foods as possible to allow us to select the best nature has to offer us. After establishing this foundation we can take the time to think about things and create new foods through cooking, fermentation, etc.

According to Tacitus' Germania, the Germanic peoples originally ate a simple diet consisting of curdled milk, wild fruit, and freshly hunted game. Milk's telos is to be consumed by the baby of the mother that produced the milk to make it grow from a newborn calf into a juvenile. It has all nutrients and energy necessary for the baby to grow and live in the world. Just because milk is intended for the offspring of the mother that produced the milk doesn't mean that other things cannot have all the nutrients and energy necessary to grow and live in the world by consuming that milk. Other animals don't know how to get milk from a cow, but we as humans do know. If other animals knew how to get it, they would. Fruit's telos is to make the being that consumes it as healthy and energetic as possible to spread the seed eaten with the fruit as far as possible. Knowing this, it is noteworthy that two out of three of the staples of the ancient germanic diet are designed by the organism that produced it to be consumed by another organism. These two at least should be included in our diet because they minimize toxins and maximize nutrition and wholeness by their very nature.
====Egg's telos is to be consumed by the chick fetus and give it everything needed for growth. More consumable than muscle meat maybe.

Ruminants shouldn't eat grains, they should live in their natural environment, even unconfined during winter (but with shelter available when desired) where they have access to their native diet and can select what they wish to consume from a diversely seeded pasture based on their cravings. Even if grainfed animals were healthy to eat, they themselves are unhealthy and obese due to the toxic seed oils in the grains and I choose not to support those who raise or distribute grainfed animals because that would bring more suffering unhealthy animals into existence. In addition, grainfed animals require monoculture agriculture which degrades the soil rather than regenerating it through rotational grazing and simultaneous manure fertilization.

If we're going to eat animals they should live the best, healthiest lives they can because I think that makes us (we are what we eat) live the best, healthiest lives we can if we do choose to include them in our diet. They should be slaughtered in a way that they never know what's coming in the environment that they lived in for their whole lives:

Local chemical free diversely-planted/seeded-grassland/pasture raised rotationally grazed unconfined year round calf/kid at foot raw milk and its derivatives, local chemical free fruit, and local chemical free pasture raised never-knew-it-was-coming humanely slaughtered muscle and organ meat. These are the staples, the foundation of my diet. They are nutritionally complete together. =======I haven't tried raw meat yet, but cattle have better immunity to parasites so I would start with raw beef if and when I do. I buy pasture raised meat in bulk and deep freeze which kills most parasites from the information I've seen in my research, although this also degrades the nutrition of the meat.====add to pemmican part===== I add "local" to each of these for harmony with your local living environment and to support your community's economy, self sufficiency, and food security, thereby making your community more healthy, whole, and independent on the industrial factory farming grocery store supply chain.

I widely sample foods and eat whatever I crave if it is chemical free and/or pasture raised whole food or a meal cooked/made from those ingredients. If something doesn't sit right I just don't eat it again taking into account the context it was consumed in. Eventually I might try it again to give it a chance at a different time in a different body state and context. Sampling all foods allows my body and brain to form cravings if a certain food happens to fill a specific nutrient requirement. The craving pops up when my body needs a specific nutrient that it knows came from a specific food and I satisfy it with that specific food. =========================Meat requirements tend to be small if you have access to as much chemical free fruit and raw dairy as you desire to consume. Babies have extremely high nutritional requirements (arguably the highest that anybody needs in their entire life) and they drink only raw breastmilk. Raw milk contains everything that we need for life. Raw milk has also been made into so many other great foods which shows how important it has been to us throughout history. Cheese, butter, ice cream, whey, cream, kefir, and yogurt. Pretty self explanatory.

========Human breast milk has similar macronutrient ratios to ice cream and tastes similar.

========I also eat a lot of mixed vegetables and potatoes.

===========Eat the best tasting food you can find as long as it is whole food

===========In order to be independent on society for food supply and therefore more whole, a great method is pemmican which is nutritionally complete if made with grassfed beef tallow and grassfed meat. You can probably make it with meat and fat from any animal that eats its native diet.


Drinking water needs to be harvested from nature. What we can do if we don't have access to a pure natural water source is distill water and remineralize it by reconstituting pure water concentrate (salt or solution) from a pure natural water source thereby approximately recreating the water source to an extent. I make distilled water and remineralize it with celtic sea salt to make what is basically diluted sea water, but you could choose any salt or water concentrate solution that you prefer to use. The reason I do this is that in my experience pure distilled water causes my tinnitus to increase and a buzzing sensation at the back and base of my skull. This is probably because distilled water depletes electrolytes in the body. Some people may be able to drink distilled water with the minerals in food being enough to sustain themselves but I personally notice an immediate negative impact on my health.

Remineralized distilled water is water concentrate solution or salt from a natural water source that is free of pollutants added to virgin pure distilled water to recreate the natural water source that the water concentrate was extracted from (in a diluted form if it is not a freshwater source). There is no substitute for an unpolluted water source from a location in nature. You could just buy sea water and dilute it with distilled water but it is way cheaper to transport salt (water concentrate) than sea water because it is so much lighter and takes up so much less space than sea water. Optionally let it sit exposed to air and sunlight which may have normalizing effects after being restructured by the distillation process. You could also harvest rainwater if you want, just make sure to avoid plastic in the construction of the rainwater harvesting system.

You may wonder why I chose a method of water purification that requires lots of heat whenever I want to drink water instead of a filtration system. First of all, distillation makes water that is at least 99.9% pure. Distillation apparatus is very cheap and often plastic free unlike most water filters. You can find plans for a simple still made of a metal container and copper pipe if you wish to construct your own. Distillation is simpler and less expensive than filtration and you can know with certainty that distillation filters 99.9% of contaminants. Distillation can be done with scavenged wood scraps for fuel if you have a flame operable still. Salt remineralizes hundreds of gallons of distilled water per pound, enough for over a year drinking half a gallon per day at a cost of less than $5 if you buy in bulk.

less than 600 mg/L is regarded as good quality drinking water. 600 to 900 mg/L is regarded as fair quality. 900 to 1200 mg/L is regarded as poor quality. greater than 1200 mg/L is regarded as unacceptable.

To calculate how many gallons of distilled water a pound of salt can remineralize let's work off of the assumption that we will make water with a salinity of 1200mg/L. This will result in an extremely conservative figure since this would make the quality of your remineralized distilled water poor. 1lb of salt is 453592 mg. There are 3.785 Liters in a gallon so dividing 453592mg of salt/(1200mg X 3.785 L/gal) gives 99.866 gallons of "poor quality" high salinity water per pound of salt. Drinking half a gallon a day of "poor quality" water would last you 0.547 years (28.4 weeks). Multiply 99.866 gallons by 2 to get 199.732 gallons of fair quality water (600mg/L). Based on half a gallon a day 199.732 gallons of "fair quality" water would last 1.094 years (56.9 weeks). If you buy a 22lb bag of celtic sea salt for $79.76 (Azure Standard price as of 4/30/2022) you will be able to make half a gallon a day for 24.077 years (1252 weeks) at a cost of $3.31 per year. You will probably use less salt than 600mg/L.

Reverse osmosis is certainly better than straight tap water, no filtration at all, but it doesn't approach 99.9% purity. RO filters typically waste about 4 gallons of water to make each gallon of RO water. Reverse Osmosis also requires water pressure to operate. Water deionizer systems are similar to RO in requiring water pressure. It can produce 100% pure water acceptable for laboratory use, though deionizers often still use plastic in the construction. I couldn't find information on whether deionizers produce waste water. Both of these options are usually quite expensive if you want a long lasting high quality system.

Gravity water filters require activated alumina as the fluoride filter media which leaches highly toxic aluminum into your water. If I had access to a spring water source a gravity water filter would probably be a good option since I wouldn't have to worry about filtering fluoride. Filtering spring water would be somewhat superfluous besides filtering things like leaves and possible pathogens from animal fecal matter and so on. Buying gravity filters is more expensive than distillation and remineralization and constructing your own gravity water filter is more labor intensive and expensive than making your own still.


Celtic sea salt, even if it has a minute quantity of microplastics (far far less than the amount we consume from other sources in our daily lives), doesn't have fluoride like unfiltered tap water and it comes from a protected natural water source. There aren't too many microplastics in the sea where celtic sea salt is harvested because most oceanic plastic pollution exists in the pacific ocean not the atlantic ocean. As you can see in the image below, there is little plastic pollution around the celtic regions (britain, ireland, and the coast of France) where celtic sea salt comes from. The salinas where paludiers (salt harvesters) work are protected from pollution by regulation. In addition to remineralizing distilled water I use celtic sea salt for flavoring my food, never refined salt because it doesn't have the right balance of salts. Refined salt is sodium chloride only. Celtic sea salt has a slightly sweet overtone, whereas refined table salt has only sharp salty taste. Any type of rock salt that has been mined like pink Himalayan salt and redmond real salt also has the wrong proportion of salts and is toxic because of water running through the ground and salt deposits which collects heavy metals from the ground and deposits them in the salt and also strips certain salts from the salt deposit based on their differing solubility.

7 rivers plastic pollution oceans.jpg

Light Grey Celtic® is the original Celtic Sea Salt® since 1976. Harvested in France from clay-lined beds. Natural, moist crystals with the light grey color.

Microplastics are pervasive in the environment. The main source of MPs is in the air. In a year we breathe billions of microplastics. From the salt the risk is from zero to no more than .5 MP per day, or 0 to 200MPs per year. When compared to other sources of microplastics, the amount found in salt is miniscule. No microplastics were discovered in Makai Pure or Fine Ground Celtic. 3 MPs were found in 1KG of Light Grey Celtic. We eat approximately 2 KGs of salt per year, so in a year the risk is 6 MPs per year for Light Grey Celtic®.

A protected site
The 2,000 hectares of salt-marshes (or salinas) and the surrounding tidal zones (5,000 hectares in all) are a Special Protected Area of the European Union and, in September 1995, became the latest of the 17 French Ramsar sites (the International Convention on the protection of Wetlands). They were placed under national protection in 1996.
The success of this traditional mode of salt production is explained by salt-farmers and nature conservationists coming closer together and joining forces to protect the area. Further collaboration is expected on themes linked to the sustainable development and balanced management of the salt-marshes.

Superior purity

Other companies may offer a variety of sea salts. Our sea salts have been inspected and approved to meet quality standards that live up to our expectations. Jacques Delangre revived the traditional way sea salt was harvested, when his book became popular with several doctors. The supply could not keep up with the demand because the salt ponds take at least seven years to produce sea salt that meets our standards. To assure a sufficient supply of Celtic Sea Salt® that lives up to our brand promise, we’ve carefully expanded the areas where it is sourced.

... Selina personally visits all of the pristine seaside locations from which our sea salts are harvested. This careful supervision assures the superior quality of Celtic Sea Salt®.

Every nutritious, delectable grain of our gourmet sea salt is then packaged with care in our own cGMP Certified Current Good Manufacturing Practices facility. We even go a step further. All of our salt is scientifically analyzed by a certified third-party laboratory.

French green clay heavy metal contamination of Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt

In case you thought I was shilling celtic sea salt let me tell you one of the downsides that I have discovered (for which I have a relatively simple solution). Let me quote the post where I outlined this issue so I don't have to retype it.

I think that's the problem though. Guérande salt is included in the tamara rubin article. The question is whether the lead in French green clay is in a form which is bioavailable, which it seems it is. I thought that because celtic sea salt is harvested from France by hand in the same way it has been for thousands of years would mean it is safe. It certainly tastes better than refined salt but it does seem to have lead from the clay. Now I'm wondering if there's any way I can redissolve the salt with distilled water and gently let the salt water run off while leaving the clay particles with lead behind. Maybe I could run it through a coffee filter just to see what would be left behind if anything. I would assume that the lead is in a non soluble form or else it would've been dissolved by sea water over thousands of years. Stomach acid can still break it down though, I would think. Best not to risk it and filter it somehow or find a different natural water source. Maybe it would be easier to stop my city's water fluoridation than go through this.

We are confident that the salt you get from us is pure and unaltered, as Nature intended. Our producers test for purity at the source, and we do periodic 3rd party testing. We test for the things you do want to see in your salt like sodium, chloride, sulfate, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc... The analysis tests for 72 elements and we get values back for about 60 of those. We also test for things you do NOT want in your salt, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, microplastics, and microorganisms. We have found over the years that the analyses are very consistent. There is evidence that even though there is risk of pollution in the oceans, the salt is not bringing the pollution into its crystals. What comes out as salt is not the same as what sea water goes in. There is a miracle that takes place with natural unrefined sea salt!

Lead is naturally occurring in the environment. When it is in its natural form it is not reactive. When it comes from the result of mining it can be highly toxic. Lead never leaves the body once ingested, and stores in the bones and tissues. A myriad of diseases can result from lead toxicity. The main sources of lead in our environment comes from our air and water. Lead has been discovered in paint, toys, jewelry, fishing weights, and exhaust fumes. Lead in Celtic Sea Salt® does not exceed .7ppm (Fine Ground Celtic). Makai Pure has no measurable lead. The lead in Celtic Sea Salt is naturally occurring and does not pose a measurable threat compared to other sources.
Are natural lead sources still toxic?


2. What is Celtic Sea Salt®?

Celtic Sea Salt® has been our brand name since 1976. At first there were only 3 salts, Light Grey Celtic®, Fine Ground Celtic®, and Flower of the Ocean®. Now, all our salts bear the name Celtic Sea Salt®. Each salt comes from a unique place, and we have given them unique names. The founder, Jacques Delangre, had a mission to bring unrefined salt to the USA after he discovered the salt in France that was harvested using traditional techniques. The Celts settled the Guerande' region of France almost 2000 years ago and designed the salt harvesting method.

“Celtic” is the term Jacques coined for the salt after learning that the Celts invented the harvesting method. In France, they call it "sel gris" or grey salt. We call it Light Grey Celtic® because of the trace amount of French green clay imparted into the crystals. There is a darker grey salt at the source, but it is more for bath or agriculture uses. The “Light Grey” is the best for consumption.

Does French green clay have lead?

French green clays range in color from shades of gray to green and are named according to the area of southern France where they were mined originally.

Brand 1, French green study clay, contained the highest level of total arsenic concentration with a lot-to-lot average of 31,607 ppb and the second-highest concentration of lead, with a lot-to-lot average of 44,633 ppb.

Our study demonstrated that daily application of a French green healing clay resulted in significant increases in total liver and kidney lead levels, when compared with control mice (Figure 2).


Examples of current standards for context and reference:

  • Current Organizational & U.S. Federal Regulatory Standards:
    • Bottled water is considered illegal for Lead content if it has more than 5 ppb.
    • Water in school fountains is considered toxic and unsafe for children (According to The American Academy of Pediatrics) when Lead levels exceed 1 ppb.
    • Tap water is considered to be unsafe for human consumption if it exceeds the [relatively high; not protective of human health] U.S. Federal standard of 15 ppb.
    • Fruit juice is considered unsafe for children at 50 ppb and up.
    • Dried fruit is considered toxic for consumption at 100 ppb and up.
    • Candy is considered toxic for consumption at 100 ppb and up.

Group #4) Salts in the “200 to 500 ppb” range

(= “Less than 0.5 ppm”)


[In the absence of further (and more accurate) testing for any salt with “less than” reading in this section, it is prudent to consider these salts unsafe for consumption.]

  1. Le Paludier Fleur De Sel: 237 ppb
  2. Kirkland Signature (Costco) Himalayan Pink Salts: 250 ppb
  3. Himala Salt (“The purest salt on earth”): 250 ppb
  4. Sunfood Himalayan: 250 ppb
  5. Jevatee Himalayan Salt: 350 ppb
  6. Elements of Spice Salt: 412 ppb
  7. Selina Celtic Sea Salt: <420 ppb

Group #6) Salts in the “1000 to 2,000 ppb” range

(= “Less than 2 ppm”)


[In the absence of further (and more accurate) testing for any salt with “less than” reading in this section, it is prudent to consider these salts unsafe for consumption.]

  1. Sel Gris De Guerande Sea Salt: 1,300 ppb
  2. Fusion Black Truffle Salt: <2,000 ppb
  3. Morton Table/Pickling Salt: <2,000 ppb

Here is a full analysis of the elements that comprise Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt® Brand. Celtic Sea Salt® Brand is a natural product and, therefore, the element composition and proportions are naturally-occurring. Nothing is added and nothing is removed. This analysis is conducted by a third-party laboratory that specializes in analyzing sea salts and ocean water. The analysis will not add up to 100% because of the presence of moisture and elements that occur in very small amounts in Celtic Sea Salt® Brand.

Sodium 34.5 Bromine 0.0403 Promethium <0.0011 Magnesium .504 Rubidium <0.0007 Samarium <0.0010 Aluminum <0.05 Strontium 0.005 Europium <0.0009 Silicon 0.27 Yttrium <0.0004 Gadolinium <0.0007 Phosphorous <0.0395 Zirconium <0.0007 Terbium <0.0013 Sulfur 1.17 Niobium <0.0006 Dysprosium <0.0015 Chloride 54.00 Molybdenum <0.0007 Holmium <0.0006 Potassium 0.129 Technetium <0.0009 Erbium <0.0007 Calcium 0.151 Ruthenium <0.0013 Thulium <0.0006 Scandium <0.005 Rhodium <0.0016 Ytterbium <0.0005 Titanium <0.0015 Palladium <0.0019 Lutetium <0.0005 Vanadium <0.0006 Silver <0.0025 Hafnium <0.0004 Chromium <0.0004 Cadmium <0.0035 Tantalum <0.0004 Manganese <0.0003 Indium <0.0044 Tungsten <0.0004 Iron 0.0284 Tin <0.0059 Rhenium <0.0004 Cobalt <0.0002 Antimony <0.0074 Osmium <0.0004 Nickel <0.0001 Tellurium <0.0537 Iridium <0.0003 Copper <0.0001 Iodine <0.0002 Platinum <0.0004 Zinc <0.0001 Cesium <0.0059 Gold <0.0004 Gallium <0.0001 Barium <0.0048 Mercury <0.000001 Germanium <0.0001 Lanthanum <0.0034 Thallium <0.0004 Arsenic <0.0001 Cerium <0.0023 Lead <0.00004 Selenium <0.0002 Praseodymium <0.0017 Bismuth <0.0004 Neodymium <0.0014 Thorium <0.0007 Uranium <0.00009

Results produced using non-destructive x-ray emission analysis
All results are expressed in percent (%) of original sample

Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Nickel and Mercury
Our laboratory also tests for these elements that are sometimes referred to as “heavy metals” and that are present in many things we come into contact with every day in our environment. The Codex Alimentarius Commission -- formed by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and the WHO (World Health Organization) -- has established the maximum safe levels acceptable in food grade salt for some of these elements. In our most recent analysis all these elements were either non detectable (Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury) or were well under the published safe limits specified by Codex (Lead – present at levels no higher than .000076% while the Codex limit is .000200%). There are no limits specified for Nickel (present at levels no higher than .000004%).

Facts about Lead
Lead is present in trace amounts in virtually all sea salts because it is such a pervasive element in our world today. Lead is also present in things we come into contact with virtually every day. Environmental sources of lead include paint, water distribution systems, gasoline, certain types of tableware, ceramics, pottery, glassware and foods grown in contaminated soils (lead has been used in insecticides). Celtic Sea Salt® Brand tested free of shellfish allergens.

They make excuses about lead in their salt.

Maybe their other salts could be options. Makai Pure is expensive though.
11. What is your best salt?
A. There are 3 types of our best salt. What is the best salt for minerals? What is the best salt for the price? What is the best salt for applications?
The best salts for minerals are the Makai Pure®, Celtic Kosher™, and Gourmet Kosher™. Strangely enough, those are our salts that come from the waters of the Pacific Ocean. They all have less sodium and more chloride than our Atlantic Ocean salts like the Light Grey Celtic®, Fine Ground Celtic®, and Flower of the Ocean®. This does not mean that more minerals are necessarily better. The balance of minerals in all the salts are consistent with our internal body fluids. So having the most minerals may not be the best, while having the right proportion of minerals has more merit.
The best salts for the price are as follows: Gourmet Kosher™, Celtic Kosher™ Coarse, Light Grey Celtic®. More expensive salts like the Flower of the Ocean® and Makai Pure® are harder to harvest.
The best salts for applications are the following: Best for baking (Fine Ground Celtic®, Celtic Kosher™ Fine), best for pickling and cooking (Light Grey Celtic®, Gourmet Kosher™, Celtic Kosher™ Coarse), best for at the table (all of them, with their respective shaker or grinder), best for gourmet finishing (Flower of the Ocean®, Makai Pure®), best to add to water (all, but Makai Pure may top this list).
View Celtic Sea Salt® comparison analysis in ppm HERE

This one doesn't seem to line up with the other sources. μg/g is equal to ppm but they're saying that celtic sea salt is at 1.4 ppm while selina's study says .4 ppm and so does the tamara rubin article. It seems like their harvesting method for Lake Deborah sea salt is good but I haven't been able to find independent testing results for their salt and I don't see any info on their website besides that they test regularly. Lake Deborah is an ancient underground body of water too which has been separated from the sea for a long time meaning that it could have absorbed toxicants from the environment and lost certain solutes which are more readily soluble than the others changing the electrolyte profile like many mined rock salts do.


I just want a source of salt from a pure natural water source. Or spring water bottled in lead free glass at this point. Maybe it's cheaper than spending the time researching this.

So that's the bad news.

The good news: Simple solution to remove French green clay heavy metal contamination of Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt

I was right about the heavy metal compounds in clay being insoluble. This is the key factor that allows for the purification of the salt. Figure a) below shows the particle size of French green clay. Figure b) shows the French green clay particle size that remains unsedimented as a clay colloid suspended in the water which will never settle out and cannot be easily filtered out due to its exceedingly small size.


This led me to wonder how I could remove clay colloid from water. Surely someone has taken note of this before. Turns out someone had, Haerison Everett Ashley in the document I happened to find. Flocculation is the term used to refer to the aggregation of contaminants in water into larger particles. Usually clay colloid is flocculated with a chemical flocculant such as our good old friend, highly toxic aluminum! No, I'm not joking. People actually add aluminum compounds (alum short for aluminum sulfate) to their well water to remove suspended contaminants. Aluminum seems to pop up in many products where it has the chance for us to consume it.

Fortunately, we do not have to resort to replacing one toxic heavy metal in French green clay with another. As luck would have it, clay colloid flocculates or coagulates in high salinity conditions! Since we are starting with salt crystals, the highest salinity possible, that means it should be simple to flocculate the clay colloid out of the salt simply by slowly adding water to dissolve the salt and achieve saturation of the solution with electrolytes leaving no space for anything else in the solution thereby forcing the clay colloid (or "Inorganic sols" as the document below refers to it as) to flocculate, sediment out, or "fall out" of solution in aggregates big enough for a coffee filter to strain out.

clay colloid flocculates at high salinity3.PNG

I tried it out by putting a bit of salt in a white bowl and slowly adding distilled water until there was just enough to completely dissolve the salt crystals and, Lo and behold, dark little specks of clay began to form and settle to the bottom of the bowl! I ran the salt solution through a coffee filter and collected it in another bowl in which I boiled off the water leaving me with pure celtic sea salt free of French green clay heavy metal contamination. In the coffee filter I could see a lot of the clay left behind. When I recrystallize the salt in bulk there seems to be a brown tinge to the salt that dries on the bottom while the salt that splatters on the side during boiling is pure white. Maybe I need to wait longer for the clay to sediment out or maybe this process doesn't completely flocculate all the insoluble compounds, or maybe there are soluble compounds giving it that brown color, or maybe the coffee filter doesn't filter small enough particles, or contamination from bowl food residue. More testing is needed but it seems to greatly reduce the gray color of the salt and I can select the whitest salt and recrystallize the brown salt again and again with new batches of salt instead of collecting all of it in one run.

So now I have a cheap source of pure sea water electrolytes! I can use this purified salt to remineralize distilled water for drinking and as flavoring for food. If I find a satisfactory replacement for Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt I will use that instead, but because I figured out how to remove the clay colloid I will use the bulk supply I have bought first. There are sources like Concentrace Trace mineral drops from the great salt lake in Utah: ConcenTrace® Trace Mineral Drops I personally don't like the taste of it and I don't know anything about the pollution of the great salt lake.

There, now food and water are solved. Just have to solve land, shelter, and clothing for self sufficiency. Back to basics.

Health extras


Organic does not necessarily mean chemical free

colloidal silver(ware)
Here's an article about actual colloidal silver metal/ions:

"Silver has attracted a lot of attention as a powerful, broad spectrum and natural antimicrobial agent since the ancient times because of its nontoxic nature to the human body at low concentrations. It has been used in treatment of various infections and ulcers, storage of water and prevention of bacterial growth on the surfaces and within materials. However, there are numerous medical and health benefits of colloidal or nanosilver apart from its microbicidal ability which as yet has not been fully embraced by the medical community. These include antiplatelet activity, antioxidant effect, anticancer activity, wound healing and bone regeneration, enhancement of immunity, and increase in antibiotic efficiency. Additionally silver also provides protection against alcohol toxicity, upper respiratory tract infections and stomach ailments. Although nanosilver has been proposed for various topical applications, its usage by ingestion and inhalation remains controversial due to the lack of detailed and precise toxicity information. These beneficial properties of silver can be utilized by using silver at very low concentrations which are not harmful to the human body and environment. The following review discusses the diverse medical applications of silver and further recommends human clinical studies for its in vivo usage."

"Natural colloidal silver was used as a strong and broad-spectrum antibiotic, since the late 1800s with no harmful side effects observed, for well over 100 years. There have been anecdotal references of ancient Greeks using silver plates, silver cups and silver utensils which conferred antimicrobial properties and prevented them from infectious illness. Besides, silver has a long history of medical usage and was mostly used empirically even before the understanding that microbes were the agents of infection (Alexander 2009). Silver preparations were used by Hippocrates the ‘Father of Medicine’, to treat ulcers and promote healing of wounds (Hippocrates (400 B.C.E.))."

So, in other words, silver has been empirically proved through trial and error and tradition to be synergistic with the terrain of the human body.



Historically silver has been used as a major therapeutic agent in medicine especially in infectious diseases including surgical infections (Alexander 2009). However, there have been apprehensions associated with the usage of nanosilver through this long and diverse history of its applications. A continuous debate on the benefits and drawbacks of the use of silver-incorporated products in healthcare and medicine has prevailed ever since. The physician Paracelsus who founded the discipline of toxicology quoted back in 1529 that ‘Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.’ Silver can be highly beneficial to the human body when used within limits and potentially harmful when used in excess. It is reported to have an advantageous risk: benefit ratio. Further studies on nanosilver with increasing time of exposure and dose and with additional organ systems are recommended. In order to use the potential medical benefits of silver, in vivo human clinical studies and trials are required.

So if you have toxoplasmosis, lyme disease, malaria, babesia, try homemade colloidal silver in small amounts. People have consumed colloidal silver from silverware daily for millenia and have not had noticeable neurodegenerative or toxic effects while still gaining the benefits. If you don't want to try homemade colloidal silver, at least get yourself a set of silverware. It could help swing the chronic infection to your body's favor.

Fermentation for long term storage of food without refrigeration
Search ferment any vegetable on youtube




Wise quote extras

Civilization, religion, society all of that is focused on man and serving man. Living in harmony with nature, being as strong and self sufficient as you can be is as close as you can get to God.

Homesteading and self sufficiency are for yourself if you can live independent on anything or anybody else with the home as an economic center of and for itself and the family that lives in and creates it.

Civilization requires dependence. Self sufficiency destroys it. That's why our civilization is the worst ever and it has made its people the weakest ever.

the cheapest, best way to start taking control over your food and water supply and then start producing value to support yourself and gradually wean yourself off of dependence on the industrial system.

Are you concerned about the residual clay in the Light Grey? I am already using it. My concern is about heavy metals that might be contained within the clay. What happens to the clay in our bodies? Is it excreted from the body and minerals adhere to it, so there's nothing to worry about? I couldn't find anything on that issue searching online.

Since then I found a couple of others, including Flower of the Ocean by Selina, and Lima Atlantic Sea Salt. SEA SALT FINE ATLANTIC Both of these are without clay, Of course, they are more expensive than the Light Grey.

I appreciate any information you may have about this question.

===========I don't expect this will get more replies than "25-year-old Canadian Woman Looking for Love" which currently has 14 pages of replies despite being much less important than this post. Trying to improve the world is likely futile. If you disagree, reply to and share this post far and wide.


Jan 22, 2021
Great, high effort thread.

I agree with you, the core of a good diet for health should always be whole and raw natural digestible foods, aka fruits, dairy and meat products, many people fail to understand this and perish.

Man-made stuff can be very helpful but we shouldn't get too cocky and think we can outsmart nature and to completely reject the natural ways of living like we did, just look how we are all miserable, unhealthy, depressed and ugly compared to our ancestors.

The inuits were a very good example of this "wholeness", they managed to thrive and live healthy in very stressful places and with a harmful diet according to peat principles (too much meat/pufa) just by eating whole raw animals and being in tune with nature.
Last edited:


Nov 18, 2019
Being true to the (S)self/soul causes one to be true to the body and mind and causes one to be true to other beings and causes one to be true to nature and causes a wish for all beings in all worlds to be happy, peaceful and free and such a wish causes this harmony to manifest including for the (S)self.
Nov 26, 2017
Hey I just wanted to ask if you have ever done a cost-benefit analysis on the whole (99.9% purified water + the added —and also— purified Celtic sea salt) process, I understand that given that the average adult is composed of 60% water it would seem sensible to be cautious about the purity of the water one is consuming, however is there any evidence on this 'ultimate purified water' giving any extra benefits over just gravity-filtered-without-alumina water?

If you had a deadly allergy to microparticles of either certain heavy metals, pesticides or aromatic petroleum hydrocarbons, or all the ones just stated, it would seem reasonable to do this but otherwise it seems unnecessary. Interesting ideas overall but I am only going to comment on this.


Feb 22, 2014
View attachment 36209

Old English hǣlth, of Germanic origin; related to whole.


health (n.)​

Old English hælþ "wholeness, a being whole, sound or well," from Proto-Germanic *hailitho, from Proto Indo-European *kailo- "whole, uninjured, of good omen" (source also of Old English hal "hale, whole;" Old Norse heill "healthy;" Old English halig, Old Norse helge "holy, sacred;" Old English hælan "to heal"). With Proto-Germanic abstract noun suffix *-itho (see -th (2)).

Of physical health in Middle English, but also "prosperity, happiness, welfare; preservation, safety." An abstract noun to whole, not to heal. Meaning "a salutation" (in a toast, etc.) wishing one welfare or prosperity is from 1590s. Health food is from 1848.

We are looking for how to be healthy, whole. Eudaimonia. Many here focus on avoiding and eliminating toxins which can dis-integrate wholeness into its constituent parts, which is good, but what is the source of wholeness that makes us more whole? If we are what we eat, we should eat the whole. What is the whole? The whole food? All foods? What is food? Is it everything alive or does it include inorganic compounds? Organic compounds are composed partly of inorganic things but the addition of carbon makes it organic, alive. Is food whatever tastes the best and makes us feel good, healthy, whole? Is food whatever we crave to eat the most? Is food whatever is most similar to us so that if we eat it we will be what we eat? If we eat something that is not like us will we become more like it? We are what we eat? Will eating vegetables/plants make us more vegetable/plant like? Will eating anima-ls and/or anima-l products like raw milk and raw eggs make us more anima-te? What about our environment? Do we need to live and work in a natural environment to be whole? =======Sunlight?

I ask these questions not necessarily to find the answers for you and what your body needs, but to lay out some of the thoughts and struggles between all these questions that have led to the working assumptions/conclusions I have arrived at so that you may add more questions and come to your own conclusions from observing all.

Parts of the whole can be toxic when they are misproportioned in our diet in a way that they are not found in nature. The dose makes the poison. They've taken a very small part of the whole (PUFAs, present in all whole foods) and made it a much larger part of our diet than it used to be. The solution is to go back to the whole as it is in nature. Stop tampering with nature. Even cooking should be lesser. Our diet should be composed of mostly whole, chemical free foods preferably raw.

I believe diet is ====== very simple. As humans we have access to better nutrition than any other organism potentially, it's just a matter of recognizing the sources. You don't need ANYTHING else besides whole food. If we needed anything else, we wouldn't exist because we would've been too weak to survive and we would've just died out. We shouldn't have to think consciously about what we eat. If we provide ourselves access to food and water in a similar way to how animals have access, then we don't have to think about it. We can act on instinct. Our bodies know what to do in nature by forming cravings for food that has nutrients we are deficient in or that simply makes us feel good and gives us energy. This means we must eliminate unnatural processed foods not found in nature and give ourselves access to as many foods as possible to allow us to select the best nature has to offer us. After establishing this foundation we can take the time to think about things and create new foods through cooking, fermentation, etc.

According to Tacitus' Germania, the Germanic peoples originally ate a simple diet consisting of curdled milk, wild fruit, and freshly hunted game. Milk's telos is to be consumed by the baby of the mother that produced the milk to make it grow from a newborn calf into a juvenile. It has all nutrients and energy necessary for the baby to grow and live in the world. Just because milk is intended for the offspring of the mother that produced the milk doesn't mean that other things cannot have all the nutrients and energy necessary to grow and live in the world by consuming that milk. Other animals don't know how to get milk from a cow, but we as humans do know. If other animals knew how to get it, they would. Fruit's telos is to make the being that consumes it as healthy and energetic as possible to spread the seed eaten with the fruit as far as possible. Knowing this, it is noteworthy that two out of three of the staples of the ancient germanic diet are designed by the organism that produced it to be consumed by another organism. These two at least should be included in our diet because they minimize toxins and maximize nutrition and wholeness by their very nature.
====Egg's telos is to be consumed by the chick fetus and give it everything needed for growth. More consumable than muscle meat maybe.

Ruminants shouldn't eat grains, they should live in their natural environment, even unconfined during winter (but with shelter available when desired) where they have access to their native diet and can select what they wish to consume from a diversely seeded pasture based on their cravings. Even if grainfed animals were healthy to eat, they themselves are unhealthy and obese due to the toxic seed oils in the grains and I choose not to support those who raise or distribute grainfed animals because that would bring more suffering unhealthy animals into existence. In addition, grainfed animals require monoculture agriculture which degrades the soil rather than regenerating it through rotational grazing and simultaneous manure fertilization.

If we're going to eat animals they should live the best, healthiest lives they can because I think that makes us (we are what we eat) live the best, healthiest lives we can if we do choose to include them in our diet. They should be slaughtered in a way that they never know what's coming in the environment that they lived in for their whole lives:

Local chemical free diversely-planted/seeded-grassland/pasture raised rotationally grazed unconfined year round calf/kid at foot raw milk and its derivatives, local chemical free fruit, and local chemical free pasture raised never-knew-it-was-coming humanely slaughtered muscle and organ meat. These are the staples, the foundation of my diet. They are nutritionally complete together. =======I haven't tried raw meat yet, but cattle have better immunity to parasites so I would start with raw beef if and when I do. I buy pasture raised meat in bulk and deep freeze which kills most parasites from the information I've seen in my research, although this also degrades the nutrition of the meat.====add to pemmican part===== I add "local" to each of these for harmony with your local living environment and to support your community's economy, self sufficiency, and food security, thereby making your community more healthy, whole, and independent on the industrial factory farming grocery store supply chain.

I widely sample foods and eat whatever I crave if it is chemical free and/or pasture raised whole food or a meal cooked/made from those ingredients. If something doesn't sit right I just don't eat it again taking into account the context it was consumed in. Eventually I might try it again to give it a chance at a different time in a different body state and context. Sampling all foods allows my body and brain to form cravings if a certain food happens to fill a specific nutrient requirement. The craving pops up when my body needs a specific nutrient that it knows came from a specific food and I satisfy it with that specific food. =========================Meat requirements tend to be small if you have access to as much chemical free fruit and raw dairy as you desire to consume. Babies have extremely high nutritional requirements (arguably the highest that anybody needs in their entire life) and they drink only raw breastmilk. Raw milk contains everything that we need for life. Raw milk has also been made into so many other great foods which shows how important it has been to us throughout history. Cheese, butter, ice cream, whey, cream, kefir, and yogurt. Pretty self explanatory.

========Human breast milk has similar macronutrient ratios to ice cream and tastes similar.

========I also eat a lot of mixed vegetables and potatoes.

===========Eat the best tasting food you can find as long as it is whole food

===========In order to be independent on society for food supply and therefore more whole, a great method is pemmican which is nutritionally complete if made with grassfed beef tallow and grassfed meat. You can probably make it with meat and fat from any animal that eats its native diet.


Drinking water needs to be harvested from nature. What we can do if we don't have access to a pure natural water source is distill water and remineralize it by reconstituting pure water concentrate (salt or solution) from a pure natural water source thereby approximately recreating the water source to an extent. I make distilled water and remineralize it with celtic sea salt to make what is basically diluted sea water, but you could choose any salt or water concentrate solution that you prefer to use. The reason I do this is that in my experience pure distilled water causes my tinnitus to increase and a buzzing sensation at the back and base of my skull. This is probably because distilled water depletes electrolytes in the body. Some people may be able to drink distilled water with the minerals in food being enough to sustain themselves but I personally notice an immediate negative impact on my health.

Remineralized distilled water is water concentrate solution or salt from a natural water source that is free of pollutants added to virgin pure distilled water to recreate the natural water source that the water concentrate was extracted from (in a diluted form if it is not a freshwater source). There is no substitute for an unpolluted water source from a location in nature. You could just buy sea water and dilute it with distilled water but it is way cheaper to transport salt (water concentrate) than sea water because it is so much lighter and takes up so much less space than sea water. Optionally let it sit exposed to air and sunlight which may have normalizing effects after being restructured by the distillation process. You could also harvest rainwater if you want, just make sure to avoid plastic in the construction of the rainwater harvesting system.

You may wonder why I chose a method of water purification that requires lots of heat whenever I want to drink water instead of a filtration system. First of all, distillation makes water that is at least 99.9% pure. Distillation apparatus is very cheap and often plastic free unlike most water filters. You can find plans for a simple still made of a metal container and copper pipe if you wish to construct your own. Distillation is simpler and less expensive than filtration and you can know with certainty that distillation filters 99.9% of contaminants. Distillation can be done with scavenged wood scraps for fuel if you have a flame operable still. Salt remineralizes hundreds of gallons of distilled water per pound, enough for over a year drinking half a gallon per day at a cost of less than $5 if you buy in bulk.

less than 600 mg/L is regarded as good quality drinking water. 600 to 900 mg/L is regarded as fair quality. 900 to 1200 mg/L is regarded as poor quality. greater than 1200 mg/L is regarded as unacceptable.

To calculate how many gallons of distilled water a pound of salt can remineralize let's work off of the assumption that we will make water with a salinity of 1200mg/L. This will result in an extremely conservative figure since this would make the quality of your remineralized distilled water poor. 1lb of salt is 453592 mg. There are 3.785 Liters in a gallon so dividing 453592mg of salt/(1200mg X 3.785 L/gal) gives 99.866 gallons of "poor quality" high salinity water per pound of salt. Drinking half a gallon a day of "poor quality" water would last you 0.547 years (28.4 weeks). Multiply 99.866 gallons by 2 to get 199.732 gallons of fair quality water (600mg/L). Based on half a gallon a day 199.732 gallons of "fair quality" water would last 1.094 years (56.9 weeks). If you buy a 22lb bag of celtic sea salt for $79.76 (Azure Standard price as of 4/30/2022) you will be able to make half a gallon a day for 24.077 years (1252 weeks) at a cost of $3.31 per year. You will probably use less salt than 600mg/L.

Reverse osmosis is certainly better than straight tap water, no filtration at all, but it doesn't approach 99.9% purity. RO filters typically waste about 4 gallons of water to make each gallon of RO water. Reverse Osmosis also requires water pressure to operate. Water deionizer systems are similar to RO in requiring water pressure. It can produce 100% pure water acceptable for laboratory use, though deionizers often still use plastic in the construction. I couldn't find information on whether deionizers produce waste water. Both of these options are usually quite expensive if you want a long lasting high quality system.

Gravity water filters require activated alumina as the fluoride filter media which leaches highly toxic aluminum into your water. If I had access to a spring water source a gravity water filter would probably be a good option since I wouldn't have to worry about filtering fluoride. Filtering spring water would be somewhat superfluous besides filtering things like leaves and possible pathogens from animal fecal matter and so on. Buying gravity filters is more expensive than distillation and remineralization and constructing your own gravity water filter is more labor intensive and expensive than making your own still.


Celtic sea salt, even if it has a minute quantity of microplastics (far far less than the amount we consume from other sources in our daily lives), doesn't have fluoride like unfiltered tap water and it comes from a protected natural water source. There aren't too many microplastics in the sea where celtic sea salt is harvested because most oceanic plastic pollution exists in the pacific ocean not the atlantic ocean. As you can see in the image below, there is little plastic pollution around the celtic regions (britain, ireland, and the coast of France) where celtic sea salt comes from. The salinas where paludiers (salt harvesters) work are protected from pollution by regulation. In addition to remineralizing distilled water I use celtic sea salt for flavoring my food, never refined salt because it doesn't have the right balance of salts. Refined salt is sodium chloride only. Celtic sea salt has a slightly sweet overtone, whereas refined table salt has only sharp salty taste. Any type of rock salt that has been mined like pink Himalayan salt and redmond real salt also has the wrong proportion of salts and is toxic because of water running through the ground and salt deposits which collects heavy metals from the ground and deposits them in the salt and also strips certain salts from the salt deposit based on their differing solubility.

View attachment 36226

Light Grey Celtic® is the original Celtic Sea Salt® since 1976. Harvested in France from clay-lined beds. Natural, moist crystals with the light grey color.

Microplastics are pervasive in the environment. The main source of MPs is in the air. In a year we breathe billions of microplastics. From the salt the risk is from zero to no more than .5 MP per day, or 0 to 200MPs per year. When compared to other sources of microplastics, the amount found in salt is miniscule. No microplastics were discovered in Makai Pure or Fine Ground Celtic. 3 MPs were found in 1KG of Light Grey Celtic. We eat approximately 2 KGs of salt per year, so in a year the risk is 6 MPs per year for Light Grey Celtic®.

A protected site
The 2,000 hectares of salt-marshes (or salinas) and the surrounding tidal zones (5,000 hectares in all) are a Special Protected Area of the European Union and, in September 1995, became the latest of the 17 French Ramsar sites (the International Convention on the protection of Wetlands). They were placed under national protection in 1996.
The success of this traditional mode of salt production is explained by salt-farmers and nature conservationists coming closer together and joining forces to protect the area. Further collaboration is expected on themes linked to the sustainable development and balanced management of the salt-marshes.

Superior purity

Other companies may offer a variety of sea salts. Our sea salts have been inspected and approved to meet quality standards that live up to our expectations. Jacques Delangre revived the traditional way sea salt was harvested, when his book became popular with several doctors. The supply could not keep up with the demand because the salt ponds take at least seven years to produce sea salt that meets our standards. To assure a sufficient supply of Celtic Sea Salt® that lives up to our brand promise, we’ve carefully expanded the areas where it is sourced.

... Selina personally visits all of the pristine seaside locations from which our sea salts are harvested. This careful supervision assures the superior quality of Celtic Sea Salt®.

Every nutritious, delectable grain of our gourmet sea salt is then packaged with care in our own cGMP Certified Current Good Manufacturing Practices facility. We even go a step further. All of our salt is scientifically analyzed by a certified third-party laboratory.

French green clay heavy metal contamination of Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt

In case you thought I was shilling celtic sea salt let me tell you one of the downsides that I have discovered (for which I have a relatively simple solution). Let me quote the post where I outlined this issue so I don't have to retype it.

So that's the bad news.

The good news: Simple solution to remove French green clay heavy metal contamination of Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt

I was right about the heavy metal compounds in clay being insoluble. This is the key factor that allows for the purification of the salt. Figure a) below shows the particle size of French green clay. Figure b) shows the French green clay particle size that remains unsedimented as a clay colloid suspended in the water which will never settle out and cannot be easily filtered out due to its exceedingly small size.


This led me to wonder how I could remove clay colloid from water. Surely someone has taken note of this before. Turns out someone had, Haerison Everett Ashley in the document I happened to find. Flocculation is the term used to refer to the aggregation of contaminants in water into larger particles. Usually clay colloid is flocculated with a chemical flocculant such as our good old friend, highly toxic aluminum! No, I'm not joking. People actually add aluminum compounds (alum short for aluminum sulfate) to their well water to remove suspended contaminants. Aluminum seems to pop up in many products where it has the chance for us to consume it.

Fortunately, we do not have to resort to replacing one toxic heavy metal in French green clay with another. As luck would have it, clay colloid flocculates or coagulates in high salinity conditions! Since we are starting with salt crystals, the highest salinity possible, that means it should be simple to flocculate the clay colloid out of the salt simply by slowly adding water to dissolve the salt and achieve saturation of the solution with electrolytes leaving no space for anything else in the solution thereby forcing the clay colloid (or "Inorganic sols" as the document below refers to it as) to flocculate, sediment out, or "fall out" of solution in aggregates big enough for a coffee filter to strain out.

View attachment 37750

I tried it out by putting a bit of salt in a white bowl and slowly adding distilled water until there was just enough to completely dissolve the salt crystals and, Lo and behold, dark little specks of clay began to form and settle to the bottom of the bowl! I ran the salt solution through a coffee filter and collected it in another bowl in which I boiled off the water leaving me with pure celtic sea salt free of French green clay heavy metal contamination. In the coffee filter I could see a lot of the clay left behind. When I recrystallize the salt in bulk there seems to be a brown tinge to the salt that dries on the bottom while the salt that splatters on the side during boiling is pure white. Maybe I need to wait longer for the clay to sediment out or maybe this process doesn't completely flocculate all the insoluble compounds, or maybe there are soluble compounds giving it that brown color, or maybe the coffee filter doesn't filter small enough particles, or contamination from bowl food residue. More testing is needed but it seems to greatly reduce the gray color of the salt and I can select the whitest salt and recrystallize the brown salt again and again with new batches of salt instead of collecting all of it in one run.

So now I have a cheap source of pure sea water electrolytes! I can use this purified salt to remineralize distilled water for drinking and as flavoring for food. If I find a satisfactory replacement for Light Grey Celtic Sea Salt I will use that instead, but because I figured out how to remove the clay colloid I will use the bulk supply I have bought first. There are sources like Concentrace Trace mineral drops from the great salt lake in Utah: ConcenTrace® Trace Mineral Drops I personally don't like the taste of it and I don't know anything about the pollution of the great salt lake.

There, now food and water are solved. Just have to solve land, shelter, and clothing for self sufficiency. Back to basics.

Health extras


Organic does not necessarily mean chemical free

colloidal silver(ware)

Fermentation for long term storage of food without refrigeration
Search ferment any vegetable on youtube




Wise quote extras

Civilization, religion, society all of that is focused on man and serving man. Living in harmony with nature, being as strong and self sufficient as you can be is as close as you can get to God.

Homesteading and self sufficiency are for yourself if you can live independent on anything or anybody else with the home as an economic center of and for itself and the family that lives in and creates it.

Civilization requires dependence. Self sufficiency destroys it. That's why our civilization is the worst ever and it has made its people the weakest ever.

the cheapest, best way to start taking control over your food and water supply and then start producing value to support yourself and gradually wean yourself off of dependence on the industrial system.

===========I don't expect this will get more replies than "25-year-old Canadian Woman Looking for Love" which currently has 14 pages of replies despite being much less important than this post. Trying to improve the world is likely futile. If you disagree, reply to and share this post far and wide.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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