Goal - Reversing Metabolic Damage


Apr 8, 2016
Hello everyone. I've read posts and sometimes posted on all kinds of forums. Everything from 30 bananas a day, to mark's daily apple, to the 180 degrees forum which is not very active these days. I've tried all kinds of different diets from ketogenic to mostly starch. I never did a fuitatrian diet not because I didn't want to try it but my appetite is too strong for it.

Very brief long term metabolic history
  • Age 43 - Male
  • Super fast metabolism as a child and in my 20s. Always hungry and cold all the time. I think the amount fed to me in when I was in school was not enough to meet my caloric needs. Back then I had a faster metabolism than most people.
  • Metabolic troubles started about 10 years ago when I was on a SSRI (Paxil) for 3 weeks.
  • Had a potbelly ever since I tried the Paxil
  • Over 5 years ago - Melanoma - didn't spread
  • About 5 years ago I got a flat stomach from a ketogenic diet but ended up feeling completely strung out - massive failure.
  • About 3 years ago I did a ketogenic diet again but it didn't work this time. Apparently ketogenic diets only work the first time you try it. Plus it seemed to age me. I look younger now than I did when I was on a ketogenic diet.
  • I tried Matt Stone's Diet recovery at some point and I completely blew up. My body fought back hard after my ketogenic diet attempts.
  • About 2 years ago I tried carb back loading (John Kiefer) but the low carb days gave me terrible insomnia. As a matter of fact any day without lots of carbs gives me insomnia now. My body is in a state where it is not even feasible to low carb anymore even though I enter ketosis very easily.
  • Most of my excess fat is in my belly - I look like a pregnant male. Some fat in face and throat. But no excessive fat in my limbs or ****. I have some noticeable subcutaneous fat in the belly area which I did not have 6 weeks ago. But most of my fat is visceral.
Short term history - last 2 months
  • A couple of months ago I had succeeded in trimming down everything except the visceral fat in my stomach with a high starch low fat no sugar diet. All the subcutaneous fat was gone.
  • The visceral fat was not budging. I read that the only way to get rid of visceral fat is to burn it off. I started going to the gym and doing interval training to the point of exhaustion.
  • Just a few weeks of the interval training triggered excessive hunger and horrible insomnia.
  • I've been on a massive binge the last month trying to satisfy my appetite - 2 pounds of various pasta a day, coconut milk, cashews, chicken breast, and cliff bars.
  • My extreme hunger is starting to go away but I am fat now. All my hard work over the last 2 years losing weight disappeared in a few weeks.
Health Conditions
  • Childhood pneumonia many times and prone to bronchitis as an adult
  • Lipomas (fatty tumors) that I have surgically removed from time to time
  • Asthma
  • Low libido - problem originated with 3 weeks of Paxil use 10 years ago
  • Fatty liver - confirmed with elevated liver enzymes and a CAT scan 3 years ago - occurred the 2nd time I went on a ketogenic diet. I ended going really high on butter fat because my appetite was on of control the 2nd time I did a ketogenic diet.
  • Weak digestion - many foods give me bad gas or bad breath
  • Stress Response between meals - my hands will get sweaty for no reason suddenly
  • I've had horrible sleep the last month. I wake up in the middle of the night absolutely ravenous.
  • Lactose Intolerant - this was confirmed from a genetic test. I did drink a ton of milk during my childhood. The result was lots of farting but otherwise I tolerate milk extremely well. But I like to avoid milk on days when I go on a date for sure. The gas produced from milk is nasty.
My overly simplified understanding of the Ray Peat inspired way of eating - Please correct me if my understanding of Ray Peat is wrong.
  • Calcium to phosphate ratio of 1:1 to 1.5:1 in order to make sure that the oxidative metabolism can work properly.
  • Keep PUFA extremely low because if the liver has to deal with PUFA at the same time as fructose bad things will happen.
  • Starch that makes it into the large intestine is bad because the intestinal bacteria will produce endotoxin in at least some people - me for sure because it makes me gassy.
  • Easily digested starch is okay for some calories but the majority of sugar should come from fruit sources, milk, or sucrose. This is because fructose is superior for refilling liver glycogen.
  • The liver must convert the fructose eaten to glycogen. If this doesn't work right everything goes to hell.
  • Protein must be adequate or else the liver will have troubles
  • Saturated fat is not too harmful but all natural sources of saturated fat has a little bit of PUFA so fat intake needs to be moderated to keep the total PUFA taken in low.
  • Eggs are okay despite having PUFA because they have great nutrition - don't overdo it
  • Eating liver is important occasionally to provide fat soluble vitamins that are important for the liver to do its job.
  • Must avoid stress response as much as possible. Any time the body needs to release stress hormones to obtain energy, bad things happen.
Primary Goals
  • To be able to store glycogen effectively so I can get away with eating just a few times a day without the stress response kicking in.
  • To maintain an oxidative metabolism providing plenty of ATP for all my cells consistently day in and day out. I believe that when I reach this state my excess fat will naturally burn off over time.


Dec 17, 2015
Couple quick thoughts

What genetic test did you have done - 23andme?

Might be interesting to see if anything comes up running the data through Genetic Genie | Methylation and detox analysis from 23andMe results

Some of the comments relating to libido, appetite, digestion, SSRI indicate maybe a lower dopaminergic tone, high(er) serotonin.

With the poor digestion and the appetite, you might find some relief getting more of your carbs from sugar/fruit/juice. Looks like you have been avoiding this, so I'm not sure if you've had a poor experience with it?

I would caution that with the low carb history and current weight you might want to keep your fat intake very low (<10%) if you up the carbs/sugar significantly - that should expedite the recovery of insulin sensitivity and avoid some issues with extra weight gain.


Apr 8, 2016
I did 23andme. I have run the data through Genetic genie before.

Methylation.png detox.png

MTHFR mutations

Mutation #1 - MTHFR C677T - One function of MTHFR (Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) is to help convert homocysteine to methionine. A MTHFR C677T mutation means that the MTHFR enzyme may have trouble performing its task leading to high levels of homocysteine.

Mutation #2 - MTHFR A1298C - MTHFR A1298C is involved in converting 5-methylfolate (5MTHF) to tetrahydrofolate (THF). Unlike MTHFR C677T, the A1298C mutation does not lead to elevated homocysteine levels. This reaction helps generate BH4. BH4 is important for the detoxification of ammonia.

Other mutations in Methylation Report (All heterozygous)

#1 - COMT V158M - It has been clinically observed that the body may have trouble tolerating methyl donors

#2 - COMT H62H

#3 - VDR Bsm

#4 - VDR Taq

#5 - MTR A2756G - An MTR A2756G mutation increases the activity of the MTR gene causing a greater need for B12 since the enzyme causes B12 to deplete since it is using it up at a faster rate.

#6 - MTRR A66G

#7 - BHMT-02

#8 - BHMT-08

#9 - CBS A360A - CBS (cystathionine beta synthase) catalyzes the first step of the transsulfuration pathway, from homocysteine to cystathionine. CBS defects are actually an upregulation of the CBS enzyme. This means the enzyme works too fast. In these patients, it's common to see low levels of cystathionine and homocysteine since there is a rapid conversion to taurine. This leads to high levels of taurine and ammonia.


Apr 8, 2016
With the poor digestion and the appetite, you might find some relief getting more of your carbs from sugar/fruit/juice. Looks like you have been avoiding this, so I'm not sure if you've had a poor experience with it?

I've tried getting my calories the last two days from orange juice, milk, honey, cheese, cottage cheese. But I experienced extreme hunger and frequent urination from this. By the afternoon I had to add my starch sources back in to fight the extreme hunger.

I think I'm going to have to start with high starch and gradually remove it from my diet slowly. Apparently, I cannot cut carbs cold turkey without extreme hunger.

I also started supplements to help clear out my liver in the last week.
Caffeine - 1 hi ball energy drink per day
Life Extension Vitamin D & K
Taurine 1000 mg
B1 100 mg
B2 100 mg
Magnesium Taurate 125 mg
Alpha Lipoic Acid - 600 mg
Inositol - 500 mg
Unique E - 1 Softgel
Vitamin C - 1000 mg
Milk Thistle - 2400 mg
Dr Christopher's Liver & Gallbladder formula
Custom Collagen - 2 tbsp

Today I'm adding in the following
K2 - 15 mg
L-Ornithine - 500 mg
Prolonged Release Niacinamide - 500 mg
NAC - 600 mg
100 mg caffeine pill - replace Hiball energy drink
Nov 21, 2015
starch is fine for many people. Nothing wrong with that. Wheat and corn are a question mark more than roots and tubers, in my mind, or rice and oats which seem easier to tolerate.

James IV

Seems every time you eliminate a macronutrient or try and force off the weight, it eventually leads to a binge and regain. Maybe you could try a fairly even distribution of macros using metabolically stimulation foods and just try and heal the weight off? It won't happen quickly, but at least it will be permanent when it does occur.

Repas du soir

Feb 11, 2018
Have you tried non-homogenized milk, like raw milk or skimmed milk? Skimmed milk they just remove the fat from the top but leave the rest usually. Apparently what happens with homogenization is they blast the milk through a nozzle which completely saturates it with small bubbles of air. If air gets in your gut it will feed bad bacteria, so it got me thinking that might be why you experienced more gas from it.

Trying to get in better health is a real struggle, I feel you. Do you have any updates? How are you feeling now?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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