From the Legal Frontlines of the Health & Freedom Fight


Dec 11, 2020
I have received inquiries and requests for data, evidence and legal precedent regarding the current advocacy for humanity incited by this latest Covid event, which is just the latest manifestation of a fraud and atrocity perpetrated on the world for a century and longer really. Big Pharma, Big Medical, Big Industry and Big Tech (perhaps a newer addition) have been mutilating and killing humans way before Covid- anthrax, glyphosate, vioxx, DES, the list goes on and on. I myself almost died at the hands of the Bigs in my late twenties; thus the trajectory of my professional life and mission.

I will share here as time permits; but for starters I attach a Supreme Court case my colleagues and I have been discussing since this latest monstrosity emerged, troubling as it holds that humans, once synthetically modified in a genetic sense, can be owned chattel.

this was prompted by a private inquiry i got here and thought i would share with everyone. I will work on pulling up other items such as lab analysis of the mrna viles and studies substantiating modification of dna and of course the class action filing once we file for remdesivir.


  • Transhuman Sct opinion Pathology v Myriad (2).pdf
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Any chance you folks could look into ways us common folk can protect ourselves from hospitals' covid death protocols in the event we end up in a hospital for whatever reason?


Dec 11, 2020
Any chance you folks could look into ways us common folk can protect ourselves from hospitals' covid death protocols in the event we end up in a hospital for whatever reason?
many lawsuits against hospitals have been filed and ours against Gilead should all help as the negative PR and legal implications will have an effect i believe. the more these efforts wake up the masses, the more pressure there will be for hospitals to back off. However, in the meantime, and i tell you this after dealing with tragedy day after day for two years now, do everything you can to never be in a situation where you go to a hospital. Drive carefully , live defensively, etc. There is mass genocide going on in these hospitals- i tell you this first -hand. When it started i would cry on the phone with mothers and children who had just lost their children or parents and after a year and a half of hearing the same story over and over, sadly i dont cry because its become standard in my life and thats what makes me cry now- that i live in a world where this is commonplace. My current advice: Stay away from Hospitals at all costs. i would say dont consent to anything but many of our victims never consented. I would say contact a lawyer but many died anyway. Stay out of the HOSPITALS until we have gained more traction with these mass cases. It has taken us a year to figure out a strategy to circumvent the prep act and all the protections that have been put in place for these criminals; but we have a very viable plan and are quite optimistic that we have a real shot of putting an end to this hospital genocide. its not quite as glamorous as you might expect but i think its a strong case and may get the job done. hoping we file before Christmas.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
many lawsuits against hospitals have been filed and ours against Gilead should all help as the negative PR and legal implications will have an effect i believe. the more these efforts wake up the masses, the more pressure there will be for hospitals to back off. However, in the meantime, and i tell you this after dealing with tragedy day after day for two years now, do everything you can to never be in a situation where you go to a hospital. Drive carefully , live defensively, etc. There is mass genocide going on in these hospitals- i tell you this first -hand. When it started i would cry on the phone with mothers and children who had just lost their children or parents and after a year and a half of hearing the same story over and over, sadly i dont cry because its become standard in my life and thats what makes me cry now- that i live in a world where this is commonplace. My current advice: Stay away from Hospitals at all costs. i would say dont consent to anything but many of our victims never consented. I would say contact a lawyer but many died anyway. Stay out of the HOSPITALS until we have gained more traction with these mass cases. It has taken us a year to figure out a strategy to circumvent the prep act and all the protections that have been put in place for these criminals; but we have a very viable plan and are quite optimistic that we have a real shot of putting an end to this hospital genocide. its not quite as glamorous as you might expect but i think its a strong case and may get the job done. hoping we file before Christmas.

I really regret that there seems to be this helpless malaise in which people feel they are powerless. I was in contact with a member of the Former Feds group and he sent me his own Covid Health Directive so that I could use it as a pattern to draw up my own. But it's such a complex, multifaceted, nuanced issue it's going to take more than that. I tried getting a local group interested, but they projected a defeatist attitude and focused on the roadblocks rather than believing a solution could be found by putting out heads together. They reminded me of churches that are content to talk all day about sin and how bad it is, but never show much interest in teaching people how to live apart from it and overcome it.


Dec 11, 2020
I really regret that there seems to be this helpless malaise in which people feel they are powerless. I was in contact with a member of the Former Feds group and he sent me his own Covid Health Directive so that I could use it as a pattern to draw up my own. But it's such a complex, multifaceted, nuanced issue it's going to take more than that. I tried getting a local group interested, but they projected a defeatist attitude and focused on the roadblocks rather than believing a solution could be found by putting out heads together. They reminded me of churches that are content to talk all day about sin and how bad it is, but never show much interest in teaching people how to live apart from it and overcome it.
I did not say that people are powerless on the contrary it's the people that have the power and the mass compliance with everything else that's brought us to this place and submission to hospitals in the first place which as we all know are not the answer the medical Paradigm is not the answer I mean yes they might save someone's life if they've been in a car accident but other than emergency care we know that hospitals are not where people get healed. My colleague was successful in getting her former nanny who she became very good friends with out your. It was because she was extremely persistent she's an attorney and she kind of took charge for the other person . so I'm not saying that it's completely hopeless; but I'm saying that it's best just not to go to a hospital. you know all this health information and use your positive energy not to put yourself in a hospital. Why would you put any energy into fear about going to a hospital just focus on not going to one


Dec 11, 2020
I did not say that people are powerless on the contrary it's the people that have the power and the mass compliance with everything else that's brought us to this place and submission to hospitals in the first place which as we all know are not the answer the medical Paradigm is not the answer I mean yes they might save someone's life if they've been in a car accident but other than emergency care we know that hospitals are not where people get healed. My colleague was successful in getting her former nanny who she became very good friends with out your. It was because she was extremely persistent she's an attorney and she kind of took charge for the other person . so I'm not saying that it's completely hopeless; but I'm saying that it's best just not to go to a hospital. you know all this health information and use your positive energy not to put yourself in a hospital. Why would you put any energy into fear about going to a hospital just focus on not going to one
Being empowered in your health makes you powerful- that is how you can never be powerless to this darkness in humanity. and of course asserting yourself and saying not. All i am telling you is that we are not living under color of law right now; so there are just no guarantees despite a person asserting their legal rights, demanding informed consent etc. it is happening regardless so I am telling it like it is. it is going to take more massive efforts to potentially put an end to it. your biggest superpower right is your health knowledge.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
By mid-2020 I had concluded that hospitals were the absolute worse place to go. Since the death protocols become formalized I determined to do whatever it takes to stay out of them.

If you do some Googling around the issue, you will find that the vast majority of people who died either FROM and/or WITH officially diagnosed COVID-19 did so in hospitals. It is very hard to test an already dead person for COVID-19, and in many countries it is against the law to do so unless done as part of an autopsy. If a person dies at home, less than 0.1% are (on average) then taken to a hospital for autopsy. Home deaths are usually handled by the personal doctor who signs the death certificate and there is no autopsy done. So, that means the vast majority of COVID-19 deaths we got fearmongered with were in-hospital COVID-19 deaths. At the same time, CDC published some stats last year showing that COVID-19 was the 3rd leading cause of death for 2020 and 2021.

However, other studies have shown beyond any doubt that iatrogenic reasons have been the 3rd leading cause of death for quite some time.

So, if that is the case then the ONLY possible conclusions are: 1) ALL deaths from COVID-19 were/are iatrogenic and without medical intervention those people would have been alive now; 2) COVID-19 was a fake cause and it was invented to simply mask the iatrogenic deaths that CDC would kill to avoid reporting officially. I don't know how much legal weight this reasoning has but hopefully @Advocate2021 will be able to put it to good use (if she agrees with it).


Feb 26, 2016
Just in case readers scoff at our cynicism about what hospitals do, consider how people get into hospitals via air ambulance.

The air ambulance fleet in US has doubled in size since 2002. Many are for-profit. Who finances those? Hedge funds & private equity firms. Insurance doesn’t pay for air ambulance rides. So consumers get billed for it. Bills between $25k - $50k are not unusual. It’s typical for an American household to lose their home & all their assets if someone experiences a catastrophic accident. Or, it may not even be actually catastrophic because the air ambulances are often called even if there is no need for a trauma center.

So, are the hedge funds & equity firms losing money? No, because hospitals are making so much money from seriously injured, insured patients. How does the money get from the hospitals to the air ambulance services?

There’s only one likely answer to that: kickbacks.

A bad accident is terrifying. So is a pandemic, if it’s characterized that way. So what’s a pandemic for?

Wealth transfer at the expense of people being terrified by the authorities. The terror alone would be enough to kill people whose health is already fragile. It’s a perfect distraction for massive theft in plain sight.

Don’t get me wrong, I think most people working in hospitals don’t think they are doing that & wouldn’t believe hospitals are doing anything but promoting health. The work is so specialized no one is likely to understand it.

How terrifying is it to think about hospitals killing people because the people working there are convinced they are having an effect exactly the opposite of what the system they are working for is doing. Not even as terrifying as hospitals killing people for profit.


Dec 11, 2020
If you do some Googling around the issue, you will find that the vast majority of people who died either FROM and/or WITH officially diagnosed COVID-19 did so in hospitals. It is very hard to test an already dead person for COVID-19, and in many countries it is against the law to do so unless done as part of an autopsy. If a person dies at home, less than 0.1% are (on average) then taken to a hospital for autopsy. Home deaths are usually handled by the personal doctor who signs the death certificate and there is no autopsy done. So, that means the vast majority of COVID-19 deaths we got fearmongered with were in-hospital COVID-19 deaths. At the same time, CDC published some stats last year showing that COVID-19 was the 3rd leading cause of death for 2020 and 2021.

However, other studies have shown beyond any doubt that iatrogenic reasons have been the 3rd leading cause of death for quite some time.

So, if that is the case then the ONLY possible conclusions are: 1) ALL deaths from COVID-19 were/are iatrogenic and without medical intervention those people would have been alive now; 2) COVID-19 was a fake cause and it was invented to simply mask the iatrogenic deaths that CDC would kill to avoid reporting officially. I don't know how much legal weight this reasoning has but hopefully @Advocate2021 will be able to put it to good use (if she agrees with it).
Thanks @Haiduit- yes that pretty much sums it up. Great deductive reasoning- we may have to recruit you for the legal team!


Dec 11, 2020
Just in case readers scoff at our cynicism about what hospitals do, consider how people get into hospitals via air ambulance.

The air ambulance fleet in US has doubled in size since 2002. Many are for-profit. Who finances those? Hedge funds & private equity firms. Insurance doesn’t pay for air ambulance rides. So consumers get billed for it. Bills between $25k - $50k are not unusual. It’s typical for an American household to lose their home & all their assets if someone experiences a catastrophic accident. Or, it may not even be actually catastrophic because the air ambulances are often called even if there is no need for a trauma center.

So, are the hedge funds & equity firms losing money? No, because hospitals are making so much money from seriously injured, insured patients. How does the money get from the hospitals to the air ambulance services?

There’s only one likely answer to that: kickbacks.

A bad accident is terrifying. So is a pandemic, if it’s characterized that way. So what’s a pandemic for?

Wealth transfer at the expense of people being terrified by the authorities. The terror alone would be enough to kill people whose health is already fragile. It’s a perfect distraction for massive theft in plain sight.

Don’t get me wrong, I think most people working in hospitals don’t think they are doing that & wouldn’t believe hospitals are doing anything but promoting health. The work is so specialized no one is likely to understand it.

How terrifying is it to think about hospitals killing people because the people working there are convinced they are having an effect exactly the opposite of what the system they are working for is doing. Not even as terrifying as hospitals killing people for profit.
this could be true in some cases of workers; but you would be appalled at some of what has been uncovered. Nazi Germany in the hospitals and also hospitals received huge financial incentives. and many knew of the lack of efficacy and admitted it.


Dec 11, 2020
Any chance you folks could look into ways us common folk can protect ourselves from hospitals' covid death protocols in the event we end up in a hospital for whatever reason?
Here you go - for you and all on this forum- something you can do that will also help fund our class action lawsuit to stop the Hospital monstrosity:

Give the gift of Health and Safety this holiday season to your friends, family members, co-workers and strangers on the street. This trendy medical alert bracelet is our unified way to say no to harmful drugs without going to Court.
Bi-partisan power of the people, yes we mean you! The bracelet says you are
Allergic to: Remdesivir, Barticinib and Fentanyl.

Hospitals cannot ignore this medical directive.

The hospitals and their employees have been pushing these deadly drugs because they are making enormous amounts of money. Big pharma buys expensive ads causing the networks and their affiliates to keep quiet when reporting the news. We can unite and force big pharma and hospitals to stop using these expensive deadly drugs.

The medical alert bracelet is your directive in case you are unable to speak for yourself if you have to go to the hospital. It’s a Tax deductible gift when purchased through through We are taking preorders now for delivery in two weeks. Demand is high so take advantage of the preorder by emailing CC at Former Feds

  1. Your name
  2. Address for delivery
  3. Quantity (see pricing below)
  4. Please put MAB in memo part of email
  5. You will receive an auto response confirming receipt of your email and a link to make your payment which is deductible as a charitable donation.

Email to: [email protected]

$25 for one medical alert bracelet. $20 per bracelet when you purchase five or more in one order.

The bracelet is a silicone band with a stainless steel buckle and plate, laser engraved. Turn it over it looks like a cool stylish bracelet. A conversation starter with strangers. Buy extras and hand them out to strangers and save lives this holiday season.

We already have pre-orders so if you want yours in time for the holidays order today.

Let’s make this the new ice bucket challenge. Let’s save the world from death by hospital and pharma protocols. Proceeds will help fund the class action on behalf of the thousands of victims killed by these protocols. The class action is Primarily seeking a cease and desist order from the Court. The Court could award disgorgement but the focus of the surviving family members is mostly to prevent others meeting the same painful and inhumane fate.

Thank you for your support. Stay healthy and safe


Dec 11, 2020
Update: Funding has trickled in and is nowhere near what we need to file against Gilead. I just finished the complaint- no doubt we will tweak and edit until it is ironclad; but we are basically ready to file. We have been talking to potential donors. We are going against BIg Pharma which has infinite financial resources; so we must have solid funding as will need it to litigate against the GIANT. Right now all we have is a sling shot which could work if GOD makes it a magic sling shot that can kill a Giant lol. All resources and suggestions to which any one here may be privy are greatly appreciated and thank you to all here who have supported this advocacy effort with donations and bracelet purchases thus far. Help us get Big Pharma!!!!!!!!
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