Low Toxin Testimonials From Hypertension to Liberation: How Mag-Ka Spray Changed My Life


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
I live in Denmark. high consumption of milk, but also high osteoporosis. Connection?

That website I spoke of would really help answer. I am also searching for a documentary I watched a decade or so ago which looked at vit a fortification in a Scandinavian country, can't remember which, and linked it to cancer.


Oct 5, 2014
You'll have to balance how worried you are about glycoalkaloids ( helpfully a bitter taste) . Personally I normally boil in water then reduce it to the point where I don't need to discard much. I avoid potatoes that have sprouted or are green and peel. If I bake in oven I don't eat skins.
View attachment 62122
Thank you


Jul 8, 2020
It's one of those examples where his general line of thought was correct (he often stressed that magnesium needs to be favored relative to calcium) but his practical application actually contradicted what he was trying to achieve.
I think his argument was more along the lines of “a hypothyroid person will lose magnesium very quickly therefore will need a lot more yet a high functioning thyroid person retain magnesium and therefore need less of it. I heard him say this quite a lot though I don’t remember him talking about any sort of magnesium to calcium ratio, he focused a lot more on calcium to phosphorus as many of us know.

This is probably what leads to his recommendation of a moderate magnesium source instead of anything particularly high. He also recommended leafy green vegetables and coffee for magnesium.


Jun 6, 2016
I don’t remember him talking about any sort of magnesium to calcium ratio, he focused a lot more on calcium to phosphorus as many of us know.

"If this is the situation in the nerves in MS, it explains the strange behavior, in which warming the nerve reduces its function. The implication is that internal structure (and energy) must be restored to the nerves. In experiments that I have described in previous newsletters, increasing sodium, ATP, carbon dioxide, and progesterone, and increasing the ratio of magnesium to calcium, have been found to increase cellular energy and structure. The thyroid hormone is ultimately responsible for maintaining cells' energy and structure, and responsiveness, but if it is increased suddenly without allowing all the other factors to adjust, it will raise the temperature too suddenly. It needn't take a long time, but all the factors have to be present at the same time."

The reason he recommended fruit juice for magnesium I think is because he said fructose helps with mineral retention.​


Jan 5, 2016
Hello everyone,

I began experiencing extremely high blood pressure shortly after starting the Ray Peat diet, and I struggled to find a solution. For those unaware, excessive calcium can lead to high blood pressure, posing a serious risk of heart attacks, which I often felt. Fearful of exacerbating my condition, I refrained from exercise, and sleepless nights due to insomnia only worsened my blood pressure, creating a distressing cycle.

Thankfully, my situation improved rapidly when I started using @charlie's Mag-Ka spray. Here's the recipe:

For every cup of spirit alcohol (I used distilled 40% vodka, avoiding rubbing alcohol), mix:

- 2 cups of magnesium chloride flakes
- 1 tablespoon of potassium chloride
- 1/8 cup of water

After mixing the alcohol and magnesium chloride with a hand blender, add the potassium chloride and water, ensuring thorough mixing. Transfer the blend into a spray bottle for convenient use.

Personally, I find pouring the solution into my hand first and then onto my skin to be more effective and avoids the spray getting onto the floor. Other magnesium forms, like topical DMSO, proved unpleasant, causing skin irritation and yielding minimal results when taken orally.

While some may find this controversial, I applied the spray every two to four hours, noticing gradual improvements after each use. My hypertension, developed on the RP diet and endured for a year and a half, nearly vanished within two days of consistent application. Though I occasionally experience symptoms, particularly during stressful episodes like insomnia, they pale in comparison to previous experiences.

Based on my overwhelmingly positive experience with the Mag-Ka spray recommended by @charlie, Dr. Garrett Smith, and the Low-Toxin community, I wholeheartedly recommend it. Don't hesitate to gather the ingredients and give it a try.
interesting, out of curiosity what areas of the body are you spraying? if you spray, lets say your arm, over and over again does it over saturate or would it be better to try to spray the whole body evenly?

Sebastian B

Mar 12, 2024

I sprayed it everywhere because it's alcohol-based. Spraying on the same spot could cause irritation from the alcohol. For emphasis, I want to reiterate that using this spray generously for a few days nearly completely reversed the hypertension I had developed on the Ray Peat diet over the past two years. Now, I apply it just once a day, usually on my torso or thighs and knees. But if someone were in the same situation I was in, I would have no problem recommending applying it every few hours. However, I've also heard that long magnesium chloride baths can be very effective, and you won't have to rub alcohol all over your body.
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