From Chris Masterjohn: Testing Nutritional Status - Vit A


Apr 15, 2015
Except that is exactly what is happening. Peoples lives are becoming easier, healthier and better when limiting "vitamin A". So from my observations, the "vitamin A" science is junk science at best, or straight out witchcraft lies at worst. The "vitamin A" sacred cow has been slayed, many of you are hanging onto a dead corpse. You can keep trying to make things complicated and cry "nuances" while those leading low toxin lives become less complicated, simple, healthier and less toxic.

Clearly you have not looked into the work of Anthony Mawson.
Interesting, who would guess about this connection,
Liver Damage and Exposure to Toxic Concentrations of Endogenous Retinoids in the Pathogenesis of COVID-19


Jul 26, 2018
Except that is exactly what is happening. Peoples lives are becoming easier, healthier and better when limiting "vitamin A". So from my observations, the "vitamin A" science is junk science at best, or straight out witchcraft lies at worst. The "vitamin A" sacred cow has been slayed, many of you are hanging onto a dead corpse. You can keep trying to make things complicated and cry "nuances" while those leading low toxin lives become less complicated, simple, healthier and less toxic.

"Clearly you have not looked into the work of Anthony Mawson."
I'm afraid you jumped to quickly to that conclusion.
I translated this work some time ago to friends as a contradictory to official narrative.
After some time I regard that "hypothesis"(only) as disinformative.
The main aging factor is iron-this shortens telomeres , such "antiaging " drugs like metformin or rapamycin lower iron. Metformin BTW lowers B1, CoQ10, B12, chromium, folate,magnesium, -so this a such "antiaging"substance.
Ray Peat wrote about Nobel Prize for Gajdusek that there were many doctors working for Army engaged (in disinformation?) at that time that we shouldn't forget that today there could be a bunch of influences of this kind.
" The U.S. Public Health Service has historically been one of the branches of the military, and currently has 6000 commissioned officers."

I compiled some news about "covid" as a stronger flu (carbon monoxide toxicity from heme degradation). Carbon monoxide/CO-RNA-virus damages heme (hemoglobin, myoglobin, neuroglobin, CYP450 for vitamin A metabolism, catalase) but also lowers B12 (together with NO).
Can we expect more MGUS from low vitamina A/B12?
" B12 may play an indirect role in cell growth and differentiation,is vital in cancer chemoprevention, since it enhances tissue deposition of vitamin A, itself a growth regulator and differentiator,by enhancing beta carotene absorption and its conversion to vitamin A."

If you want to see when there are "covid"/flu days just check space weather ( now lower magnetic field and solar maximum till 2025 -in October will strong conjunction of heavy planets , Moon, Sun)-will that be acclaimed X Epidemic?

Important role for the retinoid metabolism blockage produces glyphosat-is it the reason that MMR contains a lot glyphosate but no aluminium ("for antibodies synthesis")?

" when people are supplementing with vitamin D or they have adequate vitamin D levels, the toxicity threshold for vitamin A goes up to like 200,000 IU a day, which is an absurd amount of vitamin A."

" Children receiving vitamin A were less likely to present with parasitemia (RR=0.46, 95% CI=0.39–0.54) and antigenemia (RR=0.23, 95% CI=0.17–0.29)."

The different eye signs of vitamin A deficiency (VAD) in children, as graded by the WHO, are:
  • Night blindness (XN)
  • Conjunctival xerosis (X1A)
  • Bitot's spots (X1B)
  • Corneal xerosis (X2)
  • Corneal ulcer covering less than 1/3 of the cornea (X3A)
  • Corneal ulcer covering at least 1/3 of the cornea, defined as keratomalacia (X3B)
  • Corneal scarring (XS)

Carbon monoxide blocks CYP
Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases

5. Evidence that Glyphosate Inhibits CYP Enzymes​

The evidence that glyphosate inhibits CYP enzymes comes from several directions. There are studies showing inhibition of aromatase, a CYP enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen, and studies showing enhancement of retinoic acid, which could be achieved by suppressing the CYP enzyme involved in its catabolism. Finally, there are studies that directly show inhibition of detoxifying CYP enzymes in both plants and animals.[...]
Retinoic acid plays a key role in embryonic development, where its tightly-regulated concentration levels impact developmental stages [112]. Due to reports of neural defects and craniofacial malformations in children born in regions where glyphosate-based herbicides are used, a group of researchers investigated the effects of low doses of glyphosate (1/5,000 dilutions of a commercial glyphosate-based herbicide) in development of African clawed frog embryos and chick embryos [113]. The treated embryos were highly abnormal: the frog embryos developed into tadpoles with cranial deformities, and microcephaly was observed in the chick embryos. They traced this effect to an increase in endogenous retinoic acid (RA) activity, and showed that cotreatment with an RA antagonist prevented the deformities.
This increase in RA activity can be explained via inhibition of a CYP enzyme. A novel member of the CYP family has been discovered which is induced by retinoic acid and involved in its catabolism [114,115]. It is present in mammalian embryos and in the brain. Thus, if this enzyme is suppressed by glyphosate, it would explain the observed effect that glyphosate enhances levels of retinoic acid in embryonic development."

" A normal human virome is full of viruses, even 'scary' ones like HIV & hepatitis. It's time to dispel the myth of a killer virus and learn the truth about the humble virus.
Did you know the normal human virome contains a multitude of different viruses, including many strains of coronavirus? And did you know that some of these viruses sound scary - the type people normally associate with disease - even though the person carrying them may be completely healthy and/or asymptomatic?"

When we are less acidic ( lactate,methylcitrate, methylmalonate, malonate , others) and higher in CO2 endocytosis is slowed
"In this report, we show that the SARS-CoV S glycoprotein mediates viral entry through pH-dependent endocytosis."

face masks and immunity

The results showed a significant decrease in total White Blood Count and the absolute number of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and phagocytic activity. However, there was a significant increase in the absolute number of eosinophils in participants compared with the control. The results also suggested there were no significant differences in IgE, haemoglobin concentration and blood O<sub>2 </sub>saturation in participants who wore masks for more than 6 hrs compared to the control group. The results showed a significant increase in pulse rate in participants who wore masks for more than 6 hrs compared to the control group. The results also showed a strong correlation coefficient between the time of wearing masks and some immunological, haematological parameters. <b>Conclusion:</b> Wearing masks for long periods alters immunological parameters that initiate the immune response, making the body weaker in its resistance to infectious agents."

retinoid and longevity-high iron shortens telomeres,
vitamin A restores iron utilization/purine synthesis
" Abstract
Increasing the dietary content of Vitamin A from inadequate to adequate during the developmental stages of Drosophila increased the median life span by as much as 17.5%. The optimum dietary range of concentrations of Vitamin A for increasing the life span of Drosophila was found to be between 4 and 8 IU/g food. The maximum life span was reduced as dietary concentrations of Vitamin A exceeded this value. Vitamin A palmitate and retinal inhibited the peroxidation of linolenic acid induced by the generation of superoxide radicals from acetaldehyde. Other forms of Vitamin A, such as retinol and retinoic acid, moderately inhibited lipid peroxidation at low concentrations but stimulated peroxidation considerably when present at high concentrations. Based upon the ability of these retinoids to inhibit the reduction of cytochrome c by superoxide radicals, we propose that retinoids can inhibit and stimulate lipid peroxidation depending upon their concentration by reacting with superoxide radicals."

" animal model studies [10] revealed that low vitamin A levels could cause infertility by blocking the development of sperm cells.
The same review indicated that retinoic acid (RA) is important in generating functional sperm cells. When RA levels are low, this leads to the production of abnormal sperm cells.

The effects of vitamin A are also seen in egg cell production in animal studies. The findings of these studies suggest that a lack of vitamin A results in reduced egg quality, affecting the implantation of eggs in the womb [10].[...]

The inverse relationship of vitamin A with depression is essential since this adds to evidence that vitamin A can play a role in improving one’s mental health. "


Macrocytic and Megaloblastic Anemia​

When the body is deficient in vitamin B-12. it can produce red blood cells that are abnormally large, called macrocytes, which do not function properly. The main cause of macrocytic anemia is called megaloblastic anemia, which is due to reduction in DNA synthesis. When red blood cells are not functioning properly, the hemoglobin cannot bind to oxygen efficiently. Thus, many tissues around the body are not provided with enough oxygen to upkeep with their normal metabolism. This is called hypoxia and can lead to cell death. Deficiency in vitamin B-12 can also impair DNA synthesis, but the synthesis of RNA continues to happen without being converted into DNA."

not only zinc , but B2 (FAD-don't forget about purines)
covid is FAD deficiency-the most missing vitamin according to Ray Peat


Long-term higher exposure to retinol metabolite is causally associated with longevity in the general population."

" Retinol is the major transport and storage form of vitamin A; retinal is essential for vision, and retinoic acid acts like a hormone, binding to nuclear-hormone receptors and affecting the expression of more than 500 genes.[...]

. Conversion of retinol to retinal and then to all-trans-retinoic acid, the predominant isomer of vitamin A, requires two successive oxidation reactions, first by alcohol dehydrogenases (which contain zinc), and then by either aldehyde dehydrogenase or retinal dehydrogenase (which contains the riboflavin-dependent enzyme, flavin-adenine dinucleotide [FAD]).4[...]

Healthy centenarians are consistently found to have vitamin A levels comparable to those in healthy young adults, in contrast to lower levels of vitamin A seen in typical older control subjects.[...] Particularly in light of vitamin A’s emergence as a pivotal inducer of oral and self-tolerant immune function, vitamin A sufficiency should be recognized as a key contributing factor to longevity.

Introduction to Vitamin A​

[...]High alcohol intake, however, can rapidly deplete vitamin A stores."

" The results of that study showed that serum level of vitamin A was inversely correlated to hypoactivity in DMSA scanning in patients with advanced renal scarring. Based on this finding, we performed an experimental study to evaluate the effect of vitamin A supplementation on renal scar formation after pyelonephritis in rats, and found that vitamin A prevented renal scarring or decreased its severity [7]. We attributed this beneficial effect of vitamin A either to its anti‐infective properties, or to its role on epithelization of renal tissue, or to both.
Next, we devised another experimental model to determine whether vitamin A was effective in preventing tissue injury in the presence of a non‐inflammatory renal pathology. For this purpose, we used a renal ablation nephropathy (subtotal nephrectomy) model in rats. Although not equally impressive, a given dose of vitamin A was found to decrease the glomerular and tubular injury scores in this model of nephropathy [8]"

" Group 1 with vitamin A at level >200 µg/dl consists of 10 healthy subjects. Group 2 with vitamin A deficiency at level <50 µg/dl consists of 30 subjects. Tβ4 and CD4 levels were also determined by a commercial ELISA kit. Results showed a significant decrease in serum levels of Tβ4 and CD4 in group 2 than group 1 at P < .003 and P < .019 respectively. Both of Tβ4 and CD4 had positive correlation with vitamin A level at P < .000 and P < .003 respectively as well as with each other at p < .000. We concluded that vitamin A deficiency may be influence the levels of Tβ4 and CD4."

" Abstract
Influenza viruses have been found to cause extensive hemolysis and fusion of cells. It can be shown that an optimal pH exists for each virus strain at which hemolysis and fusion activities become most apparent and for these activities proteolytic activation of hemagglutinin is required. Furthermore, it can be demonstrated that the hemolytic activity differs among virus strains and that under optimal conditions influenza viruses hemolyse more efficiently than paramyxoviruses."

informations/newsletter from dr Shallenberger recommended


" “Vitamin A could promote the encapsulation of a murine melanoma. Sixty days after tumor inoculation, a 60% survival rate was observed in the control group as opposed to the vitamin A-supplemented animals, which demonstrated a 100% survival rate in both groups (n=5 in each group).Decreased mean tumor size and gross tumor in most vitamin A-supplemented animals were statistically significant when compared with the control animals."


Scientific research​

Scientific literature offers numerous examples from which it can be concluded that treatment with high dose B12 up to very high serum values is no cause for concern.

  • In the treatment of children with an inborn error in the production of transcobalamin II, the binding protein that transports B12 to the cells, serum values are kept at levels of 10 000 pg/ml (about 7 400 pmol/L) without any side-effects.5
  • Japanese research from 1994 into the effects of B12 therapy in patients with multiple sclerosis shows that a daily tablet with 60 mg methylcobalamin during six months is non-toxic. Half of the patients even started with two weeks of daily 5 mg B12 injections straight into the blood. 6
  • In the fifties, when chemotherapy wasn’t available yet, children with neuroblastoma (a tumour of the autonomous nervous-system) received 1 mg B12 injections every other day during 2 to 3 years in a London children’s hospital. From 1957 the dose was adjusted to 1 mg per 7 kilograms of body-weight. In the majority of patients the tumour disappeared wholly or partially and the chance of survival was considerably increased.7
  • In 1999 in Japan, kidney dialysis patients with polyneuropathy, received 0.5 mg methylcobalamin 3 times a week intravenously for 6 months. Because of lack of renal clearance, serum values rose to more than a hundredfold from 422 pmol/L on average to 54 000 pmol/L, with 67 000 pmol/L as highest value, without side-effects. 8
  • Also in Japan, in 2007, patients with the incurable neurodegenerative disease ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) received daily injections with 25 mg methylcobalamin for 4 weeks, followed by daily injections of 50 mg intravenously, followed by 50 mg a week. In the long term, treated patients survived for longer because of this, than did untreated patients.9

Megadoses B12 as lifesaving antidote"​

methyl issues

Heme metabolism gives free iron ( Fenton reaction) and protective carbon monoxide/biliverdin.
Masks mandate caused carbon monoxide intoxication in stroger flu ,like "covid".

The easiest way to detoxify excess vitamin A is supplementing D3 or inducing fever/sauna or sunbathing->D3 production/retinoids damaging.

Heme synthesis can be supported by delta-aminolevulinic acid from plant shots (e.g white asparagus, hops, gemmotherapy) or by suplementing succinate, B5/CoA, glycine.
Heme and chlorophyll share the same pathway- nettle/spinach/barley grass raise hemoglobin not by "iron" but perhaps by aminolevulinate.
Glycine supports immunity against "viruses".
Bee venom therapy increases immunity. Bee keepers in China were more immune.

Space weather and health

halogens are metabolised to carbon monoxide so they could mimic flu/covid


Jul 26, 2018
The work by A.Mawson is for me a dangerous because the science announces that we have retinol depletion in covid, covid is big genome, big genomes require more retinoids.
" Coronaviruses are important human and animal pathogens and contain an extraordinarily long (27-31 kb) RNA genome. Its RNA synthesis involves complex mechanisms of regulation, similar to those of DNA viruses."
" The immunopathogenesis of COVID-19 is characteristic with acute respiratory distress syndrome and multiorgan involvement with impaired Type I interferon response and hyperinflammation. The destructive systemic effects of COVID-19 cannot be explained simply by the viral tropism through the ACE2 and TMPRSS2 receptors. In addition, the recently identified mutations cannot fully explain the defect in all cases of Type I interferon synthesis. We hypothesize that retinol depletion and resulting impaired retinoid signaling play a central role in the COVID-19 pathogenesis that is characteristic for dysregulated immune system, defect in Type I interferon synthesis, severe inflammatory process, and destructive systemic multiorgan involvement. Viral RNA recognition mechanism through RIG-I receptors can quickly consume a large amount of the body's retinoid reserve, which causes the retinol levels to fall below the normal serum levels. This causes retinoid insufficiency and impaired retinoid signaling, which leads to interruption in Type I interferon synthesis and an excessive inflammation. Therefore, reconstitution of the retinoid signaling may prove to be a valid strategy for management of COVID-19 as well for some other chronic, degenerative, inflammatory, and autoimmune diseases."
Here, we found that all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), a vitamin A (retinol) derivative, showed potent antiviral activity against all SARS-CoV-2 variants in both human cell lines and human organoids of the lower respiratory tract. Mechanistically, ATRA directly binds in a deep hydrophobic pocket of the receptor binding domain (RBD) located on the top of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S) trimer. The bound ATRA mediates strong interactions between the “down” RBDs and locks most of the S trimers in an RBD “all-down” and ACE2-inaccessible inhibitory conformation. In summary, our results reveal the pharmacological biotargets and structural mechanism of ATRA and other retinoids in SARS-CoV-2 infection and suggest that ATRA and its derivatives could be potential hit compounds against a broad spectrum of coronaviruses.
IMPORTANCE Retinoids, a group of compounds including vitamin A and its active metabolite all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), regulate serial physiological activity in multiple organ systems, such as cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. The ATRA analogues reported to date include more than 4,000 natural and synthetic molecules that are structurally and/or functionally related to ATRA. Here, we found that ATRA showed potent antiviral activity against all SARS-CoV-2 variants by directly binding in a deep hydrophobic pocket of the receptor binding domain (RBD) located on top of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S) trimer. The bound ATRA mediates strong interactions between the “down” RBDs and locks most of the S trimers in an RBD “all-down” and ACE2-inaccessible inhibitory conformation, suggesting the pharmacological feasibility of using ATRA or its derivatives as a remedy for and prevention of COVID-19 disease.


Findings Retinol levels were found to be significantly lower in the patient group (P <0.001). There was no difference in retinol between two different age groups in the patient group (P> 0.05). There was no significant difference in retinol between men and women (P> 0.05). Comorbidity did not affect serum retinol levels (P >0.05).
Conclusion Serum retinol levels were low in patients with severe COVID-19. Drugs preventing retinol excretion were not stopped in the patient group. Some patients took vitamin A externally. Despite this, retinol was low in COVID-19 patients. Retinol depletion impairs Type-I interferon synthesis by impairing retinoid signaling. Retinoid signaling may be the main pathogenetic disorder in COVID-19. This pathogenesis can serve as a guide for adjuvants, drug targets, and candidate drugs. Retinol, retinoic acid derivatives, and some CYP450 inhibitors may work on COVID-19."


The mean serum retinol levels were 0.37 mg/L in the COVID-19 group and 0.52 mg/L in the control group. The difference between the serum retinol levels in the two groups was statistically significant. There was no significant difference in retinol levels between different ages and genders within the COVID-19 group. Comorbidity did not affect serum retinol levels.


The serum retinol level was significantly lower in patients with severe COVID-19, and this difference was independent of age or underlying comorbidity. Our data show that retinol and retinoic acid signaling might be important in immunopathogenesis of COVID-19."


  • Retinoid signaling plays a central role in the pathogenesis of COVID-19. Both vitamin A and vitamin D employ retinoid signaling.

  • A proper retinoid signaling establishes a balance between regulatory T cells and pro-inflammatory Th17 cells.

  • Dysregulated retinoid signaling suppresses Tregs and favors development of hyperinflammatory Th17 in COVID-19.

  • COVID-19 infection rapidly consumes body’s retinol leading to dysregulated retinoid signaling and hyperinflammation.

  • This causes cytokine storm leading to multi-organ system involvement.[...]
  • While the genome size of many RNA viruses is generally less than 10 kB, that of SARS-CoV-2 is 30 kB [15]. This makes SARS-CoV-2 the virus with the largest genome among RNA viruses [16], [17]. Because of such a large genome size, large amounts of RNA particles are released from viruses that are broken down by host immune response. These broken scattered large amount of viral RNA particles are recognized and processed by innate immune system, which leads to Type I interferon (IFN) synthesis, a process that also uses the RA signaling [18], [19]. The large amount of viral RNA and consequent overwhelming immune stimulation will cause increased RA consumption, and with the time, depletion of retinol reserves in the body [20], [21]. Liver damage incurred during COVID-19 infection may speed up the depletion of vitamin A (VitA) stores in the liver [22]. Depletion of retinol then leads to retinoid signaling disorders simultaneously in many organ systems. This wide-spread retinoid signaling disorder and interrupted type I IFN synthesis in turn lead to inflammatory cytokine discharge and systemic inflammation seen in the COVID-19.

    Pattern recognition receptors (PRR), such as Toll-like receptors (TLR) of the innate immune system are responsible for recognizing pathogens and viruses and inducing IFN production (Fig. 1). Viral RNA in the endosomes is mostly recognized byTLR3 and TLR7 while cytosolic viral RNA is recognized by RIG-I like receptor family proteins, such as retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I) and melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 (MDA5) [18], [19], [20], [23]. RIG-I is the main cytosolic receptor that recognizes cytosolic viral RNA molecules and is responsible for type I interferon synthesis [20], [24]. Expression of RIG-I is regulated through RA signaling and with the prolonged stimulation, the cellular retinol resources are used up causing depletion of retinol depot in the body [20], [25], [26], [27]. With the depletion of retinol and impaired retinoid signaling, the RIG-I pathway of the innate immune system collapses, and Type I interferon synthesis is interrupted [25], [28], [29]. This leads to dysregulation in the immune system with disrupted delicate balance between immune-suppressive regulatory T cells (Treg) and proinflammatory T helper 17 (Th17) cells [30], [31]."




Reduced serum levels of vitamin A affect morbidity and mortality in measles. The authors' newly diagnosed subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (n = 21) and age-matched control groups (n = 20) had mean serum beta-carotene levels of 1.12 +/- 0.56 and 1.50 +/- 0.52 microg/mL, respectively. Serum retinol <20 microg/dL was observed in 6 of 21 subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and 0 of 20 control cases (P < .05). Vitamin A deficiency can accompany subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: its contribution to the pathogenesis or course of the disease warrants further investigations."

" TetraSOD®, a natural marine vegan ingredient derived from the microalgae Tetraselmis chuii that is high in the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) has recently demonstrated in vitro increased activity of these key antioxidant enzymes. In the present study, the potential bioactive effects of three dietary dosages of TetraSOD® in enhancing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms to combat the metabolic disturbances that compose MetS were assessed in rats given a cafeteria (CAF) diet. Chronic supplementation with 0.17, 1.7, and 17 mg kg-1 day-1 of TetraSOD® for 8 weeks ameliorated the abnormalities associated with MetS, including oxidative stress and inflammation, promoting endogenous antioxidant defence mechanisms in the liver (GPx and GSH), modulating oxidative stress and inflammatory markers in plasma (NOx, oxLDL and IL-10), and regulating genes involved in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory pathways in the liver, mesenteric white adipose tissue (MWAT), thymus, and spleen. Overall, TetraSOD® appears to be a potential therapeutic option for the management of MetS."


Lactulose, which cannot be digested and absorbed by body, is clinically widely used to treat constipation and hepatic encephalopathy. Fermented by gastrointestinal tract bacteria, lactulose can produce considerable amount of hydrogen, which is protective for DSS-induced colitis as a unique antioxidant. We propose that lactulose is an indirect antioxidant that mobilizes endogenous hydrogen production which in turn can reduce oxidative stress and ameliorate symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease in human beings."


Antioxidants 12 00636 g003 550

Figure 3. Molecular effects of hydrogen in living organisms. The figure shows some of the proposed mechanisms by which the main effects of hydrogen are mediated on the molecular and cellular level. The brown links represent shifts in regulatory molecules that lead to the development of specific cellular effects (indicated by green blocks). Abbreviations: MAPK–mitogen-activated protein kinase, HO–heme oxygenase, TNF–tumor necrosis factor, SOD–superoxide dismutase, MPO–myeloperoxidase, NOS–nitric oxide synthase (inducible–iNOS; endothelial–eNOS), GPx–glutathione peroxidase, Cas–caspase, HMGB1-high-mobility group protein B1, NLRP–Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, Th–T-cytotoxic lymphocyte.

4.1. Antioxidant Effects[...]​



Lucy O

Nov 28, 2023
And yet you fail to do the simple footwork and see for yourself that the accumulation effects of vA is real and you continue to perpetuate the tired old paradigm that keeps people sick and diseased. Do the leg work so you can stop misinforming the people.

I can look at a person now and tell if they are "vitamin A" toxic, the signs are very clear. No doctor needed.
How do you tell by looking at people? Just curious.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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