Electro-culture (farming using electric currents)


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Apr 5, 2016
Has anyone ever heard of electro-culture?

The idea is that you harness electric current to enhance the growth of crops, there are claims that it is so effective it could greatly reduce our need for fertilizer.


"In France, for example, in the late 1770s, the wonderfully named Bernard-Germain-Étienne de La Ville-sur-Illon, Comte de Lacépède, began some experiments watering plants with water which as he put it had been “impregnated with electrical fluid”. He published a 700+ pages long Essay on Electricity in 1781 which reported his findings that the germination of seeds and the sprouting of bulbs was quicker and when plants were electrified, they grew with more vigour than usual."

This sounds almost too good to be true because if it was then it greatly reduce the need to depend on damaging fertilizers.

I just discovered this page by a farmer in Europe who practices electro-culture and goes into quite a bit of detail. Just starting to give it a look.


"Marcel Violet was a french engeneer, researcher and inventor.
He did many inventions known in Mecanics and Medecine but he did also experiments with on plant growth and health before experimenting in medecine."

Photo : Carrots, left : 2 carrots untreated, right : carrot where the seeds were soaked 8 hours with treated water with the bio-oscillator before being planted.


"His theory that he succeeded to prouve was that he could treat the water in a certain way, that the water became load with special healing and stimulation properties for health and also plant growth.
he developed a system named as the biooscillator of marcel Violet. This oscilator sended electrical discharges of a capacitor made of bee wax as dielectric. Bee wax is a special dieelectric that produces the grass effect on an oscilooscope. This is because of the presence of very high frequencies. he postulated these frequencies were like cosmic frequencies of very high frequency. The treated water had the property to stimulate healing and increase growth rate of plants. He did also experiments on animals with the same results, increased growth rate and much better resistance against bacteria, viruses and parasites."

Photo below : left : untreated potatoes ; right : potatoes that has been sprayed with treated water.


I find it fascinating that he also conducted these experiments on animals and saw similar benefits. Apparently China has started to look into this form of farming recently (although I'm obviously very sceptical of any claims from China).

Electro Culture – The Boost of Plant Growth with Electricity – Scientific Scribbles
"The setup of the electro culture is simple, with high voltage copper wires hanging three-metre above the plant. Electro culture stimulates plant growth with three major mechanisms:

The introduction of high-voltage kills all the virus-transmitting diseases and bacteria both in the soil and air.
The high-voltage wire suppresses the surface tension of water droplets on the plant leaves and accelerates the evaporation.
The introduction of electricity accelerates the transportation of some naturally charged particles such as calcium ions and bicarbonates, which boost the metabolism process of the plant.

“It does absolutely no harm to the plants or to those peoples standing nearby.” Said Prof. Liu Binjiang, agriculture scientist from CAAS and the leader in this project. Electro culture only consumes a small amount of electricity with15 kilowatt-hours per day for one hectare, which is about half of the electricity usage of an Australian family."

The claim is it never really took off because it was very inconsistent, sometime it would produce good results other times it would be worse. I would imagine that is because just like anything needed for agriculture be it water or fertilizer too much or too little can be damaging.

There was an article about it in New Scientist in 2019 so it has not been entirely dismissed by the mainstream as quack science. However I imagine that the globalists DESPISE this technology as it would greatly reduce their control over the global food supply if people needed less fertilizer to grow their food.
Inside China's attempt to boost crop yields with electric fields
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Mar 18, 2021
If you google Yannick van Doorne, he has a facebook group, youtube channel and website with his experiments.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
booklet: Electroculture by Justin Christofleau

As far back as 1749 Abbe Nollett who seems to be the first scientist who had noted the effects of electricity on vegetation, announced that electricity contributed to the EVAPORATION OF THE SOIL, facilitated the germination of seeds and increased the quickness of the ascension of the sap in vegetation.
In 1783 Abbe Bertholon not only made known the role of atmospheric electricity on vegetation in one of his works, but made its practical application with an 'electro-vegetometre" which he invented.
At a much later period, a Russian scientist, Spechnoff, perfected the Electro-vegetometre, invented by Abbe Bertholon, and noted an over-production of 62 per cent, for oats, 56 per cent, for wheat, 34 per cent, for linseed. M. Spechnolf, furthermore, has found that the composition of the soil is modified by the action of the currents.
Towards the end of last century Brother Paulin, the Director of the Agricultural Institute of Beauvais, invented a new apparatus, the "Geomagnetif ere," which gave wonderful results, especially as regards Grapes, which were richer in sugar and alcohol; their maturity was more hastened and more regular.

article: Rex Research - Electroculture

A conical coil of stiff wire wound with 9 turns (counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, clockwise in the Southern), when stuck in the ground about 1 ft. north of a plant, will collect atmospheric electricity.
Connect a wire from the fence to a metal rod near the plants. A tv antenna also can be used. Rebar can be sunk into the ground at each end of a row of plants, connected by a bare wire under the soil and/or in the air. A north-south orientation will take advantage of geomagnetic polarity.


Experimental study of the effects of electricity on plant growth began in 1746, when Dr. Maimbray of Edinburg treated myrtle plants with the output of an electrostatic generator, thereby enhancing their growth and flowering. Two years later, the French abbot Jean Nolet found that plants respond with accelerated rates of germination and overall growth when cultivated under charged electrodes.

Beginning in 1885, the Finnish scientist Selim Laemstrom experimented with an aerial system powered by a Wimhurst generator and Leyden jars. He found that the electrical discharge from wire points stimulated the growth of crops such as potatoes, carrots, and celery for an average increase of about 40% (up to 70%) within 8 weeks. Greenhouse-grown strawberry plants produced ripe fruit in half the usual time. The yield of raspberries was increased by 95%, and the yield of carrots was increased by 125%. However, crops of cabbage, turnips, and flax grew better without electrification than with it. The Laemstrom system comprises a horizontal antenna suspended high enough to permit plowing, weeding and irrigation. The voltage applied to the antenna varies from 2 to 70 KV, depending on the height of the antenna. The current is about 11 amps.

Spechniew and Bertholon obtained similar results a few years later, and so did the Swiss priest J.J. Gasner in 1909. Also that year, Prof. G. Stone showed that a few sparks of static electricity discharged into the soil each day increased soil bacteria up to 600%.

In the 1840s, W. Ross of New York reportedly obtained a severalfold increase in the yield of a field of potatoes when he buried a copper plate (5 ft x 14 ft) in the earth, and a zinc plate of the same dimensions 200 ft away. The two plates were connected by a wire above ground, thus forming a galvanic cell. In similar experiments by Holdenfleiss (1844) with battery-charged zinc and copper plates, yields increased up to 25%.

Brief exposure of seeds to electric current ends their dormancy, accelerates development throughout the period of vegetation, and ultimately increases yields. The effect is greater with seeds that have a low rate of germination. The metabolism of seedlings is stimulated; respiration and hydrolytic enzyme activity is intensified for many types of plants.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich (of Orgone fame) also found that plants could be grown without light if they were grown with magnetite that had been exposed to sunlight. The magnetite absorbs and reradiates solar energies that are utilized by plants.

Links for Electroculture from Rex Research:

AKIMOV: Torsion Field Generators
BINJIANG: ElectroCulture
CHAPIN: Interstellar Light Collector
CHRISTOFLEAU: ElectroCulture
CORSON & ZADEREJ: Electrogenics
CROSSE: ElectroCulture
DeLAND: Frost Guard
DUDGEON: Electroculture
EBNER: Primeval Code
Electrolyzed Water
RF Heating vs Pests
GUASCO: Theta Amplifier
GUILLEMETTE: Perpetual ES Battery
STERNHEIMER: Plant Protein Music
ElectroCulture Patents
ElectroCulture Patents #2
ElectroCulture Patents #3
Electroculture Patents #4
FANTUZZI: Energy Accumulator
JOHNSON ( J. ): Dipole Resonance Mutation
LAEMSTROM: Electroculture
PARRY: ElectroCulture
Radiesthesia Patents
WADLE: Tree Electricity
WHEATON: Electrical Seed Germination
ElectroCulture #1
ElectroCulture #2
ElectroCulture #3
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Jun 16, 2021
Fascinating, my guess is that it has something to do with the structuring of the water. It’s known that magnetic fields can structure water and also that the use of structured water can enhance plant and animal growth.

“Most of what we know about SW comes from research where water has been structured using energy from magnetic fields (Pang and Deng, 2008; Pang et al., 2012; Pang, 2014; Chibowski and Szcześ, 2018). It is these types of “magnetized” waters that have been studied for their effects on plants and animals, and particularly with an agricultural focus (Ebrahim and Azab, 2017)”

This company does something similar, but they run a current through the water and stimulate a magnetic field which structures the water and supposedly enhances crop growth.



Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Related post - page 2 has Electroculture.
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