Dr Aseem Malhotra - A concise published report on covid vaccine damage and misinformation



Sep 10, 2020

Of course as I have demonstrated in the Africa thread depopulation is not targeting just Europeans. It's just that we are finally willing to accept this has been going on elsewhere previously.

Dr Malhotra's father's suspicious sudden death (SSD) should be investigated, Columbo style.

In fairness most medical professionals just follow the rules and ways of western medicine without ever challenging anything (something Ray has talked about a lot), particularly when it comes to vaccines in fear of being labelled an "anti vaxxer", so it is plausible he is legit... I imagine many cardiologists are beginning to see the truth only now with a sharp increase in unusual heart issues.

I cant get behind the idea of depopulation, surely their are quicker more efficient ways of achieving this? Or am I missing something? I feel like it's very much money orientated when you look at share prices and those involved in protecting the vaccine's reputation. Feels like all the other failed medicines too me with a consorted effort to cover up injuries and deaths.


Jul 25, 2013
If the plan is to admit the vaccines are actually dangerous, and then throw certain people under the bus ... just imagine the credibility hit they'll take! No one will ever "trust the science" again. And, so far, "trust the science/experts" has been their justification for literally everything. I hope this is their plan, ha ha.


In fairness most medical professionals just follow the rules and ways of western medicine without ever challenging anything (something Ray has talked about a lot), particularly when it comes to vaccines in fear of being labelled an "anti vaxxer", so it is plausible he is legit... I imagine many cardiologists are beginning to see the truth only now with a sharp increase in unusual heart issues.

I cant get behind the idea of depopulation, surely their are quicker more efficient ways of achieving this? Or am I missing something? I feel like it's very much money orientated when you look at share prices and those involved in protecting the vaccine's reputation. Feels like all the other failed medicines too me with a consorted effort to cover up injuries and deaths.
Dr Malhotra is not most doctors. I keep repeating myself. His connections to the King's fund and Stanford makes it highly unlikely that he does not know about the plans to take over national health and hand it over to the WHO. He was given a platform to discuss vaccine hestitancy on national TV and you think he didn't do a simply search to find out what the outcome of animal studies were? He has to be stupid not to have known. I don't believe he is stupid.

Depopulation has been documented. There is a lot of information on this thread

Read the 1974 Kessinger report, it's posted on that thread.

look at the report of the 1994 Cairo conference (International Conference on Population and Development )

If you are still not convinced that's fine


May 10, 2022
I'm not the only person not taken in by Malhotra and co.

Dr Aseem Malhotra & Dr John Campbell / Hugo Talks​

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/W0sfnHOGP09z/

great video, over the last few years ive watched Dr campbell as my pro vax resource/counter research and ive enjoyed watching him changing his position. similar to guys like dr vinay prassad and dr marty makary. I think Hugo is right we cant forget that they continued to push the narrative but i welcome anybody who changes their opinion .
@Peatness @TheCalciumCad , i recently listened to Dr Malone on the Majiid Nawaz show, you'll get a kick out of the fact that Malone is helping Malhotra with his book!

View: https://rumble.com/v1pv5h8-radical-wmaajid-nawaz-on-information-warfare-with-dr.-robert-malone.html


Jul 25, 2013
I’m starting to be underwhelmed by these fraudsters.

David Icke suggests that most of these NWO-serving technologies have existed for a long time, and that the people who are credited with "inventing" them are just front people, used to introduce the new technology. Seems more plausible by the day.


David Icke suggests that most of these NWO-serving technologies have existed for a long time, and that the people who are credited with "inventing" them are just front people, used to introduce the new technology. Seems more plausible by the day.
Yes like Bill Gates/Microsoft and Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook.


I think Malhotra is part of the false awakening along with Rishi Sunak, new players, same game.

"I'm on your side, honest!!!"

View: https://twitter.com/DrAseemMalhotra/status/1584962500956950530

He is now entangled with the vaccine damage inquiry - How is that going?




"We actually don’t, as a matter of editorial policy, we don’t debate with anti-vaxxers, whether they’re right or wrong. We actually don’t do that."
Emma Barnett, BBC (2021)
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