Determining Effect Of Diet On Metabolism And Weight Loss/Gain Through Data Collection



Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri

Had 3 big bowel movements right upon waking, afterwards but before breakfast measured 0.4 lb LESS than yesterday, with 5400 calories, Temperature of 99.4F, and Pulse of 85 BPM. Temperature, Pulse, and Weight is most definitely all correlated. The driver primarily seems to be the carbs. With carbs intake ultra high, it drives everything in the body to superdrive mode. Protein and fats seemingly only need to be "Average" levels to make all this work.
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Aug 9, 2013
Due to recent discussions on Fernstrom ratios and milk quality you've been involved in, I've reassessed my dairy intake. Swapped out a large chunk for meat+gelatin+eggshell and feel much better. Compared full day amino acid profiles and and the difference seems negligible. BCAA, Tyr and Phe are a little higher on high-dairy days, but so are Trp, Met, and His. I get more proline and much more glycine with meat+gelatin. Cal:Phos ratio sitting at 1.3:1. Overall it's been a good change. Maybe commercial dairy isn't all its cracked up to be for me. Idk.

[insert William Blake quote]

Same, I stopped all dairy and juice, and digesting better and losing weight easily!


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Same, I stopped all dairy and juice, and digesting better and losing weight easily!

I am still having OJ in the form of home made jello, but last night I realized I felt a bit off afterwards. I am starting to wonder if juice isn't the greatest myself either, but I like some of the nutrition that comes in the form of OJ like Thiamine and Vitamin C. Maybe I'll start making my own OJ.


May 7, 2017
@Cirion Idk if you post this somewhere, but what foods make up your carbs?

Same, I stopped all dairy and juice, and digesting better and losing weight easily!


I still have a cup or two of milk and few cheese sticks daily, but its drastically lower than the 1.5-2L of 1% I used to have. Been waking up much flatter on the same calories and macro composition.

Juice stopped giving me issues when I permanently switched to fresh squeezed. I forgot who said it here, but fresh squeezed really is a different product.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
@Cirion Idk if you post this somewhere, but what foods make up your carbs?


I still have a cup or two of milk and few cheese sticks daily, but its drastically lower than the 1.5-2L of 1% I used to have. Been waking up much flatter on the same calories and macro composition.

Juice stopped giving me issues when I permanently switched to fresh squeezed. I forgot who said it here, but fresh squeezed really is a different product.

OJ, Mexican Cola, Maple Syrup, Honey, Grapes, Oranges, Dates. Keeping it pretty simple. I was eating potatoes, but I think I'm gonna eliminate them, so no more starch at all.

I just realized Maple Syrup has calcium, so I may not even need to supplement eggshell after all.

Which brand of OJ do you drink? Or do you squeeze yourself? I heard someone said that even squeezing inorganic oranges is healthier than drinking organic OJ.

I can definitely feel my heart pounding harder with all these carbs lol. That's a good thing though. From what I have heard, a strong hard pulse is a healthy pulse.

In the next hour or so I'm gonna plot up and post the same 9 plots I did before, but this time with 3-day rolling averages.
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Oct 20, 2018
This may be nothing but I realized after a while that dates made me feel off and I couldn’t figure out why. I then read that it has quite a bit of starch so that would explain it. But if you don’t have this issue - kudos!

Random question - do you ever drink alcohol? Any personal experience or thoughts?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
This may be nothing but I realized after a while that dates made me feel off and I couldn’t figure out why. I then read that it has quite a bit of starch so that would explain it. But if you don’t have this issue - kudos!

Random question - do you ever drink alcohol? Any personal experience or thoughts?

Ah, I don't eat a lot of dates currently so probably why I haven't noticed. Thanks for the heads up. Could be because they're rich in fiber too which can be an irritant.

No alcohol. Maybe some is OK, but I am determined to heal myself so not letting anything like that get in my way. I even had to turn down an offer from a lady friend the other evening in fact for alcoholic beverages, and trust me, that takes a lot of willpower to do though haha (especially when you think that such a thing has a chance to ... ahem... lead to "other" things ;)) But at this point, keeping my sleep, diet etc on point is my top priority. Girls can wait until later. I ruined my health with my ex-gf by abusing alcohol, staying up too late etc, so now I have to be aware of such things and more careful.
Oct 20, 2018
Theres some real wisdom right there, I’m going to go ahead and use that as some inspiration. And congrats on the discipline!


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Theres some real wisdom right there, I’m going to go ahead and use that as some inspiration. And congrats on the discipline!

To be honest, when you're healthy, chicks are so easy to get anyway. This is kinda funny too, coming from a guy that never had a girlfriend until age 30. That's because I had horrible health most of my life, I now realize, after having experienced good health briefly. Confidence with the ladies goes through the ROOF once you are feeling good. I am certainly looking forward to that aspect, among many other improvements both above and below the belt =P


May 7, 2017
OJ, Mexican Cola, Maple Syrup, Grapes, Oranges, Dates. Keeping it pretty simple. I was eating potatoes, but I think I'm gonna eliminate them, so no more starch at all.

I just realized Maple Syrup has calcium, so I may not even need to supplement eggshell after all.

Which brand of OJ do you drink? Or do you squeeze yourself? I heard someone said that even squeezing inorganic oranges is healthier than drinking organic OJ.

I can definitely feel my heart pounding harder with all these carbs lol. That's a good thing though. From what I have heard, a strong hard pulse is a healthy pulse.

In the next hour or so I'm gonna plot up and post the same 9 plots I did before, but this time with 3-day rolling averages.


Currently buying Trader Joe's fresh squeezed OJ for $2.75/L. I live in northeast US where oranges aren't that cheap, so this has been the best compromise. I'm paying roughly an extra $1/L when I squeeze at home. However, I offset that price by including homemade fresh squeezed pineapple juice which routinely works out to $2.00/L. Summertime I'll toss in some watermelon juice for variety/flavor/being so cheap. Makes a good vodka drink too. :angelic:


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Here we go ladies and gents... 3 day rolling avg plots. I decided to relax the cutoffs slightly (98.4 instead of 98.6 for temp, 80 instead of 85 for pulse) because for 3-day rolling averages, high values were very rare and 98.4 3 day-average temp and 80 pulse is still quite good IMO. The range for carbs did seem to narrow a bit more as compared to before to around 850-900g 3 day-avg. Protein values were kinda high actually, as much as 200g or even a little more. Fats narrowed down to 40-70g or so. These plots will probably shift around a bit, since as far as 3-day avg's go, I have limited data at the high pulse and temp points and later I will raise the bar to 98.6 and 85, respectively, when there's enough data to do so.

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Jack Corbett

Feb 19, 2019
@Cirion could you post a sample food intake for a day, just to see quantities of different carbs you are eating? also apart from higher body temps and pulse what other benefits do you notice from really smashing the carbs ? keep up the good work and glad to see you make progress


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
@Cirion could you post a sample food intake for a day, just to see quantities of different carbs you are eating? also apart from higher body temps and pulse what other benefits do you notice from really smashing the carbs ? keep up the good work and glad to see you make progress

I am starting to feel more androgenic. More talkative/sociable/laugh easier. Easier time waking up. Less tolerance for BS (more confrontational). More confidence, deeper voice, libido is slowly returning (Last night I felt super horny at around 1 am when I woke hungry and had some beef and a Mexican cola before going back to bed). Energy is better, although admittedly not yet perfect-although I don't expect it to be, as I am still fat with a lot of PUFA to purge etc. I am sure it will take me a few weeks of consistent 98.6F temp and 85 pulse to start to really reap the rewards, but, yes I'm already noticing effects.

My diet is simple and mostly just beef, coconut oil, maple syrup, honey, OJ, gelatin, some dates, Mexican cola, grapes, oranges, potatoes (but probably removing these soon). That's really about it. I am sure I'll be tweaking that a bit more as I go though.

Jack Corbett

Feb 19, 2019
Thats good to hear, what is your current height and weight if you dont mind me asking? also would you be able to post a screenshot of the quantities of the above just for interest? did you get that road bike you posted about in the end?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Thats good to hear, what is your current height and weight if you dont mind me asking? also would you be able to post a screenshot of the quantities of the above just for interest? did you get that road bike you posted about in the end?

I'm a fat*** lol 285 lb at 6'0". Although, I think a lot of it (at least 50 lb) is water bloat (Because I really don't look that heavy, just have somewhat of a gut but nothing else looks fat, my arms and legs look quite muscular still), and a fair amount should hopefully start to come off fairly quickly. So at my huge weight I am actually amazed I'm even able to achieve 98.6F temps and 85 pulse... but as you can see, I have to eat 900+ carbs to accomplish it haha. I think the fatter you are, the more carbs you need. I (probably?) wouldn't need this many carbs if I was say 200 lbs.

This was yesterday ( numbers are slightly different as I had put something in wrong). The flautas were for a work lunch I had to go to. It was actually beef flauta but I couldn't find beef flauta in list and the macros on chicken flauta seemed close enough.


As for the bike I ended up getting a $200 single speed. I recently found out my exercise tolerance is still virtually zero though, I rode it briefly and had a horrible PEM (post exercise malaise) so for now, I won't be using it. I am going to wait until I get temp/pulse stable for at least a couple weeks before I consider exercise again.


Sep 25, 2016
Interesting thread although I would think you would need tons more data points before much conclusion can be drawn. For example if you had a higher fat day, then almost all other variables would change also as your food changes eg C/P ratio. So if this lead to wieght gain how would you know it was the higher fat and not C/P etc?

I would say when you have half a year of data it will be more readable.

Jack Corbett

Feb 19, 2019
Carbs are really where its at, ever come across durianrider on youtube? have you looked into gettting an eggshell calcium supplement yet? cool re the single speed, give the body some time and you will be able for exercise. your health is on an upward curve


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Interesting thread although I would think you would need tons more data points before much conclusion can be drawn. For example if you had a higher fat day, then almost all other variables would change also as your food changes eg C/P ratio. So if this lead to wieght gain how would you know it was the higher fat and not C/P etc?

I would say when you have half a year of data it will be more readable.

Yeh, this is why currently my confidence is at only 90-95% and not 100%. That said, the last time I was very healthy I followed a very similar diet and was in the best health (and shape) of my life also. I remember my personal trainer back then thought I was on steroids. In just 4 weeks I had gone from DB benching 60-65 lb or so DB's to DB benching 85-90 DB's, on an ultra high carb diet. Carbs are super anabolic. I would be still rolling on that train now probably, if I hadn't gotten into a toxic relationship and crushed my health. My confidence in my methods will be 100% once I've started to drop a significant amount of wt (say 20-30 lb) and consistently have high temps, pulses, and continue to feel better and better.

Carbs are really where its at, ever come across durianrider on youtube? have you looked into gettting an eggshell calcium supplement yet? cool re the single speed, give the body some time and you will be able for exercise. your health is on an upward curve

Yeh, funny, durianrider/banana girl were the first two people to make me (start) to reconsider my approach to dieting and nutrition. It wasn't until 2 yr later that I started to play with high carb intakes, ruin my health (from the toxic relationship), and then find my way to Ray Peat who has helped me refine my methods further. I actually was very close already to solutions about a yr or so ago, but then stupidly decided to go on a calorie deficit because I lost faith in my hypothesis about eating lots of carbs ( I wasn't tracking data like I am now, so the confidence wasn't as strong as it is now), but now I'm on track again and not gonna falter this time.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Thats good to hear man, keep the faith in the process and dont be too hard on yourself.

For sure. I have way more confidence now because of my data tracking. I am sure I will learn a few more things along the way, but nothing I can't fix with some course correction. In the past I was suffering what some people would call ****-around-itis (insert colorful F word there lol). which basically means screwing around, constantly failing but with not enough information to determine why and thus continue to fail endlessly and complaining woe is me. I'm done with that. Getting serious now. Getting stuff done. :cool:
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