Dementia At 23?


Aug 12, 2018
Man, 23, becomes youngest adult in UK to be diagnosed with dementia

This is heartbreaking on a number of levels. They scared this young man into executing his bucket list. His mother passed away of the disease at 52. I have read Ray Peat's writings - over, and over, and over again and I am convinced these degenerative diseases are linked to our diet. Namely, PUFA and anything else that causes excess estrogen in our bodies along with elevated stress hormones. Sure, what the young man inherited from his mother may mean that he is more susceptible to this disease but I do not believe it is a FOREGONE conclusion as this article suggests.

Heart disease runs on my mother's side of the family and I had a heart attack at age 44 (a stent was inserted). They told me it was my smoking habit so I quit. I had open-heart surgery with a double bypass at age 51 - the stent had become blocked along with another artery. It occurred to me then it wasn't the smoking.

Should I just start executing my bucket list because of my mother's genes? (rhetorical question no need to answer). Rather than blaming genes, why don't we ask the question - Where did we learn WHAT to eat? (probably from our mothers in most cases). Maybe that (the food choices we make) is what is being passed that is harmful - along possibly with a set of genes that are not encoded as well to fight disease.

I believe I am on the path to reversing my disease and restoring myself to full health through diet. Food is a drug and I have no doubts about that. It can cause great harm and it can heal. If I could contact this young man and expose him to Ray's work, I would do it in a heartbeat. I tried to find him on facebook and was unsuccessful. We have many members here from the UK, can someone figure out how to contact this young man and let him know that just maybe, he does not have to go down the SAME PATH as his mother? If someone could find an e-mail for him, a phone number, or a social media contact and send it to me privately, I will attempt to contact him myself. Thank you kindly - Dan.


Dec 10, 2016
I once induced a mild form of dementia by using too much thyroid.


May 21, 2015
Daily moderate cardio and optimizing brain oxygenation (proper glucose, ATP metabolism, high CO2) I believe can be really helpful in the prevention of some cases. I wouldn't be surprised if the onset of schizophrenia and dementia often correlates with periods of inactivity. Anyway, for me smoking cannabis used to have a stressing effect, sometimes nearing pyschosis which completely disappeared when I added daily cardio. I would then observe a very direct correlation between the periods of activity and inactivity regarding its effect. I don't think it's the solution for all cases (like those defined by extreme hormonal and mineral situations like an excess of inorganic Copper, Iron, Lead or Aluminium) but should at least be tried if you feel mental clarity deteriorating. The Ammonia and Kidney Health perspective should also be considered.


Interesting- my twin sister started to exhibit dementia like symptoms . Her breast implants were leaking and she got an explant and what I am sure was " most " of the floating silicone out . After they were removed, she was a totally different person in a good way. IMO, those breast implants are garbage.


Feb 18, 2018
He looks like a strapping young lad...the first step forward is to develop a destiny-oriented mindset vs the fatalistic one that's been handed down to him. As long as he develops that he should be able to overcome, although it's very hard even with that attitude to wade through the amount of poor information, pseudoscience, and dogma that's out there.

I feel like proper mental clarity is a combination of high energy production and lack of inflammation. High energy but high inflammation probably leads to disease states like psychosis and schizophrenia, while low energy and high inflammation can lead to Alzheimer's and dementia.

Of course, we want high energy and low inflammation, than we become superhuman =)

I've always had bad memory, but I've also used aluminum deodorant ever sense I've been a teenager for armpit sweating. Coincidence? I'm not sure, but the implications of aluminum and brain degeneration are alarming, and I haven't used aluminum deodorant in about a year. I also was a heavy cannabis user in my teen/young adult years, drank heavily in college, and combine that with aluminum from deodorant + a poor metabolic diet, and I'm sure that led to my eventual mental degeneration of being a rather precocious ambitious young kid to a mentally slower, lazy adult. That being said, my working memory, mental clarity, and motivation are much better on days where I get my diet right and I have high energy. I even feel my brain "tingle" on these days, and I can only imagine that healing and growth are happening =P


Feb 13, 2016
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Jul 8, 2018
Scared this man is right; they will scare him into dementia! Voodoo pure and simple.

I see a few here posting on Bruce Lipton....supporting RP's statements. But I wonder if they have truly listened to what Bruce is saying.

He's not saying eat this, take that. He's pointing to the subconscious and how that directs our life and health. That genes don't mean anything, unless you believe they do.

This is about the biology of belief; which is also the title of his important book.

Personal example: I had chronic unremitting excruciating pain for about 5 or 6 years. Drugs didn't help nor did the supplements...Oh, they took a tiny edge off but with that level of pain, nothing helped.

Also let me add here that most everyone in my family has had some kind of surgery for spinal or knee pain. I used to say that we[my family] don't get the things that kill you, just the things that make you hurt like hell. The importance of this statement will become apparent after you watch the entire video.

I wanted to believe it was pressure on my spine. I had 3 ruptured discs over the years, 2 curves in my spine, the spinal cord was flattened in my neck, bone spurs were pressing on it in other areas. I wanted an operation, I wanted to pop something, anything to take it away.

Here was the game changer; I read that all pain is not actually felt, but interpreted in the brain.

So what I did was stop taking everything and used a visulation repeatedly. I envisioned pain as red dots lit up all over my brain. I would say out loud there are no more receptors for the pain signals from my body to lock into. Shrinking the pain map. Then I'd envision those red lights in my brain going out.

I did this repeatedly for months, every time I felt a stab of pain. It worked I do not have central pain anymore, something they told me they had no cure for.

I'm still taking some supplements for other things, but my goal is to need nothing and no special diet.

Anyway here's the vid. If you do get in touch with the young man, maybe you could point him toward Bruce Lipton's work.



Feb 18, 2018
@zewe that reminds me of yogis and sages who are able to maintain prime health despite a less than optimal peaty diet (lots of grains) solely through meditation/spirituality.

I think with enough practice one for sure can influence their physiologiy through their psychology, but it’s pretty difficult, and very tedious. Definitely not for everyone, as most people just don’t have the patience to meditate for months/years to influence automatic processes.

I tried for months, but found I felt much better when I changed my diet vs focusing on breathwork and meditation practices. I think they are for sure useful, but I think for your average person, the biggest bang for your buck comes from modifying diet.


Jul 8, 2018
@Runenight201 This is not about meditation and breath work. It is about your beliefs. Thought projects energy outward, in this case to your cells.

In The Biology of Belief, Dr. Lipton summarizes such leading edge science and explores its implications for our lives. Dr. Lipton shows that human beings can control gene activity and even rewrite their genes by focusing on their beliefs. These beliefs, true or false, positive or negative, creative or destructive, exist not simply in our minds; they are directed downward to the level of the cells of our bodies. He also shows how even our most firmly held beliefs can be changed, which means that we have the power to reshape our lives.

Dr. Lipton believes that this emerging model of cell biology will have as great an effect on our scientific paradigm as the emergence of quantum theory had on physics. The fact that energy impacts cells as profoundly as physical molecules provides a scientific explanation for the efficacy of conventional medicine, alternative therapies, and spiritual healing.

The traditional antagonism between science and spirit and between alternative and conventional medicines is obsolete.


Aug 6, 2015
metal Dental fillings, vaccines and metallic dental braces also contribute to mental destruction.

Obviously the promotion of fish oil doesn't help things either


Jul 8, 2018
@zewe - that is fascinating and thanks for sharing.

Hi Daniel:

You know, I've been on the supplement/food kick for years, like 40 years or more. But, I'm ready to get off that wheel.

Supplements or vitamins that were once good for you, now it's no....too many fillers or whatever. Don't have enough cash currently to replace that one. What will I do without it?!

Food? Don't eat this or that. Eat it cooked eat it raw. Must be organic, sustainability grown. Don't buy from this origin. Will raise undesirable hormones will harm the gut/bioflora/brain.

Loud STOP to my mind!
There are a billion other more pleasurable things I want to do besides obsessing over choices.

Looking out for pesticides, toxins in the food_water....and just when you think you figured it out...BAM something else comes in under the radar.

I can't keep up any more and I won't. Changing my beliefs is free and alot less stressful. I'm a good way there. I understand suble energies, heck I can sense and see them.

I believe that humans are very powerful and that scares the hell out of many who pull the strings in society.

I want to be FREE of all the mind traps.

From now on, I will use affirmations anywhere I see fit. Any food I eat will be for joy and sharing with others.

We can change the frequency of ourselves and things we ingest. Just read, Dr. Masaru Emoto's, "Messages From Water," and you'll understand what I mean:
Spiritual Dowsing & the Blessing Process with Joey Korn | with Celtic Sea Salt and Walter Russell Books

As Dr. Bruce says, I'll fake it till I make it.

First thing to tackle, histamine intolerance....I'm
drinking orange juice right now because I like it. And that, so they say, is a big high histamine food.

I'll let you guys know tomorrow if I wake up with snot pouring out of my nose and eyes swelled shut.


Jul 8, 2018
First thing to tackle, histamine intolerance....I'm
drinking orange juice right now because I like it. And that, so they say, is a big high histamine food.

I'll let you guys know tomorrow if I wake up with snot pouring out of my nose and eyes swelled shut.

Well, I drank about 8 oz of oj and pushed it futher by having 2 Angry Orchards with my son after his work.

This morning, I did not have any histamine response. I felt quite good.

Today, I drank the oj again and picked up bananas [another high histamine food] @ the store and will see how I do with those.

I'm going to see if I can correct my histamine intolerance merely through affirmations,
a positive attitude and maybe EFT[tapping] No Sam-e, no pregnenolone/7-keto dhea [for PTSD], no supplements of any kind.

Im my house if food isn't cooked/baked, and you don't eat fruits and veggies, there's nothing to eat....always lived this way so I won't be making any changes on that.

If any would like to send me loving healing energy, that would be most appreciated.


Jan 23, 2017
What you said, "Here was the game changer; I read that all pain is not actually felt, but interpreted in the brain", reminded me of a therapy I have benefited from called
"P-DTR" (Proprioceptive-Deep Tendon Reflex). Using a lot of tapping with fingers and other methods, the practitioner of it "reprograms" your brain to release it of sensation of pain. Puts a lot of emphasis on neurological system as a system of sensors. More on it here: About P-DTR

Scared this man is right; they will scare him into dementia! Voodoo pure and simple.

I see a few here posting on Bruce Lipton....supporting RP's statements. But I wonder if they have truly listened to what Bruce is saying.

He's not saying eat this, take that. He's pointing to the subconscious and how that directs our life and health. That genes don't mean anything, unless you believe they do.

This is about the biology of belief; which is also the title of his important book.

Personal example: I had chronic unremitting excruciating pain for about 5 or 6 years. Drugs didn't help nor did the supplements...Oh, they took a tiny edge off but with that level of pain, nothing helped.

Also let me add here that most everyone in my family has had some kind of surgery for spinal or knee pain. I used to say that we[my family] don't get the things that kill you, just the things that make you hurt like hell. The importance of this statement will become apparent after you watch the entire video.

I wanted to believe it was pressure on my spine. I had 3 ruptured discs over the years, 2 curves in my spine, the spinal cord was flattened in my neck, bone spurs were pressing on it in other areas. I wanted an operation, I wanted to pop something, anything to take it away.

Here was the game changer; I read that all pain is not actually felt, but interpreted in the brain.

So what I did was stop taking everything and used a visulation repeatedly. I envisioned pain as red dots lit up all over my brain. I would say out loud there are no more receptors for the pain signals from my body to lock into. Shrinking the pain map. Then I'd envision those red lights in my brain going out.

I did this repeatedly for months, every time I felt a stab of pain. It worked I do not have central pain anymore, something they told me they had no cure for.

I'm still taking some supplements for other things, but my goal is to need nothing and no special diet.

Anyway here's the vid. If you do get in touch with the young man, maybe you could point him toward Bruce Lipton's work.


Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Scared this man is right; they will scare him into dementia! Voodoo pure and simple.

I see a few here posting on Bruce Lipton....supporting RP's statements. But I wonder if they have truly listened to what Bruce is saying.

He's not saying eat this, take that. He's pointing to the subconscious and how that directs our life and health. That genes don't mean anything, unless you believe they do.

This is about the biology of belief; which is also the title of his important book.

Personal example: I had chronic unremitting excruciating pain for about 5 or 6 years. Drugs didn't help nor did the supplements...Oh, they took a tiny edge off but with that level of pain, nothing helped.

Also let me add here that most everyone in my family has had some kind of surgery for spinal or knee pain. I used to say that we[my family] don't get the things that kill you, just the things that make you hurt like hell. The importance of this statement will become apparent after you watch the entire video.

I wanted to believe it was pressure on my spine. I had 3 ruptured discs over the years, 2 curves in my spine, the spinal cord was flattened in my neck, bone spurs were pressing on it in other areas. I wanted an operation, I wanted to pop something, anything to take it away.

Here was the game changer; I read that all pain is not actually felt, but interpreted in the brain.

So what I did was stop taking everything and used a visulation repeatedly. I envisioned pain as red dots lit up all over my brain. I would say out loud there are no more receptors for the pain signals from my body to lock into. Shrinking the pain map. Then I'd envision those red lights in my brain going out.

I did this repeatedly for months, every time I felt a stab of pain. It worked I do not have central pain anymore, something they told me they had no cure for.

I'm still taking some supplements for other things, but my goal is to need nothing and no special diet.

Anyway here's the vid. If you do get in touch with the young man, maybe you could point him toward Bruce Lipton's work.

Pain is just a thought. Removing it does not require any of the quantum stuff Lipton talks about. Curing dementia with things that require using mind is really doing it the hard way. What he needs is a dietary intervention, maybe other therapies, but he probably can't pull of visualization.

The Arrow usually fixes chonic depilitaring pain in less than ten minutes, and there are tens of techniques that do the same without months of work.



Jul 8, 2018
Eating: Tomatoes, spinach, bananas, oj, strawberries, alcoholic drinks, beer

NO HISTAMINE REACTIONS. No apparent methylation problems. No supplements, no meditation, no precautions like salt/water.

Next foods to eat: sauerkraut, wine, ?

No discussion from me. You either get this or not. Dr. Lipton does give how to reprogram the subconscious rapidly....if you watch entire video.

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Jul 8, 2018
Talks about healing himself and traveling the globe to find others who did the same. For illnesses other than pain.



Dec 3, 2017
Prescribing dementia to this young man's so called diet and physiology is wild to me. His mother was likely an extreme narcissist with borderline. Some extreme childhood trauma has occurred. Emotionally incestuous relationship with NPD mother + spousification of the young man. I really cannot believe to what extent the chemical imbalance/physiological lens has permeated across multiple fields to the point where people are completely disregarding the psychological issues at hand.


Jul 8, 2018
I really cannot believe to what extent the chemical imbalance/physiological lens has permeated across multiple fields to the point where people are completely disregarding the psychological issues at hand.[/QUOTE]

@Hairfedup the modalities I'm presenting most certainly do not disregard psychological issues....they are at the base of disease.

Dr. Lipton mentions the use of different forms of "energy psychology," for rapid reprogramming of the subconscious. One that he endorses is EFT. I've posted other EFT demos but none quite capture the excitement and how user friendly it is as Dr. Kim D'Eramo's videos. She is an emergency room M.D. and also has her own practice.

This first is a good explaination of how EFT works and what it can do:

In this video, Dr. Kim takes you through a tapping session. Her examples are good for those who feel at first awkward in doing it or with constructing their scripts. Plus, I love her enthusiasm and energy.

Regarding my progress, I'm still eating histamine or histamine releasing foods. Haven't taken any supplements and my pocket book grows exponentially!

Next, I will work on my energy levels, using EFT. Also using coherence exercises, which I will explain/present soon.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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