DC Law Now Allows Secret Vaccinations Of Children


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The law is actually much worse than the title suggests. It allows medical and school staff to "approach" children as young as 11 and manipulate them behind their parents' backs to "consent" to vaccinations the parents oppose. Think about it? Can an 11 year old child truly have the so-called "informed consent" to this (or anything really), or do you think it would basically be bullying by the adults and the child "beaten" into submission and agreeing to whatever the fascists in white-coats demand?!?
The law also requires the insurance companies, schools, and medical staff to conceal from parents that the children have been vaccinated. I guess there would be some sort of secret medical record that only those entities would have access to. So, here is a nightmare scenario. If the parents get asked by medical staff later on if the child is vaccinated they would unwittingly say "no" and then you can imagine what disaster will ensue if repeated vaccinations are made over and over. Worse, the parent would have no knowledge of what has been done and neither does any medical professional who examines the child in the future. However, it does not stop there. The law is written vaguely enough that it allows children to consent to not only vaccinations but other "relevant interventions" as well. What those additional interventions are is very much left up to to schools, doctors, and any other psychopathic scum who bully/torture your child behind your back. When I first saw the law I thought it was a joke and a "conspiracy" theory. It was too much to believe, even for me who gets constantly accused that I am conspiracy minded. Yet, here it is, and it was passed by vote twice by the DC Council. Unless the Mayor vetoes it, I am guessing DC will end up in such a legal (and social) mess that frankly I don't want to be here to witness it. This makes almost any COVID-19 measure pale in comparison. It is not enough for the powers that be to torture and kill in any way they see fit, but now they have destroy our families/children before our very eyes. And here I was, thinking Denmark and Germany had it bad...I would be curious to hear what other pro-authority or pro-vaccine members like @managing and @tara think about this.
As far as I am concerned, the world has truly gone mad!

DC Law Would Give Vaccine Decisions to Kids 11 or Older Without Parents’ Knowledge or Consent • Children's Health Defense
Tell D.C. Mayor: Veto Predatory Law That Lets Children Consent to Vaccines Without Parents Knowing • Children's Health Defense

"...The Council of the District of Columbia City on Tuesday passed the dangerous and predatory bill B23-0171 by a vote of 10 to three. This law will permit children 11 years old and older to consent to vaccines on their own without parental knowledge or consent. The bill also requires insurance companies, vaccine providers and schools to conceal the fact that the child has been vaccinated from the parent. And it sets up these young children to be targets of bullying and coercion to be vaccinated behind their parents backs."

"...There are multiple federal and local laws that will be broken by this new law, including: the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and the Religious Exemption to Vaccination. B23-0171 is also in conflict with Supreme Court precedent affirming parental rights. It puts children’s health and safety at risk not only for serious reactions and possible death, but also puts children at risk of becoming victims of under-documented over vaccination."

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @JudiBlueHen
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Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
It is a Democrat run city. I am not familiar with the addresses and geography, it but will this include the private schools attended by president’s and other politician’s children?

It is a very sick law.


Jan 25, 2014
It is a Democrat run city. I am not familiar with the addresses and geography, it but will this include the private schools attended by president’s and other politician’s children?

It is a very sick law.

Of course. Nothing in the law limits it to public school, or even a school of any sort. Obviously, schools is were children would be targeted the most, but a "medical professional" could approach a child of 11-18 years of age about this at a park, a mall, daycare center, on the street, in any place of business, maybe even by phone, email or social media.

The only thing it states is that if the minor opts for the HPV vaccine, that the minor's school would be notified.


Jun 20, 2015
The law is written vaguely enough that it allows children to consent to not only vaccinations but other "relevant interventions" as well. What those additional interventions are is very much left up to to schools, doctors, and any other psychopathic scum who bully/torture your child behind your back.
This will make especially children in children's home target for medical experiments.


Oct 1, 2019
This is from a while ago, encouraging children to lie and scheme against their parents (this was before any law was passed, it must have been illegal right?):

3 Ways to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent - wikiHow

"Figure out what (if anything) to say to your family. You can say that you're going out, and not specify where. You can also tell a white lie, like saying that you are visiting a friend to study or hang out. You're allowed to tell lies to protect your health and safety, and getting vaccinated is one of those cases.
  • If you plan to say that you were with a friend, contact that friend and their family. Explain that you are actually going to get vaccinated, and ask them to cover for you. You can even decide on a cover story (like "we watched the new romantic comedy" or "we studied for the upcoming history test").
  • If your parents are distrustful, prepare your cover story especially well. Try actually doing your cover story activity on a different day, and even taking a selfie doing that thing with your friend. This way, you'll have "evidence" of doing it, and can answer questions if they quiz you."


Jan 25, 2014
This will make especially children in children's home target for medical experiments.

Oh yeah. Children in children's homes have been targeted for all sorts of crimes. If you look at "The Franklin Coverup," Boys Town apparently played a huge role. Many children from that institution were targeted to be victims of sex trafficking. This law makes it even easier to target children for experimentation, and probably limit liability or criminal charges even further, in regards to criminal charges and liability.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It is a Democrat run city. I am not familiar with the addresses and geography, it but will this include the private schools attended by president’s and other politician’s children?

It is a very sick law.

Yes, it does not cover just state schools. It is a law for ALL children, regardless of school attendance. Now, the law does not require schools/doctors to do this, it simply gives them the legal cover if they choose to do so and I am pretty sure many public schools will choose to do so.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut Will you be leaving DC? Where are some good places to raise a family?

Not leaving just yet, because my children are still young enough to not be "at risk" for this sickening legal assault. I do expect the law to be challenged in court soon as it clearly violates a number of federal statutes. However, if this law still stands by the time they approach 11, if I am still in the area we will probably move across the river to Virginia, WV, or (last choice) Maryland.


Nov 22, 2020
This country (and others) is overrun with demons.They rise to the top like dross.
When the Lord is rejected,he reciprocates.
The people have lost control over governments.They are given an illusion of choice in elections,when nothing of significance changes.
The imperial city is corrupt and perverted,I would leave as soon as possible.


Aug 17, 2016
The world truly has gone mad. And this experiment is going to be pushed until the powers that shouldn't be find the breaking point.

When I was very little I was at parochial Catholic school. The nuns tortured kids, for sure. In their hands, this disgusting law would have had them pull out all their tricks. Lock them in a dark closet, make them hold stacks of bibles in out-stretched arms, paddle in front of the class, etc...
I was fortunate that my parents pulled me out of there and coughed up the money for private school. Dolomite's thought was certainly true when I switched to private school. If a parent complained that their child couldn't smoke, those nuns would say, "Oh, yes of course. No worries." Maybe a Montessori school would be better.
But I would move.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Btw, there has been ZERO coverage about this new law on local TV/radio, as well as all major local media/sites. The only coverage I saw was a brief interview (on a local college TV station) with one of the dissenting council members who voted against it. He said the law had been written years ago, but the DC government waited specifically for COVID-19 lockdowns, because while under a state of emergency they do not have to go through the usual process of solicitation of comments from the public (which of course alert the larger public about the existence of this law), as well as feedback on the law from key stakeholders and community leaders. It seems this has been very, very calculated action and I suspect other states may also use the lockdowns and emergency measures to quietly vote on similar rules/laws without having to go through the usual legal motions/hoops that in normal times serve as checks/balances on such abuses of power.


Jan 25, 2014
It seems this has been very, very calculated action and I suspect other states may also use the lockdowns and emergency measures to quietly vote on similar rules/laws without having to go through the usual legal motions/hoops that in normal times serve as checks/balances on such abuses of power.

Makes a lot of sense. Many of these disastrous laws are passed this way. The Patriot Act was rushed through right after 9/11. Of course, it goes back at least a century. HJR 192 was rushed through congress during the great depression, right after FDR was inaugurated (with less than 40 minutes total debate, and members of congress getting only a few minutes, if any to read the bill). The Federal Reserve Act was pushed through right before Christmas in 1913, when most members of congress had already returned home to their respective states and districts.


Sep 5, 2015
Who exactly is it that thinks up these luicrous laws and then keeps them in a drawer, and then plays the evil waiting game? It seems most humans are good natured, or is there really som rich elite behind things like this? Is it possible and maybe even slightly more likely that laws like these come into existense from good intentions? That the people proposing them genuinely believe it might give a child a chance for better health? That would mean truly believing in vaccines, which I Think many people do. They see parents who deny their children a vaccine as evil, right? I suppose it is connected to the question, that your framed somewhere else haidut: are the people “high up” truly evil or simply a little dumb? I am confused


Jan 25, 2014
It seems most humans are good natured, or is there really som rich elite behind things like this?

This part of Aaron Russo's interview with Alex Jones should answer that question.

I don't know why so many people are dismissive of "Grand Conspiracies," like there is some Maximum Limit on what kind of fraud or crimes are possible.


Oct 1, 2019
are the people “high up” truly evil or simply a little dumb? I am confused

There would be no need for deliberate fraud in vaccine studies, if they really believed in their product. Sometimes it's stupidity, but not when the actions are clearly calculated to deceive and result in immense profits for the ones who are responsible.
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Feb 18, 2016
The law is actually much worse than the title suggests. It allows medical and school staff to "approach" children as young as 11 and manipulate them behind their parents' backs to "consent" to vaccinations the parents oppose. Think about it? Can an 11 year old child truly have the so-called "informed consent" to this (or anything really), or do you think it would basically be bullying by the adults and the child "beaten" into submission and agreeing to whatever the fascists in white-coats demand?!?
The law also requires the insurance companies, schools, and medical staff to conceal from parents that the children have been vaccinated. I guess there would be some sort of secret medical record that only those entities would have access to. So, here is a nightmare scenario. If the parents get asked by medical staff later on if the child is vaccinated they would unwittingly say "no" and then you can imagine what disaster will ensue if repeated vaccinations are made over and over. Worse, the parent would have no knowledge of what has been done and neither does any medical professional who examines the child in the future. However, it does not stop there. The law is written vaguely enough that it allows children to consent to not only vaccinations but other "relevant interventions" as well. What those additional interventions are is very much left up to to schools, doctors, and any other psychopathic scum who bully/torture your child behind your back. When I first saw the law I thought it was a joke and a "conspiracy" theory. It was too much to believe, even for me who gets constantly accused that I am conspiracy minded. Yet, here it is, and it was passed by vote twice by the DC Council. Unless the Mayor vetoes it, I am guessing DC will end up in such a legal (and social) mess that frankly I don't want to be here to witness it. This makes almost any COVID-19 measure pale in comparison. It is not enough for the powers that be to torture and kill in any way they see fit, but now they have destroy our families/children before our very eyes. And here I was, thinking Denmark and Germany had it bad...I would be curious to hear what other pro-authority or pro-vaccine members like @managing and @tara think about this.
As far as I am concerned, the world has truly gone mad!

DC Law Would Give Vaccine Decisions to Kids 11 or Older Without Parents’ Knowledge or Consent • Children's Health Defense
Tell D.C. Mayor: Veto Predatory Law That Lets Children Consent to Vaccines Without Parents Knowing • Children's Health Defense

"...The Council of the District of Columbia City on Tuesday passed the dangerous and predatory bill B23-0171 by a vote of 10 to three. This law will permit children 11 years old and older to consent to vaccines on their own without parental knowledge or consent. The bill also requires insurance companies, vaccine providers and schools to conceal the fact that the child has been vaccinated from the parent. And it sets up these young children to be targets of bullying and coercion to be vaccinated behind their parents backs."

"...There are multiple federal and local laws that will be broken by this new law, including: the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 and the Religious Exemption to Vaccination. B23-0171 is also in conflict with Supreme Court precedent affirming parental rights. It puts children’s health and safety at risk not only for serious reactions and possible death, but also puts children at risk of becoming victims of under-documented over vaccination."

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @JudiBlueHen

Wow, this is insane.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
are the people “high up” truly evil or simply a little dumb? I am confused

I think the people up there are both remarkably evil and remarkably dumb - a VERY dangerous combination, which does have its benefits in a way that they get decimated by their own idiocy almost as often as the "plebs" they invent those laws for. People at middle and lower levels are mostly dumb (due to damaged health) but tend to be with good intentions. However, those lower level people are not the ones making and voting on those laws. Even if we assume the ones at the top had good intentions with that law, why pass it just now? Why not go through the regular motions as with all prior laws and solicit feedback, criticism, etc from the public and community members, experts, etc? The fact that such a law was written in such a way and passed opportunistically during the lockdown to avoid all the regular check and balances speaks of either evil intentions, of that the powers that be think they are superior to everybody else and should be allowed to pass even laws that can subvert the relationship between a parent and a child. I mean, if the law was about something else I would have probably given the powers that be the benefit of the doubt. However, codifying in a law that 11 year olds can be bullied/manipulated and brainwashed to lie to their parents is very hard to excuse as good intentions. Also, why codify in the law that insurance companies, doctors, schools, etc should lie to the parents too if they ask about the vaccinations? After a child is vaccination it is a done deal. What good intentions there could be to create a law that not only usurps the parental relationship but tries to keep all of that secret. That last part, the desperate attempt to keep it secret, should tell you enough just how good their intentions are.
Just my 2c.


Sep 5, 2015
This part of Aaron Russo's interview with Alex Jones should answer that .

I don't know why so many people are dismissive of "Grand Conspiracies," like there is some Maximum Limit on what kind of fraud or crimes are possible.

Thanks for the video :) oh, I most certainly dont dismiss it at all. I fear that it is the truth. Perhaps the denial is still too strong in me. Better to deny the truth of these grand conspiracy theories than have to live with the constant fear of what the repercussions might be of their next move. It easily becomes a life of uncertainty and distrust. I Think we humans have a really strong ability to deny something, that really should have been obvious to us for a long time. A very neat survival mechanism when our ability to act or make a change seems impossible. And we are baffled by ourselves when we finally wake up


Feb 29, 2016
I have known personally but one politician and he was in my estimation both evil and dumb. A man who would do anything to climb the ladder . He was not capable at anything in society so he found the golden ring in Politics.
Next will come consent by minors for sex. It may take years but this is the precurser. That is the way these enemies of life work.
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