Danny Roddy Possibly Censored RP On The Authoritarian Interview ?

Peatish Ninja

Dec 9, 2015
I think uncertainty has been used as an excuse for not addressing the problem. If people were concerned about the uncertainty of the situation, then they would have email Peat or Roddy about the situation and tried to get to the bottom of the issue. Instead they went after me for questioning the interviewers motives. Some said that it didn't matter if he censored Peat, others said it was Roddy's choice regardless if he did. This was already a preconceived answer without answering the original argument.

Yea, maybe it's the other way around:

They want to remain uncertain due to the fear of dispelling their confirmed beliefs about Roddy.


Jan 7, 2016
So wait, you don't think it's a good idea to edit Ray Peat ?

I have an opinion on the matter, but I don't think I have anything to add that hasn't already been said, and I don't think my opinion, however brilliant, will change anyone else's. My point is just that I think both sides of this argument are taking it a little too seriously, which is why I tried to add a little levity.


Oct 10, 2012
When i first started reading this column several years ago, hoping to learn , maybe contribute, participate, fairly quickly a hierarchy was evident...there are a bunch of people who seem to hold credence, no matter what they say and others seem to tug their forelocks a bit to them. It made me slightly hesitant to pipe up for a while. It's also interesting to me how strongly one's personality is evident on a forum ( this is the only forum I have ever been strongly interested in in all my years ) But it becomes more evident that some are more equal than others... jag2594 wonders if there is any censoring in interviews being done, specifically in an eponymous interview of this forum ( all hail ! ) , someone who is apparently anti authoritarian and enquiring and why is it so offensive to people that he would not just blindly accept. Bit fascist , no ? Is it wrong to question motive and politics ? That's why initially I was so excited by this alternate science and viewpoint. Same with the questioning of DSMO in haidut's products. That didn't come across at all to me as attack but as consumer concern and as a consumer of Haidut's products I would like to know that they are able to stand critical examination.

Yes, the only difference was that in the DMSO thread by Farmermark, I didn't see a lot of people questioning his motives or saying that he has something against Haidut. In fact, many of the members were objective. It's funny, on the surface the two threads seem like that have nothing in common but once you look deeper there was a lot of similarities. Farmer mark posted a quote from Ray Peat on DMSO without emailing Haidut first. I posted an email by Ray Peat without emailing Danny Roddy first. Farmermark questioned Haidut on the basis of his products. I questioned Roddy on the basis of his "product".

Have I known how the members would react, I probably would have gone in a different direction. To the point of not posting it at all.

I also think it's possible that people who see this thread will get discourage posting things that seems critical of Roddy or any Peat "follower". Seeing how I was ostracize not only in this thread but in other threads, they may think twice before posting something of the sort. I think this is doing a great disservice to the forum.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Maybe part of the differences in people's reactions had to do with haidut being viewed as an insider here who could and would defend himself where Danny doesn't really 'belong' here so to speak of his own choice so maybe some people felt they should defend him. I don't know, it's just a thought.
I guess in a perfect world all of the people running businesses inspired by Peat would have similar ethics and integrity as Peat. I'm sorry you felt ostracized jag.


Oct 10, 2012
Maybe part of the differences in people's reactions had to do with haidut being viewed as an insider here who could and would defend himself where Danny doesn't really 'belong' here so to speak of his own choice so maybe some people felt they should defend him. I don't know, it's just a thought.
I guess in a perfect world all of the people running businesses inspired by Peat would have similar ethics and integrity as Peat. I'm sorry you felt ostracized jag.

Yes, It's possible that people felt the need to defend Roddy since he was not an "insider". But I am pretty sure Charlie would have allowed him to create an account and respond to the thread. It only takes a few minutes.

The way Haidut responded to Farmermark in the DMSO thread was something that seem to show where Haidut stood on criticism. I can respect that, members didn't fuse over farmermark trying to undercut Haidut or trying to turn the conversation to attack the OP, they were strictly objective in the situation. Ironically, it was probably a financial burden for Haidut because he already invested in buying DMSO. And the fact that some guy posted an email from Ray Peat saying that DMSO isn't ideal showed the character of Haidut. But it was the reverse for Roddy, the lack of objectivity from the members and the straight disregard for Peat from those who said that Roddy doesn't have an obligation to not edit Peat was something that I have never seen before on the forum. What that tells me is that Roddy has perfected the art of marketing and advertising of himself. To the point that members were willing to ignore Peat all together and forget why this forum was create in the first place.

I don't knows Roddy's economic situation but Haidut has explicitly said that he doesn't depend on his supplements for income since he has another job. I see that as being pretty close to Peat's ideals since he has said in an articles that intelligent nonconformist have financed themselves through other means of income. I heard Brad and Jermey say the same thing regarding their documentary.

The journalists' emphasis on the fact that Sidis never held a prestigious job nicely illustrates their cliché mentality: “If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?” But throughout history, intelligent nonconformists have supported themselves as craft-workers or technicians--Socrates as a stone mason, Spinoza as a lens grinder, Blake as an engraver, Einstein as a patent examiner, for example.

Intelligence and metabolism


May 26, 2015
Holy cow.

Some people are really up DR's behind.

While I appreciate the things DR puts out, he has NEVER clearly answered any question I have put to him.

Whereas Ray Peat has answered FOR FREE every question I've ever had.

It even seems that there is a desire to hide Ray's email address so you cannot even contact him personally. Instead you have to go through one of these "Ray Peat Experts".

Who get free info from Ray and then charge for it.

I like the way haidut does it better.

He gives you the info whether you buy his products or not.
Jul 6, 2016
Stop with this drama.

Being's with high and powerful metabolism's don't engage in such behavior.

Instead of wasting your energy and time speaking of Danny, you could be researching or giving helpful advice to others, healing yourself.


Oct 10, 2012
Holy cow.

Some people are really up DR's behind.

While I appreciate the things DR puts out, he has NEVER clearly answered any question I have put to him.

Whereas Ray Peat has answered FOR FREE every question I've ever had.

It even seems that there is a desire to hide Ray's email address so you cannot even contact him personally. Instead you have to go through one of these "Ray Peat Experts".

Who get free info from Ray and then charge for it.

I like the way haidut does it better.

He gives you the info whether you buy his products or not.

Roddy offers unlimited emails monthly on his patron page for 25 dollars a month. That might be a reason why he hasn't really answered questions straight forward. Or it could just be that he doesn't know the answers.

In what way have people tried to hide Ray's email address ? I find this disturbing. I don't think it's fair that some people have access to Peat while others don't.
Last edited:


May 6, 2016
In what way have people tried to hide Ray's email address ? I find this disturbing. I don't think it's fair that some people have access to Peat while others don't.
Peat's address is fairly easily findable with a little wherewithal and no whining. I didn't find it here, I found it somewhere else.

Sounds like at least a couple of you boyz have never been in a situation where you get over 200 emails a day. It's overwhelming and a huge, huge timesuck. Peat could easily get that if his email address were easily findable these days. He may get that much email, anyway. I don't blame him for taking his email address off his website. I know it used to be there because I used it years ago, but lost it a while back. When I went looking for it very recently it wasn't on his website, but it didn't take a whole lot of effort to find it.

Speaking of the fact of email address on Peat's website...why don't one of you brave crusaders for justice actually find Peat's email, and then berate him for taking it off his website? Tell him how unfair it is that some people have instant free access to his knowledge while others have to exert just a little bit of effort to find that easy free access point, and that you prefer spending your time whining about how unfair everything is instead of exerting a little effort to find something yourself, so you'd like him to repost his email so everyone can be spoonfed and spammer can clog his inbox with 1000 emails per day?


May 6, 2016
Wouldn't it be weird that your 400th post, a special post that is, might be on this thread? :)
OMG. You're right! Thank you, jag2594, for starting the cursed thread-that-would-not-die that nonetheless afforded me this special opportunity. And thank *you*, milk lover, for pointing it out! Whodathunkit? :D


Aug 15, 2015
OMG. You're right! Thank you, jag2594, for starting the cursed thread-that-would-not-die that nonetheless afforded me this special opportunity. And thank *you*, milk lover, for pointing it out! Whodathunkit? :D
lol you welcome. Smart move by sliding your username there :)
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