Consume The Same Food With Little To No Change, Could Cause Your Body To Reject It Eventually


May 21, 2016
I know this may sound ridiculous, but there was one time my physician said this to me and I kinda laugh inside.
However, I don't know what is going on...

A few months ago and before knowing Peat, I was eating lots of eggs (sometimes 12 eggs in one day) and I think my body reacted very well, at least I didn't notice any severe reaction.
Now, when I eat one egg my face starts to get some mild dermatitis, wtf? (Unless the hens are being fed with something I am allergic, I don't know... I've tried two different eggs from different persons and got the same reaction though)

I've also read here in the forum someone who was eating CO for a long time (can't find the thread) and now when he/she thinks about CO makes him/her almost gag.

Seriously, is this ever possible to happen? Can our immune system start rejecting repetitive foods?


Mar 29, 2014
I know this may sound ridiculous, but there was one time my physician said this to me and I kinda laugh inside.
It doesn't seem crazy to me. Most foods have a mixture of helpful and unhelpful substances. Chronic exposure to the downsides of the same food everyday for a long time might occasionally bring trouble in the long run. Seems like a good reason to rotate many foods.


May 21, 2016
Well, since I see many people eating the same food every single day, I thought this was not possible to happen.
I don't know if this is trustworthy or not, but
"In fact, it's common to develop a sensitivity to something you eat every day, and often it's to the very items you crave (bread, chocolate, etc). What has happened is that you have not yet reached your 'symptomatic threshold,' but your IgG antibody levels are slowly accumulating every time you expose yourself to the offending food item, until eventually you develop symptoms." from The Root of Health - Food Allergies, Sensitivities & Intolerances

So what this means it that I will not be able to eat eggs anymore without having some reactions? :(


Mar 29, 2014
I don't know much about IgG antibodies, so can't comment on that specifically. But there are lots of stories of people recovery from various things, including food intolerances, after they've got things going in a good direction for a while.
I think we can be vulnerable to a lower threshold for allergies when metabolism in general or blood-sugar levels in particular are low.
Aug 18, 2015
Allergic reaction is basically histamime.... Thyroid takes care of histamine according to peat


Mar 29, 2014
Allergic reaction is basically histamime.... Thyroid takes care of histamine according to peat
I'm sure good thyroid function helps against allergies, but I'm not sure it can eliminate them all once an allergy has developed. Peat avoids some things too because they seem allergic for him, and I gather he's pretty good at keeping his thyroid function in a good place.


Nov 19, 2015
Cairns, Australia
The weather changes :shifty:. There isn't really any good evidence that eating one thing for a long time "suddenly makes you intolerant to it".

You're talking about eggs specifically ..... a food that has a lot of potential for "allergic reactions". Whatever is causing this immune system effect, it's obviously not good, and eggs are obviously a highly offending food -- Current understanding of egg allergy

Only three studies used double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges, the gold standard, to confirm the diagnosis of food allergy [79]. In these three studies of unselected populations, the prevalence of egg allergy ranged from 0.0004% in a cohort of German children aged up to 17 years [7], to 0.6% in nursery school children in Mexico [8], to 1.6% in 3 year old Danish children [9].

Coconut oil is also one of those foods that has great potential for very acute effects, and everything from under-methylation to some acute SIBO (see the endotoxin and fat thread) can cause one to "suddenly become intolerant to one food"

Again, the weather changes -- there are so many factors. Some examples:

- it's summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere now, and obviously the opposite for the South, seasonal light exposure changes your immune status.
- Some extra work related stress may have caused the immune system to malfunction for a little bit.
- Full moon on [20-Jun-2016], and if you don't believe this has an effect, ask the psychiatric care providers :nurse: as to how their patients behave on the Full and New Moons ..... if a force can move the tides, you bet it's having an effect on the human body

Constant monitoring needs to take place. We cannot assume that the context we face today is the same as we did at any point in the past.

Generic energy addition strategies help, but it pays to watch out for personal vulnerabilities during times of increased stress, and specifically guard against those.

Aug 18, 2015
I'm sure good thyroid function helps against allergies, but I'm not sure it can eliminate them all once an allergy has developed. Peat avoids some things too because they seem allergic for him, and I gather he's pretty good at keeping his thyroid function in a good place.

Hypoglycemia and hypothyroidism predispose to histamine release.
- ray peat

An allergy is different the something causing inflammation in your gut


Mar 29, 2014


May 21, 2016
One thing I remember from the past is that I developed darker circles under eyes over time since I started eating more eggs. Well, at that time, I was not really blaming the eggs, because I could not know if they were really the culprit. And, in fact, till today I will not know either.
I had several problems regarding my breathing like shortness of breath, tightness chest, discomfort on my throat... However, I was also drinking 2L up to 4L of OJ. So OJ could also be the culprit.
But, lately, eggs leads immediately to allergic symptoms right after eating them: darker circles under eyes as always, but now some irritation on my skin.

- Some extra work related stress may have caused the immune system to malfunction for a little bit.
I will say that I have been stressed lately and also not sleeping very well. These two factors together may be disrupting my immune system and probably some inflammation in my gut.

- it's summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere now, and obviously the opposite for the South, seasonal light exposure changes your immune status.
- Full moon on [20-Jun-2016], and if you don't believe this has an effect, ask the psychiatric care providers :nurse: as to how their patients behave on the Full and New Moons ..... if a force can move the tides, you bet it's having an effect on the human body
I believe in you :p
Also regarding weather, yeah, this may also be changing my immune status.

Still, it could make some sense regarding IgG antibody levels, Food sensitivity, food allergy or food intolerance? Is it making you sick? :

Food sensitivity and IgG

With food sensitivity, the offending food is ingested and the IgG antibody levels rise slowly and linger around for up to 3 weeks. This is what makes a food sensitivity so hard to diagnose. You first ingest the offending food sensitivity and you are symptom free. This is because you are still far from your symptomatic threshold. In a few days you ingest this same food item and again no symptoms. What you don’t know is that your IgG antibody levels have accumulated with those of your last exposure. Third time is a charm, you ingest the food sensitivity and this time you get “fill in the symptom blank”: migraine, constipation, weight gain, water retention, dermatological outbreak, general fatigue etc. Please note in this example I used 3 days but this is for illustrative purposes and is not literal. It’s confusing. The symptoms don’t appear immediately, it is hard to link exposure to symptoms and you are left non strategically removing and adding foods hoping something will change. This can be a frustrating way to figure things out. Unlike an IgE food allergy were every single exposure is followed by symptoms, IgG food sensitivities depends on frequency and dose of the exposure.

Even here How to Use a Rotation Diet; ,

Rotation diets may help prevent the development of allergies to new foods. Any food, if eaten repetitively, can cause food allergies in allergy-prone individuals or people with “leaky guts.” When my food allergies were first diagnosed, I was not told to rotate my foods. I simply eliminated the foods to which I was allergic. Four years later I had developed allergies to the foods I had used to replace the original problem foods in my diet.
But, of course, it is always so vague. There are innumerous other factors that can influence like the ones you have mentioned for example.
I will be eggs-free some weeks. Then, I really hope I can start tolerate better than I am now.
Last edited:
Aug 18, 2015
One thing I remember from the past is that I developed darker circles under eyes over time since I started eating more eggs. Well, at that time, I was not really blaming the eggs, because I could not know if they were really the culprit. And, in fact, till today I will not know either.
I had several problems regarding my breathing like shortness of breath, tightness chest, discomfort on my throat... However, I was also drinking 2L up to 4L of OJ. So OJ could also be the culprit.
But, lately, eggs leads immediately to allergic symptoms right after eating them: darker circles under eyes as always, but now some irritation on my skin.

I will say that I have been stressed lately and also not sleeping very well. These two factors together may be disrupting my immune system and probably some inflammation in my gut.

I believe in you :p
Also regarding weather, yeah, this may also be changing my immune status.

Still, it could make some sense regarding IgG antibody levels, Food sensitivity, food allergy or food intolerance? Is it making you sick? :

Food sensitivity and IgG

With food sensitivity, the offending food is ingested and the IgG antibody levels rise slowly and linger around for up to 3 weeks. This is what makes a food sensitivity so hard to diagnose. You first ingest the offending food sensitivity and you are symptom free. This is because you are still far from your symptomatic threshold. In a few days you ingest this same food item and again no symptoms. What you don’t know is that your IgG antibody levels have accumulated with those of your last exposure. Third time is a charm, you ingest the food sensitivity and this time you get “fill in the symptom blank”: migraine, constipation, weight gain, water retention, dermatological outbreak, general fatigue etc. Please note in this example I used 3 days but this is for illustrative purposes and is not literal. It’s confusing. The symptoms don’t appear immediately, it is hard to link exposure to symptoms and you are left non strategically removing and adding foods hoping something will change. This can be a frustrating way to figure things out. Unlike an IgE food allergy were every single exposure is followed by symptoms, IgG food sensitivities depends on frequency and dose of the exposure.

Even here How to Use a Rotation Diet; ,

Rotation diets may help prevent the development of allergies to new foods. Any food, if eaten repetitively, can cause food allergies in allergy-prone individuals or people with “leaky guts.” When my food allergies were first diagnosed, I was not told to rotate my foods. I simply eliminated the foods to which I was allergic. Four years later I had developed allergies to the foods I had used to replace the original problem foods in my diet.
But, of course, it is always so vague. There are innumerous other factors that can influence like the ones you have mentioned for example.
I will be eggs-free some weeks. Then, I really hope I can start tolerate better than I am now.

I actually got an igg food anti body test about 6 yrs ago... I was allergic to everything except veggies and meat literally. Sugar, milk, wheat, etc literally everythin appeared.

It was crazy. I think if you avoid hypothyroid and maintain blood sugar like ray said i think you are good... Calcium has been big for me supplementinf to maintain proper blood sugar regulation


Mar 29, 2014
Again, the weather changes -- there are so many factors.
I agree.
- Full moon on [20-Jun-2016], and if you don't believe this has an effect, ask the psychiatric care providers :nurse: as to how their patients behave on the Full and New Moons
Or real estate agents about how their clients behave.


May 21, 2016
I was allergic to everything except veggies and meat literally.
Maybe you should keep with those foods then. The other day you didn't seem quite well :P
Calcium has been big for me supplementinf to maintain proper blood sugar regulation
Hope you are doing better now. Just be careful and, sometimes, don't take things for granted.
the weather changes -- there are so many factors.
This may also explains why some people get really sick when they travel to foreign countries. Food, of course, can affect our immune status, but weather and also environment probably have a bigger impact.
For example, my mum was born in Angola and she didn't have any allergy there back then. When she moved to Europe, she started to have different types of allergy immediately. Till today, she still has most of them.

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
I actually got an igg food anti body test about 6 yrs ago... I was allergic to everything except veggies and meat literally. Sugar, milk, wheat, etc literally everythin appeared.
Supposedly when you're shown to be allergic to almost everything it's because undigested proteins are being dumped into the blood stream. Hypothyroidism is known to cause digestive issues due to low HCL and pancreatic insufficiency. Add increased intestinal permeability into the equation and you have the recipe for a food allergy.


Apr 9, 2015
Supposedly when you're shown to be allergic to almost everything it's because undigested proteins are being dumped into the blood stream. Hypothyroidism is known to cause digestive issues due to low HCL and pancreatic insufficiency. Add increased intestinal permeability into the equation and you have the recipe for a food allergy.

I think I would agree with this. A good digestive enzyme and some apple cider vinegar before meals should help with this? I'm not sue if I'm right but doesn't taurine also help with digestion?


Jun 10, 2016
Lots of people that eats egg daily for decades, without problems.

I think here the quantity may play a role. 12 eggs is a lot. Eating this in short time frame may cause severe hypoglycemia. Matbe your body just learned to refuse this insanity?

Btw, Ive done the same, I began eating raw egg yolks in too large quantities. Even continue eating them when I got severely bad stomach reactions, because I was kind of stupid. After that episode I couldnt see raw egg yolk for years.

But now I eat soft boiled eggs daily, my body is fine with it again. I just dont overdo it, 3 max a day.
Nov 26, 2013
Why would a food give you antibodies in the first place?


May 21, 2016
Supposedly when you're shown to be allergic to almost everything it's because undigested proteins are being dumped into the blood stream. Hypothyroidism is known to cause digestive issues due to low HCL and pancreatic insufficiency. Add increased intestinal permeability into the equation and you have the recipe for a food allergy.
Yeah, I probably suffer from leaky gut. Isn't acne also regarding undigested proteins being dumped into our blood stream? I suffer from acne very easily...
I think I would agree with this. A good digestive enzyme and some apple cider vinegar before meals should help with this? I'm not sue if I'm right but doesn't taurine also help with digestion?
Thank you. I will try ACV. Also, when I was mostly a frutarian, foods like garlic, onions, ACV, I started to see them as poison. Re-eating cooked foods, it seems I don't know how to cook anymore. Now that you've said that, it's interesting, and I will apply that information filling them a little bit from now on to help my digestion (till now, I was cooking only with water and nothing more and eating them that way xD).
Lots of people that eats egg daily for decades, without problems.

I think here the quantity may play a role. 12 eggs is a lot. Eating this in short time frame may cause severe hypoglycemia. Matbe your body just learned to refuse this insanity?

Btw, Ive done the same, I began eating raw egg yolks in too large quantities. Even continue eating them when I got severely bad stomach reactions, because I was kind of stupid. After that episode I couldnt see raw egg yolk for years.

But now I eat soft boiled eggs daily, my body is fine with it again. I just dont overdo it, 3 max a day.
Before eating this large amount, I don't recall having any problems with eggs. However, I was not into health & nutrition and did not listen to my body that time... So maybe, I was having side effects but I simply didn't care. "Perhaps I didn't sleep well."
For years...? Damn, I don't want to wait years to start reintroduce them :( . If I manage to eat them again with symptoms, maybe I will eat the max quantity as you.
Still, I don't know if 12 eggs are too much or not... 4L of OJ or 4L of Milk seems to much for me and there are people who don't have any problems eating that way continuously. As people are saying, there could be another different reason that a simply allergic reaction.
But I will give it a break for now.
Why would a food give you antibodies in the first place?
From what I've read, it made sense to me, imagining that gradually our body starts to rejecting the food (probably one that you are already somehow intolerant) till the day that completely rejects it. Or simply you start not liking it anymore. The 'disgusting' factor, could be also a symptom.
But if you convince and prove me why wouldn't, I would be very happy for sure.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Full moon on [20-Jun-2016], and if you don't believe this has an effect, ask the psychiatric care providers :nurse: as to how their patients behave on the Full and New Moons ..... if a force can move the tides, you bet it's having an effect on the human body

I think I need to write this on a piece of paper and put it on the mirror during full moons! Best thing ever :): If only there was a werwolf emoticon....... @charlie - is that possible? You know, for all Full Moon statuses :)
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