Carnivore/Zerocarb Subreddit Idiocy


Oct 22, 2019
If you've ever tried the carnivore/zerocarb diet and frequented that subreddit, this is just a vent. If you've never been there, this is a warning and a bit of insight into how the mods operate and gate-keep info on that useless subreddit ...

I used to do the carnivore diet until it gave me gastroparesis and insane mood/hormonal instability (among other things). I would visit r/zerocarb and comment on occasion, until it became clear that 1) the diet was harming my health and 2) the subreddit was a deafening echo-chamber that was absolutely useless when it came to people struggling on the diet because the only advice seemed to be "eat more fat," "eat more meat," or "add electrolytes." Now that I've had a little run-in with the mods, it's now clear that not only is that the best advice they can come up with, it's the only advice they *allow.*

An r/zerocarb post popped up in my feed -- it described the trouble someone with fibromyalgia was having "adapting" to zerocarb. I thought I might respond, not to debate the carnivore diet, but just to throw out a tidbit of info that I've found immensely helpful and that I didn't think this poster would be hearing from anyone else in the r/zerocarb bubble. In my comment, I described how I too had had arthritis flare-ups when doing zerocarb, and I suggested that OP look into thiamine deficiency, as not only is thiamine deficiency possibly associated with fibromyalgia, but it can also hinder fat metabolism, which people switching to zerocarb begin to rely on heavily. I had had a great deal of difficulty digesting fat, and noticed that my joint pain would flare up after eating very fatty or cartilage-y cuts -- just an observation. I mentioned he might read some articles Dr. Lonsdale had written on the links between thiamine deficiency and fibromyalgia, fatigue, fat metabolism, etc., and said that I'd found these articles on

My comment was auto-deleted because the account I used didn't have a lot of karma (I don't comment much with it). Still, I thought I'd message the mods bc my account was over a year old, my comment was useful and reasonable, and because I figured nothing I'd written made me come off as some carnivore-bashing troll who just wanted to stir up trouble. How naive of me.

I was basically told to **** off for recommending the work of an "anti-vaxxer." This surprised me, because while being pro/anti vaccine is not a litmus test I use when reading articles on nutrition, I truly had not read anything by Lonsdale that screamed "anti-vaxx" apart from some vague recollection of him briefly suggesting certain adjuvants could deplete thiamine and cause problems. I (wrongly) assumed that the mod must have gone through my profile to find some old comment I'd made about a particular vaccine, but it turns out the truth was even worse: he wasn't telling me to **** off for some old comment I'd made about Gardisil (which I didn't even recommend people not take) -- he'd actually gone to the website I'd mentioned, but instead of reading Dr. Lonsdale's articles about thiamine deficiency and its cascading effects, especially as it may pertain to people with chronic illness and as it may pertain to fat metabolism (which was what I thought OP might find useful), he instead latches on to the fact that, I guess, Lonsdale doesn't like vaccines. Now, I don't care if he's anti-vaxx. I still haven't googled Lonsdale for his opinions on them, because I don't care, and because all I really cared about were his theories about thiamine deficiency and the fact that when I started supplementing with allithiamine, my digestion improved. I was directing OP to info very specific to his issues. My comment was not posted because of my lack of karma, but the mods made it clear that they gatekeep so strictly against specific "alt-health" ideas, that it doesn't matter if his research might be helpful -- all of his work is tarred by being vaccine critical. All of it. (Forget that, of course, zerocarb is itself an alt health subreddit... you'd think they'd be aware of the pitfalls of dogmatically following the mainstream, and immediately averting one's eyes from all of the classically taboo subjects).

I may upload some screenshots of our convo in a bit ... just snide little cretins controlling that sub. Apart from their inability to absorb any info from a source they are arrogant enough to dismiss bc he violates one of their taboos (while being a part of a 'community' that seems to be so proud of how they're bucking convention and mainstream advice and thriving because of it (even though *whispers* they're not all thriving! shhh...), they seem incapable of dealing with anyone in good faith. It was my mistake to take the time to write paragraphs of explanation, only to be told to **** off and have them point to one of their asinine rules that didn't even apply to anything I was saying/doing...

For a group that prides itself on experimentation and challenging mainstream assumptions (or so I thought), they sure are authoritarian... not to mention possibly illiterate. Or perhaps their poor-faith method of dealing with people blinds them so much that they can't see how they're misapplying their own rules and degrading the spirit of the sub.


Mar 2, 2021
Hi Animalcule,
I've been reading this forum for a few days and decided to join now so that I can reply.

The main reason I've been hanging around reading the posts here is because I came across Ray Peat's information probably around 2005 or so. Since that time some of things I first learned have stuck with me, such as the dangers of PUFAs and benefits of coconut oil. Having said that, for the past 3 years I've been on a low carb diet. I have gone back and forth from keto to carnivore to low carb moderate fat.

The keto and low carb diets have done me tremendous good. However, there are times when I feel like I might be better off going back to more carbs.

So if you have any questions, I try to be open minded and civil. I have several questions for those here that advocate a high metabolism. Maybe we can work together to find the answers.



Oct 22, 2019
Hi Animalcule,
I've been reading this forum for a few days and decided to join now so that I can reply.

The main reason I've been hanging around reading the posts here is because I came across Ray Peat's information probably around 2005 or so. Since that time some of things I first learned have stuck with me, such as the dangers of PUFAs and benefits of coconut oil. Having said that, for the past 3 years I've been on a low carb diet. I have gone back and forth from keto to carnivore to low carb moderate fat.

The keto and low carb diets have done me tremendous good. However, there are times when I feel like I might be better off going back to more carbs.

So if you have any questions, I try to be open minded and civil. I have several questions for those here that advocate a high metabolism. Maybe we can work together to find the answers.


Hi Jon,

I don't really have any advice or answer regarding a "high metabolism" diet. I'm just an experimenter trying to find my way towards better health. There are many posters on this site who are far more knowledgable of Peat's principles and advice. I experiment and try to keep what works and discard what doesn't.

If you've found that you feel well doing low carb/keto/carnivore diet, that's great. That was just not my experience. One of my main issues with those types of diets, as you can tell from the above post, comes from the insular nature of those diet "communities," and how difficult it is to find answers to health problems when you're in them, because no one is willing to admit that the diet might be harmful or deficient in some way. Some people do well on keto/carnivore. Some do not. The voices of those who do not do well are ignored, or they're told they did not do the diet "right."

Why is it that you feel you might be better off going back to more carbs?


Mar 2, 2021
Hi Jon,

I don't really have any advice or answer regarding a "high metabolism" diet. I'm just an experimenter trying to find my way towards better health. There are many posters on this site who are far more knowledgable of Peat's principles and advice. I experiment and try to keep what works and discard what doesn't.

If you've found that you feel well doing low carb/keto/carnivore diet, that's great. That was just not my experience. One of my main issues with those types of diets, as you can tell from the above post, comes from the insular nature of those diet "communities," and how difficult it is to find answers to health problems when you're in them, because no one is willing to admit that the diet might be harmful or deficient in some way. Some people do well on keto/carnivore. Some do not. The voices of those who do not do well are ignored, or they're told they did not do the diet "right."

Why is it that you feel you might be better off going back to more carbs?
One of the reasons that I might feel better going back to carbs is just simply that even before I ever went lowcarb I have suffered from anhedonia. This all started about 2009 when I started taking aniracetam.
I've noticed that in my days of the past eating higher carbs, I'm more upbeat. But there are mood swings that come with that too.

Regarding low carb mistakes, I can see how many could bad decisions. If you were to take two twin brothers and put them on a low carb diet and the only difference would be the choice of proteins, their outcomes would be drastically different. If one ate beef and the other mainly chicken breast, the one eating chicken breast would have much higher stress levels. Unless he supplemented with glycine.

There are a lot of nuances involved in finding the right way to eat and I've not quite got there yet. I'm much better off than I was five to seven years ago though.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
If you've ever tried the carnivore/zerocarb diet and frequented that subreddit, this is just a vent. If you've never been there, this is a warning and a bit of insight into how the mods operate and gate-keep info on that useless subreddit ...

I used to do the carnivore diet until it gave me gastroparesis and insane mood/hormonal instability (among other things). I would visit r/zerocarb and comment on occasion, until it became clear that 1) the diet was harming my health and 2) the subreddit was a deafening echo-chamber that was absolutely useless when it came to people struggling on the diet because the only advice seemed to be "eat more fat," "eat more meat," or "add electrolytes." Now that I've had a little run-in with the mods, it's now clear that not only is that the best advice they can come up with, it's the only advice they *allow.*

An r/zerocarb post popped up in my feed -- it described the trouble someone with fibromyalgia was having "adapting" to zerocarb. I thought I might respond, not to debate the carnivore diet, but just to throw out a tidbit of info that I've found immensely helpful and that I didn't think this poster would be hearing from anyone else in the r/zerocarb bubble. In my comment, I described how I too had had arthritis flare-ups when doing zerocarb, and I suggested that OP look into thiamine deficiency, as not only is thiamine deficiency possibly associated with fibromyalgia, but it can also hinder fat metabolism, which people switching to zerocarb begin to rely on heavily. I had had a great deal of difficulty digesting fat, and noticed that my joint pain would flare up after eating very fatty or cartilage-y cuts -- just an observation. I mentioned he might read some articles Dr. Lonsdale had written on the links between thiamine deficiency and fibromyalgia, fatigue, fat metabolism, etc., and said that I'd found these articles on

My comment was auto-deleted because the account I used didn't have a lot of karma (I don't comment much with it). Still, I thought I'd message the mods bc my account was over a year old, my comment was useful and reasonable, and because I figured nothing I'd written made me come off as some carnivore-bashing troll who just wanted to stir up trouble. How naive of me.

I was basically told to **** off for recommending the work of an "anti-vaxxer." This surprised me, because while being pro/anti vaccine is not a litmus test I use when reading articles on nutrition, I truly had not read anything by Lonsdale that screamed "anti-vaxx" apart from some vague recollection of him briefly suggesting certain adjuvants could deplete thiamine and cause problems. I (wrongly) assumed that the mod must have gone through my profile to find some old comment I'd made about a particular vaccine, but it turns out the truth was even worse: he wasn't telling me to **** off for some old comment I'd made about Gardisil (which I didn't even recommend people not take) -- he'd actually gone to the website I'd mentioned, but instead of reading Dr. Lonsdale's articles about thiamine deficiency and its cascading effects, especially as it may pertain to people with chronic illness and as it may pertain to fat metabolism (which was what I thought OP might find useful), he instead latches on to the fact that, I guess, Lonsdale doesn't like vaccines. Now, I don't care if he's anti-vaxx. I still haven't googled Lonsdale for his opinions on them, because I don't care, and because all I really cared about were his theories about thiamine deficiency and the fact that when I started supplementing with allithiamine, my digestion improved. I was directing OP to info very specific to his issues. My comment was not posted because of my lack of karma, but the mods made it clear that they gatekeep so strictly against specific "alt-health" ideas, that it doesn't matter if his research might be helpful -- all of his work is tarred by being vaccine critical. All of it. (Forget that, of course, zerocarb is itself an alt health subreddit... you'd think they'd be aware of the pitfalls of dogmatically following the mainstream, and immediately averting one's eyes from all of the classically taboo subjects).

I may upload some screenshots of our convo in a bit ... just snide little cretins controlling that sub. Apart from their inability to absorb any info from a source they are arrogant enough to dismiss bc he violates one of their taboos (while being a part of a 'community' that seems to be so proud of how they're bucking convention and mainstream advice and thriving because of it (even though *whispers* they're not all thriving! shhh...), they seem incapable of dealing with anyone in good faith. It was my mistake to take the time to write paragraphs of explanation, only to be told to **** off and have them point to one of their asinine rules that didn't even apply to anything I was saying/doing...

For a group that prides itself on experimentation and challenging mainstream assumptions (or so I thought), they sure are authoritarian... not to mention possibly illiterate. Or perhaps their poor-faith method of dealing with people blinds them so much that they can't see how they're misapplying their own rules and degrading the spirit of the sub.
I’m sorry this happened but sadly I’m not surprised. Elliot Overton has mentioned thiamine as just one of the numerous issues some people have on the carnivore diet. I used to frequent a few carnivore groups but I found it quite discouraging how dogmatic the discussion would become. If people are having problems, developing new problems or not seeing benefits I personally think it’s good to point out the numerous possible pitfalls that can occur. If it’s truly about health then an open discussion would be welcomed. All meat certainly doesn’t work for most people after all.


Oct 26, 2020
Just DM the person you wanted to respond to

understand that there’s a bunch of low lives out there, and even lower than them you’ll find moderators of any sort of website on the internet. Imagine what it must feel like to be power tripping over THAT. A fringe subreddit.

so yeah, just leave them alone.


Jun 10, 2020
I had a lot of problems on carnivore too. At first I felt great, but by 8 months in I felt terrible. When I first posted about my successes in that subreddit, I got a ton of likes and positive affirmation, but when I started posting about my problems, I got no responses. Eventually, after a few posts looking for answers about the problems I experienced with carnivore, my post got deleted, my account got monitored (so that any post I made had to be approved by a mod) and I got a message from the main mod saying "please stop trolling the subreddit." There was really nothing I could do -- I had problems on carnivore, they thought I was trolling. Eventually, I had to move on from carnivore because I was just getting worse and worse.


Oct 22, 2019
One of the reasons that I might feel better going back to carbs is just simply that even before I ever went lowcarb I have suffered from anhedonia. This all started about 2009 when I started taking aniracetam.
I've noticed that in my days of the past eating higher carbs, I'm more upbeat. But there are mood swings that come with that too.

Regarding low carb mistakes, I can see how many could bad decisions. If you were to take two twin brothers and put them on a low carb diet and the only difference would be the choice of proteins, their outcomes would be drastically different. If one ate beef and the other mainly chicken breast, the one eating chicken breast would have much higher stress levels. Unless he supplemented with glycine.

There are a lot of nuances involved in finding the right way to eat and I've not quite got there yet. I'm much better off than I was five to seven years ago though.

Hm... I mean all I can say is that I too noticed a huge improvement in my mood anytime I ate carbs while doing keto/carnivore. But when I went off carnivore and onto a higher carb diet full time, it wasn't like my mood remained elevated.

I'm reluctant to give any advice or suggestions because I don't feel like I have any good information for you regarding your diet issues -- my issues are digestive/hormonal/joint pain issues, with a sprinkling of mood issues haha... My only lead currently is this thiamine deficiency theory, which has proved to be helpful for me, but I'm not sure if it's a piece of the puzzle for you. I also don't know anything about aniracetam. There might be other people on this forum with more experience using nootropics who might be able to point you in the right direction if you've suffered ill effects from one. Anhedonia is no joke. I wish I could be of more help.


Oct 22, 2019
I’m sorry this happened but sadly I’m not surprised. Elliot Overton has mentioned thiamine as just one of the numerous issues some people have on the carnivore diet. I used to frequent a few carnivore groups but I found it quite discouraging how dogmatic the discussion would become. If people are having problems, developing new problems or not seeing benefits I personally think it’s good to point out the numerous possible pitfalls that can occur. If it’s truly about health then an open discussion would be welcomed. All meat certainly doesn’t work for most people after all.
I hadn't read/listened to anything by Elliot Overton -- thanks for the lead!

Agree, agree. I always got the sense though that zerocarbers were constantly on the defensive, and acknowledging pitfalls would mean dropping their defensives and exposing the whole 'movement' to its destruction. Not everyone, but many of them came off like this. They can't allow anything in that questions or weakens the narrative, for fear that it will all collapse. From this recent experience, I don't hold out much hope that these bubbles will open up for any genuine discussion of carnivore diet pitfalls. I also think at least one of the mods genuinely believes that carnivore is the perfect human diet. If you truly believe that, then anyone who has problems must be a liar or not doing it right, and anyone who points out possible pitfalls surely has nefarious motivations...


Oct 22, 2019
Just DM the person you wanted to respond to

understand that there’s a bunch of low lives out there, and even lower than them you’ll find moderators of any sort of website on the internet. Imagine what it must feel like to be power tripping over THAT. A fringe subreddit.

so yeah, just leave them alone.

Well, just an update on what happened with the whole back and forth with the mods:

I stopped responding to them after one of them bravely boasted that he wasn't going to be "intimidated" by my "needlessly long messages" and that I wasn't going to stop him from "the important work [he has] to do" for the zerocarb community... It was at this point I seriously wondered whether I'd been talking to children or writing into a void. Who in their right mind would consider a handful of paragraphs explaining and defending someone's position to be a "long message" designed to "intimidate"???

Another couple piped up that they didn't even read anything I wrote because it was clearly "spam." So. These are the people moderating r/zerocarb. One of them considers long messages to be threatening (but don't worry, he's not intimidated!), and others don't even bother to read sincere defenses/explanations because anything that violates their dogma must be trolling.

Yea, it was a waste of time. Lesson learned.


Apr 30, 2015
I always get really surprised when I run into people doing radical diets who foot soldier for big pharma

like wha...?


Oct 22, 2019
I had a lot of problems on carnivore too. At first I felt great, but by 8 months in I felt terrible. When I first posted about my successes in that subreddit, I got a ton of likes and positive affirmation, but when I started posting about my problems, I got no responses. Eventually, after a few posts looking for answers about the problems I experienced with carnivore, my post got deleted, my account got monitored (so that any post I made had to be approved by a mod) and I got a message from the main mod saying "please stop trolling the subreddit." There was really nothing I could do -- I had problems on carnivore, they thought I was trolling. Eventually, I had to move on from carnivore because I was just getting worse and worse.
Everyone upvotes successes on r/zerocarb, but no one knows how to deal with struggles and failure. It doesn't fit their narrative. They've no good explanation for why someone might fail on that diet, just the same tired advice over and over: eat more meat, eat more fat, electrolytes, drop dairy, etc etc...

I've noticed this too -- and very rudely today. Because they cannot fathom that someone who strictly follows carnivore is still having health problems, they *must* assume that you are either lying or trolling. And then they can dismiss you. And all is right in carnivore world, because everyone who does it is doing so well!


Oct 22, 2019
I always get really surprised when I run into people doing radical diets who foot soldier for big pharma

like wha...?
What's the phrase... punching right? That thing people do when they feel they are on the fringe of acceptability: they look to the guy even further on the fringe, so much obviously *less* acceptable to the mainstream, and they beat up on him, denounce him, etc. Like, 'We may be a little bit fringe, but we're not like those totally awful, completely nutso anti-vaxxers!! Get out of here with that junk! See?? We're totally sane and reasonable -- we can recognize the real nutters, just like you!" It's positioning, I think. Possibly even unconscious positioning.


Jun 10, 2020
What's the phrase... punching right? That thing people do when they feel they are on the fringe of acceptability: they look to the guy even further on the fringe, so much obviously *less* acceptable to the mainstream, and they beat up on him, denounce him, etc. Like, 'We may be a little bit fringe, but we're not like those totally awful, completely nutso anti-vaxxers!! Get out of here with that junk! See?? We're totally sane and reasonable -- we can recognize the real nutters, just like you!" It's positioning, I think. Possibly even unconscious positioning.
But then, who can we pick on? People who like Nickelback...


My understanding is that most people will feel fantastic when they eat a carnivore diet because they have lifted a massive intestinal burden by avoiding starch, legumes, vegetables, pasta - whatever. Thus the clear head and amazing energy. But then, after a while, the lack of carbohydrate begins to be a problem, and the stress begins to rise again. It would probably be a good idea, at that point, to start reintroducing things like fruit, maybe even cheese, eggs, etc, while keeping the intestinal burden low.


Feb 12, 2020
All the diet communities are that way. If there’s problems, you’re just not trying hard enough/keep on keeping on


Jan 24, 2021
Oh man, I had a similar problem going zero carb. The stricter I got the more my joint pain would flare up. I started getting what I thought was histamine issues (as suggested by zero carb mods) which I didn't have before when I was low carb and would post asking others if I was the only one out there...All of what I got was try lower histamine (fresher meat) and be more strict. No one else saying they had worse joint pain. And even fasting made it worse for me.

For a while I thought it was a vit c deficiency and I would post (and most posts were allowed) to include vit c high berries in the diet. However, after months, it started going down hill for me again. By the end of my carnivore journey I had become anemic and started supplementing B vitamins and just went ham on the foods I was craving- beets, asparagus and oranges. I'm meat-based with more bioenergetic ideas now, re-introduced dairy and more sweets - inspired by someone who posted in a carnivore tribe on FB about their heart arrhythmia caused by eating carni. Their comment has since been's a bit frustrating to know that the people who are struggling are continuously given the try harder advice when there are other theories out there that may help solve their issues.

Edit: I was just reading the website you linked to-, holy crap! This thiamine def stuff seems like what I was (and still do a bit) experienced at the very end of carni dieting with the anemia. I was constantly complaining of feeling I was not getting enough oxygen and when it's really bad I feel like I'm having a mini heart attack, especially in the mornings. Thanks for posting this, I'm going to read more...
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Oct 22, 2019
Oh man, I had a similar problem going zero carb. The stricter I got the more my joint pain would flare up. I started getting what I thought was histamine issues (as suggested by zero carb mods) which I didn't have before when I was low carb and would post asking others if I was the only one out there...All of what I got was try lower histamine (fresher meat) and be more strict. No one else saying they had worse joint pain. And even fasting made it worse for me.

For a while I thought it was a vit c deficiency and I would post (and most posts were allowed) to include vit c high berries in the diet. However, after months, it started going down hill for me again. By the end of my carnivore journey I had become anemic and started supplementing B vitamins and just went ham on the foods I was craving- beets, asparagus and oranges. I'm meat-based with more bioenergetic ideas now, re-introduced dairy and more sweets - inspired by someone who posted in a carnivore tribe on FB. Their comment has since been's a bit frustrating to know that the people who are struggling are continuously given the try harder advice when there are other theories out there that may help solve their issues.
Yes, I started having histamine issues as wellAlso issues with pork, which I had never had before. I basically became hypersensitive to everything. At one point I was looking into how to get lamb straight after slaughter from a farmer — the grass fed beef I was eating was giving me issues, and I thought maybe it was the hang time post-slaughter that was causing too much histamine build up for me to handle ... it was nuts. But no one can say I didn’t try to make that stupid diet work! :/

There was some woman on this forum who had even worked with PaleoMedicina, followed their protocol, had her health issues worsen, and then Paleomedicina just started ignoring her. It as awful to read about that. Even some of the drs prescribing this diet refuse to help people whose health worsens on the protocol.

I’m glad that you found your way out of that though - unfortunately it probably takes many people longer than it should to move on from it due to the echo chamber.

And it’s fascinating how one can develop anemia on an diet of nothing but meat.


Feb 22, 2017
I'm surprised they're pro-vaxx over there, considering how the 1% who desperately want everyone vaxxed are also planning to take away their meat, I'd have thought that would raise suspicions. They're also generally outside the box (to an extent) thinkers too, as who really goes on an all meat diet expect for someone willing to question things. I do think that over time such a diet can lead to the opposite though, being closed minded.

I used the sub a few times when I was experimenting with ZC and they actually seemed quite helpful, it was rife with confirmation bias upvoting but in all honesty that's what I was there for too. When I had issues I had people trying to help but I guess I was already in the circle so they couldn't just ignore me. I deleted every post I made in the sub once I quit, lest any of my posts encourage anyone to go down that route.
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