Can’t dream!


May 30, 2018
Starting taking colloidal silver or gold often induces improved dream recall for me.
I believe it doesn't last very long though.
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Dec 8, 2020
I thought not dreaming is good. Used to dream a lot and also have nightmares when I was a vegan. Nowadays I enjoy the deep, dreamless sleep I usually get. Noticed I only dream if I eat shitty food before bed or if I go back to sleep in the morning without having a snack, so I suppose dreaming for me is connected to endotoxin (after shitty food) or higher stress hormones (morning dreams).
May 31, 2021
One should separate two kinds of dreams.

Both in my low carb days with high amount of nuts and seeds and in my ketogenic-carnivore days, I have smeared with endless dreams where I am stuck at an endless building where all the rooms are almost same, trying to get out of but I am going nowhere; or again, in a same kind of digitally generated huge rooms, trying to get from a person to another in a copied set of scenarios, always stuck at some level. Or again, trying to clean a clutter impossible to be cleaned since each time with a cleaning attempt it crumbles and create more mess etc. Or, a traumatic or archetypal event always occuring with same persons, sometimes seeming with different people, but eventually morphing into the same, or realized in awake time the different persons are in fact the censored versions of the same ones. After a while in lowering protein with very high fat, I lost even those repetitive dreams to the point of losing all the drive and meaning at all. Those days were the worst, being a complete empty core. And I suspect it is caused by the lowest point of sugar oxidation achieved with the paleomedicina ketogenic diet, since their main aim is not to have any blood sugar spikes nor insulin, nothing at all.

As soon as I found Peat and introduced fruits and calcium, I started to have meaningful dreams where I can interpret both the waking and asleep meaning further. Such dreams give insight. Further, in such dreams, you dream new people, even those you do not yet meet with.

Furthering this, some actions change your dreams. And exactly that type of action is the desirable action because it gives new information. As if the experiment goes into its new phase, it changes the analog state machine, where states are not digitized but frequential-vibrational.

So I would not call first type dreams at all, but anti-dreams. It is caused by a "low-vibrational" type of action and nutrition, usually low etheric energy or high serotonin in gut. If you become actionless, your dreams spoil. This exactly coincides with the spoilage in the guts.

Anti-dream where there is hell-like dream-scapes, never ending, never going anywhere boils down usually to the same place with non-dreaming at all. But something must be different, and I suspect this is the mineral base, infering it from non-existence of dreams in keto-carnivore and existence of repetitive dreams in low carb more irritative, toxic but having more minerals. For instance, in these days, when I have some kind of irritative food or protein before sleep, I still have those repetitive dreams but less helllish.

As for the dream recall, high iron may be problematic, I found that it somehow filters the dream content. You cannot remember the creative free-flow ones, but the ones related your complexes are amplified, both their dreaming frequency, and their recalling frequency. High red meat even in high sugar and calcium, may be problematic.

All in all, try copper, and high mineral in general, maybe cooked vegetable broths. Decrease protein before sleep. You will most probably experience relaxed creative dreaming states with high recalling frequency. Or again, maybe something in your life went wrong and stuck, a little different action may open new possibilities of dreaming.


Jul 27, 2022
it's the pituitary tumor / high cortisol causing that @Barbarossa
high cortisol = lower CRH corticotropin releasing hormone in the hypothalamus

CRH has its own signalling properties for REM sleep.
when you flood cortisol to lower CRH (in the hypothalamus), REM sleep goes down and restorative SWS goes up

one of the mechanisms i'm trying to target , desired effect for me
Mar 10, 2021
hello guys ,

I noticed that I am not dreaming or I can’t remember anything from my dreams!

what could be wrong ? metabolism?

thank you for answering
I didn’t dream for years and years, when I did up through my forties. This year I am dreaming again, maybe because I am out in the sun more, or because I am less stressed, I don’t know for sure why. When I was experimenting with my sleep, gelatin at night gave me dreams.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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