Can I Hack It? So Far, My Health Would Say No


Jun 2, 2017
The main reason for starting this thread is to not derail the magnesium thread and continue the conversation based on Joeyd's comment: "
id be interested to hear what hacks you've discovered that have helped improve your health...

Well, honestly, hardly anything works for me. If I had one single hack, it would be low dose taurine--that helps me sleep and helps with stress.

When I first starting Peating, my temp and pulse went up, I'd say due to the coffee and sugar increase. Then, a month or so later, they started to fluctuate, for about of period of 4 months, then they went down and stayed down for a couple months. They have now risen back up the past 2-3 weeks, which I may be able to attribute to: a reduction of supplements, an increase in salt, maybe some small doses of choline (saturated and unsaturated), and a reduction of sugar (following Haidut’s pro-liver suggestions). Oh, and maybe large vitamin C doses have helped.

It's so hard to pinpoint something as working. And, regardless of my pulse and temp going up, I still feel off to some degree within a day: highly allergic, slow digestion, weakness, light-headedness, and some brain-fog."

I can note this, that with the choline, I did feel very good--the best I've felt in a long time--but, there was something else going on, maybe my homemade solban that amped me up and kept me from sleeping. Though, I don't totally discount the choline, causing sleeplessness--sunflower lecithin has done that to me in the past. I did take salt as Haidut suggested, and it did help to balance things out, but I stopped the choline.

Ultimately, this is my plan of attack: continue large dose of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate), continue with vitamin D3 and K2 5 days a week; limit all other supplements; maintain 5g + salt /day; continue with Haidut’s pro-liver suggestions; incorporate some short-term pro N.O. substances (beet juice), and eventually work the choline/MitoLipin back in.

So, talk about a hack, no doubt this is a totally hacked plan, based on a multitude of reasoning.


Mar 7, 2017

Recently, Danny had on Emma Sgourakis, a nutrition coach who follows Peat's work, and asked her about her #1 piece of advice to new clients. Her answer: more high-quality protein.

" When you consider that 80/90g is the protein requirement for a small, sedentary female, then it's going to take a lot more than that to meet your basic physiological needs if you are active, a bigger build and/or recovering from illness. You may need anywhere from 120 to 150g (or more) to feel good. And forget about ageing gracefully if you're skimping on protein: no supplement or superfood will make up for it. "

But the devil is in the details here. You'll notice that she's referring to "high-quality protein", not just any protein source.

If you take a look at your daily protein intake, you might be shocked. Not to mention how many "protocols" won't work without enough for thought.:darts:


Jul 13, 2014
Hey @Mossy thanks for starting the thread. I'm very interested in hearing your story because I've not found anyone else who seems to have similar reactions with regards to NO.

I think I mentioned in the other thread that my theory is that all things that raise eNOS seem to really help with sleep quality. eNOS from my research seems to be the only one worth raising, iNOS and nNOS sound very inflammatory and dangerous.

Can you go over again what your main issues are, was it constipation? I know you mentioned severe allergies and food sensitivities.

K2mk4 I also find fantastic. Especially in conjunction with magnesium and vit d.

Progesterone I find a life saver for my panic attacks. It also raises eNOS so improves sleep quality considerably.

We've discussed our similar reaction to Aspirin so I can only really take it during the day.

Choline also seems to be extremely important for me. I'm using Sunflower Lecithin at the moment. Mitolipin was just ok, nothing profound.

Do you find coffee makes you go to the loo almost immediately for a no. 2??


Jun 2, 2017

Recently, Danny had on Emma Sgourakis, a nutrition coach who follows Peat's work, and asked her about her #1 piece of advice to new clients. Her answer: more high-quality protein.

" When you consider that 80/90g is the protein requirement for a small, sedentary female, then it's going to take a lot more than that to meet your basic physiological needs if you are active, a bigger build and/or recovering from illness. You may need anywhere from 120 to 150g (or more) to feel good. And forget about ageing gracefully if you're skimping on protein: no supplement or superfood will make up for it. "

But the devil is in the details here. You'll notice that she's referring to "high-quality protein", not just any protein source.

If you take a look at your daily protein intake, you might be shocked. Not to mention how many "protocols" won't work without enough for thought.:darts:
I appreciate and welcome the input.

The protein aspect of Peat is one that resonates well with me--I'm not shy about normally getting 120+ grams a day. Though, I did try deducing it, specifically, by way of eliminating full fat raw milk, to see if that would help with constipation. I tend to think constipation is worse without it.

The area for me that needs more experimentation, and success, is how to move that protein, and all substances, through my system: fiber or no fiber, now that is the question. :think:

I'm now open to a thought that N.O. could be too low, and a contributor to a defunct system, resulting in constipation and infection, in my case. Please note, this is more of a blind (foolish?) attempt at something I haven't tried yet, recognizing that N.O. is something that I've consciously reduced since Peating, and that @Vinero seems to have had an issue with.

For my protein, I eat: raw milk, grass feed beef, liver, smoked oysters, cod, raw cheese, pork rinds, cottage cheese, and eggs. I attempted to add in some brewer's yeast, for the vitamins and minerals, but that tends to add to the constipation issue.


Mar 7, 2017
For my protein, I eat: raw milk, grass feed beef, liver, smoked oysters, cod, raw cheese, pork rinds, cottage cheese, and eggs. I attempted to add in some brewer's yeast, for the vitamins and minerals, but that tends to add to the constipation issue.

Cooked potato juice is probably the most easily digestible + cheapest protein available (10lbs = around 160G protein due to the available keto acids).

It's a pain to make, but really effective.


Jun 2, 2017
Hey @Mossy thanks for starting the thread. I'm very interested in hearing your story because I've not found anyone else who seems to have similar reactions with regards to NO.

I think I mentioned in the other thread that my theory is that all things that raise eNOS seem to really help with sleep quality. eNOS from my research seems to be the only one worth raising, iNOS and nNOS sound very inflammatory and dangerous.

Can you go over again what your main issues are, was it constipation? I know you mentioned severe allergies and food sensitivities.

K2mk4 I also find fantastic. Especially in conjunction with magnesium and vit d.

Progesterone I find a life saver for my panic attacks. It also raises eNOS so improves sleep quality considerably.

We've discussed our similar reaction to Aspirin so I can only really take it during the day.

Choline also seems to be extremely important for me. I'm using Sunflower Lecithin at the moment. Mitolipin was just ok, nothing profound.

Do you find coffee makes you go to the loo almost immediately for a no. 2??
You're welcome Joeyd. I'm opening to contributing where I can--though, I'm very new to all this.

I do remember you mentioning the various types of NO, which is new for me. And, if I remember correctly, eNOS is from taurine--the one supplement that seems to help me consistently.

Its hard to list one main issue, but, yeah, I'd say my main focus right now is constipation. I had the longest drought in my life last week, which I believe was related to dehydration. Any given day, I'm dealing with the following: fatigue, allergic/histamine reaction , constipation, anxiety, brain fog, light-headness, cold feet, low temp, low pulse, and now asthmatic/cough issues. Basically, Peat defined sub-clinical hypothyroidism. In the words of a TCM doctor, "your immune system is at zero". The origin is no mystery--stress--which resulted in mental and physical damage. Prolonged stress, mixed with natural aging, I'd say were the fatal combo. I never used to look my age--after 7 years of health issues, now I feel my age--and I'm not that old now (46), but, eventually, age catches up with everyone. After @Amazoniac 's recent post, I'm convinced if I could get things moving, that could be a key component. And, no doubt, from a Peat perspective, a faulty thyroid is a contributor to that.

I want to like K2mk4, and I do take it, but not without issues. It tends to upset my digestion and to make me irritable and just mess with my hormone balance; these are issues that @sladerunner69 has as well (maybe not the digestive).

I did try a single small dose of topical progesterone once and it was very effective with stress/serotonin symptoms. This is just too funny, but I have to share it--I did attempt to buy progesterone from IdeaLabs, but I bought pregnenolone by mistake! :banghead:...haha! It's no big deal, I'm not against taking pregnenolone, but I was wanting to start progesterone. I have a load of pregnenolone already, but maybe Haidut's is better.

So, you get no reaction from choline, with regard to sleep/insomnia?

Oh, man, I wish coffee made me go to the loo! It used to, like clock work, early on. So, that is why my main focus is on constipation right now--it would seem to be key to get better things.
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Jun 2, 2017
Cooked potato juice is probably the most easily digestible + cheapest protein available (10lbs = around 160G protein due to the available keto acids).

It's a pain to make, but really effective.
I think I remember you mentioning this on another thread. I did try to make this about 6 months ago, but I could never get it to scramble--which would be my preferred method to eat it. Have you ever had success with this?


Jun 2, 2017
K2mk4 I also find fantastic. Especially in conjunction with magnesium and vit d.
I meant to ask you about this. What type of magnesium do you take and do you take it at the same time as the D and K? Also, do you use E and aspirin for thinning, or just aspirin?


Mar 7, 2017
I think I remember you mentioning this on another thread. I did try to make this about 6 months ago, but I could never get it to scramble--which would be my preferred method to eat it. Have you ever had success with this?

I haven't, but I do think I understand how to make the scramble now. after some trial and error.

The key apparently is to cook it on low (3/10) heat until you see the keto acids float to the top in an egg-like substance, then fry that in a pan.

I do the same, but just cook it all for 2hrs and then blend it into a "soup" that I mix with instant coffee + sugar throughout the day (always warmed in the microwave). 10lbs of potatoes makes around 16 ounces of cooked juice (soup).

Personally, I only get magnesium from coffee now.


Jun 2, 2017
10lbs of potatoes makes around 16 ounces of cooked juice
Holy potatoes, that's a 10:1 ratio. Potatoes used to be the cheapest priced food on earth--but, low and behold, they've found a way to mark everything up. A 10lb bag of organic potatoes, which yields 1lb of juice, could get costly. That, mixed with the time-cost, is a definite investment. I'm just thinking out loud, and am not refuting or negating your perspective--it could possibly be the catalyst to good things.

Right now, I couldn't drink enough coffee to get enough magnesium from it. For some reason, I can't tolerate nearly as much as I used to. I know the Peatish answer is a poor liver, which is a point of focus for me as well.


Mar 7, 2017
Holy potatoes, that's a 10:1 ratio. Potatoes used to be the cheapest priced food on earth--but, low and behold, they've found a way to mark everything up. A 10lb bag of organic potatoes, which yields 1lb of juice, could get costly. That, mixed with the time-cost, is a definite investment. I'm just thinking out loud, and am not refuting or negating your perspective--it could possibly be the catalyst to good things.

Right now, I couldn't drink enough coffee to get enough magnesium from it. For some reason, I can't tolerate nearly as much as I used to. I know the Peatish answer is a poor liver, which is a point of focus for me as well.

Personally, I don't buy organic potatoes as they are rarely available for a reasonable price here, so I just go with Russet potatoes which run around $6/10lb bag (equal to around 160G of protein, which is around the price of a gallon of milk).

I actually cook them longer for less liquid, so you could get much more if you prefer a proper soup-stock.

A cheaper approach would be BCAAs, but Impower is the only full-spectrum that I've seen, and they're currently sold out.


Mar 16, 2017
I think Lapodin has been the best thing for regular bowl movement. Now experimenting with oil of oregano sublingual (caution spicy) for clarity (plus it opens up the nose)

I really do believe in the fungus among us...

or as I like to say bacteria, fungus, parasites oh my!
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Sep 13, 2012
Vitamin C. Constipation be gone.


Mar 7, 2017
I think Lapodin has been the best thing for regular bowl movement. Now experimenting with oil of oregano sublingual (caution spicy) for clarity (plus it opens up the nose)

I really do believe in the fungus among us...

or as I like to say bacteria, fungus, parasites oh my!

+1 - probably Idealab's most underrated product.........but very potent!!!


Jun 2, 2017
I think Lapodin has been the best thing for regular bowl movement. Now experimenting with oil of oregano sublingual (caution spicy) for clarity (plus it opens up the nose)

I really do believe in the fungus among us...

or as I like to say bacteria, fungus, parasites oh my!
Hey Obi-wan, I do remember reading that, that Lapodin has helped. I also remember reading that MitoLipin has helped as well--do you have any experience with that supp?

Please post back with any results from oil of oregano. I do have that on hand.


Jun 2, 2017
Vitamin C. Constipation be gone.
Hi Janelle525, your avatar threw me for a second--but it's the same Janelle525 I see.

I am still trying C, but no miracles yet. It does seem to help at times, but nothing that would impress a Turk, like three times a day--once a day, and it's a degree of victory. Even on the days I take 4 grams, I still think it tends towards constipation. I guess logic would say, increase it until it works.


Jun 2, 2017
+1 - probably Idealab's most underrated product.........but very potent!!!
Hey Law, do you have any experience with MitoLipin?


Mar 7, 2017
Hey Law, do you have any experience with MitoLipin?

Yes - I went through 2 bottles (orally) but didn't notice anything significant.

Idealabs Vitamin E is probably a better deal. Just my opinion.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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