Burn Out, Anxiety, Depression


May 16, 2019
It's probably a good idea to monitor liver enzymes if you take it very long term or at high doses, but other than that I don't see it as any "riskier" than using hormones, isolated amino acids, or extreme dietary changes.


Nov 22, 2017
It's probably a good idea to monitor liver enzymes if you take it very long term or at high doses, but other than that I don't see it as any "riskier" than using hormones, isolated amino acids, or extreme dietary changes.

For what it's worth, I recommend low doses of cypro, 0.5-1mg. I'm not sure I'd make the same claim for people takin 4-16mg a day long term.


Jul 8, 2020
I completely disagree, cyproheptadine does not have serious side effects, and can be used long term. I'm just stating my opinion as well.

I had bad reactions from a couple of months of cyproheptadine at 1-2mg daily and felt something like withdrawals when I had to stop taking it because it made me feel so terrible. It is still a drug.


Nov 22, 2017
I had bad reactions from a couple of months of cyproheptadine at 1-2mg daily and felt something like withdrawals when I had to stop taking it because it made me feel so terrible. It is still a drug.

Anything can be a drug. You take enough vitamin b3, it has a drug-like effect.

There is no other substance like cyproheptadine which lowers every marker of stress. I think everybody who's suffering from stress should use it.

If you stop taking it, and you haven't taken steps to improve your life and reduce the stress, it all comes back afterwards. It's not a cure.

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
Thanks for the comments everyone.
This morning was a hard morning for me. Tough putting one foot in front of the other. Fear, being overwhelmed and not being able to cope just dominated my thinking. I had to do lots of deep breathing. I was considering the SSRI route, but I really do not want to do this. Feeling better now, but it is certainly an up and down ride at the moment.
In the mornings I am taking about 2g of Vitamin C, along with vitamin B12, Ashwaganda and Magnesium. I then tend to have green tea once or twice a day with the additional gram of vitamin c here and there.
Does anyone have any opinions on St John's Wort? I have a bottle of this, but am not sure about taking it.
I purchased some cyproheptadine today and will experiment with doses of 4 - 12mg per day initially and as I get myself up out of this, I will taper the dosage down. I have always had histamine issues anyway, so it should be good for me anyway.
Sep 5, 2016
I purchased some cyproheptadine today and will experiment with doses of 4 - 12mg per day initially and as I get myself up out of this, I will taper the dosage down. I have always had histamine issues anyway, so it should be good for me anyway.

Based on my own experiences and many reports on this forum, I'd encourage you to start with no more than 0.5-1 mg of cyproheptadine. Cyproheptadine can help a lot, but for the first few days to a week of use, it can really knock you out, even at very low doses. Give your body time to adjust before experimenting with higher doses.

Wishing you luck and strength...


Nov 22, 2017
Thanks for the comments everyone.
This morning was a hard morning for me. Tough putting one foot in front of the other. Fear, being overwhelmed and not being able to cope just dominated my thinking. I had to do lots of deep breathing. I was considering the SSRI route, but I really do not want to do this. Feeling better now, but it is certainly an up and down ride at the moment.
In the mornings I am taking about 2g of Vitamin C, along with vitamin B12, Ashwaganda and Magnesium. I then tend to have green tea once or twice a day with the additional gram of vitamin c here and there.
Does anyone have any opinions on St John's Wort? I have a bottle of this, but am not sure about taking it.
I purchased some cyproheptadine today and will experiment with doses of 4 - 12mg per day initially and as I get myself up out of this, I will taper the dosage down. I have always had histamine issues anyway, so it should be good for me anyway.

I would avoid St John's Wort. Ashwagandha too. Both have unpredictable effects with respect to serotonin.

Cypro should help, although you probably don't need to use quite as much. It is safe to experiment with though. As @Creative Nature mentioned, prepare to be knocked the f*** out though.


May 16, 2019
For reference, I suggested cypro to an older friend whom I worked for who struggles with severe insomnia concomitant with intractable depression. He tried all kinds of things to try to sleep, including cannabis edibles with very little success. When he tried cypro, it was after a few sleepless nights, so he took double my suggestion of 1mg to start. The 2mg knocked him out about an hour after he took it and had trouble waking up for 7am animal chores. A little sometimes goes a couple long way.


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
I respect your opinion @mrchibbs

The first couple times I tried Cypro I slept for 12 hours and was very loggy when I woke up. And I once used it every day for about a month and it pretty much shut down my salivary glands, resulting in a bunch of cavities. And RP said, somewhere, that it had ??strong, negative, not sure?? side effects, it is in the RP quote thread.

I think this is a great example of how the same substance effects people differently, everyone should know to pay attention when trying something.

FWIW, I enjoy reading your posts, you know a lot and write well. Very glad you are here.


Nov 22, 2017
I respect your opinion @mrchibbs

The first couple times I tried Cypro I slept for 12 hours and was very loggy when I woke up. And I once used it every day for about a month and it pretty much shut down my salivary glands, resulting in a bunch of cavities. And RP said, somewhere, that it had ??strong, negative, not sure?? side effects, it is in the RP quote thread.

I think this is a great example of how the same substance effects people differently, everyone should know to pay attention when trying something.

FWIW, I enjoy reading your posts, you know a lot and write well. Very glad you are here.

Absolutely everybody has individual requirements and physiological state.

I think cypro is an invaluable substance in a state of acute stress, but even Ray recommends very low doses, so he clearly is cautious. But it has a great safety profile overall. Outside of acute stress periods, its probably only sporadically useful, for allergies etc.

Thanks for your kind comments, it is appreciated. :)


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
I would start with checking your temp and pulse 3x a day. Upon waking, 30 minutes after breakfast. 30 minutes after lunch.

This will help your understand yourself metabolically.

Pulse, temp and metabolism: Can you link to where this is explained? Does it come from an RP paper?

I've been lurking on RP for a couple of weeks and can't seem to find some of the basic info to bring me up to speed. Sorry for being so needy!!!!
Last edited:


Aug 7, 2014
Pulse, temp and metabolism: Can you link to where this is explained? Does it come from an RP paper?

I've been lurking on RP for a couple of weeks and can't seem to find some of the basic info to bring me up to speed. Sorry for being so needy!!!!

Don't apologize... we all have been in your position at some point. If you are new then I would highly recommend you take the following course with Rob Turner:

For everyone that is new I would highly highly recommend to take this course. Best money I ever spent.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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