Brains can send Electromagnetic Frequencies to other brains AKA TELEPATHY IS REAL


Jun 22, 2021
According to this study, Brains CAN SEND other brains Electromagnetic frequencies

So anyway, all you woke people already knew this

Remember when I told you people - that you can SENSE when someone is staring at you even when your back is turned to them?

Yea your eyes are connected to your brain, so YOU CAN LOOK AT SOMETHING and send electromagnetic frequencies in that direction, SO YEA

TELEPATHY IS REAL, you can have a mental conversation with someone without saying any words ONLY IF YOU GUYS ARE BOTH LOW STRESS ENOUGH

YEA... YEA I SAID IT... YEA turns out when Ray said he was having a telepathic conversation with a cat, HE WAS RIGHT!

YEA, THINK ABOUT THAT GUYS... THINK ABOUT THAT, the next time you make eye contact with someone


Jan 6, 2019
There are stories of gurus triggering a spiritual awakening in others just by looking at them. Conversely, the folk legends about 'the evil eye' probably have something behind them too. The modern population just has become too unhealthy to express these abilities, hence they are seen as superstitions and myths. The real question is how to learn to tap into these abilities, or if they'll naturally appear once your health and development has hit a certain threshold, like for example Buteyko seemed to think.


Nov 13, 2020
It is real imo but the low stress is better defined as alpha frequency, focus on going into alpha state and it becomes easier, you can train with an eeg monitor.


Mar 18, 2021
There are stories of gurus triggering a spiritual awakening in others just by looking at them. Conversely, the folk legends about 'the evil eye' probably have something behind them too. The modern population just has become too unhealthy to express these abilities, hence they are seen as superstitions and myths. The real question is how to learn to tap into these abilities, or if they'll naturally appear once your health and development has hit a certain threshold, like for example Buteyko seemed to think.
Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi features many accounts of supernatural episodes (visions, levitation, teleportation of objects).
Everything is as real as you can imagine, from the "evil eye" to magic, telepathy, teleportation, levitation, antigravity, free energy and UFO technology. But it has nothing to do with electromagnetism. It is a different kind of energy that has been known to all cultures, all religions and secret societies, throughout the years it has been rediscovered by many researchers and then suppressed, rediscovered again and suppressed again and so on.
Over time it was given different names by different researchers. Franz Mesmer called it Animal Magnetism or Mesmerism, baron Carl von Reichenbach called it Odic Force, Wilhelm Reich called it Orgone, Nikola Tesla called it Radiant Energy, Hieronymus called it Eloptic Energy.
The Chinese call it Chi, the Japanese call it Ki, the Hindus call it Prana. Others called it vital fluid, vital energy, life current, motor force, n-rays, etheric force etc. In the early Soviet Union it was called bio-plasmic or psychotronic energy.
Modern western research calls it Scalar Energy. Modern Russian research calls it Torsion Waves or Torsion Fields which are more appropriate terms.
These fields do not carry energy, they only carry information. But they are capable to interact with other fields such as gravitational and electromagnetic and modify their behavior, or to interact with certain materials and release free and usable energy.
They are waves of leptons, elementary particles such as neutrinos. We are immersed in a sea of neutrinos. Every second trillions of them pass through our bodies. They can pass through anything unnoticed and their speed is at least 100 times faster than light. I think you remember Ray Peat saying in one of the interviews that the soul is a standing wave in the sea of neutrinos.
All biological systems and cells communicate through torsion fields. It is also how the brain and consciousness works, and all biological beings readily respond to torsion fields. These waves cannot be detected with electromagnetism-based meters.
When two electromagnetic waves meet, a torsion field (aka scalar wave) is generated and vice versa. EEG machines can measure the electromagnetic waves of the brain however each brain hemisphere is a torsion field generator and the confluence of the two waves generates the EM field captured by the EEG. All types of energy whether it's radiant heat, electricity, magnetism are all just a different manifestation of the same source.
The Russians are the most advanced in this area of research, it dates back at least 50 years. There are several devices (generators of such fields and meters) that are commercially available and they are used by many western companies to create harmonization devices (similar to the Q-link pendants). The Q-Link pendant for example is a small piece of polymer which they claim is proprietary technology, surrounded by a 150ft copper coil of thin wire which acts as a resonator that amplifies the torsion field emitted by the polymer (it was found long ago by Russian researchers that if you manufacture certain types of polymers while exposed to a torsion field generator, the polymer also becomes a permanent torsion field generator itself; the overall spin polarization of it's atoms electron clouds aligns with the generated torsion field polarization). By the way, the Q-Link pendant does work, and those stickers that you put on smartphones work too. They do reduce some of the harmful effects of EMFs. You will not see any changes on an EMF meter, that's what makes most people think they are a scam. But they work in a completely different way. They emit these torsion fields to which biological systems readily respond and reverse some of the disturbances without actually eliminating the magnetic fields.
The reality is that the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields cannot be shielded. Only to a certain extent. Because every electromagnetic wave carries a damaging torsion or scalar wave as well. It will pass through any material. That's another reason I'm telling people it's best to stay away as much as possible from electronic devices and use them strictly when necessary. It won't make any difference if you're swuitching to a wired internet, mouse and keyboard if you're still spending all day near devices. I made this post too long already without discussing ways to tap into those abilities.


Jul 2, 2022
Not sure whether high metabolism and good health are needed as people close to death in terrible physical condition are usually a lot more likely to experience more than this physical world, sometimes for weeks/days prior to their last breath they hear and see stuff others cannot - dead relatives usually or spirit guides that are there to help them transition to the other side/dimension. Also, fasting /prolonged starvation/ seems to cause such experiences probably due to malnutrition and CNS deterioration.

Seems like those abilities are inherent in us but we lose them once we get in this physical realm and the nervous system acts as a filter of information to keep our senses locked to this place.

Jackson Chung

Jul 30, 2017
Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi features many accounts of supernatural episodes (visions, levitation, teleportation of objects).
Everything is as real as you can imagine, from the "evil eye" to magic, telepathy, teleportation, levitation, antigravity, free energy and UFO technology. But it has nothing to do with electromagnetism. It is a different kind of energy that has been known to all cultures, all religions and secret societies, throughout the years it has been rediscovered by many researchers and then suppressed, rediscovered again and suppressed again and so on.
Over time it was given different names by different researchers. Franz Mesmer called it Animal Magnetism or Mesmerism, baron Carl von Reichenbach called it Odic Force, Wilhelm Reich called it Orgone, Nikola Tesla called it Radiant Energy, Hieronymus called it Eloptic Energy.
The Chinese call it Chi, the Japanese call it Ki, the Hindus call it Prana. Others called it vital fluid, vital energy, life current, motor force, n-rays, etheric force etc. In the early Soviet Union it was called bio-plasmic or psychotronic energy.
Modern western research calls it Scalar Energy. Modern Russian research calls it Torsion Waves or Torsion Fields which are more appropriate terms.
These fields do not carry energy, they only carry information. But they are capable to interact with other fields such as gravitational and electromagnetic and modify their behavior, or to interact with certain materials and release free and usable energy.
They are waves of leptons, elementary particles such as neutrinos. We are immersed in a sea of neutrinos. Every second trillions of them pass through our bodies. They can pass through anything unnoticed and their speed is at least 100 times faster than light. I think you remember Ray Peat saying in one of the interviews that the soul is a standing wave in the sea of neutrinos.
All biological systems and cells communicate through torsion fields. It is also how the brain and consciousness works, and all biological beings readily respond to torsion fields. These waves cannot be detected with electromagnetism-based meters.
When two electromagnetic waves meet, a torsion field (aka scalar wave) is generated and vice versa. EEG machines can measure the electromagnetic waves of the brain however each brain hemisphere is a torsion field generator and the confluence of the two waves generates the EM field captured by the EEG. All types of energy whether it's radiant heat, electricity, magnetism are all just a different manifestation of the same source.
The Russians are the most advanced in this area of research, it dates back at least 50 years. There are several devices (generators of such fields and meters) that are commercially available and they are used by many western companies to create harmonization devices (similar to the Q-link pendants). The Q-Link pendant for example is a small piece of polymer which they claim is proprietary technology, surrounded by a 150ft copper coil of thin wire which acts as a resonator that amplifies the torsion field emitted by the polymer (it was found long ago by Russian researchers that if you manufacture certain types of polymers while exposed to a torsion field generator, the polymer also becomes a permanent torsion field generator itself; the overall spin polarization of it's atoms electron clouds aligns with the generated torsion field polarization). By the way, the Q-Link pendant does work, and those stickers that you put on smartphones work too. They do reduce some of the harmful effects of EMFs. You will not see any changes on an EMF meter, that's what makes most people think they are a scam. But they work in a completely different way. They emit these torsion fields to which biological systems readily respond and reverse some of the disturbances without actually eliminating the magnetic fields.
The reality is that the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields cannot be shielded. Only to a certain extent. Because every electromagnetic wave carries a damaging torsion or scalar wave as well. It will pass through any material. That's another reason I'm telling people it's best to stay away as much as possible from electronic devices and use them strictly when necessary. It won't make any difference if you're swuitching to a wired internet, mouse and keyboard if you're still spending all day near devices. I made this post too long already without discussing ways to tap into those abilities.

Please post more. I grew up in America. But am originally from India. My parents told me stories of the yogis and their god like powers. Being able to survive in the jungle, living for a long time, as it goes my brother was named by a yogi. A man my father did not know knew he had a child and suggested a name.

I read about Orgone energy and how the US Government destroyed this research. They burned Reich’s books and research in public. That research if it got out would destroy the establishment. I always wanted to learn more. But I don’t know where to start. Any websites/books/cited works I can use to start?

I’d love to stay in touch and we can share ideas. As you are an expert on electronics I would say I’m pretty good at chemicals/materials and how to minimize toxins there. I am not saying I know everything. But 12 years of studying these things u learn a lot. And I am always learning. Again not everything is listed on the label. You have to understand how things are processed. My final solution is similar to yours. Eat as naturally as possible.


Feb 29, 2016
Yogananda's book Autobiography of a Yogi features many accounts of supernatural episodes (visions, levitation, teleportation of objects).
Everything is as real as you can imagine, from the "evil eye" to magic, telepathy, teleportation, levitation, antigravity, free energy and UFO technology. But it has nothing to do with electromagnetism. It is a different kind of energy that has been known to all cultures, all religions and secret societies, throughout the years it has been rediscovered by many researchers and then suppressed, rediscovered again and suppressed again and so on.
Over time it was given different names by different researchers. Franz Mesmer called it Animal Magnetism or Mesmerism, baron Carl von Reichenbach called it Odic Force, Wilhelm Reich called it Orgone, Nikola Tesla called it Radiant Energy, Hieronymus called it Eloptic Energy.
The Chinese call it Chi, the Japanese call it Ki, the Hindus call it Prana. Others called it vital fluid, vital energy, life current, motor force, n-rays, etheric force etc. In the early Soviet Union it was called bio-plasmic or psychotronic energy.
Modern western research calls it Scalar Energy. Modern Russian research calls it Torsion Waves or Torsion Fields which are more appropriate terms.
These fields do not carry energy, they only carry information. But they are capable to interact with other fields such as gravitational and electromagnetic and modify their behavior, or to interact with certain materials and release free and usable energy.
They are waves of leptons, elementary particles such as neutrinos. We are immersed in a sea of neutrinos. Every second trillions of them pass through our bodies. They can pass through anything unnoticed and their speed is at least 100 times faster than light. I think you remember Ray Peat saying in one of the interviews that the soul is a standing wave in the sea of neutrinos.
All biological systems and cells communicate through torsion fields. It is also how the brain and consciousness works, and all biological beings readily respond to torsion fields. These waves cannot be detected with electromagnetism-based meters.
When two electromagnetic waves meet, a torsion field (aka scalar wave) is generated and vice versa. EEG machines can measure the electromagnetic waves of the brain however each brain hemisphere is a torsion field generator and the confluence of the two waves generates the EM field captured by the EEG. All types of energy whether it's radiant heat, electricity, magnetism are all just a different manifestation of the same source.
The Russians are the most advanced in this area of research, it dates back at least 50 years. There are several devices (generators of such fields and meters) that are commercially available and they are used by many western companies to create harmonization devices (similar to the Q-link pendants). The Q-Link pendant for example is a small piece of polymer which they claim is proprietary technology, surrounded by a 150ft copper coil of thin wire which acts as a resonator that amplifies the torsion field emitted by the polymer (it was found long ago by Russian researchers that if you manufacture certain types of polymers while exposed to a torsion field generator, the polymer also becomes a permanent torsion field generator itself; the overall spin polarization of it's atoms electron clouds aligns with the generated torsion field polarization). By the way, the Q-Link pendant does work, and those stickers that you put on smartphones work too. They do reduce some of the harmful effects of EMFs. You will not see any changes on an EMF meter, that's what makes most people think they are a scam. But they work in a completely different way. They emit these torsion fields to which biological systems readily respond and reverse some of the disturbances without actually eliminating the magnetic fields.
The reality is that the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields cannot be shielded. Only to a certain extent. Because every electromagnetic wave carries a damaging torsion or scalar wave as well. It will pass through any material. That's another reason I'm telling people it's best to stay away as much as possible from electronic devices and use them strictly when necessary. It won't make any difference if you're swuitching to a wired internet, mouse and keyboard if you're still spending all day near devices. I made this post too long already without discussing ways to tap into those abilities.
I have had a Q link for years. I never knew if it worked but have just recently found it in a drawer and now will use it with a new reality. Thanks,
Is the response of the biological system to the torsion field felt by others as well as the wearer?
We think the best way to fight the EMF problem is to keep your body electric charged as much as possible,
The propaganda and misinformation about life, humanity and nature is more harmful than EMF. It effects our being and our reality.


Dec 15, 2022
Some of this is good energy, but some of this is bad energy. And I mean that at a spiritual or supernatural level not a metabolic one.


Mar 18, 2021
I have had a Q link for years. I never knew if it worked but have just recently found it in a drawer and now will use it with a new reality. Thanks,
Is the response of the biological system to the torsion field felt by others as well as the wearer?
We think the best way to fight the EMF problem is to keep your body electric charged as much as possible,
The propaganda and misinformation about life, humanity and nature is more harmful than EMF. It effects our being and our reality.
The Q-link and several others are in a category of devices that don't require a battery. Their field is amplified by the resonant coil and they usually have a range of up to 2.5 meters (I don't know if Qlink provides this information but I use a similar device made in Russia which has a Lakhovsky resonator and says has this in specifications). So if they are within this distance from you it might be felt by others as well although not as much as wearing one close to the body. You can use them to improve plant growth, to structure water or to make vegetables and fruits taste better. By keeping them above the device within the field for approx. 2 hrs.


Jul 27, 2022
I believe that the Dopaminergic system and specifically Dopamine D2/D3 receptors in combination with Androgen status play some role in these type of phenomenon.

I have a bit of interest in Law of Attraction/Manifestation/Psychic-Science which I feel runs along the same mechanisms as telepathy.

It seems that there is a spectrum of sensitivity which ranges from completely desensitized and cut off, to a higher range of Psychic-sensitive which causes some type of 'Flow' with the 'universe' or with God and opens you up to the ability to straight up manifest damn near anything to happen, and the furthest end of the spectrum is psychosis/schizophrenia which someone would obviously want to avoid to keep from losing touch with reality.

When I combine Semen Retention with Dopamine Detox and D2/D3 agonists like Caffeine specifically, I have noticed a few different things happen..

1. I can use my mind to 'will' someone into calling me or bumping into me in public. Have done this many times over the years..

2. I can manifest physical occurances to happen, like there have been times where I manifested money, and next thing I knew there was random thousands sitting in one of my accounts OR an opportunity for free thousands of dollars falls right into my lap.

There was a time when I manifested the perfect car. That was a crazy story.

I have manifested women who I never had met in person, causing them to cross my path in public...

Point is, I believe telepathy, synchronicity, manifestation and these type of things work through similar or the same pathways.

High Testosterone/DHT strong androgen receptors, Strong D2/D3 receptors and it feels like you control the world around you, you can make anything happen.


Mar 26, 2014
I believe that the Dopaminergic system and specifically Dopamine D2/D3 receptors in combination with Androgen status play some role in these type of phenomenon.

I have a bit of interest in Law of Attraction/Manifestation/Psychic-Science which I feel runs along the same mechanisms as telepathy.

It seems that there is a spectrum of sensitivity which ranges from completely desensitized and cut off, to a higher range of Psychic-sensitive which causes some type of 'Flow' with the 'universe' or with God and opens you up to the ability to straight up manifest damn near anything to happen, and the furthest end of the spectrum is psychosis/schizophrenia which someone would obviously want to avoid to keep from losing touch with reality.

When I combine Semen Retention with Dopamine Detox and D2/D3 agonists like Caffeine specifically, I have noticed a few different things happen..

1. I can use my mind to 'will' someone into calling me or bumping into me in public. Have done this many times over the years..

2. I can manifest physical occurances to happen, like there have been times where I manifested money, and next thing I knew there was random thousands sitting in one of my accounts OR an opportunity for free thousands of dollars falls right into my lap.

There was a time when I manifested the perfect car. That was a crazy story.

I have manifested women who I never had met in person, causing them to cross my path in public...

Point is, I believe telepathy, synchronicity, manifestation and these type of things work through similar or the same pathways.

High Testosterone/DHT strong androgen receptors, Strong D2/D3 receptors and it feels like you control the world around you, you can make anything happen.
Sounds like it is possible to manifest situations? That would be cool. To me, that's cooler than 'money and things'. What do you do?


Jul 27, 2022
Sounds like it is possible to manifest situations? That would be cool. To me, that's cooler than 'money and things'. What do you do?
You can definitely manifest situations. I just happen to like money and things. When you reach the point of being able to bring forth happenings, let's call it 'The Flow State', it's as if anything you focus your thoughts and intentions on becomes reality.

The strongest ways this happens for me are under a few combined circumstances.

1. Practicing Nofap/Semen retention and a mild Dopamine Detox.

2. Upregulating Dopamine receptors with Caffeine. 400mg in pure pill form daily.

3. Train the body, lift weights or do calisthenics to increase androgens. Especially testosterone increasing exercises like overhead press or squats.

4. Drink lots of water and get good sleep. The opposite of these two things will Decrease Dopamine receptors

The point of number one is to sensitize the dopaminergic system and also to build androgen receptors in the brain. Pornography, Social media, excess sugar, Too much TV and things of the like unnaturally spike dopamine and cause receptor downregulation. The biggest deal is to avoid Pornography totally and minimize looking at hot women on screens like Instagram.

Each ejaculation downregulates androgen receptors in the brain and I have noticed that the abilities are vastly more pronounced when the androgen system is optimal. I believe this is because of the fact that the androgen system and Dopaminergic system are connected.

It depends on Testosterone/DHT/Androgen receptors and D2/D3 receptors, but for me, 7-12 days of semen retention and 400mg Caffeine in pill form each day and I reach Flow State. I can start to make things happen. The longer I go, the stronger it gets. I know when I'm getting there because I always start to see number patterns at that point in time. It seems like every time I look at the clock it's 4:44 or 2:22 or 11:11 or something of the same. Idk what these mean, but that's when I know my brain is becoming sensitized.

To activate, I just think and speak out loud, about the happening which I want to occur. Over and over saying what it is I want, or need. And I think about it, hard. Depending on how sensitized my system is, it may happen tomorrow, or in a few days, or next week.
I never think or speak negativity on myself, only things that I want to happen since I now realize the power of the mind and the tongue.

Its best to practice Semen retention the entire time.

I believe thousands of years ago this was how people could connect with God, they had to have high levels of androgens and Dopamine receptors back then. And they were much more spiritually attuned than the average person nowadays.


Apr 6, 2023

Hi, in my experience there is an inverse relationship between the characteristics associated with androgens, and psychic abilities, whether it be in terms of brain, third eye, heart, the moment I manifest sexuality and masculinity such as stoicism, daytime desire, sex dreams, head, third eye, heart are obscured and the abilities that are associated with each are drastically reduced, and often totally.

I think that a person tends to have a higher degree of psychic abilities when he tends to be oneness with other living beings and not to feel in competition with them, (and by drinking and eating raw milk and certain ripe fruits among other things), and that the more he tends to be in competition with others, and to live at the expense of other living beings (such as eating meat) the more those specific points I mentioned above (brain, third eye, heart) are suppressed.

In my experience, there is also an inverse relationship between a very high degree of certain characteristics associated with androgens and the belief in god


Not sure whether high metabolism and good health are needed as people close to death in terrible physical condition are usually a lot more likely to experience more than this physical world, sometimes for weeks/days prior to their last breath they hear and see stuff others cannot - dead relatives usually or spirit guides that are there to help them transition to the other side/dimension. Also, fasting /prolonged starvation/ seems to cause such experiences probably due to malnutrition and CNS deterioration.

Seems like those abilities are inherent in us but we lose them once we get in this physical realm and the nervous system acts as a filter of information to keep our senses locked to this place.

Hi, from my experience good health is not necessary to experience psychic abilities, I experienced some of these abilities at my lowest level of health, when I had organ pains daily, what is required is a fairly high degree of sensitivity, and a low degree of stoicism, a person can be in this state whether he is in good or bad health
Last edited:


Mar 26, 2014
You can definitely manifest situations. I just happen to like money and things. When you reach the point of being able to bring forth happenings, let's call it 'The Flow State', it's as if anything you focus your thoughts and intentions on becomes reality.

The strongest ways this happens for me are under a few combined circumstances.

1. Practicing Nofap/Semen retention and a mild Dopamine Detox.

2. Upregulating Dopamine receptors with Caffeine. 400mg in pure pill form daily.

3. Train the body, lift weights or do calisthenics to increase androgens. Especially testosterone increasing exercises like overhead press or squats.

4. Drink lots of water and get good sleep. The opposite of these two things will Decrease Dopamine receptors

The point of number one is to sensitize the dopaminergic system and also to build androgen receptors in the brain. Pornography, Social media, excess sugar, Too much TV and things of the like unnaturally spike dopamine and cause receptor downregulation. The biggest deal is to avoid Pornography totally and minimize looking at hot women on screens like Instagram.

Each ejaculation downregulates androgen receptors in the brain and I have noticed that the abilities are vastly more pronounced when the androgen system is optimal. I believe this is because of the fact that the androgen system and Dopaminergic system are connected.

It depends on Testosterone/DHT/Androgen receptors and D2/D3 receptors, but for me, 7-12 days of semen retention and 400mg Caffeine in pill form each day and I reach Flow State. I can start to make things happen. The longer I go, the stronger it gets. I know when I'm getting there because I always start to see number patterns at that point in time. It seems like every time I look at the clock it's 4:44 or 2:22 or 11:11 or something of the same. Idk what these mean, but that's when I know my brain is becoming sensitized.

To activate, I just think and speak out loud, about the happening which I want to occur. Over and over saying what it is I want, or need. And I think about it, hard. Depending on how sensitized my system is, it may happen tomorrow, or in a few days, or next week.
I never think or speak negativity on myself, only things that I want to happen since I now realize the power of the mind and the tongue.

Its best to practice Semen retention the entire time.

I believe thousands of years ago this was how people could connect with God, they had to have high levels of androgens and Dopamine receptors back then. And they were much more spiritually attuned than the average person nowadays.

Thanks - the 'money and things' wasn't a dig at you just clarification that they aren't my main focus at the moment!


Jul 27, 2022

Hi, in my experience there is an inverse relationship between the characteristics associated with androgens, and psychic abilities, whether it be in terms of brain, third eye, heart, the moment I manifest sexuality and masculinity such as stoicism, daytime desire, sex dreams, head, third eye, heart are obscured and the abilities that are associated with each are drastically reduced, and often totally.

I think that a person tends to have a higher degree of psychic abilities when he tends to be oneness with other living beings and not to feel in competition with them, (and by drinking and eating raw milk and certain ripe fruits among other things), and that the more he tends to be in competition with others, and to live at the expense of other living beings (such as eating meat) the more those specific points I mentioned above (brain, third eye, heart) are suppressed.

In my experience, there is also an inverse relationship between a very high degree of certain characteristics associated with androgens and the belief in god

I understand where you're coming from and I've heard people say similar things, however I can't agree, but if this works for you then I won't knock it either.

I think it has to do with how you view things. The higher my Testosterone, The more DHT I gain, the closer I am with God and the stronger my beliefs.

When it comes to manifestation and such, for me, it's been narrowed down to dopamine and androgens. Other people may do it in other ways and that's fine also.👌🏾


Sep 10, 2019
Not sure whether high metabolism and good health are needed as people close to death in terrible physical condition are usually a lot more likely to experience more than this physical world, sometimes for weeks/days prior to their last breath they hear and see stuff others cannot - dead relatives usually or spirit guides that are there to help them transition to the other side/dimension. Also, fasting /prolonged starvation/ seems to cause such experiences probably due to malnutrition and CNS deterioration.

Seems like those abilities are inherent in us but we lose them once we get in this physical realm and the nervous system acts as a filter of information to keep our senses locked to this place.
good points. There are many people who have had near-death experiences and obtained (or awakened) a sort of sixth sense afterwards.

A lot of desperate and bored people have accidentally offed themselves trying to simulate a NDE using drugs and/or asphyxiation just to obtain that. Don’t try it!


Mar 18, 2021
good points. There are many people who have had near-death experiences and obtained (or awakened) a sort of sixth sense afterwards.

A lot of desperate and bored people have accidentally offed themselves trying to simulate a NDE using drugs and/or asphyxiation just to obtain that. Don’t try it!
That's true and actually well documented. A majority of people with such abilities gained them after some kind of trauma or shock.

You can get them through meditation practice as well but you shouldn't do it with this purpose in your mind because it won't work. Just meditate regularly and these abilities will come naturally but randomly and rarely at your will.

Another way that facilitates this is to meditate or just spend hours daily grounded barefoot in nature and sunlight to get in tune with the Schumann resonances. Theta brainwaves (4-8 Hz) are most commonly associated with telepathic abilities. Michael Persinger did a lot of research on this and he showed consistency between the frequency in the right hemisphere of the brain and the Schumann resonance in his subjects when they were the most accurate in their readings.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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