Boosting Androgens Naturally


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Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
The absolute best natural product (well, pseudo-natural product, it has Arimistane) I have used to increase Androgens is Thor's Hammer by Todd Lee M.D.
He is a bodybuilder, but also a medical doctor and biochemist.
He created a line of products for himself to help him compete, but then started offering it to the public.

Thor's Hammer is a natural test booster.
It has two separate supplements.
One is Vitamin D and Sodium D-Aspartic Acid for boosting testosterone.
The other is pretty much aromatase inhibitors and antioxidants and improves blood flow, so Viagra like effects while minimizing cortisol and estrogen.

Since it is for bodybuilding it is supposed to improve your "pump" in the gym and there are other ingredients in there that "turn on" the androgen receptors, so that you actually use all your increased testosterone from the sodium DAA.

I took it for 6 months straight and it gave me androgen-like aggression and concrete boners like never before.
My plan is high calories, Upper/Lower every other day so 1 day on/1day off, zinc, magnesium and vitamin e along with creatine.
I can't wait to see your result!!!
Thanks man I appreciate your support! I’m here to learn and grow.


Jun 22, 2018
Where do you buy this?

His website is, it runs $40 for a month supply.
He has another website on training and science,, where he has articles on training and science.
He also includes all sources backing his scientific formulations on each product page at the bottom.


Feb 18, 2018
His website is, it runs $40 for a month supply.
He has another website on training and science,, where he has articles on training and science.
He also includes all sources backing his scientific formulations on each product page at the bottom.
Found the website .. does it actually work for erections?


Jun 22, 2018
My plan is high calories, Upper/Lower every other day so 1 day on/1day off, zinc, magnesium and vitamin e along with creatine.

I am not saying you are wrong, but mind explaining the rationale for that approach?
I am not understanding how being well-fed and hydrated directly increases androgens.
I do understand that zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E will regulate cortisol and E, and boost natural production of DHEA.

I suppose if it works for you, then go for it.
Those have never been strong enough for me, but I may have worse problems than you, you know? Hard to say for sure.
Plus, the more I experiment, the less I tend to use anything "wet" or aromatisable as it always tends to get sloppy and feminine.
It's just too hard for me to control, even with aromatase inhibitors, etc.

Shouldn't really matter what you use as long as it works for you.
The general strategy seems the same: boost natural production, regulate cortisol, keep E low.
Maybe add in some Nettle Root? Or something for estrogen metabolism/detox?
The problem isn't always low androgens, it could be it's just not being used properly, or maybe your estrogen isn't being metabolism and excreted properly.

IDK for sure, but the one thing I think is often overlooked is the usage.
Many people boost levels and the blood work reflects this, but I think that that may be a slight error.
You want most of it absorbed/stored in the muscles, brain, and organs, not floating around in the blood.

So while blood work is valuable, I would give more weight to the physiological/mental effects you get, and the changes in your body/behavior.


Jun 22, 2018
Found the website .. does it actually work for erections?

I can't say if it will or won't for you.
But I can say that I have tried many things that worked for me.

However, I have never been able to use just a single product and get concrete boners daily.
And I don't mean here and there.
I mean I am getting Viagra like effects where I get hard just looking at sexy women.
And when I look at a man I would instantly go down.

Oh and it wasn't here and there - my libido was insanely high non-stop.
I could have sex 3 times a day and still have energy.
You won't see me falling asleep afterwards on Thor's Hammer, no way.
Round 2 and 3 and 4, and then 4+ hours later I am kicking them out!
Sorry baby, but I have to get some work done now lol.
I set a personal record with one chic - gave her 10-12 orgasms in 4 hours, I mean just rock hard and nonstop baby.
She couldn't remember where she was at the end lol.
She left some valuables over and said, "oh my, you really frazzled my brain last night." LOL
Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
I am not saying you are wrong, but mind explaining the rationale for that approach?
I am not understanding how being well-fed and hydrated directly increases androgens.
I do understand that zinc, magnesium, and vitamin E will regulate cortisol and E, and boost natural production of DHEA.

I suppose if it works for you, then go for it.
Those have never been strong enough for me, but I may have worse problems than you, you know? Hard to say for sure.
Plus, the more I experiment, the less I tend to use anything "wet" or aromatisable as it always tends to get sloppy and feminine.
It's just too hard for me to control, even with aromatase inhibitors, etc.

Shouldn't really matter what you use as long as it works for you.
The general strategy seems the same: boost natural production, regulate cortisol, keep E low.
Maybe add in some Nettle Root? Or something for estrogen metabolism/detox?
The problem isn't always low androgens, it could be it's just not being used properly, or maybe your estrogen isn't being metabolism and excreted properly.

IDK for sure, but the one thing I think is often overlooked is the usage.
Many people boost levels and the blood work reflects this, but I think that that may be a slight error.
You want most of it absorbed/stored in the muscles, brain, and organs, not floating around in the blood.

So while blood work is valuable, I would give more weight to the physiological/mental effects you get, and the changes in your body/behavior.
I have been under feeding for a while so I’m just experimenting with all these things to see if blood levels go up. I also figure the more in the blood the more the target tissues will receive. That said the past week or so I’ve been eating 3,000-4,000 calories a day and I feel better and even though I gained about 2-3 pounds my body has reacted well as I feel stronger in the gym and muscles are much fuller. To be honest if I get my bloods done and they are higher I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint ONE thing that has helped but I sure as hell will continue with the approach that produced those results and share it with you guys so you can try it and maybe experience the same.



Feb 18, 2018
I can't say if it will or won't for you.
But I can say that I have tried many things that worked for me.

However, I have never been able to use just a single product and get concrete boners daily.
And I don't mean here and there.
I mean I am getting Viagra like effects where I get hard just looking at sexy women.
And when I look at a man I would instantly go down.

Oh and it wasn't here and there - my libido was insanely high non-stop.
I could have sex 3 times a day and still have energy.
You won't see me falling asleep afterwards on Thor's Hammer, no way.
Round 2 and 3 and 4, and then 4+ hours later I am kicking them out!
Sorry baby, but I have to get some work done now lol.
I set a personal record with one chic - gave her 10-12 orgasms in 4 hours, I mean just rock hard and nonstop baby.
She couldn't remember where she was at the end lol.
She left some valuables over and said, "oh my, you really frazzled my brain last night." LOL
Lol sound good .. I might have to buy it some time to see if it works for me.
Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
I can't say if it will or won't for you.
But I can say that I have tried many things that worked for me.

However, I have never been able to use just a single product and get concrete boners daily.
And I don't mean here and there.
I mean I am getting Viagra like effects where I get hard just looking at sexy women.
And when I look at a man I would instantly go down.

Oh and it wasn't here and there - my libido was insanely high non-stop.
I could have sex 3 times a day and still have energy.
You won't see me falling asleep afterwards on Thor's Hammer, no way.
Round 2 and 3 and 4, and then 4+ hours later I am kicking them out!
Sorry baby, but I have to get some work done now lol.
I set a personal record with one chic - gave her 10-12 orgasms in 4 hours, I mean just rock hard and nonstop baby.
She couldn't remember where she was at the end lol.
She left some valuables over and said, "oh my, you really frazzled my brain last night." LOL
You’re a rockstar dude! You know what they say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
  • *Increase Growth Hormone Production
  • *Amplify the NO production of Fenris’ Fury Making your pumps synergistically better

I'd be wary of that Thor's hammer product.

Neither of these are good things and are stress hormones.

Growth hormone: Hormone of Stress, Aging, and Death?
The Nitric Oxide (NO) Theory Of Aging

Increased erections =/= increased health.

Nitric oxide does indeed cause improved erections but due to blood flow and not because of libido. That's actually one of the main drivers for Viagra.


Jul 14, 2018
Have to used TT yet?
I have not used the right extract yet. Used a cheap one couple years ago I think there's a lot of positive research in the right extracts of saponins in there dhea s effect and further downtream metabolites so excited for this thread to figure the best pure powder tt I'll order bad monkey or lost emire herb this week to try just tested my testosterone preg and dht this week and got my labs back


Jul 14, 2018
I can't say if it will or won't for you.
But I can say that I have tried many things that worked for me.

However, I have never been able to use just a single product and get concrete boners daily.
And I don't mean here and there.
I mean I am getting Viagra like effects where I get hard just looking at sexy women.
And when I look at a man I would instantly go down.

Oh and it wasn't here and there - my libido was insanely high non-stop.
I could have sex 3 times a day and still have energy.
You won't see me falling asleep afterwards on Thor's Hammer, no way.
Round 2 and 3 and 4, and then 4+ hours later I am kicking them out!
Sorry baby, but I have to get some work done now lol.
I set a personal record with one chic - gave her 10-12 orgasms in 4 hours, I mean just rock hard and nonstop baby.
She couldn't remember where she was at the end lol.
She left some valuables over and said, "oh my, you really frazzled my brain last night." LOL
Did Todd Lee hire you as a sales guy? Haha totally kidding he's a very smart guy and I appreciate his biochemistry approach to bodybuilding the guy is very knowledgeable on hormone replacement and performance haven't seen much since his new channel didn't know anyone else knew of him
Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
I have not used the right extract yet. Used a cheap one couple years ago I think there's a lot of positive research in the right extracts of saponins in there dhea s effect and further downtream metabolites so excited for this thread to figure the best pure powder tt I'll order bad monkey or lost emire herb this week to try just tested my testosterone preg and dht this week and got my labs back
Have you seen any improvement?!


Jul 14, 2018
Have you seen any improvement?!
Nope! Test still at 700 dht at 420 I took the test around noon cause I was busy so they may be higher then that but my body is using androgens better strength in muscle has imporved and morning erections. Used to never get those
Oh my preg did go from 30 to 50 so that's better more cholesterol in my diet my muscle use androgens well most people accuse me of taking steroids
Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
Nope! Test still at 700 dht at 420 I took the test around noon cause I was busy so they may be higher then that but my body is using androgens better strength in muscle has imporved and morning erections. Used to never get those
Oh my preg did go from 30 to 50 so that's better more cholesterol in my diet my muscle use androgens well most people accuse me of taking steroids
Well your DHT went up 20ng too if I remember you told me 40 or 400 that’s good man. Small improvement doesn’t mean no improvement. I’ll PM you my DHT if it improves
Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
Nope! Test still at 700 dht at 420 I took the test around noon cause I was busy so they may be higher then that but my body is using androgens better strength in muscle has imporved and morning erections. Used to never get those
Oh my preg did go from 30 to 50 so that's better more cholesterol in my diet my muscle use androgens well most people accuse me of taking steroids
Maybe the boost in preg helped DHT a tad and morning wood


Jul 14, 2018
High blood levels certainly are not the end all be all it's how androgens are utilized. But it is fun to try and get those numbers high and see how strength energy increase and androgenic one can get
Alex Jaramillo
Nov 18, 2018
High blood levels certainly are not the end all be all it's how androgens are utilized. But it is fun to try and get those numbers high and see how strength energy increase and androgenic one can get
I tried sorghum flour a while back and I think all the claims of it boosting DHT are true because I always noticed a boost in mood and confidence when I would consume it as well as other fun things below the belt.


Nov 29, 2017
I tried sorghum flour a while back and I think all the claims of it boosting DHT are true because I always noticed a boost in mood and confidence when I would consume it as well as other fun things below the belt.

great suggestion @Alex Jaramillo

Why did you stop? Are you considering taking it again?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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