Best Training Routine On A Peatarian Diet For Muscle Gain And Fat Loss


Aug 7, 2014
I would like to get everyone's thoughts on the best styles of training that people have experienced to cause muscle gain and fat loss without damaging the metabolism.

Right now I'm doing 3 lifts a week, 1 hour a session, 20 sets a workout, 2 - 2.5 minutes rest between sets, 1 lower and 2 upper body workouts a week. In 2 months I've lost 5% body fat and gained around 9lbs of muscle.

Anyone have any thoughts?
Nov 11, 2014
Put more effort into the concentric part of the lift than the eccentric part of the lift. Keep the number of reps 8-12. Do not goto failure; you should tax yourself yet still feel as though you could lift 2-3 more reps. Do not get out of breath otherwise you'll start to produce lactate (via anaerobic pathways).

Generally, I've found that a moderate volume, moderate intensity and high frequency type of training best suited to Peating. For me it's a full body workout three times a week. Google 'hypertrophy specific training' for a general overview of the program.


Aug 7, 2014
If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been Peating? This lifting protocol? What type of results have you seen?

Thanks for your response!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Nov 11, 2014
I've had great results from all sorts of lifting protocols so I can't say anything specific about any one in particular -- as long as I'm progressively increasing the weight and allowing enough time to recover, I gain muscle.


Jul 29, 2014
At the beginning of the year Matt Stone sent out an email for his newsletter (or maybe wasn't a newsletter? whatever) recommending a book called The Hardgainer Solution by Scott Abel. It was 99c on amazon when it launched so I happily bought it. Not sure what the price is now. Anyway, he pretty boldly claims in the beginning of the book to have "solved" the hardgainer problem which immediately forced me to fight the temptation to roll my eyes, but I have to say, having read through the book, I think he could be on to something.

I'm 26 now, since about 21 years old I've been getting to the gym on-and-off without managing to get into a good regular routine - life kept getting in the way, as it does. In the 6 months or so periods where I would stay consistent, I never really managed to make any astounding progress or growth, but this was pre-Peat and I realise now I was nowhere within the realms of getting enough calories or protein. Compounding that though, I was killing myself following a split program, doing 2 hour sessions for thighs, 2 hour sessions next day for back, 2 hour sessions next day for chest and delts, you get the idea, and was chronically exhausted from the immense central nervous system taxation.

Anyway, the essence of Abel's program is hitting the whole body every workout, getting in and out of the gym in under an hour each workout, never doing sets to failure, not provoking the lactate response, using lighter rather than heavier weights and building mind-muscle connection, and being able to workout as much as 7 days a week should one feel so inclined.

Now I must stress, I don't have any experience putting this into practice. At the moment I'm still trying to heal my metabolism after a few rough years so lifting weights is pretty far from my mind, but I'm hoping after about the midyear to get back in the gym and test it out. The idea of this style of working out is very new to me, coming from a T-Nation background. I read T-nate pretty solidly on probably a weekly basis for 3 or 4 years from about '09 to '12. The attraction of this protocol is being able to get in and out of the gym in under an hour, and also not having ridiculous DOMS that makes you move around with the eloquence of a neanderthal.

It's never going to be completely Peat-friendly doing traditional bodybuilder concentric-eccentric movements, but I question what level one can reach doing only concentric/plyometric exercises. Ripped? Likely. Jacked? Probably not. Guess it depends which goal you're striving for.


Aug 9, 2013
Ewlevy1 said:
I would like to get everyone's thoughts on the best styles of training that people have experienced to cause muscle gain and fat loss without damaging the metabolism.

Right now I'm doing 3 lifts a week, 1 hour a session, 20 sets a workout, 2 - 2.5 minutes rest between sets, 1 lower and 2 upper body workouts a week. In 2 months I've lost 5% body fat and gained around 9lbs of muscle.

Anyone have any thoughts?

You're generally on the wrong forum for workout advice!

Your routine sounds great. You're progressing. The key is to progress all the time. No one can tell you what is right for you. Check your pulse and temp 1 hour after finishing your workout. If it's still elevated, you may be overdoing it. I think k peat's key philosophy is record what you're doing, and check if it impacts you negatively. Bad sleep, bad digestion, lower libido are great signs of overdoing it.

You could even reduce volume and see growth and strength. You want to still be working out in 1,2,5 years without getting sick and injured at any point.

I don't know if you're a noob, but your body can take over-training for a limited Number of months and then break in some way.

Record every workout and make sure you progress. You can progress with static holds or Body for Life style, or what you're currently doing.


Aug 9, 2013
koganmj said:
The Hardgainer Solution by Scott Abel.

I'm still trying to heal my metabolism after a few rough years so lifting weights is pretty far from my mind, but I'm hoping after about the midyear to get back in the gym and test it out.

Seemed like a recipe for overtraining to me.

Thought it was completely inappropriate volume for anyone healing their metabolism.

I'm 34 and think I'd die after a month of that volume!


Jul 29, 2014
aquaman said:
koganmj said:
The Hardgainer Solution by Scott Abel.

I'm still trying to heal my metabolism after a few rough years so lifting weights is pretty far from my mind, but I'm hoping after about the midyear to get back in the gym and test it out.

Seemed like a recipe for overtraining to me.

Thought it was completely inappropriate volume for anyone healing their metabolism.

I'm 34 and think I'd die after a month of that volume!

Hindsight is 20/20! Like I said, I came from a T-Nation background. Split protocols are now on the backburner indefinitely...


Jan 12, 2014
I have found the Strong Lifts 5x5 to be the best plan. It is very simple and you only do it 3 times a week. There is also an app that you can download to track your progress.


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Aug 9, 2013
koganmj said:
aquaman said:
koganmj said:
The Hardgainer Solution by Scott Abel.

I'm still trying to heal my metabolism after a few rough years so lifting weights is pretty far from my mind, but I'm hoping after about the midyear to get back in the gym and test it out.

Seemed like a recipe for overtraining to me.

Thought it was completely inappropriate volume for anyone healing their metabolism.

I'm 34 and think I'd die after a month of that volume!

Hindsight is 20/20! Like I said, I came from a T-Nation background. Split protocols are now on the backburner indefinitely...

No... I meant SCOTT ABLE'S BOOK seemed to me like a recipe for overtraining. It's high volume 5-6 times a week. Completely inappropriate!


Aug 9, 2013
lookingforanswers said:
I have found the Strong Lifts 5x5 to be the best plan. It is very simple and you only do it 3 times a week. There is also an app that you can download to track your progress.

I got injured doing it and took me ages to recover from it. Maybe this was more to do with general metabolic health and a desire to improve too quickly, than the program itself. But squat and deadlift are difficult movements. If you have any pre-existing injuries or misalignments (as most of do from too much desk time), they can easily exacerbate the injuries.

OP is clearly doing something that's working for him. 9 pounds of muscle in a few months is amazing.

He just needs to keep progressing and monitor if it's having any detrimental impact on his key metabolic markers. He doesn't need to change routines yet. If anything, he should reduce his volume to find the minimum effective dose of what will make him stronger and more muscly, rather than increase training.


Jul 29, 2014
aquaman said:
koganmj said:
aquaman said:
koganmj said:
The Hardgainer Solution by Scott Abel.

I'm still trying to heal my metabolism after a few rough years so lifting weights is pretty far from my mind, but I'm hoping after about the midyear to get back in the gym and test it out.

Seemed like a recipe for overtraining to me.

Thought it was completely inappropriate volume for anyone healing their metabolism.

I'm 34 and think I'd die after a month of that volume!

Hindsight is 20/20! Like I said, I came from a T-Nation background. Split protocols are now on the backburner indefinitely...

No... I meant SCOTT ABLE'S BOOK seemed to me like a recipe for overtraining. It's high volume 5-6 times a week. Completely inappropriate!

Have you read it?


Jul 29, 2014
He doesn't explicitly state one MUST do 5-6 sessions a week to get results. He simply says if one wishes, then his protocol would allow for it because your muscles won't be fatigued from prior workouts.


Aug 9, 2013
Irrespective, it just seems like massive overkill and a time waste, and highly inappropriate for most people on this forum with metabolic issues. Most people could make very good strength and fitness gains with 2 or 3 sessions of 10-20 mins per week.


Feb 12, 2015
One way to avoid stress during exercise is to breathe through your nose instead of you mouth, keeping from exhaling too much CO2 might prevent all problems associated with exercise except maybe hypoglycemia... Gatorade? :D
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