Awful Cramping


Nov 3, 2017

I am peating since a few months, I have discovered RAy Peat's through beautyeditor. I was wondering if I was hypothyroid because I suffered crazy pms during my periods which then lasted after my period in forms of anxiety and depression.

My symptoms are fibrocistic breasts with pain, low mood (not agressive towards others but uncomfortable), needs for isolation...

I have started bio identical progesterone prescribed by my GP for this month's periods and I didn't feel the very low mood and breasts pain but the fibrosis were still there, but I experienced terrible cramping, I had to stay in bed the whole afternoon with pain, fortunately I didn't work but next month I won't have that luxury.
What advice can you please give me to prevent the pain next month?

The supplements I use daily;
-vit d, k2 and A sometimes, otherwise I eat liver about every 10 days.
-I have bought as well some aspirins, niacinamide and vitamin e but don't use very often.

My Doctor said I don't have hypothyroidism, he thinks I just have a drop of progesterone during my lutéal phase.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Ps: just wanted to add I have ordered today some cascara, progesterone and caffeine on health natura.


Apr 19, 2017

I am peating since a few months, I have discovered RAy Peat's through beautyeditor. I was wondering if I was hypothyroid because I suffered crazy pms during my periods which then lasted after my period in forms of anxiety and depression.

My symptoms are fibrocistic breasts with pain, low mood (not agressive towards others but uncomfortable), needs for isolation...

I have started bio identical progesterone prescribed by my GP for this month's periods and I didn't feel the very low mood and breasts pain but the fibrosis were still there, but I experienced terrible cramping, I had to stay in bed the whole afternoon with pain, fortunately I didn't work but next month I won't have that luxury.
What advice can you please give me to prevent the pain next month?

The supplements I use daily;
-vit d, k2 and A sometimes, otherwise I eat liver about every 10 days.
-I have bought as well some aspirins, niacinamide and vitamin e but don't use very often.

My Doctor said I don't have hypothyroidism, he thinks I just have a drop of progesterone during my lutéal phase.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Ps: just wanted to add I have ordered today some cascara, progesterone and caffeine on health natura.

Are they like menstrual cramps?


Nov 3, 2017
Yes, it is. I used to have cramping when I was a teenager but after birth control pills it has completely disappeared.

I stopped the pills since a few years and didn't experience the cramps. It just came back after starting the progesterone.


Apr 19, 2017
Yes, it is. I used to have cramping when I was a teenager but after birth control pills it has completely disappeared.

I stopped the pills since a few years and didn't experience the cramps. It just came back after starting the progesterone.

I know that cramping has to do with prostaglandins. I would if I were you try a large dose of 1 gram of aspirin with K2 (3 mg) and some strong coffee with milk and sugar if you have any. Then make sure you use a lot of salt (not iodized). I would say magnesium but if you're thyroid is at all low it might be an issue. Glad you're getting the health natura progesterone, the bio-identical stuff from doctors is not well dissolved. Also, have you been getting plenty of calcium?

I don't know if you're already doing this but a heat pad in the cramping area is awesome for temporary relief since you have the luxury of relaxing. Do you have a thermometer to take your temperature?


Nov 3, 2017
Thank you Alywest for your answer. I am not suffering from the cramping right now, it was 3 days ago.

I am just scared it will happen again above all if during the first day of my period I am at work, I will start a new job and would not like to have to take the day off or stay in pain either.

I did not drink coffee before Peating, I used to follow Dr Mercola, Weil and take a few advice from Alisa Vitti, but my breast problem and anxiety kept getting worse. And I felt angry most of the time, and helpless.

So you think as a precaution, like on day 10 of my menstrual cycle I should start taking aspirin?

My GP told me to use the progesterone from day 16 and during 10 days, then to have my periods and restart on the 16th day again.

My idea for next month cycle is to take the bio identical pill which has 10 mg of progesterone and to add 3/5mg of health natura progesterone. Ray Peat advise to start high, because otherwise it can transform into estrogen so that's what I will try with more coffee, K2 and aspirin and hopefully I will be confident and ok.

Since about 2 years the night sweet, anger, sadness and big lumps and pains in my breast were driving me crazy, I am feeling way better now all in all.

Just needs to get rid of the prostaglandins, as I don't eat pufas anymore or very little I am surprised.

I eat some cheese and drink milk I buy some raw, organic milk which I think contain enough calcium.

I have some oyster and prawns once a week too for the zinc.


Nov 3, 2017
I have a thermometer and I have started taking my temperature the last 3 days.
Day 1: 35.8, 36.6 after lunch
Day 2: 36
Day 3: 36,4

I have always had a low metabolism during my period, I even used to have cold sores which I didn't have those last months.


Apr 19, 2017
I eat some cheese and drink milk I buy some raw, organic milk which I think contain enough calcium.

I have some oyster and prawns once a week too for the zinc.

I wouldn't assume that that's enough calcium believe it or not. I would take a calcium carbonate supplement (you can make your own with eggshells.) IF you're not getting enough calcium your Parathyroid kicks in and starts pulling it from bones. I think 3 grams was the basic amount to get and you would have to drink at least 2 qts of milk plus a lot of cheese to get that. 1/2 teaspoon of eggshell powder contains 900 mg, so I usually have at least that much if I remember! Sodium and calcium have been really instrumental in healing. Also, you may have some endotoxin resulting in serotonin. You might want to try some activated charcoal during the last two weeks of the cycle. B1 (thiamine) and niacinamide are both good. Don't take vitamin e if you're taking aspirin.

This is all due to poor thyroid function. Your temps are really low. The true test is supposedly when you get your period, take your temp first thing in the morning before you start moving. Since your temps are so low anyway I would assume it will be very low. But it should be at least 36.4. I would take the thyroid treatment into my own hands if your doctor refuses to see that you have poor thyroid function.


Nov 3, 2017
Wow, thank you so much for all these great information.

I really thought I was getting enough calcium. I will look at the eggshells recipe, as I have eggs for breakfast I will keep the shells.

I will get the charcoal and some B1 too.

My doctor was very angry when I told him I thought I may have low thyroid, as I read on the internet. He said the internet has a lot of untrue information and that thyroid hormones is something quite complicated, as I will have to monitor and take it all my life.

Anyway, he agreed that I do some blood tests, here are the results:

Ferritin: 58 ng/ml
Thyroxine (T4L): 9,70 pg/ml
Tsh: 0,79, in June it was: 1.12

I think my diet was not that great before that's why my health is like that, I used to run a lot, have green juice, eat lots of vegetables and supplement with omega 3, krill oil... and meat was a minimum.

Since I started peating, I make lots of changes, a sample of what I eat.

A glass of orange juice, coffee with milk, 1 egg or 2 (boiled most of the time, but I scrambled sometimes in coconut oil. If I am still hungry I'll add some cereals (rice krispies with chocolate) and milk.

Meat (lamb or beef), prawns or fish with either potatoes or rice

At 4: fruit, a rice toast or cheese with apple sauce

Dinner: about same as lunch, with carrots salad. If I feel lazy I'll have some cheese with rice crackers and drink water with gelatin in it.

I try to not skip meals anymore above all since reading Katarine Dalton post here on progesterone.

I still feel sometimes lots of fatigue, and I have the impression that I have to push myself to do ordinary activities like socialising.


Nov 3, 2017
For the thyroid hormones, I will finish the 3 months trial of progesterone while peating and if my general health has not improved I will order some thyroid online and take matters in my own hands as you said.

Thank you I am truly grateful for your support. I will keep reading on pms to find a good solution.


Nov 3, 2017

I have read a lot of articles on FPS and I missed that one which perfectly answer to a lot of my questions.

I went through a lot of emotional stress as well which may have caused the low progesterone and estrogen dominance.

I will see how I feel after my 3rd period on progesterone which will be in January and if I still feel tired and low I will order some thyroid via haidut or the Mexican drugstore.



Apr 19, 2017
I have read a lot of articles on FPS and I missed that one which perfectly answer to a lot of my questions.

I went through a lot of emotional stress as well which may have caused the low progesterone and estrogen dominance.

I will see how I feel after my 3rd period on progesterone which will be in January and if I still feel tired and low I will order some thyroid via haidut or the Mexican drugstore.

Yeah, that would be the route I would go with the thyroid, too, if you feel you need it. Temps are a good indicator, but perhaps the progesterone will be enough to get things to a better place for you! You're almost better off not having your doctor prescribe thyroid as the medication they give you is usually t4 only and wouldn't necessarily help and could potentially make things worse.

The FPS website is funny because it can be difficult to find what you're looking for because they have so many articles. I think it's easy to go down a rabbit hole and then lose sight of what you were originally looking for!

Good luck with everything. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have, it's all based on my own experiences. A couple of other things to look into are pregnenalone and vitamin A. You said you eat liver so vitamin A is probably good, but pregnenalone is good because it doesn't make you sleepy like progesterone sometimes can. It's nowhere near as powerful as progesterone and won't help with more serious estrogen issues, but it can be good for basic daily support, especially while you are healing. Ray Peat took 3 grams of it daily while he was recovering from his worst symptoms.


Nov 3, 2017
I am a bit scared of pregnenolone, I have read the effects and it was quite scary like hair loss, acne, facial hair.... .I take vitamin a because without it I have acne with dairy.

I eat liver every 10 days and take some vitasorb vitamin a when needed.

To be honest with you, I just would love to not depend on any other supplements at all, when I followed Mercola I took lots and I didn't see any great improvement. I would love to mainly use food.

So did you have pms issues as well, what was your symptoms? What is your regimen now to feel better?

Once you start thyroid, do you have to take it all the time ? What happen if you stop?


Nov 3, 2017

Thank you

Can you recommend a B1 brand? I haven't seen any on toxinless website.

I used to take pure encapsulations B complex, but from what I read too much B complex is not that good.

I have B3, I just would like some B1, maybe B2 and biotin which is quite good as well.
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Apr 19, 2017
I am a bit scared of pregnenolone, I have read the effects and it was quite scary like hair loss, acne, facial hair.... .I take vitamin a because without it I have acne with dairy.

I eat liver every 10 days and take some vitasorb vitamin a when needed.

To be honest with you, I just would love to not depend on any other supplements at all, when I followed Mercola I took lots and I didn't see any great improvement. I would love to mainly use food.

So did you have pms issues as well, what was your symptoms? What is your regimen now to feel better?

Once you start thyroid, do you have to take it all the time ? What happen if you stop?

I have pms symptoms to put it mildly! Progesterone is the only thing that helps. I also have a bona-fide thyroid issue. I test 5.5 for tsh if I'm not on any thyroid medication so for me it's an absolute medical necessity. Right now I take t3 throughout the day, 1,500 mg of thiamine (throughout the day in juice, bulk supplements brand), some energin (b complex that is peat friendly), I try to take 1/2 t of eggshell powder daily and I also drink a lot of milk and eat a lot of cheese, I drink a lot of OJ with salt, drink 2-3 double shots of espresso and then add milk and sugar to it, and I eat eggs pretty regularly. I cut out gluten and of course whole grains. I still eat rice and potatoes sometimes but not as much as I used to. No PUFA (or as little as possible.)

I take a small amount of progesterone (2-3 drops) morning and night before bed during the first two weeks of my cycle, and the second half I take it throughout the day as needed, much larger quantities, usually about 1/8 teaspoon at a time 5-6 times throughout the day. I take aspirin fairly regularly (about 1g) as well as a good k2 supplement, and I've started to take between 300-800mg of pregnenalone during the day. It keeps me feeling pretty energized and is making my skin look great. I also take A (retinil from idealabs) and D3 (up to 10,000 iu/day.) Whew! I also take famotodine sometimes (helps lower serotonin and also works great for heartburn) and benedryl at night (50 mg.) I have also started donating blood to help reduce the crazy iron stores I have built up. Sometimes I take magnesium in the form of the oil (spray on) or epsom salt baths with some baking soda (helps it absorb better.) Have you read any of the stuff about CO2 and bag breathing? Thiamine actually helps raise CO2 levels but since most people don't need to take that much of it, the bag breathing is a free way to help keep your CO2 levels up.

I'm one of the women that Ray Peat talks about that would most likely suffer breast disease because of my crazy thyroid issues. I'm so grateful I found this as my energy levels have gone from nothing to halfway normal. I just found this all about 6 months ago, so I'm sort of a newbie, but I'm amazed at the progress I have made in such a short time. I am 39 and I feel better than I did in my 20's. When it comes to thyroid, it depends on how serious your issues are. Your tsh is low so I wouldn't be too worried. Peat has talked about people taking some thyroid and that kicks in their natural ability to produce it. Same with progesterone. You might very well be one of the lucky people who just need a boost and your natural ability to produce those hormones will pick up. For me, I'm happy to take supplements in order to avoid the other serious health consequences and the myriad of medications I would be put on instead. However, it is quite expensive and I hope as well that with a really good diet I can at least cut down on a lot of this stuff. Taking your temps in the morning, after breakfast and in the afternoon should clue you in to your thyroid needs. I personally will probably have to take thyroid forever, but we'll see. I just moved to a higher altitude in a much sunnier and warmer climate, so it'll be interesting to see if that helps in the long run! Hope this doesn't scare you too much!


Nov 3, 2017
Wow, your Tsh was pretty high indeed. I am glad you have found a solution to your thyroid problems.
No, I am not scared, I think you have a lot of courage and self love, because I know it's a lot of research, trials and errors and lots people would give up or wait for their GP to tell them what to do, you are the captain of your life and that's the best thing we can do for ourselves.

For the CO2 and bag breathing, I don't understand it very well as I think co2 can be quite dangerous if used too much, but I will look at it more, and try the bag breathing.

Today, I ordered some biotins, activated charcoal and I took as well some iodine, apparently it's good for breast health, just a little bit.

The thiamin is quite expensive from bulk with the shipping cost, I will try to get haidut energin.

For now I concentrate on the diet and supplements part and as well some psychological work, I am seeing a Psychologist since about 2 months and it's great to talk to somebody who can help me, and for once I find one very open minded and nice. I truly appreciate our talks, but it's a lot of work as I went through lots of traumas in the past, I think that's what shut down my immune system being constantly anxious, in fight or flight mode, and my diet did not help either.

Thank you for sharing your experience and your guidance. We will all gonna make it and live our best life.

I am in my early thirties and there are lots of things I want to accomplish, I just want my health, enthusiasm and energy back for that.


Apr 19, 2017
Agreed! I finally feel hope for the first time in over a decade.

Be careful with iodine. It's definitely not something RP would recommend, and in fact he's made some pretty strong statements against it because of the way it shuts down the thyroid gland. I'm not sure why so many people recommend it so highly, but just be careful. One thing you might want to consider instead of getting on a t3 supplement is a really small amount of Natural Desiccated Thyroid. I don't believe that taking small amounts of that make you at all dependent. It's basically like "eating the whole animal" as some cultures actually eat the thyroid gland. It might be just enough to give you a boost and it's a blend of the various thyroid hormones (t1, t2, t3, t4 etc.)


Nov 3, 2017
I know he doesn't recommend it in huge amount, I think I read in small amount it was ok. I would like to apply it directly on my breast directly where I have the huge lumps and hopefully it can help.

Yes the dessicated liver sounds like a good idea to start smallish :). It might help to see how I react to thyroid hormones.

Ps: the fact you have moved to a sunnier climate will definitely help improving your health, and with altitudes it's better for the oxygen. If I could I would do the same thing. I just have a few things to finish and might look at this option too. Right now in Europe it's cold and dark which is not good for the stress hormone.
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Nov 3, 2017
Hi Alywest, I hope you are doing well. I have visited 2 other doctors and 1 Endocrinologist and none of them wanted to prescribe me a complete thyroid panel test, which show clearly that you can't trust these people, they don't want any good for us but just to fill their pockets with money, they were the most angry about prolactin, cortisol, TGB/TPO and FT or RT3/4. All of them just want me to do classical tests: vit d, ura, tsh? One doctor has accepted to put T3, T4 and TSH and I think I will do this blood panel only.

I went on and there are a lot of people who are doing their tests via private labs, I can't find private labs in the country I am living now as our health care system is supposed to be good, which is not, so I will have to do trial and errors.

So I would like your help please if you don't mind, I will order some Cytomel and cynoplus from Mexican drugstore and will start with only 2 mg and see how it goes and how I feel, I will also work with my temperatures and pulse.

I don't know if you have heard about the Wilson protocol? I hesitate between this one and Ray Peat. My problem is low temperature, and I am certain if I can have normal temperature, most of my crazy symptoms will go away.

I am so dissappointed with Doctors now, I don't even feel like going to any of them anymore, even Gynecologist and my "trusted" Psychologist" scared the heck out of me. Sad world, the word integrity doesn't mean anything now.
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