Appetite/ I Have Endless Hunger, What To Do?


Aug 6, 2017
I have read that eating grains will make you consume 400-800 calories more per day because of the addictive/appetite stimulant effect. This is a recipe for disaster unless you have the physical activity and thyroid level to utilize the extra calories.
Dino D

Dino D

Nov 14, 2017
It’s done the exact opposite for me. Every single blood test and my hair tests are great. I’ve been monitoring everything for 9 years and it’s the first thing that has helped. I’ve tried every kind of diet and supplement and energy medicine and everything out there, and for long periods of time. Not hating here but Peating for over a year was the worst thing I did for my health symptom wise and from a blood and hair test perspective. I don’t think all the calcium and Vitamin A are good for slow metabolizers. I also looked like ***t on a Peat diet. Only time I got chubby in my life. I was working with a Peat inspired practitioner so I know I was doing it “right”. I also think the best thing I have done is basically stop all supplements. I just use magnesium spray now for the most part. I was taking up to 20 supplements at a time during my peak. Big mistake imo. Ella here on this forum advised me many times to stop all supplements and I didn’t listen. Now I’m seeing she is correct.

I eat ribeye steaks so my protein/fat ratio is 35/65. Also, don’t do it forever. It took away my lifelong acne within a week and it’s never came back so I’m just waiting but will gradually start adding more foods back in. Do it to get your appetite back in check. My youngest brother had similar issues and he’s done the same thing I listed above and has lost his insatiable appetite as well as 17 lbs. He wasn’t overweight by any means but now he looks and feels great and isn’t constantly hungry. He just eats as much as he desires morning and night and he’s good. Says around start of 3rd week he noticed his appetite was completely under control.

Oh and I’ve noticed the exact opposite in terms of hormones and libido. Libido is the best it’s ever been in my life, and I’m late 30’s and am growing chest and facial hair for the first time in my life. And it’s coming in fast and quick! After having none for 37 years at all. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

Not here to promote only eating meat forever. I’m telling you my personal experience and what it’s done for me, my brother, and a couple woman I personally am close with. I used to have uncontrollable hunger and it was awful so I’ve been there. Just telling you what’s helped me. Good luck on whatever you choose to do. I hope you find something that helps you

I know, i see carnivore is making its way on the internet, i see people here also benefiting from carnivore or carnivore with fruits... maybe i will try it one day, but because i loose libido and energy on keto and low carb, because i get irritable and nervous and CONSTIPATED ( i often get to the point where after 3-5 days i start giving birth to a child, but its not a child, it is big poop, and it is followed with super intense cramps), and because i get even more problems with carbs after low carb or keto I doubt that this is the solution for me... It is what brought me here long time ago... also going carnivore and eating ONLY meat, and maybe just a little bit fat or some eggs, without veggies or any diary is something I did not try...
Starch is the only food that makes me feel good, or candy, for short time at least, and the only that gives me libido, and maybe I also need meat (+ alcohol 4 libido)... So going carnivore is not my first choice here... anyway, thx 4 help :D maybe i will still try it later...


Aug 6, 2017
Eat carbs until your storage capacity is reached, then only fat and some protein. There is no sanity in overconsuming carbs and using huge effort to make it into fat. Fats will inhibit and downright kill overgrowth of bacteria, carbs boost their growth.
Dino D

Dino D

Nov 14, 2017
I have read that eating grains will make you consume 400-800 calories more per day because of the addictive/appetite stimulant effect. This is a recipe for disaster unless you have the physical activity and thyroid level to utilize the extra calories.
Do you support low carb then? fruits and carbs give my brain adrenaline ( i feel them in my skull), and i have problems when the sugar goes down... i see you supported low carb approaches many times here... I think i would do good with breakfast from protein fat, and some starchy carbs... lunch a lot of carbs and protein, and dinner some protein and veggies, no caffeine because it makes me crazy (I still drink it once a day) ... i have seen the ,,RBTI" diet today the first time and this could be something similar to how I feel...
4 the last 5 days i'm meat+fruit or fruit juices (10% is everything, souces, little starch or candy, but 90% meat and juice/fruit)... i go 1 time a day on the toilet (witch is improvement), insomnia is worse, i feel bad from fruit it bloats me, and it somehow similar to caffeine, like a rush, anxiety and hunger, and i never even get to the point of being full... its like i sip gas on fire or taking cocaine heh...
EDIT: I see you answered below ;)
Last edited:


Apr 8, 2020
I make an apple juice + berry + sugar smoothie that is straight rocket fuel. Without the sugar it would bloat me up, but the sugar makes it digest perfectly and provides me with nice clean energy..
i dont understand, fruit are already high sugar. so why would extra sugar gives less bloating?
what kind of sugar do you use with the fruits? just ordinary table sugar?


Feb 18, 2018
i dont understand, fruit are already high sugar. so why would extra sugar gives less bloating?
what kind of sugar do you use with the fruits? just ordinary table sugar?

fruit itself has some fiber/mass to it which means it’s going to take up space in the stomach. Sugar consists of little crystals which practically take up no space in the stomach. So the combination of fruit and sugar would allow for a higher energy state to be reached and also satiate more than just sugar alone, since the fruit has mass which takes up space in the stomach.
Nov 21, 2015
I used to feel constantly hungry. I don’t anymore. I don’t know exactly what changed. I think it’s greater consumption of calcium. I’m no longer hungry all the time.


Nov 21, 2019
Not eating fat with carbs does that. Randle cycle.
If I nearly completely avoid fat I need 6k cal as well.
Now I go as low fat as possible without ******* up my gut/to support reasonable amounts of food and save myself from blood sugar drops.
Tends to be around 70g fat on 4k cal daily
On high fat I literally have to force myself to eat on the contrary


Nov 21, 2019
I used to feel constantly hungry. I don’t anymore. I don’t know exactly what changed. I think it’s greater consumption of calcium. I’m no longer hungry all the time.
Adrenaline suppresses hunger as well
When I underate for months I was never hungry
Now I eat almost twice as much and frequently get hungry


Apr 8, 2020
Not eating fat with carbs does that. Randle cycle.
If I nearly completely avoid fat I need 6k cal as well.
Now I go as low fat as possible without ******* up my gut/to support reasonable amounts of food and save myself from blood sugar drops.
Tends to be around 70g fat on 4k cal daily
On high fat I literally have to force myself to eat on the contrary
so which food are replacing your dietary fat sources?


Apr 8, 2020
fruit itself has some fiber/mass to it which means it’s going to take up space in the stomach. Sugar consists of little crystals which practically take up no space in the stomach. So the combination of fruit and sugar would allow for a higher energy state to be reached and also satiate more than just sugar alone, since the fruit has mass which takes up space in the stomach.

when i eat a apple or other fruit i bloat up like crazy.
so if i take some table sugar with it (or what are you taking?), than the bloat stops?


Nov 21, 2019
so which food are replacing your dietary fat sources?

Sweet fruit
Small amounts of sugar

i basically eat what I want excluding pufa and following the macros that seem to work

my habits/gravings are quite healthy anyways


Nov 1, 2021
Yeah I really need to go see a holistic Dr. soon. I keep procrastinating because I dislike Dr.'s lol.

I think part of the problem is just being stuck in a chronic stressor. I am stuck in a stressor cycle because I can't get good sleep ever, which adds stress to the following day etc... bad sleep often can increase appetite and cause all sorts of other woes. More specifically, when you get into a cycle of high stress - low stress - high stress etc this is what tends to cause weight gain, sleep problems, etc etc. I start the day high stress from bad sleep, then low stress after bringing it down with food, then appetite is big because of cycling from high to low stress, then back to high stress. Rinse repeat. The trick is to get into a constant low stress cycle, then eventually appetite should drop...

For me it also increases "urgency" to eat to get more energy, not just from hunger itself. Since my energy levels are all over the map I'm always finding myself craving sugar to get the energy I need to survive the day.
This is the exact cycle I am stuck in. Did you find any solutions?
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