Any Doctors In The UK Who Won't Try To Kill My Father?


Aug 14, 2015
Hi. Sorry for personal ranty post but I'm angry and upset.

My father is 79 and has had 2 major strokes, both of which he recovered from. His diet is crap. No breakfast, lunch is one raw carrot with a tub of processed humus (every day), then low fat cakes and chocolates and pasta for dinner. His calories must be about 1200. I've given him endless advice for years and he takes none of it on board.

He's on 28 tablets a day from statins to cortisone (**** knows why). Within the last year he's deteriorated massively, and now has arthritis in his knee and can barely walk.

My mum just took him to hospital and came home beaming, saying 'sorted! The doctor measured his BMI and has told him to cycle, and to lose 2 stone!'

My dad is ******* 79. He's also 5ft 11 and weighs 10st. He also avoids eggs, seafood, and butter because of cholesterol. His last blood tests showed low cholesterol for both HDL and LDL which his doctor praised him for. He also has an underactive thyroid (it was REMOVED due to cancer in his 30s) but has now had thyroxine reduced from 300 to 100 (without even reducing gradually) because thyroid meds 'might cause another stroke.'

He's depressed and can barely get around the house. 7 years ago he could sprint at the same speed as me and was the epitome of health.

If anyone knows of ANY doctor in the UK that would advise him appropriately (he ONLY listens to doctors) please help me. Sorry if my post is disorganised I'm raging mad.


Aug 15, 2015
Hi. Sorry for personal ranty post but I'm angry and upset.

My father is 79 and has had 2 major strokes, both of which he recovered from. His diet is crap. No breakfast, lunch is one raw carrot with a tub of processed humus (every day), then low fat cakes and chocolates and pasta for dinner. His calories must be about 1200. I've given him endless advice for years and he takes none of it on board.

He's on 28 tablets a day from statins to cortisone (**** knows why). Within the last year he's deteriorated massively, and now has arthritis in his knee and can barely walk.

My mum just took him to hospital and came home beaming, saying 'sorted! The doctor measured his BMI and has told him to cycle, and to lose 2 stone!'

My dad is ******* 79. He's also 5ft 11 and weighs 10st. He also avoids eggs, seafood, and butter because of cholesterol. His last blood tests showed low cholesterol for both HDL and LDL which his doctor praised him for. He also has an underactive thyroid (it was REMOVED due to cancer in his 30s) but has now had thyroxine reduced from 300 to 100 (without even reducing gradually) because thyroid meds 'might cause another stroke.'

He's depressed and can barely get around the house. 7 years ago he could sprint at the same speed as me and was the epitome of health.

If anyone knows of ANY doctor in the UK that would advise him appropriately (he ONLY listens to doctors) please help me. Sorry if my post is disorganised I'm raging mad.
**** typical shitty doctors who don't care about our family health. Greedy bastards. Doctors and hospitals killed my grandfather with statin pills when before taking them he was very healthy and happy and grandmother with ******* chemo therapy. It's disgusting how the medical care has deteriorated. You are doing yourself good if you don't pay them a visit.

I really hope your father listens to you but try to approach him with comedy and fun. Don't force him or act freaked out because men usually don't trust freaked out people. Calm and with a smile, a person can be trusted. But it's hard to smile and stay calm if our loved ones are in bad state. I understand you.

I don't live in the UK so I can't recommend anybody. But I really hope everything turns out good.


Feb 2, 2016
Im so sorry to read your post, but it has a familiar ring to it. Im in the UK and my father is 90 and so i realise its not worth pushing him to do alternative things. Hes on so many pills, just like your father and "doctor " knows best. Hes not open to anything i say or suggest so thats all there is to it. Ive tried and so have you.

You may cajole or suggest things , but its up to him.

Regarding doctors in the UK and the NHS, well good luck on that one, but they follow standard procedures or if they dont theyre in trouble.


Aug 14, 2015
**** typical shitty doctors who don't care about our family health. Greedy bastards. Doctors and hospitals killed my grandfather with statin pills when before taking them he was very healthy and happy and grandmother with ******* chemo therapy. It's disgusting how the medical care has deteriorated. You are doing yourself good if you don't pay them a visit.

I really hope your father listens to you but try to approach him with comedy and fun. Don't force him or act freaked out because men usually don't trust freaked out people. Calm and with a smile, a person can be trusted. But it's hard to smile and stay calm if our loved ones are in bad state. I understand you.

I don't live in the UK so I can't recommend anybody. But I really hope everything turns out good.

Thanks man. Im truly sorry to hear about your grandparents. It's so irritating isn't it. Im always surprised by the degree of authority the older generations bestow on younger GPS who, by definition, specialise in nothing...

I'm inclined to abandon a philosophy phd for a medical degree just to make him more inclined to listen to me!

In the mean time i'll try the light-hearted comedic approach :)


Aug 14, 2015
Im so sorry to read your post, but it has a familiar ring to it. Im in the UK and my father is 90 and so i realise its not worth pushing him to do alternative things. Hes on so many pills, just like your father and "doctor " knows best. Hes not open to anything i say or suggest so thats all there is to it. Ive tried and so have you.

You may cajole or suggest things , but its up to him.

Regarding doctors in the UK and the NHS, well good luck on that one, but they follow standard procedures or if they dont theyre in trouble.

Have you tried getting him to ride a bicycle? ;)

Thanks for your reply. Sorry that you've had a similar experience with the UK health system. We're not doing very well over here are we.

I was actually talking to one of the directors of the NHS yesterday to see if they fancied speaking at a health event I'm producing, and I asked for ideas on good debate topics, suggesting one on nutritional protocols vs poorly-performing pharmaceutical interventions for particular diseases - the response I got was 'well the first myth is that foods affect cancer. That's not even worth debating. It's all quackery. Cancer is DNA mutation, not what you had for breakfast.' (This is word for word what he said as I typed)

Sorry for the tangent, but I just thought I'd impart the views of the NHS heads to emphasise the doom!!!!!

Good luck with your father :) 90 is a very good age!


Oct 10, 2012
Depending on the type of medication he is taking, it could be making matters worse. Cortisone is known to cause depression and bone deterioration in people who take it. I would recommend trying to wean him off the medications that are doing more damage than good.

I personally would take matters into my own hands with my parents if they are that old and are being mistreated by doctors given them a crap ton of medications. You need to explain to him the adverse effects of each one so he can get the message. Next time you should go to the doctor with him to make sure that they aren't manipulating him.


Jan 1, 2013
I've given him endless advice for years and he takes none of it on board.

Has he tried vitamins ?
B Vitamins complex would be a good start, because he could immediately feel the improvement.
High dose Vit E is notorious for preventing both strokes and infarcts.

But you're pretty much out of luck if he trusts doctors; you won't find any that doesn't toe the line.

Try the shock doctrine: get him to watch the Burzynski movies, or the Gerson ones.


Apr 30, 2015
This isn't exactly what you asked for, but I would refocus away from his health and towards spending as much high quality time you can with him. Do things or talk about things he really loves. You might get lucky and he might ask some advice on something. As someone said above, men tend to not listen as much to frantic people. If you can get okay with him slowly dying, and that is his choice, there is a higher chance he may listen to you. The irony is that he is probably listening to his doctor because his doctor doesn't care about him and therefore seems more objective.


Jan 6, 2015
Try to give him some sugary food to raise cholesterol, and also vitamin A so hopefully it get converted to protective steroids.

And as burt said some B vitamins, most older people has less ability to absorb those nutrients.


Aug 14, 2015
Depending on the type of medication he is taking, it could be making matters worse. Cortisone is known to cause depression and bone deterioration in people who take it. I would recommend trying to wean him off the medications that are doing more damage than good.

I personally would take matters into my own hands with my parents if they are that old and are being mistreated by doctors given them a crap ton of medications. You need to explain to him the adverse effects of each one so he can get the message. Next time you should go to the doctor with him to make sure that they aren't manipulating him.

Thanks for your message. I agree with you.

Hes currently on:

Levothyroxine 100mg
Perindopril 4mg
Finasteride 5mg
Thiamine 200mg
Apixaban 5mg
Cortef 15mg
Amiodarone 200mg
Atorvastatin 100mg
Folic acid


Aug 14, 2015
Has he tried vitamins ?
B Vitamins complex would be a good start, because he could immediately feel the improvement.
High dose Vit E is notorious for preventing both strokes and infarcts.

But you're pretty much out of luck if he trusts doctors; you won't find any that doesn't toe the line.

Try the shock doctrine: get him to watch the Burzynski movies, or the Gerson ones.

Thanks for replying :) yes, I think all those ideas will help! Although he's typically stubborn when it comes to documentaries, I think he still views me as the person I was during my teenage years ranting about forks over knives. But I'll try ;)

Also considering vit D as he doesn't go outside and has no cholesterol with which to make hormones!


Aug 14, 2015
This isn't exactly what you asked for, but I would refocus away from his health and towards spending as much high quality time you can with him. Do things or talk about things he really loves. You might get lucky and he might ask some advice on something. As someone said above, men tend to not listen as much to frantic people. If you can get okay with him slowly dying, and that is his choice, there is a higher chance he may listen to you. The irony is that he is probably listening to his doctor because his doctor doesn't care about him and therefore seems more objective.

Yes, his usual doctor is a horrible woman who replies to all of his complaints with "its your age" before dismissing him. It breaks my heart to see him shuffling around these clinics full of hope like an invisible burden to the world offering nothing but hostility.

We have endless debates about metaphysics, those are the best times. I'd always hoped he'd walk me down the aisle one day but I suppose you can't have everything.


Aug 14, 2015
Try to give him some sugary food to raise cholesterol, and also vitamin A so hopefully it get converted to protective steroids.

And as burt said some B vitamins, most older people has less ability to absorb those nutrients.

Thank you. Good shout with the vitamin A, luckily he gets an abundance of sugar from his crappy junk but I'll try to steer it's consumption to earlier in the day so he's not fasting so long :)


Mar 8, 2015

Have a chat on this forum as it specifically covers thyroid issues. Barry peatfield is the doc to see. They will have his contact details.

Your dad is ill because of his poor functioning thyroid. It has been removed and so he needs the T4 and a little T3.

Dr Barry Peatfield is the man to see. £150 for 1 1/2h initial consult i think. The forum will give you more details.


Jan 1, 2013
Do you know how to prepare juices the Gerson way? ( 2 steps: grinding then pressing)
They are quite tasty!
Try too adding some coconut oil into his diet.


Aug 14, 2015
Do you know how to prepare juices the Gerson way? ( 2 steps: grinding then pressing)
They are quite tasty!
Try too adding some coconut oil into his diet.

Thank you. I do! Out of interest, aside from coconut oil are there any other non-gerson additions that you'd integrate as part of the protocol?


Aug 14, 2015

Have a chat on this forum as it specifically covers thyroid issues. Barry peatfield is the doc to see. They will have his contact details.

Your dad is ill because of his poor functioning thyroid. It has been removed and so he needs the T4 and a little T3.

Dr Barry Peatfield is the man to see. £150 for 1 1/2h initial consult i think. The forum will give you more details.

Thank you, I agree. Sadly he's convinced now that he needs to come off thyroid because it'll cause another stroke. Hes absolutely terrified about it. I'll try though.


Aug 7, 2014
If you are looking for good doctors maybe contact Andrew Murray through the herbal doctors on KMUD Radio who interviews Dr. Peat.
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