

Sep 19, 2013
I've always had anxiety issues, but of late, it's been extreme, almost to the point of passing out. Anytime I am in a car and get stopped at a red light for example, I get extreme anxiety. I went to a car wash last night and instantly got frightened after 10 seconds of being in there. I don't dare think about flying anymore because of this severity of this. I don't know if it's vestibular issues, something inside me triggering it, but this quality of life is torcherous now. I won't drive but more than 5 minutes from home anymore.


Jul 8, 2014
@iLoveSugar, how is your thyroid function? Do you know what your average temp and pulse are, and do you have any digestive issues? Along with the anxiety, do you have other symptoms of adrenaline like cold extremities? I was having adrenaline attacks so bad I was going into convulsions and passing out on a daily basis for 6 months straight. Despite my best effort, I couldn’t get my doctors to see how the attacks were related to poor thyroid function—they kept writing it off as anxiety and wanted to prescribe me Xanax—so out of desperation one night, I took an over-the-counter thyroid glandular and the attacks stopped within the first dose and I was finally able to convince my doctor to prescribe me thyroid. I haven’t had an attack since. Until you can get your thyroid sorted out, maybe some Progest-E or L-theanine would help when you have an attack? Also, I found salt and sugar in some water with an aspirin helped my mum when she was suffering similar attacks.


Sep 19, 2013
@iLoveSugar, how is your thyroid function? Do you know what your average temp and pulse are, and do you have any digestive issues? Along with the anxiety, do you have other symptoms of adrenaline like cold extremities? I was having adrenaline attacks so bad I was going into convulsions and passing out on a daily basis for 6 months straight. Despite my best effort, I couldn’t get my doctors to see how the attacks were related to poor thyroid function—they kept writing it off as anxiety and wanted to prescribe me Xanax—so out of desperation one night, I took an over-the-counter thyroid glandular and the attacks stopped within the first dose and I was finally able to convince my doctor to prescribe me thyroid. I haven’t had an attack since. Until you can get your thyroid sorted out, maybe some Progest-E or L-theanine would help when you have an attack? Also, I found salt and sugar in some water with an aspirin helped my mum when she was suffering similar attacks.
I would absolutely love for thyroid to be my answer as I have long thought it's central to my issues. Problem is--for 10 years now I have tried multiple times with cytoplasm and cynomel, to no avail. It seems to make me even more sensitive and nervous. Doses such as 2-3mcg don't really have any effect either.

I have a long laundry list of other symptoms, including the ones you named. Terrible digestion, cold and clammy extremities, extreme fatigue, lightheaded, etc. My anxiety is crippling as well.

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Had the same issue, it's thyroid, constant high cortisol and chronic stress that have put your body in a "constant warning mode" unable to relax. Georgi said somewhere that energy is needed to help relax the body. I am pretty sure you are under hyperventillation all the time, (maybe even when you sleep) which makes you even more anxious every time. Fear (for exemple when you stop somewhere, or when you are in the position flight or fight) is driven by serotonin, and due to your state, your serotonin must be constantly high. You just need to find the reason why you are responding bad to thyroid. Sometimes, if you are under stress too much, first days of shutting down cortisol/serotonin could lead to more anxiety due to the fact that you are running mainly on cortisol and serotonin for long time, as such, by decreasing cortisol, if you don't have enough fuel on the other side you can feel extremly bad. Have ever tried cardenosine for example ? Have you ever tried magnesium topical ? Have you ever tried to measure your pulse in the morning and try to measure how many breath do you perform in a minute ? If you are above 12 (which I think you are) you have extremly low CO2. Anything that will make you warmer inside (like thyroid, methylene blue etc..) will help proove that it's your thyroid. Also are you a man ? You should check your prolactin as high anxiety migh also be driven by over active pituitary, the more prolactin you secrete the more TSH will be high and you enter in a devil loop of constant stress. Fear goes away when metabolism is restored. Just just need to find a way to cure the whole stuff. (also something very important is sodium calcium and magnesium, if your calcium and magnesium are great, you should increase more sodium as sodium is extremly important to regulate stress and anxiety along with thyroid). But your main problem I guess is that your pituitary must be overactive and thus not allowing you to rest, and trigger constant fear, inhibiting ATP production and heat (and CO2) which is why you have cold extremities, very common in hypo.


Jul 8, 2014
I would absolutely love for thyroid to be my answer as I have long thought it's central to my issues. Problem is--for 10 years now I have tried multiple times with cytoplasm and cynomel, to no avail. It seems to make me even more sensitive and nervous. Doses such as 2-3mcg don't really have any effect either.

I have a long laundry list of other symptoms, including the ones you named. Terrible digestion, cold and clammy extremities, extreme fatigue, lightheaded, etc. My anxiety is crippling as well.

When you’ve tried thyroid, did you continue with it or drop it soon after starting it because you experienced an increase in nervousness? I know you’ve been here a long time and likely have tried a lot of “Peaty” things so sorry if I’m just repeating what you already know but if it’s the latter, it’s common to feel heightened symptoms of adrenaline when starting on a thyroid supplement—it lasted a couple of weeks for my mum each time she increased her dose—and I agree with Mr Joe’s suggestion of trying magnesium if you haven’t already. Many seem to tolerate mag bicarb water well:

Also, have you tried taking thyroid with food to slow the absorption and prevent a stress response? If a 2–3 mcg dose has no effect, have you tried 4 mcg every hour? I’m currently having good effects from dosing 3 mcg hourly.


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
I find that Benadryl treats my anxiety. It's not perfect, because you have to balance it with drowsiness and it isn't addressing any underlying causes. However, in a situation where I'm going to spiral out of control, it halts that process.
Apr 22, 2019
Anxiety is from adrenal fatigue.

Well-cooked vegetables, protein, and minerals (from food, not supplements) help restore the adrenals.

In order for the minerals from the food to be used, digestion has to be adequate. Digestive restoration can be attained from raw eggs and equal parts raw cheese:raw honey consumed together. If raw milk can be consumed without problems, this is also helpful. All of these foods help restore the lacteal system, which is the mucous lining of the intestines. If the mucous lining is worn out or thin, more and more foods will cause digestive distress.

Just because a 'healthy' organ also correlates with a 'healthy' thyroid doesn't mean that thyroid supplementation is the answer.

For instance, if liver enzymes are stable, the thyroid is probably also stable.
If the colon is moving waste adequately, the thyroid is probably stable.
If the pancreas is secreting insulin in proper amounts at the proper times, the thyroid is probably stable.
If the adrenals aren't overproducing cortisol & adrenaline, the thyroid is probably stable...
So on and so forth.

If anything, thyroid supplementation is like the cherry on top of a perfectly saturated, nutritionally full body. It specifically cranks the metabolism higher which demands more nutrients... not a good thing if a person is already nutritionally deficient and their assimilation (from poor digestion) is lackluster.


Jul 8, 2014
If anything, thyroid supplementation is like the cherry on top of a perfectly saturated, nutritionally full body. It specifically cranks the metabolism higher which demands more nutrients... not a good thing if a person is already nutritionally deficient and their assimilation (from poor digestion) is lackluster.

Just to add to the discussion, here are some quotes regarding thyroid supplementation and a high metabolism:

High Metabolism​

“[on high metabolic rate - very high temps and pulse - which is a result of low thyroid] About your high metabolic rate and high temperature: In my teens and twenties, I needed about 8000 calories per day when I was physically active, about 4000 to 5000 when I was sedentary, but after I took thyroid, I needed only about half as many calories. Thyroid is the basic regulator of blood glucose, and it causes it to be fully oxidized for energy, so that it produces ATP efficiently, on relatively few calories. If blood glucose falls, because it's being used very quickly, the body responds with stress hormones, including glucagon, adrenalin, and cortisol. They cause fat and protein to be burned for energy, while in hypothyroidism, glucose can still be used inefficiently for glycolysis, producing lactic acid, displacing bicarbonate and carbon dioxide. This causes mineral imbalances, with effects including cramps and nerve-muscle tension, which produce heat and waste energy. When you first start taking thyroid again, your tissues will need some extra magnesium, during the time when the dose is increasing, and when the mineral balance is restored your temperature and metabolic rate might decrease a little. Orange juice, milk, and coffee are good for the main minerals, while salting your food to taste.” Ray Peat

“Supplementing thyroid can sometimes reduce the rate of metabolism, by allowing cells to retain enough magnesium, which stabilizes ATP.” Ray Peat

“I think the mineral and vitamin requirements do increase with calorie requirement.” Ray Peat



Nov 1, 2019

Have you ever checked your iron status?

I have the EXACT symptoms that you mentioned and I’m suspecting a possible iron deficiency.

I just got back home and in the car I was like “Man this feeling has to stop. I’m sick of living like this”

Terrible digestion, cold extremities also!!


May 4, 2022
It may, I know this sounds c-c-crazy, it may not have anything to do with what you are consuming or not consuming.
When I have been forced to be around laptops that are plugged in I get this way. Extreme anxiety. And if I had to live like that 24/7, I would have full blown MS.

Laptop cords that have the transformer in the middle are the problem for me. Any cord that looks like this:


That black rectangle is a transformer. Whatever it is spewing can be picked up by using an AM radio. Just turn the dial on the radio so that it is between stations and then turn on the laptop. That is what my cells and tissues are interacting with.


Aug 9, 2019
But you need to ground them, otherwise they cannot collect energy. Doubt that this actually does anything. Have you tried them with a meter?


Jan 6, 2019
I would absolutely love for thyroid to be my answer as I have long thought it's central to my issues. Problem is--for 10 years now I have tried multiple times with cytoplasm and cynomel, to no avail. It seems to make me even more sensitive and nervous. Doses such as 2-3mcg don't really have any effect either.

I have a long laundry list of other symptoms, including the ones you named. Terrible digestion, cold and clammy extremities, extreme fatigue, lightheaded, etc. My anxiety is crippling as well.
Have you ever got an HTMA done? Thyroid usually makes people who are in fast oxidation or four lows pattern much worse. The latter is a particularly difficult pattern to resolve without knowing exactly what to do, people with this condition have typically spent years in it and have tried just about everything with little success.
Apr 22, 2019
But you need to ground them, otherwise they cannot collect energy. Doubt that this actually does anything. Have you tried them with a meter?
No, I haven't tried measuring streams of EMF going to or fro in light of the orgonite pieces, but I suspect it wouldn't change any readings because wherever the EMF is coming from will remain consistent. The point of them is to transmute EMF currents into 'positive orgone energy' which is a rabbit hole in itself. It's based on the work of Wilhelm Reich.

They absolutely do something, though, considering that I dream every night they're under my pillow and that they restructure water, giving water of the same source a smoother, velvety taste after being surrounded by the pucks for several hours. I've given the taste test to 4 others who all confirmed the same difference.



May 4, 2022
No, I haven't tried measuring streams of EMF going to or fro in light of the orgonite pieces, but I suspect it wouldn't change any readings because wherever the EMF is coming from will remain consistent. The point of them is to transmute EMF currents into 'positive orgone energy' which is a rabbit hole in itself. It's based on the work of Wilhelm Reich.

They absolutely do something, though, considering that I dream every night they're under my pillow and that they restructure water, giving water of the same source a smoother, velvety taste after being surrounded by the pucks for several hours. I've given the taste test to 4 others who all confirmed the same difference.

I wonder if this would somehow be related to the dynamics of the layer of magnetic rock in places like Hawaii? I've read that some folks were not as affected by 5G rollout and this may be due to the type of rock around where the live.
Apr 22, 2019
I wonder if this would somehow be related to the dynamics of the layer of magnetic rock in places like Hawaii? I've read that some folks were not as affected by 5G rollout and this may be due to the type of rock around where the live.
I'm sure there's something to it.

The basic principle for managing "orgone" energy is layering carbon and metallic materials with a crystal in the middle.

An outside carbon layer attracts and absorbs orgone, the metallic layer will pull & reflect orgone, and a crystal will also pull and reflect orgone, yet if orgone is reflected off of a crystal, it's been restructured/reorganized.

When Reich tried to cultivate ionizing radiation by powering up radium in a layered device, it apparently amplified the ionizing radiation greatly, which was not good. (ORANUR experiments)

However, for the purposes of non-ionizing radiation and - as far as I can tell - all electrical appliances... they're a way to 'clear the air' so-to-speak.

I was very skeptical and I've always made fun of using rocks for health, but after a small personal effort, I've uh... changed my polarity.


Sep 19, 2013
What is an HTMA?
Have you ever got an HTMA done? Thyroid usually makes people who are in fast oxidation or four lows pattern much worse. The latter is a particularly difficult pattern to resolve without knowing exactly what to do, people with this condition have typically spent years in it and have tried just about everything with little success.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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