
  1. P

    Effect of dietary supplementation of glycine on caries development and lipids in rat molars.

    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1058885 The effect of dietary supplementation of glycine at a level of 4% on caries development and the lipid content of rat molar teeth was studied. The glycine supplementation caused a 65.7% reduction in caries development and a 15.1% reduction in lipid...
  2. F

    Are White (composite) Fillings More Toxic Than Amalgam?

    I went to the dentist today and she put in a white filling without asking any questions. I had the water sucking tube in my mouth and the adhesive put on so I wasnt even allow to close my mouth, let alone talk. Then she grinded all that toxic plastic to level it up. Oh my god. I have all the...
  3. forterpride


    I've noticed so many improvements with this "diet" that I would hate to leave the sugar out...but I've noticed I've been getting small little cavities with all of this increased sugar intake. Does anybody have any advice on how to deal with this?
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