
  1. K

    My Ray Peat Potato Protein Soup with added stock

    Hi everyone, I wanted to post up the steps I took to make my Scrambled potato protein. I have used a masticating juicer which works brilliantly. http://instagram.com/p/SK4tGclDsT My masticating juicer. Does the job just fine! http://instagram.com/p/SK5gzAFDsz Waste on the left and mostly...
  2. K

    Potato Juice

    Hi Everyone, I am going to make some potato juice and have seen everyone recommending a centrifugal juicer. Why not a masticating juicer? A masticating juicer (A VERY good one) is all I have and surely it will extract the juice just as well as the centrifugal. I have juiced a lot of things in...
  3. J

    Ray Peats Thoughts on Eating Duck?

    Dose anyone know what ray peats thoughts are on eating duck? I seem to remember reading he was against all birds but I didn't know if that was just because of the typical soy diet they are fed or if there are other reason. Would free range birds be ok?
  4. pete

    Potatoes, Tubers, Starches

    Plant Growth & Development - PlSc 401 http://courses.cals.uidaho.edu/pses/plsc401/ 1) Tuber solids make up about 80 percent of fresh tuber weight. Starch makes up about 70 percent of total tuber solids. Starch is heavier than water, and, therefore, is the primary determinant of tuber density...
  5. N

    Ray Peat Potato Protein Soup (RPPPS)

    Potatoes peeled and ready to go. On the left is the juice+small amount of starch (it settles to the bottom) and on the right is pulp+majority of starch (this is how my juicer separates it). This is the juice+starch. Sadly Mrs nwo2012 did not show the scooping off (using a ladle) of the...
  6. N

    Peat Eating As A Potato-Centered Diet

    Dr. Peat seems to say that the potato is almost in its own, separate, unique category: A vegetable which is more like a fruit. You have impressive guys like Cliff McCrary and Danny Roddy saying potatoes are great, generally. Why not interpret Peat's ideas as pointing toward a Potato Centered...
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