
  1. haidut

    The Government Knows Stress Causes "learned Helplessness" / Depression

    I have had discussions with numerous psychiatrists about the concept of "learned helplessness" (LH) and its relation to chronic stress. All of those doctors flatly denied that LH is a concept relevant to humans and argued that it is nothing more than a useful model of depression in animal...
  2. haidut

    Serotonin Causes Anhedonia. And Mental Illness In General

    As many of my readers know, anhedonia is one of the most pernicious symptoms of most mental disorders, and is perhaps the most resistant to therapy. It also happens to be one of the main triggers of attempted suicide, based on interviews with suicide survivors. I posted some threads in the past...
  3. haidut

    Chronic Stress (adversity) Lowers Dopamine And Causes Mental Illness

    The evidence for the role of chronic stress in virtually every health condition doctors have a name for just keeps on accumulating. Unfortunately, even in this latest study the scientists keep insisting that there is some mysterious and unquantifiable difference between chronic stress...
  4. haidut

    PUFA And Serotonin Promote Each Other, And Likely Cause Mental Illness

    I neat new study that draws a direct parallel between PUFA-driven inflammation, serotonin and depression. As the study demonstrated, high levels of the PUFA arachidonic acid (AA) are highly correlated with lower density (expression) of the serotonin transported (SERT, 5-HTT), and the...
  5. haidut

    Estrogen Is A Stress Hormone, It Can Both Trigger And Potentiate The Effects Of Stress

    I was quite surprised to see this article in WebMD - a website that is bastion of mainstream medicine. It regularly promotes dogmas related serotonin, estrogen, oxytocin, growth hormone, etc and the myriad of "benefits" these substances bestow upon humans. However, a bit of truth apparently...
  6. haidut

    Avoiding Sunlight May Be As Bad For Health As Smoking A Pack A Day

    As most readers of this blog know, the current recommendations of the American Dermatology Association (ADA) call for pretty much no sun exposure of any skin areas unless those areas have been "protected" by sunscreen. The same recommendation applies to tanning beds and makes not distinction of...
  7. haidut

    Vast Majority (90%) Of Depression Cases Are Caused By Stress

    In case anybody continues to doubt the stress-depression connection and/or their doctor tries to convince them their depression is due to genetic predisposition, below is an eye-opening statement from the mighty WebMD - the mouthpiece of mainstream medicine. As the article states, about 10% of...
  8. haidut

    A Selective Serotonin Antagonist Is A Potent Antidepressant

    Fraud, fraud and nothing but fraud! After more then half a century of claiming that serotonin cures depression, now mainstream medicine is quietly trying to retreat from this fiasco by introducing more and more potent (and selective) serotonin antagonists as treatment of depression and silently...
  9. haidut

    Endotoxin (LPS) May Cause Depression / Anhedonia

    As many readers know, anhedonia is one of the most pernicious aspects of clinical depression. It is present in other mental health conditions but is most pronounced and severe in clinical unipolar depression. It is also especially resistant to treatment and many doctors simply accept it as...
  10. haidut

    There Is No "Depression Gene", Any "evidence" So Far Has Been Errors / Fraud

    I did not think that I would see such a brave post appear on the front page of "Science" magazine, but here it is below. Apparently, common sense is finally starting to prevail in psychiatry and some doctors have had enough with the whole genetics fraud. They published a paper arguing that not...
  11. L

    After 20 Years And Untold $ Studying Serotonin-linked Genes, No Actual Depression Link

    A Waste of 1,000 Research Papers 'Back then, tools for sequencing DNA weren’t as cheap or powerful as they are today. When researchers wanted to work out which genes might affect a disease or trait, they made educated guesses, and picked likely “candidate genes.” For depression, SLC6A4 seemed...
  12. haidut

    Cortisol (stress) Directly Causes Depression

    I have posted quite a few threads/posts on the role of stress as perhaps the main cause of depression and other mental disorders. Officially, psychiatry claims that no environmental factor is known to be a direct cause of depression and that depression is a “complex” mix of genetic...
  13. haidut

    FDA Approves Allopregnanolone As A Fast-acting, Long-lasting Antidepressant

    As many of forum users know, one of the real mechanisms of action of the SSRI drugs is not the increased serotonin but the increase in brain allopregnanolone these drugs cause. As such, there has been (secret) interest from Big Pharma for years in both allpregnanolone and its synthetic...
  14. haidut

    Depression Rates Rising, Most Strikingly In Teens And Millenials

    Yet another bad news for the "young". Given the correlation between mental health and a variety of physiological ailments like CVD, cancer, dementia, etc this latest news matches quite well the overall abysmall picture of the world's declining health. The "Young" Have Now Become The Old I am...
  15. haidut

    Pregnenolone Is A Potent (functional) Endotoxin (TLR4) Antagonist

    It seems that pregnenolone is finally starting to look exciting to the medical industry. In addition for its intensive studies for a variety of mental issues, now studies are coming out demonstrating its endotoxin (LPS) antagonism effects. As most forum users know, endotoxin exerts its effects...
  16. haidut

    Mental Illness Is Skyrocketing In The World’s "happiest" Countries

    I am sure many forum members have heard of the Nordic "wonders" - widely publicized studies purportedly showing that Nordic countries have really low incidence of mental illness, score high on various (and arbitrary) "happiness" indices, have high quality of life, low crime rates, etc, etc...
  17. haidut

    Chronic Stress / Defeat Causes Mental Illness By Damaging Mitochondria

    Yet another study demonstrating that mental illness has little to do with genetics, and is likely entirely due to energetic deficiency caused by environmental stress. This energetic deficiency is caused by mitochondrial damage caused by said stress. Keeping lipolysis and/or PUFA intake low can...
  18. haidut

    People Can Die As A Result Of Giving Up (a State Caused By Low Dopamine)

    Ask any doctor if loss of hope can kill and he/she will laugh in your face. Even if you use the more scientific term "learned helplessness" you will still be laughed out of the room. Well, the study below shows that "give-up-itis" (GUI) is quite real and can reliably kill a person if it takes a...
  19. haidut

    SSRI Drugs Such As Prozac (fluoxetine) Cause Antibiotic Resistance

    If the accumulated evidence on the ineffectiveness and dangers (Massive Study Says SSRI Drugs Are BOTH Ineffective And Dangerous) of SSRI drugs was not already bad enough, now we can add causing antibiotic resistance to the list. The study below found that exposure of E. coli to the SSRI drug...
  20. haidut

    Virtually All Patients With Depression Are Hypothyroid

    It does not get much better than what this study found. More than 2/3 of mildly depressed patients and basically all moderately and severely depressed ones has low T3 levels. TSH was elevated in almost 55% of the patients. As the study says, this widespread prevalence of sub-clinical...
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