Your Red Light Therapy experience?


Jan 18, 2020
Did you improve your thyroid health with Red Light therapy? what were the results?

I am a week into using the red light mini as suggested by member @Daniel11, i use it twice a day 15min each session against the skin on the thyroid, so far no noticeable results.

I also started using it today on my lower back and noticed increased pulse which doesnt happen from shining on the thyroid, i think it could activate adrenals when shining on the lower back? pulse increase from around 60 to around 68 and drops once i switch it off.
Last edited:
Mar 10, 2021
Did you improve your thyroid health with Red Light therapy? what were the results?

I am a week into using the red light mini as suggested by member @Daniel11, i use it twice a day 15min each session against the skin on the thyroid, so far no noticeable results.

I also started using it today on my lower back and noticed increased pulse which doesnt happen from shining on the thyroid, i think it could activate adrenals when shining on the lower back? pulse increase from around 60 to around 68 and drops once i switch it off.
Hey FittnessMike how is the red light therapy going? My husband bought one for back pain he has been dealing with ever since he got a tetanus shot last August. He hasn't been regular with it, since getting it a month ago, but the few times he has used it he seems to think it has helped. What have you tried it on that has worked?


Jan 18, 2020
Hey FittnessMike how is the red light therapy going? My husband bought one for back pain he has been dealing with ever since he got a tetanus shot last August. He hasn't been regular with it, since getting it a month ago, but the few times he has used it he seems to think it has helped. What have you tried it on that has worked?
Hi, i tried one bulb recommended by members here to shine directly on the thyroid, it didn't help as there is another limiting factor and my body isn't able to fully utilize thyroid hormone, when i supplement any amount it is accumulating in the serum unused, so I did a bunch of other tests and I'm waiting for the results, need to see this rt3.

I also have got big panel with 660/850nm wavelengths 1000w that i got of alibaba, I am not ready to use it, as i mentioned above i can't really stimulate metabolism as there is other limiting factor that i need to sort.


Aug 6, 2017
if it is truly a 1000W panel in those wavelengths you will feel like boiling under it. But it will be a beneficial stressor, like exercising. I built a 200W 660nm version and already that power feels like carbonation in the circulation.

Just start using it, there is no harm, only significant benefit even if it at first feels stressful.


Jan 18, 2020
if it is truly a 1000W panel in those wavelengths you will feel like boiling under it. But it will be a beneficial stressor, like exercising. I built a 200W 660nm version and already that power feels like carbonation in the circulation.

Just start using it, there is no harm, only significant benefit even if it at first feels stressful.
I tried, sometimes i feel energised but its very easy to overdo it, im not ready to boost my metabolism with that


Aug 6, 2017
I tried, sometimes i feel energised but its very easy to overdo it, im not ready to boost my metabolism with that
you know how you feel pain in your muscles for days after starting weightlifting? This is similar, not as bad at all, but still it can be unconfortable for the first days of using it.


Jan 18, 2020
Are random, cheap red bulbs that one can find on amazon enough to experience the benefits?
I mean all of them come from china, but you need sufficient strength of the bulb innit, best to read @Daniel11 posts about red light


Aug 17, 2016
If I turn on a red light, my dog seeks it out and basks in it. (15 yr old border collie x GSD)
Took this shot just now.


  • Red_Phin.jpeg
    61.3 KB · Views: 101


Jan 18, 2020
Any update on your thyroid health ?
using red light? No.

I'm not on the protocol of aspirine+niacinamide+inosine during the day and see some improvements on some symptoms, but its long way still i feel.


Oct 15, 2021
New member, thought I would share. So for years I have had constant low grade shoulder pain, induced from years of heavy weight lifting. I have tried all sorts of stretching, exercise combinations, release and massage techniques. Most with little lasting benefit. Being new to the RP world I stumbled onto some info about red light. Long story short I went the cheap route and bought a RubyLux bulb off of Amazon 3 weeks ago. My left shoulder was the worst, so I put the bulb in a clamp lamp attached it to a tripod and shined it on my left shoulder for 15 minutes. I was shocked because after the 15 min the pain was gone. I thought maybe it was just the heat and felt sure my pain would return because of my poor sleep position, on stomach with arms above my head. To my surprise my left shoulder felt fine all night, my right was a different story. The next day I did 15 min on each shoulder and the pain was gone in both. I went to the gym the following day and it was upper body with bench press included. My shoulders normally hurt just warming up with the bar, let alone when I get up to 200+ lbs. To my amazement I benched pain free for the first time in years. After the workout and later that evening my right shoulder hurt a little, but much less than before, so I treated both shoulders again for 15 min. As I write this I have been treating both shoulders for almost 3 weeks and have bench pressed at least 4 times in that period. My shoulders are pain free. I would not have believed this result even if had heard about it.

Another crazy thing I noticed, the skin on my shoulders is a little rough likely form years of sun damage, just feels a little like sand when I rub my hand over them, plus i am 54 years old. I was showering a couple days after using the red lights and noticed my shoulders felt smooth. I asked my wife to check it out and she was amazed she said "your shoulders always feel rough and now they are smooth". She then asked "is it ok to use on my face?" haha. Anyway I am a huge fan now. My wife had some back pain and asked if it would help. I said I don't know but it's worth a shot, so we shined it on her back for 15 min. The next day she said her back felt greatly improved.

I will say I have a knee issue on my right knee, and right foot, a little stiffness and low grade pain. I have treated each of these a few times and it has improved but not like the shoulders, so your mileage may vary. I plan to keep treating the shoulders and now knee and foot. I am going to build a rig with bulbs for each area so I can knock them all out in one 15 min session. I found that the RubyLux bulbs can be purchased from the manufacturer as "b" grade where they say there are small cosmetic defects, like the logo didn't print well, or a small defect in the glass. These bulbs are said by the manufacturer to be just as good but cost way less in quantity. I can get 6 bulbs for $72.99. that's roughly $12 a bulb.

Just FYI I have no affiliation with RubyLux.

Hope this helps someone.



Sep 21, 2014
My experiences with red light are mostly positive. But I have also made the experience that you can overdo it. I need enough fuel in my body for good results. If that's not the case, I feel more stressed after using red light. If I already feel stressed, the red light doesn't miraculously make me feel relaxed and energized. If I'm relaxed it energizes me.

I used a red light lamp for the first time when I was 18 or so, one of those cheap ones from amazon. I bought it because I had acne at the time and read it's good for the red spots that develop. During that time I used it for 15 minutes every day and while I wasn't really satisfied with the development of the red spots, I noticed that my acne improved in general (probably a 50% improvement). So it seemed to have a preventive effect more than an effect on the acne that was already present.


Oct 15, 2021
My experiences with red light are mostly positive. But I have also made the experience that you can overdo it. I need enough fuel in my body for good results. If that's not the case, I feel more stressed after using red light. If I already feel stressed, the red light doesn't miraculously make me feel relaxed and energized. If I'm relaxed it energizes me.

I used a red light lamp for the first time when I was 18 or so, one of those cheap ones from amazon. I bought it because I had acne at the time and read it's good for the red spots that develop. During that time I used it for 15 minutes every day and while I wasn't really satisfied with the development of the red spots, I noticed that my acne improved in general (probably a 50% improvement). So it seemed to have a preventive effect more than an effect on the acne that was already present.
I have a nightly ritual where I eat a pint of Haagen Dazs ice cream, I am usually eating this when I begin doing the red light therapy. Needless to say I am relaxed from the cortisol lowering effects of the ice cream and I'd say I have fuel. I guess its all related, thanks pointing out the needing enough fuel part.


Oct 15, 2021
Why would red light cause my muscle to twitch?
Mine do this sometimes too, mostly not, but it has happened often enough to notice. I have no real answer, I just felt that the red light was stimulating the mitochondria and there might have been a cellular mineral deficiency, or something happening with the improved energy flux.

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
Will relay one of two experiences for now.

A few weeks ago i had swapped out one lamp light bulb in our TV room for a standard 7.5 watt red LED bulb ((walmart brand)) The other lamp still has a warm white bulb. Part of my motivation was to counteract the blue light emitted by our TV.

Starting around dusk both lamps get turned on for TV viewing and hanging out. Closer to bedtime we turn off the regular bulb and leave the red light on.

Both my girl and myself have / had night owl tendencies, especially her, but since we've started using the red bulb as outlined above, she cannot stay awake past 11:30pm and is sometimes nodding off an hour before that. The results were instant and completely obvious to me as she was always resistant of going to bed early, till the red light bulb was installed.

Speaking of TV's blue light, they can give off quite a bit, especially the LED ones. I used to calibrate TV color settings for accuracy, but lately i've changed it to allow a little more red/orange to bleed through. Same with my computer / laptop and phone screens. I'll gladly sacrifice a little color accuracy for the sake of health.
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