Your Brain Does Not Recover From Daily Caffeine Use - Let’s See The Science!


Dec 28, 2021
Turns out that daily use of a drug leads to negative effects that take a long time to reverse.

Consider that all of these are symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.

I hope you're comparing to how you were before ever drinking coffee, rather than how you were feeling in between periods of use. I can hyperbolically guarantee that a person who has not ever used caffeine will think better, be more productive and more organized than a person of similar health who indulges in caffeine daily. On /r/decaf very few people will ever want to go back to coffee once they've gone 6-12 months without it.

Mmm no, I remember exactly how slow I was before ever drinking coffee.
I even quit for 5 years, and got back on 6 months ago.
I hated myself without coffee, I'm great with coffee.


Jan 6, 2019
Mmm no, I remember exactly how slow I was before ever drinking coffee.
I even quit for 5 years, and got back on 6 months ago.
I hated myself without coffee, I'm great with coffee.
That's interesting. Why did you quit in the first place?

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
This recent study convinced me to just continue drining coffee.
Habitual coffee consumption was associated with lower risks of many medical conditions, especially those in the cardiometabolic and gastrointestinal systems and those related to alcohol use and estrogen regulation.


Jun 10, 2020
This recent study convinced me to just continue drining coffee.
I'm always on the lookout for more reasons to continue drinking coffee, so thank you.


Oct 6, 2021
It's useless, even in small quantities.
You have milk and orange juice for hydration.

Yes, it is useless. I grew up disliking water but feeling a bit guilty because everyone was saying to drink 8 glasses a day (regardless of the water content of food). Most people, especially in offices where all healthy affectations are adopted, convinced themselves that they 'love water' but I suspected it was only because they associated mindless and excessive water sipping with following the rules, seeing as it was universally prescribed. It feels good to know you're doing something good for yourself, which every peer and every authority insists is good, and that makes a thing like water taste sweet.

I think Haidut said that he doesn't take caffeine after 12pm otherwise it affects his sleep

Much later in the day works for me. 6 or 7.


Mar 20, 2013
Interesting stuff. For me personally, I've stopped all caffeine and am never going back.

I'm much more tired now, but it's how I actually feel -- with caffeine, I was burning the candle at both ends, having 'false' energy that only was allowing me to further abuse myself by overworking. I'm much lower energy now, but mentally much more productive. I have no will to exercise but a lot of will to do creative projects with videography, audio, writing, and more.

Getting severe heart palpitations is what scared me out of it. I was doing a lot of coffee and a lot of Red Bull. Thought I felt great. Then I started feeling not so great and then I was having palpitations so severe I was worried I was going to have a heart attack.

Besides that, even decaf coffee gives me severe jitters and makes me extremely anxious. And to think I was having so much more than that.
Never again for me. I feel like a religious nut or something but giving up alcohol, tobacco, weed, regular ejaculation, kratom and caffeine, I'm feeling mentally and emotionally sharper than ever. Well, emotionally not so much due to PSSD (post SSRI sexual dysfunction). But overall, so much better than ever. The more extraneous stuff I cut out, the better.

Not a knock against anyone drinking coffee. I love it. Don't get me wrong. But for me it was a case of burning the candle at both ends. I *need* to feel when I'm tired, because if I don't, I'll nearly work myself to death. And almost did. I don't need to take anything that's blocking my body's ability to recognize when it's run down and needs to stop.


Dec 10, 2014
Interesting stuff. For me personally, I've stopped all caffeine and am never going back.

I'm much more tired now, but it's how I actually feel -- with caffeine, I was burning the candle at both ends, having 'false' energy that only was allowing me to further abuse myself by overworking. I'm much lower energy now, but mentally much more productive. I have no will to exercise but a lot of will to do creative projects with videography, audio, writing, and more.

Getting severe heart palpitations is what scared me out of it. I was doing a lot of coffee and a lot of Red Bull. Thought I felt great. Then I started feeling not so great and then I was having palpitations so severe I was worried I was going to have a heart attack.

Besides that, even decaf coffee gives me severe jitters and makes me extremely anxious. And to think I was having so much more than that.
Never again for me. I feel like a religious nut or something but giving up alcohol, tobacco, weed, regular ejaculation, kratom and caffeine, I'm feeling mentally and emotionally sharper than ever. Well, emotionally not so much due to PSSD (post SSRI sexual dysfunction). But overall, so much better than ever. The more extraneous stuff I cut out, the better.

Not a knock against anyone drinking coffee. I love it. Don't get me wrong. But for me it was a case of burning the candle at both ends. I *need* to feel when I'm tired, because if I don't, I'll nearly work myself to death. And almost did. I don't need to take anything that's blocking my body's ability to recognize when it's run down and needs to stop.

Good post. Caffeine would enable me to do heavy workouts even while sleep deprived and under general stress. There is no way I could do that now that I've quit, but that's probably a good thing.


Turns out that daily use of a drug leads to negative effects that take a long time to reverse.

Consider that all of these are symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.

I hope you're comparing to how you were before ever drinking coffee, rather than how you were feeling in between periods of use. I can hyperbolically guarantee that a person who has not ever used caffeine will think better, be more productive and more organized than a person of similar health who indulges in caffeine daily. On /r/decaf very few people will ever want to go back to coffee once they've gone 6-12 months without it.

This is my experience entirely. Once I get past the 3-4 week mark, everything feels better and more natural. I can breathe clearer and deeper, brain fog lifts, Emotions are not blunted, less frustration and stress, colours are more vibrant, less addictive tendencies. I think outside of the box more often and strive to learn and achieve new things.

When I'm consistently consuming caffeine however, It may give me more energy in the moment to do routine work, but any thrill of starting something new is blunted, it's perfect for the worker cog in the 9-5 job machine, working for someone else and having temporary energy for following instructions, with no desire to be bold and make a life of my own.


Yes, it is useless. I grew up disliking water but feeling a bit guilty because everyone was saying to drink 8 glasses a day (regardless of the water content of food). Most people, especially in offices where all healthy affectations are adopted, convinced themselves that they 'love water' but I suspected it was only because they associated mindless and excessive water sipping with following the rules, seeing as it was universally prescribed. It feels good to know you're doing something good for yourself, which every peer and every authority insists is good, and that makes a thing like water taste sweet.

Much later in the day works for me. 6 or 7.

My conspiracy leaning brain of late makes me wonder if this 8 glasses a day thing is social engineered by the same people who put Fluoride in the water in order to zombify the population. Probably not, but I still wonder.

I mean your body gets plenty of water from the food you eat, juices you drink, and it can soak in water through the skin from showers. If worst comes to worst I believe it can even take water from your fat cells under extreme circumstances such as in a dry fasted state.


Dec 28, 2021
This is my experience entirely. Once I get past the 3-4 week mark, everything feels better and more natural. I can breathe clearer and deeper, brain fog lifts, Emotions are not blunted, less frustration and stress, colours are more vibrant, less addictive tendencies. I think outside of the box more often and strive to learn and achieve new things.

When I'm consistently consuming caffeine however, It may give me more energy in the moment to do routine work, but any thrill of starting something new is blunted, it's perfect for the worker cog in the 9-5 job machine, working for someone else and having temporary energy for following instructions, with no desire to be bold and make a life of my own.

I have my own real estate company, I don't work for anyone, and caffeine helps my creativity, my endurance, my empathy, and my feeling pleasure.
Without it I make less money, and I enjoy a lot less whatever I do, whether it's driving a car, selling appartments to someone, or talking to people.

It's not necessarily the drug of the slaves, I don't know a single successful company owner where I live that doesn't drink multiple coffees a day.


Jan 6, 2019
I have my own real estate company, I don't work for anyone, and caffeine helps my creativity, my endurance, my empathy, and my feeling pleasure.
Without it I make less money, and I enjoy a lot less whatever I do, whether it's driving a car, selling appartments to someone, or talking to people.

It's not necessarily the drug of the slaves, I don't know a single successful company owner where I live that doesn't drink multiple coffees a day.
Perhaps you are in some way hypoadrenergic and caffeine helps you maintain more effective levels? What @Ada and I experience on the other hand seems like an increased serotonin response.


May 11, 2022
Europe, Ger.
Like everything, too much is bad, and way to much can actually kill you.

Would anyone argue that water is good for you? I don't think so. But drink to much to fast, and you could experience Hyponatremia, leading to all kinds or problems like cerebral edema and heart failure, which can be fatal!

Take everything, especially medical studies, with a grain of salt, literally. Some caffeine isn't going to harm most people. Even regular caffeine consumption won't degrade most peoples' health. It's the same with many substances.

Example: Warafin is the #1 anticoagulant prescribed in America. It's also an effective RAT POISON. So, is it "harmful?" Yes, if used in for the wrong reasons in excess. Equally true, No. It's beneficial, even essential, to those being treated for blot clots and related ailments.

Take things in context. Beware of blanket labels of 'good,' 'bad' and 'harmful' and consider those wo do it. Sorry, but life isn't always so black and white.
This x1000. Very nuanced and sensible approach. One thing which I learned over the last few years. There is no 'perfect' food, it's about finding what works in synergy with your own body.


May 11, 2022
Europe, Ger.
It's useless, even in small quantities.
You have milk and orange juice for hydration.
You kinda missed the point of his post. I agree with you theoretically, that plain water is not as good at hydrating the body as foods which contain water and a bunch of other nutrients, but that wasn't his point to begin with. It's that any substance can and is beneficial in the right dosage, but harmful if you ingest too much (or not enough) of it.
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