Will there be 2024 elections in the USA

Nov 21, 2015
Even just glancing at that article, it's hard to take Ehret seriously.

First off, he's talking about a Federal Act. All elections in the US take place at the state level. So, there really isn't a way for a Federal Act or President to stop state elections, unless the states somehow cede that power.

Second, he talks about FDR "taking the money lenders out of power." Well, he may have publicly run on that, but the reality is that he gave the money kings more power than any other President. The "Gold Reserve Act" and other emergency banking acts were all rammed through congress (with FDR's support and eventual signature). It was under his Presidency that the Gold Clause was abrogated. The Executive Order he signed "confiscating" the gold obviously didn't apply to the people and isn't law (since it wasn't passed by the legislature), but the people "voluntarily" gave up their gold thinking that the order did somehow apply to them.

I don't know why people think FDR fought the Money Kings/Lenders/Banksters. He gave them pretty much everything they wanted, basically selling out the entire country in the process. If you look at the events that transpired in the days following FDR's inauguration, and read the congressional record, it's very clear he was working for the banksters.

Lastly, the huge number of privately held firearms is basically what has kept the Banksters from officially foreclosing on the country for the past 90 years. That number of firearms has only grown, so any treasonous act, like publicly suspending elections, is very unlikely to happen. A revolution in this country with the people vs. the elite would not end well for the elite, even if the police and military don't join the people. The Well Armed Militia is still very powerful here.

I agree with you on all points EXCEPT if they postpone the election…well, they COULD postpone the election. We’ve seen anything goes since 2020 and this is totally plausible to me.


Jan 25, 2014
I agree with you on all points EXCEPT if they postpone the election…well, they COULD postpone the election. We’ve seen anything goes since 2020 and this is totally plausible to me.
The only thing is that they would have to postpone 50 state level elections, not just one single election. A Federal Act simply couldn't do this, even with some obscure wording about the President having "Military Powers."

Oddly enough, with every move they have made since March of 2020, they basically stayed within their delegated authority.


Mar 29, 2016
Lastly, the huge number of privately held firearms is basically what has kept the Banksters from officially foreclosing on the country for the past 90 years. That number of firearms has only grown, so any treasonous act, like publicly suspending elections, is very unlikely to happen. A revolution in this country with the people vs. the elite would not end well for the elite, even if the police and military don't join the people. The Well Armed Militia is still very powerful here.
The Talmudists obliterated 3 armies in the 2nd World War. For them, the small firearms of the militias in the fifty states are just minced meat.

They're just biding their time.

If anything, they're using the people against the people. Make them hungry so they beg for scraps. The scraps they offer is indentured servitude in the army. And this army, equipped with weapons of mass destruction, will just rain down on the hapless population with biblical fury, except it's the god of the Talmud's fury.

Since there is no standing army left in the world to fight them after WWII, all that's left is the state and its army to re-enact the pogroms began a hundred years ago by the Bolsheviks- on US soil.

The last battle was fought already. We have already lost.


Jan 28, 2013
History has shown there are always (enough) people willing to do the bidding of the power structure/establishment, no matter what. Whether it be out of a power trip, to gain advantage and privilege for themselves and family, or just to keep a paycheck coming. Don't believe me? Perhaps you haven't had to do business at your local DMV lately.

The other thing is that weaponry and surveillance technology is so advanced now, far fewer people will be required to do the legwork.


Aug 10, 2012
I agree with you on all points EXCEPT if they postpone the election…well, they COULD postpone the election. We’ve seen anything goes since 2020 and this is totally plausible to me.
It is. When a President can give a talk that makes a group the enemy, that being anyone who looks like MAGA, absolutely anything goes. And you have the media promoting the J6 protesters as more violent than the protesters who burned certain neighborhoods (for the elites to buy up later), anything goes.

But it would be unprecedented ... If 49 states postponed would the outcome of the 50th determine it. Congress could postpone the date... Interesting. Don't know..


Jan 28, 2013
Most likely, I guess, is there will be martial law for some reason. Postponing the elections, or merely delaying until an all mail-in one can be conducted.

Governments have been holding show/ sham elections about as long as they've been holding elections.

:Edit:. Just wanted to add that the increasing technological capabilities make holding "elections" beneficial to authoritarians in power, especially when you have at least half of the country lending them legitimacy.

If it's all mail-in, for example, they will be able to track every ballot. They'll know who everyone voted for. Handy information to have for those in power to use to remain in power. Vote the wrong way and on the list you go for some gender studies major at the new IRS to have their way with you.
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Aug 10, 2012

🔥 Ever since his Great Big Hate Speech, Biden has playing around with different formulations of “extreme MAGA Republicans,” trying to find one that doesn’t make him sound like the love child of Grandpa Simpson and Mussolini...... The Former Senator published his latest clarification yesterday:

Twitter avatar for @POTUSPresident Biden @POTUS
I want to be clear: Not every Congressional Republican is a MAGA Republican. I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans. But an extreme set of MAGA Republicans in Congress have chosen to take us backwards. Together, we can choose a different path.

September 6th 2022

Having already chucked “semi-fascist,” this time Joe dropped his “threat to democracy” language in favor of the milder version, “taking us backwards.” Goingbackwards is a lot less alarming than facing a “threat to democracy.” In many ways, backwards would be a relief for a lot of people.

Anyway, hopefully all this backtracking reassures people that Joe isn’t about to issue brown shirts to all those 87,000 new IRS agents and send them marching after us.

At least, not yet.

It was easy to see this coming. MAGA Republicans are only Joe’s current “threat of the year.” Last year, what worried Joe the most was the threat of “the unvaccinated.” And you saw how THAT one turned out..
from Jeff Childers today


Mar 29, 2016
randpa Simpson and Mussolini
I chuckled at this.

Because they own us when we are at a loss for a villain figure when we use a good man/loyal to country and humanity and who was mercilessly cut up to pieces alive by Talmudist orcs - to describe evil - while we cannot find any Talmudist master/front to express true evil

Its a nice change from using Hitler though


Nov 29, 2017
The Talmudists obliterated 3 armies in the 2nd World War. For them, the small firearms of the militias in the fifty states are just minced meat.

They're just biding their time.

If anything, they're using the people against the people. Make them hungry so they beg for scraps. The scraps they offer is indentured servitude in the army. And this army, equipped with weapons of mass destruction, will just rain down on the hapless population with biblical fury, except it's the god of the Talmud's fury.

Since there is no standing army left in the world to fight them after WWII, all that's left is the state and its army to re-enact the pogroms began a hundred years ago by the Bolsheviks- on US soil.

The last battle was fought already. We have already lost.
I appreciate your posts more and more every day @yerrag . Thank you.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois

Earlier this week, former President Donald Trump announced his intention to run in the 2024 elections which is a no-brainer considering his support among potential republican contenders is 49% (compared to a 25% support for DeSantis) and no other candidate earning above 7%.

It didn’t take two days before Defense Authorization Act of 2022 (HR-4350) was passed by the House of Representatives giving the President full controls over the military in all domestic operations and which takes direct aim at all “domestic extremists” in the USA.

Obviously, the senile and politically compromised Biden’s days in power are shaky to say the least and echoes of the 1933 Reichstag fire that provided a newly elected Hitler regime the excuse it needed to impose tyrannical ‘enabling acts’ rings in the memory.

With the perfect storm of crises now converging onto our beleagured world (economic meltdown, energy crisis, food crisis, and general dangers of both civil and global wars), it is worth considering the very real possibility that the days of elections may soon be over. Despite the many talking heads yapping about the 2024 elections as if it were a football game, reality and real history paints a very different picture of bankers’-directed military coups both in the USA and abroad.
The US has already laundered mandated vaccines under the guise of public safety so I wouldn't discount removing the elections under the guise of national security. With a monopoly over the media and information anything is possible
Aug 29, 2020
The Rocky Mountains

Earlier this week, former President Donald Trump announced his intention to run in the 2024 elections which is a no-brainer considering his support among potential republican contenders is 49% (compared to a 25% support for DeSantis) and no other candidate earning above 7%.

It didn’t take two days before Defense Authorization Act of 2022 (HR-4350) was passed by the House of Representatives giving the President full controls over the military in all domestic operations and which takes direct aim at all “domestic extremists” in the USA.

Obviously, the senile and politically compromised Biden’s days in power are shaky to say the least and echoes of the 1933 Reichstag fire that provided a newly elected Hitler regime the excuse it needed to impose tyrannical ‘enabling acts’ rings in the memory.

With the perfect storm of crises now converging onto our beleagured world (economic meltdown, energy crisis, food crisis, and general dangers of both civil and global wars), it is worth considering the very real possibility that the days of elections may soon be over. Despite the many talking heads yapping about the 2024 elections as if it were a football game, reality and real history paints a very different picture of bankers’-directed military coups both in the USA and abroad.
I personally do not think there will be 2024 elections. Just a gut feeling.


Mar 29, 2016
Even just glancing at that article, it's hard to take Ehret seriously.

First off, he's talking about a Federal Act. All elections in the US take place at the state level. So, there really isn't a way for a Federal Act or President to stop state elections, unless the states somehow cede that power.

Second, he talks about FDR "taking the money lenders out of power." Well, he may have publicly run on that, but the reality is that he gave the money kings more power than any other President. The "Gold Reserve Act" and other emergency banking acts were all rammed through congress (with FDR's support and eventual signature). It was under his Presidency that the Gold Clause was abrogated. The Executive Order he signed "confiscating" the gold obviously didn't apply to the people and isn't law (since it wasn't passed by the legislature), but the people "voluntarily" gave up their gold thinking that the order did somehow apply to them.

I don't know why people think FDR fought the Money Kings/Lenders/Banksters. He gave them pretty much everything they wanted, basically selling out the entire country in the process. If you look at the events that transpired in the days following FDR's inauguration, and read the congressional record, it's very clear he was working for the banksters.
Thank you for this.

Ehret as a historian didn't just miss this part about FDR, he destroys his own credibility.

Had Hitler and Mussolini and the Japanese emperor won WWII, we would now be using Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt as the poster children for Antichrist, mass murderer, Satan's unwanted stepchildren.

FDR fooled our grandfathers into the unholy war and fooled them into thinking they were the greatest generation.

It's better to think of them as the greatest duped generation.
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Jun 16, 2015
If Dems win midterms thru cheating or not there will never be another fair, legitimate election again. Not sure if people will fight though. Famine and hardship would have to come.
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