Wider Face After Using Vitamin K?


Sep 28, 2016
I can definitely feel it when a supplement positively effects bone formation. I get a sensation on my cheekbones and my teeth and jaw feel really strong. My teeth also become less sensitive and stop hurting if they were hurting.


Jun 8, 2017
I'm sure it will. Anything that increases osteocalcin or osteoblast expression will probably do so. People's faces change dramatically on steroids.
Ashwagandha is known to increase osteocalcin expression 3 fold. It is worth looking into. Though it possibly has serotonin actions.

I'm already taking Ashwagandha 750mg/daily.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
What happens if we put K2 on the penis ? Will my girth to length ratio increase?
Those numbers are strong in the leading men of porn.


Oct 7, 2015
Yes, there are definitely certain proportions (related to the golden ratio) in the human body that just look the most pleasing.
Phi in the human body

I've noticed that a lot of the younger generations (I would say born after 1995) look a lot different to people born just 10 years earlier. They tend to be very tall and lanky with small heads, something just seems a bit off in the proportions of the body. It's weird, because when I compare it to my old highschool photos, almost nobody looked like that back then. Has anybody else noticed this? Not sure what would cause something like that.

I lived in Japan many, many years and the Japanese are quite comfortable with the distinction that faces change dramatically over time. In fact, one hears it in conversation often, using terms like "a Showa-era face," etc ...


New Member
Dec 16, 2017
My dentist will place a palate expander placed in my mouth at the end of January.

I think I will take that K2 supplement, It makes me wonder how It can affect this process (for example, making it faster; or maybe improving my facial and jaw shape through widening).

I will tell you once I have started.

Carmen's lips

New Member
Feb 23, 2018
I am deficient in vitamin D so I plan to supplement it along with some K2, magnesium and vitamin A.

I would also love to build more prominent cheekbones and more defined jawline.
I decided to take MK-7, but now I am puzzled because you all claim that it does not have effect bone growth. I came across some review on iherb where women claims noticing signs of her son’s jaw growth in just 2 weeks after starting supplementing MK-7 along with fish oil, vitamin A and D.

But, she also wrote that his nose palate expands.( His nose is also less stuffy, and his palate expands, also opening the nasal passage.) I am not a native speaker. Does it mean wider nose?

I would love to have bigger cheekbones and stronger jawline, but not wider nose. :(
So I am asking you guys experiencing changes in facial bone structure – did this include also wider nose?


Sep 28, 2016
I am deficient in vitamin D so I plan to supplement it along with some K2, magnesium and vitamin A.

I would also love to build more prominent cheekbones and more defined jawline.
I decided to take MK-7, but now I am puzzled because you all claim that it does not have effect bone growth. I came across some review on iherb where women claims noticing signs of her son’s jaw growth in just 2 weeks after starting supplementing MK-7 along with fish oil, vitamin A and D.

But, she also wrote that his nose palate expands.( His nose is also less stuffy, and his palate expands, also opening the nasal passage.) I am not a native speaker. Does it mean wider nose?

I would love to have bigger cheekbones and stronger jawline, but not wider nose. :(
So I am asking you guys experiencing changes in facial bone structure – did this include also wider nose?
I"be never noticed a wider nose and my nose is pretty thin. So any widening of it would be apparent.


May 30, 2017
My dentist will place a palate expander placed in my mouth at the end of January.

I think I will take that K2 supplement, It makes me wonder how It can affect this process (for example, making it faster; or maybe improving my facial and jaw shape through widening).

I will tell you once I have started.

How old are you? I would love to get palate expansion, but was unsure that it would work on adults. Also, did you have to do anything prior to getting the expander?


New Member
Dec 16, 2017
Im 25.

I already have the expander (since the end of January). I didnt need anything prior, just getting my measurements and so.

Its the leaf expander, It makes semi-rapid expansion with slow activation.

And Im taking too 15mg daily of K2 (Peak K2, from advanced series). I also take half a little spoon of egg dust 2 tiems a week, for extra calcium.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
My nose actually looks smaller while using vitamin k. I assume it's from reducing some edema.


Jun 25, 2017
The osteoporosis study that found 45 mg to be the minimum (after trying 15, 30, 45, 90, etc) was conducted on women weighing 45 kg. That is, to have the minimum effective dose scale to various weights, it would be better to use the rule 45 mg / 45 kg or 1 mg/kg. For a 70 kg person (154 lbs), 70 mg+ would be taken (split into 3 doses); or 75 mg, as 15 mg pills are commonly used.


Apr 29, 2018
Checking in for this thread. Right now I've started supplementing one LEF's vitamin K advanced complex + 600 mcg of Jarrow's Mk7 daily.
I'm hearing mixed reviews between Mk4 and Mk7.
From here it states Mk7 is better for bones: https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/2016/12/09/the-ultimate-vitamin-k2-resource/
And here they state mk7 is better for potency/building up in the blood (as well as above): Which Vitamin K2 Supplement is Best - MK-4 or MK-7?
Vitamin D at 30,000 iu a day is being implemented. Will also add Vitamin A


Jun 25, 2017
Checking in for this thread. Right now I've started supplementing one LEF's vitamin K advanced complex + 600 mcg of Jarrow's Mk7 daily.
I'm hearing mixed reviews between Mk4 and Mk7.
From here it states Mk7 is better for bones: https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/2016/12/09/the-ultimate-vitamin-k2-resource/
And here they state mk7 is better for potency/building up in the blood (as well as above): Which Vitamin K2 Supplement is Best - MK-4 or MK-7?
Vitamin D at 30,000 iu a day is being implemented. Will also add Vitamin A

30,000 IU vitamin D3 suggests a need for 6,000 mcg+ vitamin K2 MK-4 (10 IU D3 : 2 mcg+ MK-4). As far as satisfying the ratio, 600 mcg MK-7 = 3,000 mcg MK-4, so at least 2 super K pills are needed ([1,000 mcg MK-4 + 500 mcg MK-4 equivalent given 100 mcg MK-7] * 2 = 3,000 mcg MK-4).

If seeking face widening, 1 mg/kg K2 MK-4 or more (split across 3 servings) has a better chance of working.
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Apr 29, 2018
@baccheion Is there a source to determine what ratio Vitamin D, K, and A you respectively need? My amount is just someone else's protocol.
I weigh 173 lbs = 78.5 kg = 79mg mk4 ÷ 5 = 16 mg Mk7. (For widening purposes)

I also noticed that the Life extension K has 100 mcg "all-trans" mk7 plus more for .19 $ a count, while Jarrow is only 90 mcg mk7 for .20 $ a count.


Jun 25, 2017
@baccheion Is there a source to determine what ratio Vitamin D, K, and A you respectively need? My amount is just someone else's protocol.
I weigh 173 lbs = 78.5 kg = 79mg mk4 ÷ 5 = 16 mg Mk7. (For widening purposes)

I also noticed that the Life extension K has 100 mcg "all-trans" mk7 plus more for .19 $ a count, while Jarrow is only 90 mcg mk7 for .20 $ a count.
40 IU palmitate : 10 IU D3 : 2 mcg+ MK-4

As vitamin A interferes with vitamin D in this case, less than 3,000 IU retinyl palmitate would be better. Why take MK-7 at such high amounts? MK-4 is much cheaper (price of 200 mcg MK-7 >= price of 15 mg MK-4). If you get 15 mg pills, then you'd take 2 (30 mg) 3x/day. There's also Kuinone. If you want to megadose vitamin D, 450-750 IU/kg (ie, ~40,000 IU) for 3-6 months is one target. With larger amounts of vitamin D, take at least 400-600 mg magnesium and a good multivitamin (avoid calcium).

On the other hand, I'm not convinced face widening happens.
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Apr 29, 2018
  • MK-4 is taken up by our tissues very rapidly after we consume it. While it hasn’t been studied as carefully as MK-7, it may be less effective than MK-7 at reaching liver and bone but more effective at reaching most other tissues. This would make it better at protecting those tissues from calcium deposits and cancer development and supporting sex hormone production through its direct actions within our sex organs.
I did not realize Mk-4 is cheaper. Mk-7 is natural, and seems to have more staying power and bone power.
I'm also going to use Magnesium Oil topically. Thanks for the Vitamin A suggestion.
I was following this protocol for hairloss: Hair loss from DHT/Steroids? Think again...very interesting topic...
My jaw is decently wide, but I've noticed my head is also elongated, which is unsightly. I actually wasn't supplementing for a wider jaw, but I am a believer.
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